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Example 1 with ExtendedCisTrans

use of org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans in project cdk by cdk.

the class InChIToStructure method generateAtomContainerFromInchi.

 * Gets structure from InChI, and converts InChI library data structure
 * into an IAtomContainer.
 * @throws CDKException
protected void generateAtomContainerFromInchi(IChemObjectBuilder builder) throws CDKException {
    InchiInput input = output.getInchiInput();
    // molecule = new AtomContainer();
    molecule = builder.newInstance(IAtomContainer.class);
    Map<InchiAtom, IAtom> inchiCdkAtomMap = new HashMap<>();
    List<InchiAtom> atoms = input.getAtoms();
    for (int i = 0; i < atoms.size(); i++) {
        InchiAtom iAt = atoms.get(i);
        IAtom cAt = builder.newInstance(IAtom.class);
        inchiCdkAtomMap.put(iAt, cAt);
        cAt.setID("a" + i);
        // Ignore coordinates - all zero - unless aux info was given... but
        // the CDK doesn't have an API to provide that
        // InChI does not have unset properties so we set charge,
        // hydrogen count (implicit) and isotopic mass
        int isotopicMass = iAt.getIsotopicMass();
        if (isotopicMass != 0) {
            if (isotopicMass > ISOTOPIC_SHIFT_THRESHOLD) {
                try {
                    int massNumber = Isotopes.getInstance().getMajorIsotope(cAt.getAtomicNumber()).getMassNumber();
                    cAt.setMassNumber(massNumber + (isotopicMass - ISOTOPIC_SHIFT_FLAG));
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new CDKException("Could not load Isotopes data", e);
            } else {
        cAt = molecule.getAtom(molecule.getAtomCount() - 1);
        addHydrogenIsotopes(builder, cAt, 2, iAt.getImplicitDeuterium());
        addHydrogenIsotopes(builder, cAt, 3, iAt.getImplicitTritium());
    List<InchiBond> bonds = input.getBonds();
    for (InchiBond iBo : bonds) {
        IBond cBo = builder.newInstance(IBond.class);
        IAtom atO = inchiCdkAtomMap.get(iBo.getStart());
        IAtom atT = inchiCdkAtomMap.get(iBo.getEnd());
        cBo.setAtoms(new IAtom[] { atO, atT });
        InchiBondType type = iBo.getType();
        switch(type) {
            case SINGLE:
            case DOUBLE:
            case TRIPLE:
            case ALTERN:
                throw new CDKException("Unknown bond type: " + type);
        InchiBondStereo stereo = iBo.getStereo();
        switch(stereo) {
            case NONE:
            case SINGLE_1DOWN:
            case SINGLE_1UP:
            case SINGLE_2DOWN:
            case SINGLE_2UP:
            case SINGLE_1EITHER:
            case SINGLE_2EITHER:
    List<InchiStereo> stereos = input.getStereos();
    for (InchiStereo stereo0d : stereos) {
        if (stereo0d.getType() == InchiStereoType.Tetrahedral || stereo0d.getType() == InchiStereoType.Allene) {
            InchiAtom central = stereo0d.getCentralAtom();
            InchiAtom[] neighbours = stereo0d.getAtoms();
            IAtom focus = inchiCdkAtomMap.get(central);
            IAtom[] neighbors = new IAtom[] { inchiCdkAtomMap.get(neighbours[0]), inchiCdkAtomMap.get(neighbours[1]), inchiCdkAtomMap.get(neighbours[2]), inchiCdkAtomMap.get(neighbours[3]) };
            ITetrahedralChirality.Stereo stereo;
            // anti-clockwise
            if (stereo0d.getParity() == InchiStereoParity.ODD) {
                stereo = ITetrahedralChirality.Stereo.ANTI_CLOCKWISE;
            } else if (stereo0d.getParity() == InchiStereoParity.EVEN) {
                stereo = ITetrahedralChirality.Stereo.CLOCKWISE;
            } else {
                // CDK Only supports parities of + or -
            IStereoElement stereoElement = null;
            if (stereo0d.getType() == InchiStereoType.Tetrahedral) {
                stereoElement = builder.newInstance(ITetrahedralChirality.class, focus, neighbors, stereo);
            } else if (stereo0d.getType() == InchiStereoType.Allene) {
                // The periphals (p<i>) and terminals (t<i>) are refering to
                // the following atoms. The focus (f) is also shown.
                // p0          p2
                // \          /
                // t0 = f = t1
                // /         \
                // p1         p3
                IAtom[] peripherals = neighbors;
                IAtom[] terminals = ExtendedTetrahedral.findTerminalAtoms(molecule, focus);
                // case
                for (IAtom terminal : terminals) {
                    if (peripherals[1].equals(terminal)) {
                        peripherals[1] = findOtherSinglyBonded(molecule, terminal, peripherals[0]);
                    } else if (peripherals[2].equals(terminal)) {
                        peripherals[2] = findOtherSinglyBonded(molecule, terminal, peripherals[3]);
                    } else if (peripherals[0].equals(terminal)) {
                        peripherals[0] = findOtherSinglyBonded(molecule, terminal, peripherals[1]);
                    } else if (peripherals[3].equals(terminal)) {
                        peripherals[3] = findOtherSinglyBonded(molecule, terminal, peripherals[2]);
                stereoElement = new ExtendedTetrahedral(focus, peripherals, stereo);
            assert stereoElement != null;
        } else if (stereo0d.getType() == InchiStereoType.DoubleBond) {
            boolean extended = false;
            InchiAtom[] neighbors = stereo0d.getAtoms();
            // from JNI InChI doc
            // neighbor[4]  : {#X,#A,#B,#Y} in this order
            // X                          central_atom : NO_ATOM
            // \            X        Y   type         : INCHI_StereoType_DoubleBond
            // A == B       \      /
            // \       A == B
            // Y
            IAtom x = inchiCdkAtomMap.get(neighbors[0]);
            IAtom a = inchiCdkAtomMap.get(neighbors[1]);
            IAtom b = inchiCdkAtomMap.get(neighbors[2]);
            IAtom y = inchiCdkAtomMap.get(neighbors[3]);
            IBond stereoBond = molecule.getBond(a, b);
            if (stereoBond == null) {
                extended = true;
                IBond tmp = null;
                // A = C = C = B
                stereoBond = ExtendedCisTrans.findCentralBond(molecule, a);
                if (stereoBond == null)
                    // warn on invalid input?
                IAtom[] ends = ExtendedCisTrans.findTerminalAtoms(molecule, stereoBond);
                assert ends != null;
                if (ends[0] != a)
            } else {
                if (!stereoBond.getBegin().equals(a))
            int config = IStereoElement.TOGETHER;
            if (stereo0d.getParity() == InchiStereoParity.EVEN)
                config = IStereoElement.OPPOSITE;
            if (extended) {
                molecule.addStereoElement(new ExtendedCisTrans(stereoBond, new IBond[] { molecule.getBond(x, a), molecule.getBond(b, y) }, config));
            } else {
                molecule.addStereoElement(new DoubleBondStereochemistry(stereoBond, new IBond[] { molecule.getBond(x, a), molecule.getBond(b, y) }, config));
Also used : IAtomContainer(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IBond(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond) InchiStereo(io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiStereo) InchiBond(io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiBond) InchiInput(io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiInput) DoubleBondStereochemistry(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.DoubleBondStereochemistry) InchiAtom(io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiAtom) IAtom(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom) CDKException(org.openscience.cdk.exception.CDKException) IOException( InchiBondType(io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiBondType) InchiBondStereo(io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiBondStereo) ITetrahedralChirality(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.ITetrahedralChirality) ExtendedTetrahedral(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedTetrahedral) IStereoElement(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IStereoElement) ExtendedCisTrans(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans)

Example 2 with ExtendedCisTrans

use of org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans in project cdk by cdk.

the class AtomContainerManipulator method suppressHydrogens.

 * Suppress any explicit hydrogens in the provided container. Only hydrogens
 * that can be represented as a hydrogen count value on the atom are
 * suppressed. The container is updated and no elements are copied, please
 * use either {@link #copyAndSuppressedHydrogens} if you would to preserve
 * the old instance.
 * @param org the container from which to remove hydrogens
 * @return the input for convenience
 * @see #copyAndSuppressedHydrogens
public static IAtomContainer suppressHydrogens(IAtomContainer org) {
    boolean anyHydrogenPresent = false;
    for (IAtom atom : org.atoms()) {
        if (atom.getAtomicNumber() == IElement.H) {
            anyHydrogenPresent = true;
    if (!anyHydrogenPresent)
        return org;
    // crossing atoms, positional variation atoms etc
    Set<IAtom> xatoms = Collections.emptySet();
    Collection<Sgroup> sgroups = org.getProperty(CDKConstants.CTAB_SGROUPS);
    if (sgroups != null) {
        xatoms = new HashSet<>();
        for (Sgroup sgroup : sgroups) {
            for (IBond bond : sgroup.getBonds()) {
    // we need fast adjacency checks (to check for suppression and
    // update hydrogen counts)
    GraphUtil.EdgeToBondMap bondmap = GraphUtil.EdgeToBondMap.withSpaceFor(org);
    final int[][] graph = GraphUtil.toAdjList(org, bondmap);
    final int nOrgAtoms = org.getAtomCount();
    final int nOrgBonds = org.getBondCount();
    int nCpyAtoms = 0;
    int nCpyBonds = 0;
    final Set<IAtom> hydrogens = new HashSet<>(nOrgAtoms);
    final Set<IBond> bondsToHydrogens = new HashSet<>();
    final IAtom[] cpyAtoms = new IAtom[nOrgAtoms];
    // be suppressed
    for (int v = 0; v < nOrgAtoms; v++) {
        final IAtom atom = org.getAtom(v);
        if (suppressibleHydrogen(org, graph, bondmap, v) && !xatoms.contains(atom)) {
        } else {
            cpyAtoms[nCpyAtoms++] = atom;
    // none of the hydrogens could be suppressed - no changes need to be made
    if (hydrogens.isEmpty())
        return org;
    // we now update the bonds - we have auxiliary variable remaining that
    // bypasses the set membership checks if all suppressed bonds are found
    IBond[] cpyBonds = new IBond[nOrgBonds - hydrogens.size()];
    int remaining = hydrogens.size();
    for (final IBond bond : org.bonds()) {
        if (remaining > 0 && (hydrogens.contains(bond.getBegin()) || hydrogens.contains(bond.getEnd()))) {
        cpyBonds[nCpyBonds++] = bond;
    // same number of bonds otherwise the containers is a strange
    if (nCpyBonds != cpyBonds.length)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of removed bonds was less than the number of removed hydrogens");
    List<IStereoElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
    for (IStereoElement se : org.stereoElements()) {
        if (se instanceof ITetrahedralChirality) {
            ITetrahedralChirality tc = (ITetrahedralChirality) se;
            IAtom focus = tc.getChiralAtom();
            IAtom[] neighbors = tc.getLigands();
            boolean updated = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
                if (hydrogens.contains(neighbors[i])) {
                    neighbors[i] = focus;
                    updated = true;
            // no changes
            if (!updated) {
            } else {
                TetrahedralChirality e = new TetrahedralChirality(focus, neighbors, tc.getStereo());
        } else if (se instanceof ExtendedTetrahedral) {
            ExtendedTetrahedral tc = (ExtendedTetrahedral) se;
            IAtom focus = tc.getFocus();
            IAtom[] carriers = tc.getCarriers().toArray(new IAtom[4]);
            IAtom[] ends = ExtendedTetrahedral.findTerminalAtoms(org, focus);
            boolean updated = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < carriers.length; i++) {
                if (hydrogens.contains(carriers[i])) {
                    if (org.getBond(carriers[i], ends[0]) != null)
                        carriers[i] = ends[0];
                        carriers[i] = ends[1];
                    updated = true;
            // no changes
            if (!updated) {
            } else {
                elements.add(new ExtendedTetrahedral(focus, carriers, tc.getConfigOrder()));
        } else if (se instanceof IDoubleBondStereochemistry) {
            IDoubleBondStereochemistry db = (IDoubleBondStereochemistry) se;
            Conformation conformation = db.getStereo();
            IBond orgStereo = db.getStereoBond();
            IBond orgLeft = db.getBonds()[0];
            IBond orgRight = db.getBonds()[1];
            // we use the following variable names to refer to the
            // double bond atoms and substituents
            // x       y
            // \     /
            // u = v
            IAtom u = orgStereo.getBegin();
            IAtom v = orgStereo.getEnd();
            IAtom x = orgLeft.getOther(u);
            IAtom y = orgRight.getOther(v);
            // if xNew == x and yNew == y we don't need to find the
            // connecting bonds
            IAtom xNew = x;
            IAtom yNew = y;
            if (hydrogens.contains(x)) {
                conformation = conformation.invert();
                xNew = findSingleBond(org, u, x);
            if (hydrogens.contains(y)) {
                conformation = conformation.invert();
                yNew = findSingleBond(org, v, y);
            // is removed. example [2H]/C=C/[H]
            if (x == null || y == null || xNew == null || yNew == null)
            // no changes
            if (x.equals(xNew) && y.equals(yNew)) {
            // XXX: may perform slow operations but works for now
            IBond cpyLeft = !Objects.equals(xNew, x) ? org.getBond(u, xNew) : orgLeft;
            IBond cpyRight = !Objects.equals(yNew, y) ? org.getBond(v, yNew) : orgRight;
            elements.add(new DoubleBondStereochemistry(orgStereo, new IBond[] { cpyLeft, cpyRight }, conformation));
        } else if (se instanceof ExtendedCisTrans) {
            ExtendedCisTrans db = (ExtendedCisTrans) se;
            int config = db.getConfigOrder();
            IBond focus = db.getFocus();
            IBond orgLeft = db.getCarriers().get(0);
            IBond orgRight = db.getCarriers().get(1);
            // we use the following variable names to refer to the
            // extended double bond atoms and substituents
            // x       y
            // \     /
            // u===v
            IAtom[] ends = ExtendedCisTrans.findTerminalAtoms(org, focus);
            IAtom u = ends[0];
            IAtom v = ends[1];
            IAtom x = orgLeft.getOther(u);
            IAtom y = orgRight.getOther(v);
            // if xNew == x and yNew == y we don't need to find the
            // connecting bonds
            IAtom xNew = x;
            IAtom yNew = y;
            if (hydrogens.contains(x)) {
                config ^= 0x3;
                xNew = findSingleBond(org, u, x);
            if (hydrogens.contains(y)) {
                config ^= 0x3;
                yNew = findSingleBond(org, v, y);
            // is removed. example [2H]/C=C/[H]
            if (x == null || y == null || xNew == null || yNew == null)
            // no changes
            if (x.equals(xNew) && y.equals(yNew)) {
            // XXX: may perform slow operations but works for now
            IBond cpyLeft = !Objects.equals(xNew, x) ? org.getBond(u, xNew) : orgLeft;
            IBond cpyRight = !Objects.equals(yNew, y) ? org.getBond(v, yNew) : orgRight;
            elements.add(new ExtendedCisTrans(focus, new IBond[] { cpyLeft, cpyRight }, config));
        } else if (se instanceof Atropisomeric) {
            // can not have any H's
    org.setAtoms(Arrays.copyOf(cpyAtoms, nCpyAtoms));
    if (org.getSingleElectronCount() > 0) {
        Set<ISingleElectron> remove = new HashSet<>();
        for (ISingleElectron se : org.singleElectrons()) {
            if (hydrogens.contains(se.getAtom()))
        for (ISingleElectron se : remove) {
    if (org.getLonePairCount() > 0) {
        Set<ILonePair> remove = new HashSet<>();
        for (ILonePair lp : org.lonePairs()) {
            if (hydrogens.contains(lp.getAtom()))
        for (ILonePair lp : remove) {
    if (sgroups != null) {
        for (Sgroup sgroup : sgroups) {
            if (sgroup.getValue(SgroupKey.CtabParentAtomList) != null) {
                Collection<IAtom> pal = sgroup.getValue(SgroupKey.CtabParentAtomList);
            for (IAtom hydrogen : hydrogens) sgroup.removeAtom(hydrogen);
            for (IBond bondToHydrogen : bondsToHydrogens) sgroup.removeBond(bondToHydrogen);
        org.setProperty(CDKConstants.CTAB_SGROUPS, sgroups);
    return org;
Also used : ITetrahedralChirality(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.ITetrahedralChirality) TetrahedralChirality(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.TetrahedralChirality) ILonePair(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.ILonePair) IBond(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Sgroup(org.openscience.cdk.sgroup.Sgroup) ISingleElectron(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.ISingleElectron) DoubleBondStereochemistry(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.DoubleBondStereochemistry) IDoubleBondStereochemistry(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IDoubleBondStereochemistry) IAtom(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) IDoubleBondStereochemistry(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IDoubleBondStereochemistry) Atropisomeric(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.Atropisomeric) GraphUtil(org.openscience.cdk.graph.GraphUtil) ITetrahedralChirality(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.ITetrahedralChirality) ExtendedTetrahedral(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedTetrahedral) IStereoElement(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IStereoElement) ExtendedCisTrans(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans) Conformation(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IDoubleBondStereochemistry.Conformation)

Example 3 with ExtendedCisTrans

use of org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans in project cdk by cdk.

the class SmilesParserTest method extendedExtendedCis5.

public void extendedExtendedCis5() throws Exception {
    IAtomContainer mol = load("C/C=C=C=C=C=C\\C");
    for (IStereoElement se : mol.stereoElements()) {
        if (se instanceof ExtendedCisTrans) {
            ExtendedCisTrans ect = (ExtendedCisTrans) se;
            assertThat(ect.getConfigOrder(), is(IStereoElement.TOGETHER));
            assertThat(ect.getFocus(), is(mol.getBond(3)));
            assertThat(ect.getCarriers().get(0), is(mol.getBond(0)));
            assertThat(ect.getCarriers().get(1), is(mol.getBond(6)));
Also used : IAtomContainer(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer) IStereoElement(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IStereoElement) ExtendedCisTrans(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with ExtendedCisTrans

use of org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans in project cdk by cdk.

the class SmilesParserTest method extendedExtendedTrans3.

public void extendedExtendedTrans3() throws Exception {
    IAtomContainer mol = load("C/C=C=C=C/C");
    for (IStereoElement se : mol.stereoElements()) {
        if (se instanceof ExtendedCisTrans) {
            ExtendedCisTrans ect = (ExtendedCisTrans) se;
            assertThat(ect.getConfigOrder(), is(IStereoElement.OPPOSITE));
            assertThat(ect.getFocus(), is(mol.getBond(2)));
            assertThat(ect.getCarriers().get(0), is(mol.getBond(0)));
            assertThat(ect.getCarriers().get(1), is(mol.getBond(4)));
Also used : IAtomContainer(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer) IStereoElement(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IStereoElement) ExtendedCisTrans(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with ExtendedCisTrans

use of org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans in project cdk by cdk.

the class SmilesParserTest method extendedExtendedCis3.

public void extendedExtendedCis3() throws Exception {
    IAtomContainer mol = load("C/C=C=C=C\\C");
    for (IStereoElement se : mol.stereoElements()) {
        if (se instanceof ExtendedCisTrans) {
            ExtendedCisTrans ect = (ExtendedCisTrans) se;
            assertThat(ect.getConfigOrder(), is(IStereoElement.TOGETHER));
            assertThat(ect.getFocus(), is(mol.getBond(2)));
            assertThat(ect.getCarriers().get(0), is(mol.getBond(0)));
            assertThat(ect.getCarriers().get(1), is(mol.getBond(4)));
Also used : IAtomContainer(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer) IStereoElement(org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IStereoElement) ExtendedCisTrans(org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans) Test(org.junit.Test)


ExtendedCisTrans (org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedCisTrans)7 IStereoElement (org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IStereoElement)6 IAtomContainer (org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer)4 IBond (org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond)4 Test (org.junit.Test)3 IAtom (org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom)3 ITetrahedralChirality (org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.ITetrahedralChirality)3 DoubleBondStereochemistry (org.openscience.cdk.stereo.DoubleBondStereochemistry)3 ExtendedTetrahedral (org.openscience.cdk.stereo.ExtendedTetrahedral)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 IDoubleBondStereochemistry (org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IDoubleBondStereochemistry)2 Conformation (org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IDoubleBondStereochemistry.Conformation)2 InchiAtom (io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiAtom)1 InchiBond (io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiBond)1 InchiBondStereo (io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiBondStereo)1 InchiBondType (io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiBondType)1 InchiInput (io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiInput)1 InchiStereo (io.github.dan2097.jnainchi.InchiStereo)1 IOException (