use of org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.DbSessionFactory in project openmrs-module-pihcore by PIH.
the class ActiveVisitsListPageController method get.
public void get(PageModel model, @SpringBean CoreAppsProperties coreAppsProperties, @RequestParam(value = "location", required = false) Integer location, @RequestParam(value = "timeQualifier", required = false) String timeQualifier, UiSessionContext uiSessionContext) throws EvaluationException {
EvaluationContext context = new EvaluationContext();
SqlQueryBuilder q = new SqlQueryBuilder();
q.append("(select e.patient_id, e.encounter_datetime as lastSeen");
q.append(" from encounter e");
q.append(" inner join (");
q.append(" select patient_id, max(encounter_datetime) lastSeen ");
q.append(" from encounter");
q.append(" where voided = 0 and visit_id in ( select visit_id from visit where date_stopped is null and voided = 0)");
q.append(" group by patient_id");
q.append(" ) b on e.patient_id = b.patient_id and e.encounter_datetime = b.lastSeen");
q.append(" where e.voided = 0 and e.visit_id in");
q.append(" ( select visit_id from visit where date_stopped is null and voided = 0)");
if (location != null) {
q.append(" and e.location_id = :location").addParameter("location", location);
q.append(" )");
q.append(" union");
q.append(" (select v.patient_id, v.date_started as lastSeen");
q.append(" from visit v");
q.append(" where v.date_stopped is null and v.voided = 0 ");
q.append(" and v.visit_id not in");
q.append(" (select e.visit_id from encounter e where e.patient_id = v.patient_id and e.visit_id is not null and e.voided = 0))");
q.append(" order by lastSeen desc");
DbSessionFactory dbSessionFactory = Context.getRegisteredComponents(DbSessionFactory.class).get(0);
List<Object[]> resultSet = q.evaluateToList(dbSessionFactory, context);
List<Integer> activeVisitsCohort = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (resultSet != null && resultSet.size() > 0) {
for (Object[] activeVisit : resultSet) {
activeVisitsCohort.add((Integer) activeVisit[0]);
model.addAttribute("locale", uiSessionContext.getLocale());
model.addAttribute("lastLocation", location);
model.addAttribute("activeVisitsCohort", activeVisitsCohort);
model.addAttribute("dashboardUrl", coreAppsProperties.getDashboardUrl());
// used to determine if we display links to patient dashboard)
model.put("privilegePatientDashboard", CoreAppsConstants.PRIVILEGE_PATIENT_DASHBOARD);