use of in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class UpdateDataCenter method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// Get the reference to the data centers service:
DataCentersService dcsService = connection.systemService().dataCentersService();
// Retrieve the description of the data center:
DataCenter dc = dcsService.list().search("name=mydc").send().dataCenters().get(0);
// In order to update the data center we need a reference to the service that manages it, then we can call the
// "update" method passing the update:
DataCenterService dcService = dcsService.dataCenterService(;
dc = dcService.update().dataCenter(dataCenter().description("Updated description")).send().dataCenter();
// Print the description of the result of the update:
System.out.printf("%s: %s",, dc.description());
// Close the connection to the server:
use of in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class UpdateQuotaLimits method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// Find the reference to the root of the tree of services:
SystemService systemService = connection.systemService();
// Find the data center and the service that manages it:
DataCentersService dcsService = systemService.dataCentersService();
DataCenter dc = dcsService.list().search("name=mydc").send().dataCenters().get(0);
DataCenterService dcService = dcsService.dataCenterService(;
// Find the storage domain and the service that manages it:
StorageDomainsService sdsService = systemService.storageDomainsService();
StorageDomain sd = sdsService.list().search("name=mydata").send().storageDomains().get(0);
StorageDomainService sdService = sdsService.storageDomainService(;
// Find the quota and the service that manages it. Note that the service that manages the quota doesn't support
// search, so we need to retrieve all the quotas and filter explicitly. If the quota doesn't exist, create it.
QuotasService quotasService = dcService.quotasService();
List<Quota> quotas = quotasService.list().send().quotas();
Quota quota = null;
for (Quota q : quotas) {
if (Objects.equals(, "myquota")) {
quota = q;
if (quota == null) {
quota = quotasService.add().quota(quota().name("myquota").description("My quota").clusterHardLimitPct(20).clusterSoftLimitPct(80).storageHardLimitPct(20).storageSoftLimitPct(80)).send().quota();
QuotaService quotaService = quotasService.quotaService(;
// Find the quota limits for the storage domain that we are interested on:
QuotaStorageLimitsService limitsService = quotaService.quotaStorageLimitsService();
List<QuotaStorageLimit> limits = limitsService.list().send().limits();
QuotaStorageLimit limit = null;
for (QuotaStorageLimit l : limits) {
if (Objects.equals(, {
limit = l;
// If that limit exists we will delete it:
if (limit != null) {
QuotaStorageLimitService limitService = limitsService.limitService(;
// Create the limit again with the desired values, in this example it will be 100 GiB:
limitsService.add().limit(quotaStorageLimit().name("mydatalimit").description("My storage domain limit").limit(100).storageDomain(storageDomain().id(;
// Close the connection to the server:
use of in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class AttachNfsDataStorageDomain method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// Locate the service that manages the storage domains, and use it to search for the storage domain:
StorageDomainsService sdsService = connection.systemService().storageDomainsService();
StorageDomain sd = sdsService.list().search("name=mydata").send().storageDomains().get(0);
// Locate the service that manages the data centers and use it to search for the data center:
DataCentersService dcsService = connection.systemService().dataCentersService();
DataCenter dc = dcsService.list().search("name=mydc").send().dataCenters().get(0);
// Locate the service that manages the data center where we want to attach the storage domain:
DataCenterService dcService = dcsService.dataCenterService(;
// Locate the service that manages the storage domains that are attached to the data center:
AttachedStorageDomainsService attachedSdsService = dcService.storageDomainsService();
// Use the "add" method of the service that manages the attached storage domains to attach it:
// Wait till the storage domain is active:
AttachedStorageDomainService attachedSdService = attachedSdsService.storageDomainService(;
for (; ; ) {
Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
sd = attachedSdService.get().send().storageDomain();
if (sd.status() == StorageDomainStatus.ACTIVE) {
// Close the connection to the server:
use of in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class AttachNfsIsoStorageDomain method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// Locate the service that manages the storage domains, and use it to search for the storage domain:
StorageDomainsService sdsService = connection.systemService().storageDomainsService();
StorageDomain sd = sdsService.list().search("name=myiso").send().storageDomains().get(0);
// Locate the service that manages the data centers and use it to search for the data center:
DataCentersService dcsService = connection.systemService().dataCentersService();
DataCenter dc = dcsService.list().search("name=mydc").send().dataCenters().get(0);
// Locate the service that manages the data center where we want to attach the storage domain:
DataCenterService dcService = dcsService.dataCenterService(;
// Locate the service that manages the storage domains that are attached to the data center:
AttachedStorageDomainsService attachedSdsService = dcService.storageDomainsService();
// Use the "add" method of the service that manages the attached storage domains to attach it:
// Wait till the storage domain is active:
AttachedStorageDomainService attachedSdService = attachedSdsService.storageDomainService(;
for (; ; ) {
Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
sd = attachedSdService.get().send().storageDomain();
if (sd.status() == StorageDomainStatus.ACTIVE) {
// Close the connection to the server:
use of in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class DataCentersServiceTest method testGetObjectFromDataCenterService.
* Test we don't get null data center service for existing data center id and correct object
public void testGetObjectFromDataCenterService() {
DataCenterService dcService = dataCentersService.dataCenterService("123");
DataCenter dc = dcService.get().send().dataCenter();