use of in project zalenium by zalando.
the class DockerSeleniumStarterRemoteProxy method startDockerSeleniumContainer.
public boolean startDockerSeleniumContainer(TimeZone timeZone, Dimension screenSize, boolean forceCreation) {
NetworkUtils networkUtils = new NetworkUtils();
String hostIpAddress = networkUtils.getIp4NonLoopbackAddressOfThisMachine().getHostAddress();
String nodePolling = String.valueOf(RandomUtils.nextInt(90, 120) * 1000);
String nodeRegisterCycle = String.valueOf(RandomUtils.nextInt(15, 25) * 1000);
String seleniumNodeParams = getSeleniumNodeParameters();
String latestImage = getLatestDownloadedImage(getDockerSeleniumImageName());
int attempts = 0;
int maxAttempts = 2;
while (attempts < maxAttempts) {
if (forceCreation || validateAmountOfDockerSeleniumContainers()) {
final int nodePort = findFreePortInRange(LOWER_PORT_BOUNDARY, UPPER_PORT_BOUNDARY);
Map<String, String> envVars = buildEnvVars(timeZone, screenSize, hostIpAddress, sendAnonymousUsageInfo, nodePolling, nodeRegisterCycle, nodePort, seleniumNodeParams);
ContainerCreationStatus creationStatus = containerClient.createContainer(getContainerName(), latestImage, envVars, String.valueOf(nodePort));
if (creationStatus.isCreated() && checkContainerStatus(creationStatus)) {
return true;
} else {
LOGGER.debug(String.format("%sContainer creation failed, retrying...", getId()));
} else {"%sNo container was created, will try again in a moment...", getId()));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Exception while making a pause during container creation.", e);
}"%sNo container was created after 3 attempts, will wait until request is " + "processed again...", getId()));
return false;
use of in project zalenium by zalando.
the class ParallelIT method checkIframeLinksForLivePreviewWithMachineIp.
@Test(dataProvider = "browsersAndPlatformsForLivePreview")
public void checkIframeLinksForLivePreviewWithMachineIp(String browserType, Platform platform) {
NetworkUtils networkUtils = new NetworkUtils();
String hostIpAddress = networkUtils.getIp4NonLoopbackAddressOfThisMachine().getHostAddress();
// Go to the homepage
getWebDriver().get(String.format("http://%s:%s/grid/admin/live", hostIpAddress, ZALENIUM_PORT));
// Get the page source to get the iFrame links
String pageSource = getWebDriver().getPageSource();
// Assert that the href for the iFrame has the vnc links
assertThat(pageSource, containsString("view_only=true"));
assertThat(pageSource, containsString("view_only=false"));