use of org.opennms.vaadin.extender.internal.servlet.VaadinOSGiServlet in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class PaxVaadinBundleTracker method addingBundle.
public Object addingBundle(Bundle bundle, BundleEvent event) {
if (isApplicationBundle(bundle)) {
logger.debug("found a vaadin-app bundle: {}", bundle);
String applicationClass = (String) bundle.getHeaders().get(org.opennms.vaadin.extender.Constants.VAADIN_APPLICATION);
String alias = (String) bundle.getHeaders().get("Vaadin-Alias");
UI application = null;
try {
Class<?> appClazz = bundle.loadClass(applicationClass);
Constructor<?>[] ctors = appClazz.getDeclaredConstructors();
Constructor<?> ctor = null;
for (int i = 0; i < ctors.length; i++) {
ctor = ctors[i];
if (ctor.getGenericParameterTypes().length == 0)
application = (UI) ctor.newInstance();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
LOG.error("Could not add bundle: ", e);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
LOG.error("Could not add bundle: ", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOG.error("Could not add bundle: ", e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
LOG.error("Could not add bundle: ", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
LOG.error("Could not add bundle: ", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
LOG.error("Could not add bundle: ", e);
final String widgetset = findWidgetset(bundle);
if (application != null) {
VaadinOSGiServlet servlet = new VaadinOSGiServlet(new ApplicationFactoryWrapper(application), bundle.getBundleContext());
Map<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
props.put(org.opennms.vaadin.extender.Constants.ALIAS, alias);
if (widgetset != null) {
props.put("widgetset", widgetset);
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) ServiceRegistration<?> registeredServlet = bundle.getBundleContext().registerService(HttpServlet.class.getName(), servlet, (Dictionary<String, ?>) props);
registeredServlets.put(bundle, registeredServlet);
if (isThemeBundle(bundle)) {
logger.debug("found a vaadin-resource bundle: {}", bundle);
// TODO do VAADIN Themes handling
ServiceReference<?> serviceReference = bundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReference(VaadinResourceService.class.getName());
VaadinResourceService service = (VaadinResourceService) bundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReference);
return super.addingBundle(bundle, event);