use of org.opengis.util.NameFactory in project sis by apache.
the class Names method createLocalName.
* Creates a name which is local in the given namespace.
* The character sequences can be either {@link String} or {@link InternationalString} instances.
* Those character sequences are taken verbatim; they are <em>not</em> parsed into their components.
* <div class="note"><b>Note:</b> it is possible to split the {@code namespace} and {@code localPart}
* strings into smaller name components (e.g. namespaces contained in other namespaces). If such finer
* grain control is desired, one can use {@link DefaultNameFactory} instead of this {@code Names} class.</div>
* The following table shows where the strings given in argument will go:
* <blockquote><table class="sis">
* <caption>Mapping from arguments to name components</caption>
* <tr><th>Argument</th> <th>Mapped to</th></tr>
* <tr><td>{@code namespace}</td> <td><code>name.{@linkplain DefaultLocalName#scope() scope()}.name().toString()</code></td></tr>
* <tr><td>{@code localPart}</td> <td><code>name.{@linkplain DefaultLocalName#toString() toString()}</code></td></tr>
* </table></blockquote>
* <div class="note"><b>Example:</b>
* for a name created by {@code createLocalName("", "#", "4326")}:
* <blockquote><table class="compact" summary="Examples of return values for a name built by this method.">
* <tr><td>• <code>name.{@linkplain DefaultLocalName#toString() toString()}</code></td>
* <td>returns the {@code "4326"} string.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>• <code>name.{@linkplain DefaultLocalName#scope() scope()}</code></td>
* <td>returns the {@code ""} namespace.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>• <code>name.{@linkplain DefaultLocalName#toFullyQualifiedName() toFullyQualifiedName()}</code></td>
* <td>returns the {@code ""} name.
* <tr><td>• <code>{@linkplain #toExpandedString(GenericName) toExpandedString}(name)</code></td>
* <td>returns the {@code "{}4326"} string.</td></tr>
* </table></blockquote></div>
* <div class="note"><b>Performance note:</b> this method is okay for <em>casual</em> use. If many names need
* to be created in the same namespace, then {@link DefaultNameFactory#createLocalName(NameSpace, CharSequence)}
* is more efficient since it allows to create the {@code NameSpace} object only once.</div>
* @param namespace the namespace, or {@code null} for the global namespace.
* @param separator the separator between the namespace and the local part, or {@code null}
* for the {@linkplain DefaultNameSpace#DEFAULT_SEPARATOR default separator}.
* @param localPart the name which is locale in the given namespace.
* @return a local name in the given namespace.
* @see DefaultNameFactory#createLocalName(NameSpace, CharSequence)
public static LocalName createLocalName(final CharSequence namespace, final String separator, final CharSequence localPart) {
ensureNonNull("localPart", localPart);
final NameFactory factory = DefaultFactories.forBuildin(NameFactory.class);
return factory.createLocalName(createNameSpace(factory, namespace, separator), localPart);
use of org.opengis.util.NameFactory in project sis by apache.
the class BuilderTest method testAddNameWithScope.
* Tests {@link Builder#addName(Citation, CharSequence)} and {@link Builder#addName(CharSequence)} with codespace.
@DependsOnMethod({ "testAddName", "testSetCodeSpace" })
public void testAddNameWithScope() {
final NameFactory factory = DefaultFactories.forBuildin(NameFactory.class);
// Expected values to be used later in the test.
final String name = "Mercator (variant A)";
final GenericName alias1 = factory.createLocalName(scope(factory, "EPSG"), "Mercator (1SP)");
final GenericName alias2 = new NamedIdentifier(Citations.OGC, "Mercator_1SP");
final GenericName alias3 = new NamedIdentifier(Citations.GEOTIFF, "CT_Mercator");
assertTrue("That name should not have a scope.", alias3.scope().isGlobal());
assertTrue("That name should not have a scope.", alias2.scope().isGlobal());
assertFalse("That name should be in EPSG scope.", alias1.scope().isGlobal());
assertEquals("EPSG", alias1.scope().name().toString());
assertEquals("Mercator (1SP)", alias1.toString());
assertEquals("OGC:Mercator_1SP", alias2.toString());
assertEquals("GeoTIFF:CT_Mercator", alias3.toString());
// The test.
final BuilderMock builder = createMercator(true, false);
assertEquals(name, builder.getName());
assertArrayEquals(new GenericName[] { alias1, alias2, alias3 }, builder.getAliases());
use of org.opengis.util.NameFactory in project sis by apache.
the class CustomMetadataTest method testSubtypeAttributes.
* Tests that the attributes defined in subtypes are also marshalled.
* @throws JAXBException if an error occurred during (un)marshalling.
* @see <a href="">GEOTK-108</a>
public void testSubtypeAttributes() throws JAXBException {
final NameFactory factory = DefaultFactories.forBuildin(NameFactory.class);
final DataIdentification identification = new DataIdentification() {
public InternationalString getAbstract() {
Map<Locale, String> names = new HashMap<>();
names.put(Locale.ENGLISH, "Description");
return factory.createInternationalString(names);
public InternationalString getEnvironmentDescription() {
Map<Locale, String> names = new HashMap<>();
names.put(Locale.ENGLISH, "Environment");
return factory.createInternationalString(names);
public InternationalString getSupplementalInformation() {
return null;
public Citation getCitation() {
return null;
public InternationalString getPurpose() {
return null;
public Collection<SpatialRepresentationType> getSpatialRepresentationTypes() {
return null;
public Collection<Resolution> getSpatialResolutions() {
return null;
public Collection<Locale> getLanguages() {
return null;
public Collection<CharacterSet> getCharacterSets() {
return null;
public Collection<TopicCategory> getTopicCategories() {
return null;
public Collection<Extent> getExtents() {
return null;
public Collection<String> getCredits() {
return null;
public Collection<Progress> getStatus() {
return null;
public Collection<ResponsibleParty> getPointOfContacts() {
return null;
public Collection<MaintenanceInformation> getResourceMaintenances() {
return null;
public Collection<BrowseGraphic> getGraphicOverviews() {
return null;
public Collection<Format> getResourceFormats() {
return null;
public Collection<Keywords> getDescriptiveKeywords() {
return null;
public Collection<Usage> getResourceSpecificUsages() {
return null;
public Collection<Constraints> getResourceConstraints() {
return null;
public Collection<AggregateInformation> getAggregationInfo() {
return null;
final DefaultMetadata data = new DefaultMetadata();
final String xml = XML.marshal(data);
* A few simple checks.
assertTrue("Missing Identification attribute.", xml.contains("Description"));
assertTrue("Missing DataIdentification attribute.", xml.contains("Environment"));
use of org.opengis.util.NameFactory in project sis by apache.
the class NameMarshallingTest method testLocalNameWithAmp.
* Tests XML of a {@link LocalName} with {@code &} symbol.
* @throws JAXBException if (un)marshalling failed.
public void testLocalNameWithAmp() throws JAXBException {
final NameFactory factory = DefaultFactories.forBuildin(NameFactory.class);
final LocalName name = factory.createLocalName(null, "A name with & and > and <.");
assertEquals("A name with & and > and <.", name.toString());
final String expected = "<gml:IO_IdentifiedObject xmlns:gml=\"" + Namespaces.GML + '"' + " xmlns:gco=\"" + LegacyNamespaces.GCO + "\">\n" + " <gml:alias>\n" + " <gco:LocalName>A name with & and > and <.</gco:LocalName>\n" + " </gml:alias>\n" + "</gml:IO_IdentifiedObject>\n";
final String actual = marshal(name);
assertXmlEquals(expected, actual, "xmlns:*");
assertEquals(name, unmarshal(expected));
use of org.opengis.util.NameFactory in project sis by apache.
the class NameMarshallingTest method testTypeName.
* Tests XML of a {@link TypeName}.
* @throws JAXBException if (un)marshalling failed.
public void testTypeName() throws JAXBException {
final NameFactory factory = DefaultFactories.forBuildin(NameFactory.class);
final TypeName name = factory.createTypeName(null, "An other local name");
assertEquals("An other local name", name.toString());
final String expected = "<gml:IO_IdentifiedObject xmlns:gml=\"" + Namespaces.GML + '"' + " xmlns:gco=\"" + LegacyNamespaces.GCO + "\">\n" + " <gml:alias>\n" + " <gco:TypeName>\n" + " <gco:aName>\n" + " <gco:CharacterString>An other local name</gco:CharacterString>\n" + " </gco:aName>\n" + " </gco:TypeName>\n" + " </gml:alias>\n" + "</gml:IO_IdentifiedObject>\n";
final String actual = marshal(name);
assertXmlEquals(expected, actual, "xmlns:*");
assertEquals(name, unmarshal(expected));