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Example 76 with Connection

use of org.openmuc.j60870.Connection in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.

the class AttachNfsDataStorageDomain method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create the connection to the server:
    Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
    // Locate the service that manages the storage domains, and use it to search for the storage domain:
    StorageDomainsService sdsService = connection.systemService().storageDomainsService();
    StorageDomain sd = sdsService.list().search("name=mydata").send().storageDomains().get(0);
    // Locate the service that manages the data centers and use it to search for the data center:
    DataCentersService dcsService = connection.systemService().dataCentersService();
    DataCenter dc = dcsService.list().search("name=mydc").send().dataCenters().get(0);
    // Locate the service that manages the data center where we want to attach the storage domain:
    DataCenterService dcService = dcsService.dataCenterService(;
    // Locate the service that manages the storage domains that are attached to the data center:
    AttachedStorageDomainsService attachedSdsService = dcService.storageDomainsService();
    // Use the "add" method of the service that manages the attached storage domains to attach it:
    // Wait till the storage domain is active:
    AttachedStorageDomainService attachedSdService = attachedSdsService.storageDomainService(;
    for (; ; ) {
        Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
        sd = attachedSdService.get().send().storageDomain();
        if (sd.status() == StorageDomainStatus.ACTIVE) {
    // Close the connection to the server:
Also used : AttachedStorageDomainsService( StorageDomainsService( StorageDomain(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.StorageDomain) DataCentersService( DataCenter(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.DataCenter) AttachedStorageDomainService( Connection(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.Connection) DataCenterService( AttachedStorageDomainsService(

Example 77 with Connection

use of org.openmuc.j60870.Connection in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.

the class ChangeVmCd method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create the connection to the server:
    Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
    // Locate the service that manages the virtual machines:
    VmsService vmsService = connection.systemService().vmsService();
    // Find the virtual machine:
    Vm vm = vmsService.list().search("name=myvm").send().vms().get(0);
    // Locate the service that manages the virtual machine:
    VmService vmService = vmsService.vmService(;
    // Locate the service that manages the CDROM devices of the virtual machine:
    VmCdromsService cdromsService = vmService.cdromsService();
    // Get the first CDROM:
    Cdrom cdrom = cdromsService.list().send().cdroms().get(0);
    // Locate the service that manages the CDROM device found in the previous step:
    VmCdromService cdromService = cdromsService.cdromService(;
    // Change the CDROM disk of the virtual machine to 'my_iso_file.iso'. By default the below operation changes
    // permanently the disk that will be visible to the virtual machine after the next boot, but it doesn't have
    // any effect on the currently running virtual machine. If you want to change the disk that is visible to the
    // current running virtual machine, change the value of the 'current' parameter to 'true'.
    // Close the connection to the server:
Also used : VmCdromsService( Cdrom(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Cdrom) VmCdromService( Vm(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Vm) VmService( Connection(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.Connection) VmsService(

Example 78 with Connection

use of org.openmuc.j60870.Connection in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.

the class AddLogicalNetwork method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create the connection to the server:
    Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
    // Get the reference to the "networks" service:
    NetworksService networksService = connection.systemService().networksService();
    // Use the "add" method to create new VM logical network in data center called "mydatacenter", with VLAN tag
    // 100 and MTU 1500.
    networksService.add().network(network().name("mynetwork").description("My logical network").dataCenter(dataCenter().name("mydatacenter")).vlan(vlan().id(100)).usages(Arrays.asList(NetworkUsage.DISPLAY)).mtu(1500)).send();
    // Close the connection to the server:
Also used : Connection(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.Connection) NetworksService(

Example 79 with Connection

use of org.openmuc.j60870.Connection in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.

the class AddMacPool method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create the connection to the server:
    Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
    // Get the reference to the service that manages the MAC address pools:
    MacPoolsService poolsService = connection.systemService().macPoolsService();
    // Add a new MAC address pool:
    MacPool pool = poolsService.add().pool(macPool().name("mymacpool").ranges(range().from("02:00:00:00:00:00").to("02:00:00:01:00:00"))).send().pool();
    // Find the service that manages clusters, as we need it in order to find the cluster where we wnt to set the
    // MAC address pool:
    ClustersService clustersService = connection.systemService().clustersService();
    // Find the cluster:
    Cluster cluster = clustersService.list().search("name=mycluster").send().clusters().get(0);
    // Find the service that manages the cluster, as we need it in order to do the update:
    ClusterService clusterService = clustersService.clusterService(;
    // Update the service so that it uses the new MAC pool:
    // Close the connection to the server:
Also used : ClusterService( MacPool(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.MacPool) MacPoolsService( Connection(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.Connection) ClustersService( Cluster(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Cluster)

Example 80 with Connection

use of org.openmuc.j60870.Connection in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.

the class AddUserPublicSshKey method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create the connection to the server:
    Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
    // Get the reference to the root of the tree of services:
    SystemService systemService = connection.systemService();
    // Get the reference to the service that manages the users:
    UsersService usersService = systemService.usersService();
    // Find the user:
    User user = usersService.list().search("name=myuser").send().users().get(0);
    // Get the reference to the service that manages the user that we found in the previous step:
    UserService userService = usersService.userService(;
    // Get a reference to the service that manages the public SSH keys of the user:
    SshPublicKeysService keysService = userService.sshPublicKeysService();
    // Add a new SSH public key:
    keysService.add().key(sshPublicKey().content("ssh-rsa AAA...mu9")).send();
    // Note that the above operation will fail because the example SSH public key is not valid, make sure to use a
    // valid key.
    // Close the connection to the server:
Also used : UsersService( User(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.User) SystemService( UserService( Connection(org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.Connection) SshPublicKeysService(


Connection (org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.Connection)64 Connection (com.trilead.ssh2.Connection)55 IOException ( Session (com.trilead.ssh2.Session)32 VmsService ( Vm (org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Vm)30 InputStream ( VmService ( Connection (okhttp3.Connection)15 Connection (ch.ethz.ssh2.Connection)13 Request (okhttp3.Request)13 SystemService ( Response (okhttp3.Response)12 StorageDomainsService ( StorageDomain (org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.StorageDomain)12 MediaType (okhttp3.MediaType)11 ResponseBody (okhttp3.ResponseBody)11 RequestBody (okhttp3.RequestBody)10 CloudRuntimeException ( Charset (java.nio.charset.Charset)9