use of org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation in project sis by apache.
the class CoordinateOperationFinderTest method testIdentityTransform.
* Implementation of {@link #testIdentityTransform()} using the given CRS.
private void testIdentityTransform(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) throws FactoryException {
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder.createOperation(crs, crs);
assertSame("sourceCRS", crs, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame("targetCRS", crs, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertTrue("isIdentity", operation.getMathTransform().isIdentity());
assertTrue("accuracy", operation.getCoordinateOperationAccuracy().isEmpty());
assertInstanceOf("operation", Conversion.class, operation);
// Reset for next call.
finder = new CoordinateOperationFinder(null, factory, null);
use of org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation in project sis by apache.
the class CoordinateOperationFinderTest method testGeocentricTranslationInGeographicDomain.
* Implementation of {@link #testGeocentricTranslationInGeographic2D()}
* and {@link #testGeocentricTranslationInGeographic3D()}.
* @param sourceCRS the NAD27 geographic CRS.
* @param targetCRS either the two-dimensional or the three-dimensional geographic CRS using WGS84 datum.
private void testGeocentricTranslationInGeographicDomain(final String method, final GeographicCRS sourceCRS, final GeographicCRS targetCRS) throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder.createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame("sourceCRS", sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame("targetCRS", targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertFalse("isIdentity", operation.getMathTransform().isIdentity());
assertEquals("name", "Datum shift", operation.getName().getCode());
assertSetEquals(Arrays.asList(DATUM_SHIFT_APPLIED), operation.getCoordinateOperationAccuracy());
assertInstanceOf("operation", Transformation.class, operation);
assertEquals("method", method, ((SingleOperation) operation).getMethod().getName().getCode());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
zTolerance = 0.01;
λDimension = new int[] { 1 };
zDimension = new int[] { 2 };
double[] source = { // The intent of those large height values is to cause a shift in (φ,λ)
39.00, // The intent of those large height values is to cause a shift in (φ,λ)
-85.00, // The intent of those large height values is to cause a shift in (φ,λ)
-10000.00, // large enough for being detected if we fail to use h in calculations.
38.26, // large enough for being detected if we fail to use h in calculations.
-80.58, // large enough for being detected if we fail to use h in calculations.
+10000.00 };
double[] target;
if (sourceCRS.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension() == 2) {
source = TestUtilities.dropLastDimensions(source, 3, 2);
target = new double[] { // This is NOT the most accurate NAD27 to WGS84 transformation.
39.00004480, // This is NOT the most accurate NAD27 to WGS84 transformation.
-84.99993102, // This is NOT the most accurate NAD27 to WGS84 transformation.
-38.28, // We use non-optimal TOWGS84[…] for the purpose of this test.
38.26005019, // We use non-optimal TOWGS84[…] for the purpose of this test.
-80.57979096, // We use non-optimal TOWGS84[…] for the purpose of this test.
-37.62 };
} else {
target = new double[] { 39.00004487, -84.99993091, -10038.28, 38.26005011, -80.57979129, 9962.38 };
if (targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension() == 2) {
target = TestUtilities.dropLastDimensions(target, 3, 2);
// Because GeoAPI 3.0 does not distinguish z axis from other axes (fixed in GeoAPI 3.1).
tolerance = zTolerance;
verifyTransform(source, target);
use of org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation in project sis by apache.
the class CoordinateOperationFinderTest method testLongitudeRotation.
* Tests a transformation using the <cite>"Geocentric translations (geog2D domain)"</cite> method
* together with a longitude rotation and unit conversion. The CRS and sample point are taken from
* the GR3DF97A – <cite>Grille de paramètres de transformation de coordonnées</cite> document.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test can not be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation can not be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testLongitudeRotation() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = parse("GeodeticCRS[“NTF (Paris)”, $NTF,\n" + // in grads, not degrees.
" PrimeMeridian[“Paris”, 2.5969213],\n" + " CS[ellipsoidal, 2],\n" + " Axis[“Latitude (φ)”, NORTH],\n" + " Axis[“Longitude (λ)”, EAST],\n" + " Unit[“grad”, 0.015707963267949],\n" + " Id[“EPSG”, “4807”]]");
final GeographicCRS targetCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic();
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder.createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame("sourceCRS", sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame("targetCRS", targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertFalse("isIdentity", operation.getMathTransform().isIdentity());
assertEquals("name", "Datum shift", operation.getName().getCode());
assertSetEquals(Arrays.asList(DATUM_SHIFT_APPLIED), operation.getCoordinateOperationAccuracy());
assertInstanceOf("operation", Transformation.class, operation);
assertEquals("method", "Geocentric translations (geog2D domain)", ((SingleOperation) operation).getMethod().getName().getCode());
* Same test point than the one used in FranceGeocentricInterpolationTest:
* NTF: 48°50′40.2441″N 2°25′32.4187″E
* RGF: 48°50′39.9967″N 2°25′29.8273″E (close to WGS84)
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
λDimension = new int[] { 1 };
verifyTransform(// in grads east of Paris
new double[] { 54.271680278, 0.098269657 }, // in degrees east of Greenwich
new double[] { 48.844443528, 2.424952028 });
use of org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation in project sis by apache.
the class CoordinateOperationFinderTest method testGeographicToProjected.
* Tests conversion from a geographic to a projected CRS without datum of axis changes.
* @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test can not be parsed.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation can not be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeographicToProjected() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = parse("$Sphere");
final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = parse("ProjectedCRS[“TM”,\n" + " $Sphere,\n" + " Conversion[“TM”,\n" + " Method[“Transverse Mercator”],\n" + " Parameter[“Longitude of natural origin”, 170],\n" + " Parameter[“Latitude of natural origin”, 50],\n" + " Parameter[“Scale factor at natural origin”, 0.95]],\n" + " CS[Cartesian, 2],\n" + " Axis[“x”, EAST],\n" + " Axis[“y”, NORTH],\n" + " Unit[“US survey foot”, 0.304800609601219]]");
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder.createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame("sourceCRS", sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame("targetCRS", targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
assertEquals("name", "TM", operation.getName().getCode());
assertInstanceOf("operation", Projection.class, operation);
final ParameterValueGroup param = ((SingleOperation) operation).getParameterValues();
assertEquals("semi_major", 6370997, param.parameter("semi_major").doubleValue(), STRICT);
assertEquals("semi_minor", 6370997, param.parameter("semi_minor").doubleValue(), STRICT);
assertEquals("latitude_of_origin", 50, param.parameter("latitude_of_origin").doubleValue(), STRICT);
assertEquals("central_meridian", 170, param.parameter("central_meridian").doubleValue(), STRICT);
assertEquals("scale_factor", 0.95, param.parameter("scale_factor").doubleValue(), STRICT);
assertEquals("false_easting", 0, param.parameter("false_easting").doubleValue(), STRICT);
assertEquals("false_northing", 0, param.parameter("false_northing").doubleValue(), STRICT);
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
verifyTransform(new double[] { 170, 50 }, new double[] { 0, 0 });
transform = transform.inverse();
λDimension = new int[] { 0 };
verifyTransform(new double[] { 0, 0 }, new double[] { 170, 50 });
use of org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation in project sis by apache.
the class CoordinateOperationFinderTest method testGeographic4D_to_2D.
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////// ////////////
// ////////// Tests that change the number of dimensions ////////////
// ////////// ////////////
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Tests the conversion from a four-dimensional geographic CRS to a two-dimensional geographic CRS.
* The vertical and temporal dimensions are simply dropped.
* @throws FactoryException if the operation can not be created.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeographic4D_to_2D() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
// NOTE: make sure that the 'sourceCRS' below is not equal to any other 'sourceCRS' created in this class.
final CompoundCRS sourceCRS = compound("Test4D", CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D(),;
final GeographicCRS targetCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic();
final CoordinateOperation operation = finder.createOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
assertSame("sourceCRS", sourceCRS, operation.getSourceCRS());
assertSame("targetCRS", targetCRS, operation.getTargetCRS());
transform = operation.getMathTransform();
assertInstanceOf("transform", LinearTransform.class, transform);
assertEquals("sourceDimensions", 4, transform.getSourceDimensions());
assertEquals("targetDimensions", 2, transform.getTargetDimensions());
Assert.assertMatrixEquals("transform.matrix", Matrices.create(3, 5, new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }), ((LinearTransform) transform).getMatrix(), STRICT);
isInverseTransformSupported = false;
verifyTransform(new double[] { 30, 10, 20, 1000, 20, 30, -10, 3000 }, new double[] { 30, 10, 20, 30 });