use of in project opennms by OpenNMS.
the class CategoryController method handleRequestInternal.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
String removeCategoryIdString = request.getParameter("removeCategoryId");
String newCategoryName = request.getParameter("newCategoryName");
String categoryIdString = request.getParameter("categoryid");
String editString = request.getParameter("edit");
String nodeIdString = request.getParameter("node");
RedirectView redirect = new RedirectView("/admin/categories.htm", true);
// delete a category
if (removeCategoryIdString != null) {
return new ModelAndView(redirect);
// add a category
if (newCategoryName != null) {
OnmsCategory cat = m_adminCategoryService.getCategoryWithName(newCategoryName);
if (cat == null) {
* We could be smart and take the user straight to the edit page
* for this new category, which would be great, however it's
* not so great if the site has a huge number of available
* category and they need to edit category member nodes
* from the node pages. So, we don't do it.
return new ModelAndView(redirect);
// high-level category edit (add or remove nodes from a category)
if (categoryIdString != null && editString != null) {
String editAction = request.getParameter("action");
if (editAction != null) {
String[] toAdd = request.getParameterValues("toAdd");
String[] toDelete = request.getParameterValues("toDelete");
m_adminCategoryService.performEdit(categoryIdString, editAction, toAdd, toDelete);
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(redirect);
modelAndView.addObject("categoryid", categoryIdString);
modelAndView.addObject("edit", "edit");
return modelAndView;
EditModel model = m_adminCategoryService.findCategoryAndAllNodes(categoryIdString);
return new ModelAndView("/admin/editCategory", "model", model);
// if we don't have an edit string, we just show the category
if (categoryIdString != null) {
return new ModelAndView("/admin/showCategory", "model", m_adminCategoryService.getCategory(categoryIdString));
// if we have a nodeId and we're in edit mode, edit the categories for a specific node
if (nodeIdString != null && editString != null) {
String editAction = request.getParameter("action");
// if we've specified an action, perform that action
if (editAction != null) {
String[] toAdd = request.getParameterValues("toAdd");
String[] toDelete = request.getParameterValues("toDelete");
m_adminCategoryService.performNodeEdit(nodeIdString, editAction, toAdd, toDelete);
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(redirect);
modelAndView.addObject("node", nodeIdString);
modelAndView.addObject("edit", "edit");
return modelAndView;
// otherwise, display the edit page for adding and removing categories from a node
NodeEditModel model = m_adminCategoryService.findNodeCategories(nodeIdString);
return new ModelAndView("/admin/editNodeCategories", "model", model);
// otherwise, just show the category editor
List<OnmsCategory> sortedCategories = m_adminCategoryService.findAllCategories();
List<String> surveillanceCategories = getAllSurveillanceViewCategories();
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("/admin/categories");
modelAndView.addObject("categories", sortedCategories);
modelAndView.addObject("surveillanceCategories", surveillanceCategories);
//new ModelAndView("/admin/categories", "categories", sortedCategories);
return modelAndView;