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Example 1 with WrappedCondition

use of org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition in project openhab-core by openhab.

the class RuleEngineImpl method setModuleHandlers.

 * This method links modules to corresponding module handlers.
 * @param rUID id of rule containing these modules
 * @param modules list of modules
 * @return null when all modules are connected or list of RuleErrors for missing handlers.
private <T extends WrappedModule<?, ?>> String setModuleHandlers(String rUID, List<T> modules) {
    StringBuilder sb = null;
    for (T mm : modules) {
        final Module m = mm.unwrap();
        try {
            ModuleHandler moduleHandler = getModuleHandler(m, rUID);
            if (moduleHandler != null) {
                if (mm instanceof WrappedAction) {
                    ((WrappedAction) mm).setModuleHandler((ActionHandler) moduleHandler);
                } else if (mm instanceof WrappedCondition) {
                    ((WrappedCondition) mm).setModuleHandler((ConditionHandler) moduleHandler);
                } else if (mm instanceof WrappedTrigger) {
                    ((WrappedTrigger) mm).setModuleHandler((TriggerHandler) moduleHandler);
            } else {
                if (sb == null) {
                    sb = new StringBuilder();
                String message = "Missing handler '" + m.getTypeUID() + "' for module '" + m.getId() + "'";
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            if (sb == null) {
                sb = new StringBuilder();
            String message = "Getting handler '" + m.getTypeUID() + "' for module '" + m.getId() + "' failed: " + t.getMessage();
    return sb != null ? sb.toString() : null;
Also used : ModuleHandler(org.openhab.core.automation.handler.ModuleHandler) WrappedCondition(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition) ConditionHandler(org.openhab.core.automation.handler.ConditionHandler) WrappedTrigger(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedTrigger) Module(org.openhab.core.automation.Module) WrappedModule(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedModule) WrappedAction(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedAction) Nullable(org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with WrappedCondition

use of org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition in project openhab-core by openhab.

the class RuleEngineImpl method calculateConditions.

 * This method checks if all rule's condition are satisfied or not.
 * @param rule the checked rule
 * @return true when all conditions of the rule are satisfied, false otherwise.
private boolean calculateConditions(WrappedRule rule) {
    List<WrappedCondition> conditions = rule.getConditions();
    if (conditions.isEmpty()) {
        return true;
    final String ruleUID = rule.getUID();
    RuleStatus ruleStatus = null;
    for (WrappedCondition wrappedCondition : conditions) {
        ruleStatus = getRuleStatus(ruleUID);
        if (ruleStatus != RuleStatus.RUNNING) {
            return false;
        final Condition condition = wrappedCondition.unwrap();
        ConditionHandler tHandler = wrappedCondition.getModuleHandler();
        Map<String, Object> context = getContext(ruleUID, wrappedCondition.getConnections());
        if (tHandler != null && !tHandler.isSatisfied(Collections.unmodifiableMap(context))) {
            logger.debug("The condition '{}' of rule '{}' is unsatisfied.", condition.getId(), ruleUID);
            return false;
    return true;
Also used : WrappedCondition(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition) Condition(org.openhab.core.automation.Condition) WrappedCondition(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition) ConditionHandler(org.openhab.core.automation.handler.ConditionHandler) RuleStatus(org.openhab.core.automation.RuleStatus)

Example 3 with WrappedCondition

use of org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition in project openhab-core by openhab.

the class RuleEngineImpl method autoMapConnections.

 * The auto mapping tries to link not connected module inputs to output of other modules. The auto mapping will link
 * input to output only when following criteria are done: 1) input must not be connected. The auto mapping will not
 * overwrite explicit connections done by the user. 2) input tags must be subset of the output tags. 3) condition
 * inputs can be connected only to triggers' outputs 4) action outputs can be connected to both conditions and
 * actions
 * outputs 5) There is only one output, based on previous criteria, where the input can connect to. If more then one
 * candidate outputs exists for connection, this is a conflict and the auto mapping leaves the input unconnected.
 * Auto mapping is always applied when the rule is added or updated. It changes initial value of inputs of
 * conditions and actions participating in the rule. If an "auto map" connection has to be removed, the tags of
 * corresponding input/output have to be changed.
 * @param rule updated rule
private void autoMapConnections(WrappedRule rule) {
    Map<Set<String>, OutputRef> triggerOutputTags = new HashMap<>(11);
    for (WrappedTrigger mt : rule.getTriggers()) {
        final Trigger t = mt.unwrap();
        TriggerType tt = (TriggerType) mtRegistry.get(t.getTypeUID());
        if (tt != null) {
            initTagsMap(t.getId(), tt.getOutputs(), triggerOutputTags);
    Map<Set<String>, OutputRef> actionOutputTags = new HashMap<>(11);
    for (WrappedAction ma : rule.getActions()) {
        final Action a = ma.unwrap();
        ActionType at = (ActionType) mtRegistry.get(a.getTypeUID());
        if (at != null) {
            initTagsMap(a.getId(), at.getOutputs(), actionOutputTags);
    // auto mapping of conditions
    if (!triggerOutputTags.isEmpty()) {
        for (WrappedCondition mc : rule.getConditions()) {
            final Condition c = mc.unwrap();
            boolean isConnectionChanged = false;
            ConditionType ct = (ConditionType) mtRegistry.get(c.getTypeUID());
            if (ct != null) {
                Set<Connection> connections = copyConnections(mc.getConnections());
                for (Input input : ct.getInputs()) {
                    if (isConnected(input, connections)) {
                        // the input is already connected. Skip it.
                    if (addAutoMapConnections(input, triggerOutputTags, connections)) {
                        isConnectionChanged = true;
                if (isConnectionChanged) {
                    // update condition inputs
                    Map<String, String> connectionMap = getConnectionMap(connections);
    // auto mapping of actions
    if (!triggerOutputTags.isEmpty() || !actionOutputTags.isEmpty()) {
        for (final WrappedAction ma : rule.getActions()) {
            final Action a = ma.unwrap();
            boolean isConnectionChanged = false;
            ActionType at = (ActionType) mtRegistry.get(a.getTypeUID());
            if (at != null) {
                Set<Connection> connections = copyConnections(ma.getConnections());
                for (Input input : at.getInputs()) {
                    if (isConnected(input, connections)) {
                        // the input is already connected. Skip it.
                    if (addAutoMapConnections(input, triggerOutputTags, connections)) {
                        isConnectionChanged = true;
                    if (addAutoMapConnections(input, actionOutputTags, connections)) {
                        isConnectionChanged = true;
                if (isConnectionChanged) {
                    // update condition inputs
                    Map<String, String> connectionMap = getConnectionMap(connections);
Also used : WrappedCondition(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition) Condition(org.openhab.core.automation.Condition) CompositeTriggerType(org.openhab.core.automation.type.CompositeTriggerType) TriggerType(org.openhab.core.automation.type.TriggerType) Action(org.openhab.core.automation.Action) WrappedAction(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedAction) Set(java.util.Set) CopyOnWriteArraySet(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) CompositeActionType(org.openhab.core.automation.type.CompositeActionType) ActionType(org.openhab.core.automation.type.ActionType) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) WrappedTrigger(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedTrigger) WrappedAction(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedAction) Input(org.openhab.core.automation.type.Input) WrappedTrigger(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedTrigger) Trigger(org.openhab.core.automation.Trigger) WrappedCondition(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition) CompositeConditionType(org.openhab.core.automation.type.CompositeConditionType) ConditionType(org.openhab.core.automation.type.ConditionType)

Example 4 with WrappedCondition

use of org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition in project openhab-core by openhab.

the class RuleEngineImpl method setRule.

 * This method tries to initialize the rule. It uses available {@link ModuleHandlerFactory}s to create
 * {@link ModuleHandler}s for all {@link ModuleImpl}s of the {@link Rule} and to link them. When all the modules
 * have associated module handlers then the {@link Rule} is initialized and it is ready to working. It goes into
 * idle state. Otherwise the Rule stays into not initialized and continue to wait missing handlers, module types
 * or templates.
 * @param rule the rule which tried to be initialized.
private void setRule(WrappedRule rule) {
    if (isDisposed) {
    String rUID = rule.getUID();
    setStatus(rUID, new RuleStatusInfo(RuleStatus.INITIALIZING));
    try {
        for (final WrappedAction action : rule.getActions()) {
            updateMapModuleTypeToRule(rUID, action.unwrap().getTypeUID());
        for (final WrappedCondition condition : rule.getConditions()) {
            updateMapModuleTypeToRule(rUID, condition.unwrap().getTypeUID());
        for (final WrappedTrigger trigger : rule.getTriggers()) {
            updateMapModuleTypeToRule(rUID, trigger.unwrap().getTypeUID());
        ConnectionValidator.validateConnections(mtRegistry, rule.unwrap());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // change status to UNINITIALIZED
        setStatus(rUID, new RuleStatusInfo(RuleStatus.UNINITIALIZED, RuleStatusDetail.INVALID_RULE, "Validation of rule " + rUID + " has failed! " + e.getLocalizedMessage()));
    final boolean activated = activateRule(rule);
    if (activated) {
        Future<?> f = scheduleTasks.remove(rUID);
        if (f != null) {
            if (!f.isDone()) {
Also used : RuleStatusInfo(org.openhab.core.automation.RuleStatusInfo) WrappedCondition(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition) WrappedTrigger(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedTrigger) WrappedAction(org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedAction)


WrappedCondition (org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedCondition)4 WrappedAction (org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedAction)3 WrappedTrigger (org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedTrigger)3 Condition (org.openhab.core.automation.Condition)2 ConditionHandler (org.openhab.core.automation.handler.ConditionHandler)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Set (java.util.Set)1 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)1 CopyOnWriteArraySet (java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet)1 Nullable (org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable)1 Action (org.openhab.core.automation.Action)1 Module (org.openhab.core.automation.Module)1 RuleStatus (org.openhab.core.automation.RuleStatus)1 RuleStatusInfo (org.openhab.core.automation.RuleStatusInfo)1 Trigger (org.openhab.core.automation.Trigger)1 ModuleHandler (org.openhab.core.automation.handler.ModuleHandler)1 WrappedModule (org.openhab.core.automation.internal.ruleengine.WrappedModule)1 ActionType (org.openhab.core.automation.type.ActionType)1 CompositeActionType (org.openhab.core.automation.type.CompositeActionType)1