use of org.opennms.netmgt.bsm.service.model.StatusWithIndices in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class DefaultBusinessServiceStateMachine method reduceUpdateAndPropagateVertex.
private void reduceUpdateAndPropagateVertex(BusinessServiceGraph graph, GraphVertex vertex) {
if (vertex == null) {
// Nothing to do here
// Calculate the weighed statuses from the child edges
List<StatusWithIndex> statuses = weighEdges(graph.getOutEdges(vertex));
// Reduce
Optional<StatusWithIndices> reducedStatus = vertex.getReductionFunction().reduce(statuses);
Status newStatus;
if (reducedStatus.isPresent()) {
newStatus = reducedStatus.get().getStatus();
} else {
newStatus = MIN_SEVERITY;
// Update and propagate
updateAndPropagateVertex(graph, vertex, newStatus);
use of org.opennms.netmgt.bsm.service.model.StatusWithIndices in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class ExponentialPropagation method reduce.
public Optional<StatusWithIndices> reduce(List<StatusWithIndex> statuses) {
// Exit early for no incoming statuses
if (statuses.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
// indeterminate. So, we have to handle this case explicitly here...
if (Iterables.all(statuses, si -> si.getStatus() == Status.INDETERMINATE)) {
return Optional.empty();
// Get the exponential sum of all child states
final double sum = Ignore normal and indeterminate
si -> si.getStatus().ordinal() >= Status.WARNING.ordinal()).mapToDouble(// Offset to warning = n^0
si -> Math.pow(this.base, (double) (si.getStatus().ordinal() - Status.WARNING.ordinal()))).sum();
// Grab the indices from all the statuses that contributed to the sum
// since these contribute to the cause
final List<Integer> contributingIndices = -> si.getStatus().ordinal() >= Status.WARNING.ordinal()).map(StatusWithIndex::getIndex).distinct().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
// Get the log n of the sum
// Revert offset from above
final int res = (int) Math.floor(Math.log(sum) / Math.log(this.base)) + Status.WARNING.ordinal();
// Find the resulting status and treat values lower than NORMAL.ordinal() as NORMAL.ordinal() and
// all values higher than CRITICAL.ordinal() as CRITICAL.ordinal()
final Status effectiveStatus = Status.get(Math.max(Math.min(res, Status.CRITICAL.ordinal()), Status.NORMAL.ordinal()));
return Optional.of(new StatusWithIndices(effectiveStatus, contributingIndices));
use of org.opennms.netmgt.bsm.service.model.StatusWithIndices in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class DefaultBusinessServiceStateMachine method explain.
public ThresholdResultExplanation explain(BusinessService businessService, Threshold threshold) {
final GraphVertex vertex = getGraph().getVertexByBusinessServiceId(businessService.getId());
// Calculate the weighed statuses from the child edges
List<StatusWithIndex> statusesWithIndices = weighEdges(getGraph().getOutEdges(vertex));
List<Status> statuses =;
// Reduce
Status reducedStatus = threshold.reduce(statusesWithIndices).orElse(new StatusWithIndices(MIN_SEVERITY, Collections.emptyList())).getStatus();
ThresholdResultExplanation explanation = new ThresholdResultExplanation();
Map<GraphEdge, GraphVertex> graphEdgeToGraphVertex = new HashMap<>();
for (Edge eachEdge : businessService.getEdges()) {
GraphVertex vertexForEdge = getGraph().getVertexByEdgeId(eachEdge.getId());
GraphEdge graphEdge = getGraph().getGraphEdgeByEdgeId(eachEdge.getId());
if (vertexForEdge != null && graphEdge != null) {
graphEdgeToGraphVertex.put(graphEdge, vertexForEdge);
return explanation;