use of org.opennms.netmgt.jmx.JmxCollectorConfig in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class JMXCollector method collect.
public CollectionSet collect(CollectionAgent agent, Map<String, Object> map) {
final Map<String, String> stringMap = JmxUtils.convertToUnmodifiableStringMap(map);
final InetAddress ipaddr = agent.getAddress();
final JmxCollection jmxCollection = (JmxCollection) map.get(JMX_COLLECTION_KEY);
final MBeanServer mBeanServer = (MBeanServer) map.get(JMX_MBEAN_SERVER_KEY);
final String collectionName = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(map, ParameterName.COLLECTION.toString(), serviceName);
final String port = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(map, ParameterName.PORT.toString(), null);
final String friendlyName = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(map, ParameterName.FRIENDLY_NAME.toString(), port);
final String collDir = JmxUtils.getCollectionDirectory(stringMap, friendlyName, serviceName);
final int retries = ParameterMap.getKeyedInteger(map, ParameterName.RETRY.toString(), 3);
InetAddress ipAddr = agent.getAddress();
int nodeID = agent.getNodeId();
// Retrieve the name of the JMX data collector
final String hostAddress = InetAddressUtils.str(ipAddr);
LOG.debug("initialize: InetAddress={}, collectionName={}", hostAddress, collectionName);
JMXNodeInfo nodeInfo = new JMXNodeInfo(nodeID);
LOG.debug("nodeInfo: {} {} {}", hostAddress, nodeID, agent);
* Retrieve list of MBean objects to be collected from the
* remote agent which are to be stored in the node-level RRD file.
* These objects pertain to the node itself not any individual
* interfaces.
Map<String, List<Attrib>> attrMap = JMXDataCollectionConfigDao.getAttributeMap(jmxCollection, serviceName(), hostAddress);
Map<String, JMXDataSource> dsList = buildDataSourceList(collectionName, attrMap);
// Metrics collected from JMX are currently modeled as node level resources,
// but live in a sub-directory set to the service name
final NodeLevelResource nodeResource = new NodeLevelResource(agent.getNodeId(), collDir);
// This parent resource used for generic resource
final NodeLevelResource parentResource = new NodeLevelResource(agent.getNodeId());
// Used to gather the results
final CollectionSetBuilder collectionSetBuilder = new CollectionSetBuilder(agent);
LOG.debug("connecting to {} on node ID {}", InetAddressUtils.str(ipaddr), nodeInfo.getNodeId());
try {
// create config for JmxCollector
final JmxCollectorConfig config = new JmxCollectorConfig();
final DefaultJmxCollector jmxCollector = new DefaultJmxCollector();
jmxCollector.collect(config, mBeanServer, new JmxSampleProcessor() {
public void process(JmxAttributeSample attributeSample, ObjectName objectName) {
final String mbeanObjectName = attributeSample.getMbean().getObjectname();
final String attributeName = attributeSample.getCollectedAttribute().getName();
final String dsKey = mbeanObjectName + "|" + attributeName;
final JMXDataSource ds = nodeInfo.getDsMap().get(dsKey);
if (ds == null) {"Could not find datasource for {}. Skipping.", dsKey);
String resourceType = attributeSample.getMbean().getResourceType();
if (resourceType != null) {
final String parsedObjectName = fixGroupName(objectName.getCanonicalName());
final Resource resource = new DeferredGenericTypeResource(parentResource, resourceType, parsedObjectName);
addNumericAttributeToCollectionSet(ds, attributeSample, resource);
addStringAttributesToCollectionSet(ds, attributeSample, resource, objectName);
} else {
addNumericAttributeToCollectionSet(ds, attributeSample, nodeResource);
public void process(JmxCompositeSample compositeSample, ObjectName objectName) {
final String mbeanObjectName = compositeSample.getMbean().getObjectname();
final String attributeName = compositeSample.getCollectedAttribute().getName();
final String dsKey = mbeanObjectName + "|" + attributeName + "|" + compositeSample.getCompositeKey();
final JMXDataSource ds = nodeInfo.getDsMap().get(dsKey);
if (ds == null) {"Could not find datasource for {}. Skipping.", dsKey);
String resourceType = compositeSample.getMbean().getResourceType();
if (resourceType != null) {
final String parsedObjectName = fixGroupName(objectName.getCanonicalName());
final Resource resource = new DeferredGenericTypeResource(parentResource, resourceType, parsedObjectName);
addNumericAttributeToCollectionSet(ds, compositeSample, resource);
addStringAttributesToCollectionSet(ds, compositeSample, resource, objectName);
} else {
addNumericAttributeToCollectionSet(ds, compositeSample, nodeResource);
private void addStringAttributesToCollectionSet(JMXDataSource ds, AbstractJmxSample sample, Resource resource, ObjectName objectName) {
final String groupName = fixGroupName(JmxUtils.getGroupName(stringMap, sample.getMbean()));
final String domain = objectName.getDomain();
final Hashtable<String, String> properties = objectName.getKeyPropertyList();
properties.forEach((key, value) -> collectionSetBuilder.withStringAttribute(resource, groupName, key, value));
if (domain != null) {
collectionSetBuilder.withStringAttribute(resource, groupName, "domain", objectName.getDomain());
private void addNumericAttributeToCollectionSet(JMXDataSource ds, AbstractJmxSample sample, Resource resource) {
final String groupName = fixGroupName(JmxUtils.getGroupName(stringMap, sample.getMbean()));
// Only numeric data comes back from JMX in data collection
final String valueAsString = sample.getCollectedValueAsString();
final Double value = NumericAttributeUtils.parseNumericValue(valueAsString);
// Construct the metric identifier (used by NRTG)
String metricId = groupName;
metricId = metricId.replace("_type_", ":type=");
metricId = metricId.replace("_", ".");
metricId = metricId.concat(".");
metricId = metricId.concat(ds.getName());
metricId = "JMX_".concat(metricId);
collectionSetBuilder.withIdentifiedNumericAttribute(resource, groupName, ds.getName(), value, ds.getType(), metricId);
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOG.debug("{} Collector.collect: IOException while collecting address: {}", serviceName, agent.getAddress(), e);