use of in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class NewtsResourceStorageDaoTest method replay.
private void replay() {
EasyMock.expect(, EasyMock.anyObject(), EasyMock.anyBoolean())).andAnswer(new IAnswer<SearchResults>() {
public SearchResults answer() throws Throwable {
// Assume there is a single term query
Query q = (Query) EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[1];
BooleanQuery bq = (BooleanQuery) q;
TermQuery tq = (TermQuery) bq.getClauses().get(0).getQuery();
String field = tq.getTerm().getField("");
String value = tq.getTerm().getValue();
SearchResults searchResults = new SearchResults();
for (Entry<ResourcePath, Set<String>> entry : m_indexedPaths.entrySet()) {
Map<String, String> attributes = Maps.newHashMap();
// Build the indexed attributes and attempt to match them against the given query
NewtsUtils.addIndicesToAttributes(entry.getKey(), attributes);
if (value.equals(attributes.get(field))) {
searchResults.addResult(new Resource(NewtsUtils.toResourceId(entry.getKey())), entry.getValue());
return searchResults;
EasyMock.expect(m_searcher.getResourceAttributes(EasyMock.eq(m_context), EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(Maps.newHashMap()).anyTimes();
use of in project newts by OpenNMS.
the class CassandraSearcher method searchForIds.
* Returns the set of resource ids that match the given
* boolean query.
* Separate clauses are performed with separate database queries and their
* results are joined in memory.
private Set<String> searchForIds(Context context, BooleanQuery query, ConsistencyLevel readConsistency) {
Set<String> ids = Sets.newTreeSet();
for (BooleanClause clause : query.getClauses()) {
Set<String> subQueryIds;
Query subQuery = clause.getQuery();
if (subQuery instanceof BooleanQuery) {
subQueryIds = searchForIds(context, (BooleanQuery) subQuery, readConsistency);
} else if (subQuery instanceof TermQuery) {
subQueryIds = searchForIds(context, (TermQuery) subQuery, readConsistency);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported query: " + subQuery);
switch(clause.getOperator()) {
case // Intersect
case // Union
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported operator: " + clause.getOperator());
return ids;
use of in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class NewtsUtils method findResourcesWithMetricsAtDepth.
* Constructs a query used to find all of the resources that have
* one or more metrics at the given depth bellow the path.
* Requires resources to have been indexed using {@link #addIndicesToAttributes}.
public static Query findResourcesWithMetricsAtDepth(ResourcePath path, int depth) {
// Numeric suffix for the index name, based on the length of parent path
int idxSuffix = path.elements().length - 1;
// The length of the resource ids we're interested in finding
int targetLen = idxSuffix + depth + 2;
TermQuery tq = new TermQuery(new Term(// key
"_idx" + idxSuffix, // value
String.format("(%s,%d)", toResourceId(path), targetLen)));
BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery();
q.add(tq, Operator.OR);
return q;
use of in project newts by OpenNMS.
the class QueryParserTest method canParseGroupedQueries.
public void canParseGroupedQueries() throws ParseException {
BooleanQuery subQuery1 = new BooleanQuery();
subQuery1.add(new TermQuery(new Term("meat", "beef")), Operator.OR);
subQuery1.add(new TermQuery(new Term("music", "rock")), Operator.OR);
BooleanQuery subQuery2 = new BooleanQuery();
subQuery2.add(new TermQuery(new Term("meat", "chicken")), Operator.OR);
subQuery2.add(new TermQuery(new Term("music", "country")), Operator.AND);
TermQuery subQuery3 = new TermQuery(new Term("sauce"));
BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();
query.add(subQuery1, Operator.OR);
query.add(subQuery2, Operator.OR);
query.add(subQuery3, Operator.AND);
assertThat(parse(query), equalTo((Query) query));
assertThat(parse("(meat:beef OR music:rock) OR (meat:chicken AND music:country) AND sauce"), equalTo((Query) query));
use of in project newts by OpenNMS.
the class QueryParserTest method canParseCompoundQuerys.
public void canParseCompoundQuerys() throws ParseException {
BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();
query.add(new TermQuery(new Term("meat", "beef")), Operator.OR);
query.add(new TermQuery(new Term("music", "rock")), Operator.OR);
assertThat(parse(query), equalTo((Query) query));
assertThat(parse("meat:beef music:rock"), equalTo((Query) query));
assertThat(parse("meat:beef OR music:rock"), equalTo((Query) query));
assertThat(parse("meat:beef || music:rock"), equalTo((Query) query));
query = new BooleanQuery();
query.add(new TermQuery(new Term("meat", "beef")), Operator.OR);
query.add(new TermQuery(new Term("music", "rock")), Operator.AND);
assertThat(parse(query), equalTo((Query) query));
assertThat(parse("meat:beef AND music:rock"), equalTo((Query) query));
assertThat(parse("meat:beef && music:rock"), equalTo((Query) query));
query = new BooleanQuery();
query.add(new TermQuery(new Term("meat", "beef")), Operator.OR);
query.add(new TermQuery(new Term("music", "rock")), Operator.AND);
query.add(new TermQuery(new Term("sauce")), Operator.OR);
assertThat(parse(query), equalTo((Query) query));
assertThat(parse("meat:beef AND music:rock OR sauce"), equalTo((Query) query));
assertThat(parse("meat:beef && music:rock || sauce"), equalTo((Query) query));