use of in project cdk by cdk.
the class HomolyticCleavageReactionTest method testEthylbenzaldehydeMapping.
* A unit test suite for JUnit. Reaction: Ethylbenzaldehyde.
* CCc1ccc(C=O)cc1 => C+ Cc1ccc(C=O)cc1
* CCc1ccc(C=O)cc1 => CC + c1ccc(C=O)cc1
* Automatically looks for the active center.
* @cdk.inchi InChI=1/C9H10O/c1-2-8-3-5-9(7-10)6-4-8/h3-7H,2H2,1H3
* @see #testEthylbenzaldehydeManual()
public void testEthylbenzaldehydeMapping() throws Exception {
IReactionProcess type = new HomolyticCleavageReaction();
IAtomContainerSet setOfReactants = builder.newInstance(IAtomContainerSet.class);
// smiles("CCc1ccc(C=O)cc1")
IAtomContainer molecule = builder.newInstance(IAtomContainer.class);
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));
molecule.addBond(0, 1, IBond.Order.SINGLE);
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));
molecule.addBond(1, 2, IBond.Order.SINGLE);
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));
molecule.addBond(2, 3, IBond.Order.SINGLE);
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));
molecule.addBond(3, 4, IBond.Order.DOUBLE);
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));
molecule.addBond(4, 5, IBond.Order.SINGLE);
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));
molecule.addBond(5, 6, IBond.Order.SINGLE);
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "O"));
molecule.addBond(6, 7, IBond.Order.DOUBLE);
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));
molecule.addBond(5, 8, IBond.Order.DOUBLE);
molecule.addAtom(builder.newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));
molecule.addBond(8, 9, IBond.Order.SINGLE);
molecule.addBond(9, 2, IBond.Order.DOUBLE);
LonePairElectronChecker lpcheck = new LonePairElectronChecker();
molecule.getAtom(0).setFlag(CDKConstants.REACTIVE_CENTER, true);
molecule.getAtom(1).setFlag(CDKConstants.REACTIVE_CENTER, true);
molecule.getAtom(2).setFlag(CDKConstants.REACTIVE_CENTER, true);
molecule.getBond(0).setFlag(CDKConstants.REACTIVE_CENTER, true);
molecule.getBond(1).setFlag(CDKConstants.REACTIVE_CENTER, true);
/* has active center */
List<IParameterReact> paramList = new ArrayList<>();
IParameterReact param = new SetReactionCenter();
/* initiate */
IReactionSet setOfReactions = type.initiate(setOfReactants, null);
IAtomContainer product11 = setOfReactions.getReaction(0).getProducts().getAtomContainer(0);
IAtomContainer product12 = setOfReactions.getReaction(0).getProducts().getAtomContainer(1);
Assert.assertEquals(20, setOfReactions.getReaction(0).getMappingCount());
IAtom mappedProductA1 = (IAtom) ReactionManipulator.getMappedChemObject(setOfReactions.getReaction(0), molecule.getAtom(0));
Assert.assertEquals(mappedProductA1, product11.getAtom(0));
IAtom mappedProductA2 = (IAtom) ReactionManipulator.getMappedChemObject(setOfReactions.getReaction(0), molecule.getAtom(1));
Assert.assertEquals(mappedProductA2, product12.getAtom(0));
IAtomContainer product21 = setOfReactions.getReaction(1).getProducts().getAtomContainer(0);
IAtomContainer product22 = setOfReactions.getReaction(1).getProducts().getAtomContainer(1);
Assert.assertEquals(20, setOfReactions.getReaction(0).getMappingCount());
mappedProductA1 = (IAtom) ReactionManipulator.getMappedChemObject(setOfReactions.getReaction(1), molecule.getAtom(1));
Assert.assertEquals(mappedProductA1, product21.getAtom(1));
mappedProductA2 = (IAtom) ReactionManipulator.getMappedChemObject(setOfReactions.getReaction(1), molecule.getAtom(2));
Assert.assertEquals(mappedProductA2, product22.getAtom(0));
use of in project cdk by cdk.
the class ProtonAffinityHOSEDescriptor method calculate.
* This method calculates the protonation affinity of an atom.
*@param atom The IAtom to protonate
*@param container Parameter is the IAtomContainer.
*@return The protonation affinity. Not possible the ionization.
public DescriptorValue calculate(IAtom atom, IAtomContainer container) {
double value;
try {
int i = container.indexOf(atom);
if (i < 0)
throw new CDKException("atom was not a memeber of the provided container");
// don't modify the original
container = container.clone();
atom = container.getAtom(i);
LonePairElectronChecker lpcheck = new LonePairElectronChecker();
} catch (CDKException | CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return new DescriptorValue(getSpecification(), getParameterNames(), getParameters(), new DoubleResult(Double.NaN), NAMES, null);
value = db.extractAffinity(container, atom);
return new DescriptorValue(getSpecification(), getParameterNames(), getParameters(), new DoubleResult(value), NAMES);
use of in project cdk by cdk.
the class PartialPiChargeDescriptor method calculate.
* The method returns apha partial charges assigned to an heavy atom through Gasteiger Marsili
* It is needed to call the addExplicitHydrogensToSatisfyValency method from the class tools.HydrogenAdder.
* For this method will be only possible if the heavy atom has single bond.
*@param atom The IAtom for which the DescriptorValue is requested
*@param ac AtomContainer
*@return Value of the alpha partial charge
public DescriptorValue calculate(IAtom atom, IAtomContainer ac) {
// FIXME: for now I'll cache a few modified atomic properties, and restore them at the end of this method
Double originalCharge = atom.getCharge();
String originalAtomtypeName = atom.getAtomTypeName();
Integer originalNeighborCount = atom.getFormalNeighbourCount();
Integer originalValency = atom.getValency();
IAtomType.Hybridization originalHybridization = atom.getHybridization();
Double originalBondOrderSum = atom.getBondOrderSum();
Order originalMaxBondOrder = atom.getMaxBondOrder();
if (!isCachedAtomContainer(ac)) {
try {
} catch (CDKException e) {
return getDummyDescriptorValue(e);
if (lpeChecker) {
LonePairElectronChecker lpcheck = new LonePairElectronChecker();
try {
} catch (CDKException e) {
return getDummyDescriptorValue(e);
if (maxIterations != -1)
if (maxResonStruc != -1)
try {
for (int i = 0; i < ac.getAtomCount(); i++) ac.getAtom(i).setCharge(0.0);
pepe.assignGasteigerPiPartialCharges(ac, true);
for (int i = 0; i < ac.getAtomCount(); i++) {
// assume same order, so mol.getAtom(i) == ac.getAtom(i)
cacheDescriptorValue(ac.getAtom(i), ac, new DoubleResult(ac.getAtom(i).getCharge()));
} catch (Exception exception) {
return getDummyDescriptorValue(exception);
// restore original props
return getCachedDescriptorValue(atom) != null ? new DescriptorValue(getSpecification(), getParameterNames(), getParameters(), getCachedDescriptorValue(atom), NAMES) : null;
use of in project cdk by cdk.
the class AtomHybridizationVSEPRDescriptorTest method testAtomHybridizationVSEPRDescriptorTest_7.
* A unit test for JUnit with F-C=C
public void testAtomHybridizationVSEPRDescriptorTest_7() throws java.lang.Exception {
int[] testResult = { IAtomType.Hybridization.SP3.ordinal(), IAtomType.Hybridization.SP2.ordinal(), IAtomType.Hybridization.SP2.ordinal() };
* from Petra online:
* http
* ://www2.chemie.uni
* -erlangen
* .de/services/
* petra/smiles.phtml
AtomHybridizationVSEPRDescriptor descriptor = new AtomHybridizationVSEPRDescriptor();
SmilesParser sp = new SmilesParser(DefaultChemObjectBuilder.getInstance());
IAtomContainer mol = sp.parseSmiles("F-C=C");
LonePairElectronChecker lpcheck = new LonePairElectronChecker();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(testResult[i], ((IntegerResult) descriptor.calculate(mol.getAtom(i), mol).getValue()).intValue());
use of in project cdk by cdk.
the class BCUTDescriptor method calculate.
* Calculates the three classes of BCUT descriptors.
* @param container Parameter is the atom container.
* @return An ArrayList containing the descriptors. The default is to return
* all calculated eigenvalues of the Burden matrices in the order described
* above. If a parameter list was supplied, then only the specified number
* of highest and lowest eigenvalues (for each class of BCUT) will be returned.
public DescriptorValue calculate(IAtomContainer container) {
int counter;
IAtomContainer molecule;
try {
molecule = container.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
logger.debug("Error during clone");
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("Error occurred during clone " + e));
// add H's in case they're not present
try {
CDKHydrogenAdder hAdder = CDKHydrogenAdder.getInstance(molecule.getBuilder());
} catch (Exception e) {
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("Could not add hydrogens: " + e.getMessage(), e));
// do aromaticity detecttion for calculating polarizability later on
if (this.checkAromaticity) {
try {
} catch (CDKException e) {
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("Error in atom typing: " + e.getMessage(), e));
try {
} catch (CDKException e) {
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("Error in aromaticity perception: " + e.getMessage()));
// find number of heavy atoms
int nheavy = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < molecule.getAtomCount(); i++) {
if (molecule.getAtom(i).getAtomicNumber() != IElement.H)
if (nheavy == 0)
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("No heavy atoms in the molecule"));
double[] diagvalue = new double[nheavy];
// get atomic mass weighted BCUT
counter = 0;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < molecule.getAtomCount(); i++) {
if (molecule.getAtom(i).getAtomicNumber() == IElement.H)
diagvalue[counter] = Isotopes.getInstance().getMajorIsotope(molecule.getAtom(i).getSymbol()).getExactMass();
} catch (Exception e) {
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("Could not calculate weight: " + e.getMessage(), e));
double[][] burdenMatrix = BurdenMatrix.evalMatrix(molecule, diagvalue);
if (hasUndefined(burdenMatrix))
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("Burden matrix has undefined values"));
Matrix matrix = new Matrix(burdenMatrix);
EigenvalueDecomposition eigenDecomposition = new EigenvalueDecomposition(matrix);
double[] eval1 = eigenDecomposition.getRealEigenvalues();
// get charge weighted BCUT
LonePairElectronChecker lpcheck = new LonePairElectronChecker();
GasteigerMarsiliPartialCharges peoe;
try {
double[] charges = new double[molecule.getAtomCount()];
// pepe = new GasteigerPEPEPartialCharges();
// pepe.calculateCharges(molecule);
// for (int i = 0; i < molecule.getAtomCount(); i++) charges[i] = molecule.getAtom(i).getCharge();
peoe = new GasteigerMarsiliPartialCharges();
peoe.assignGasteigerMarsiliSigmaPartialCharges(molecule, true);
for (int i = 0; i < molecule.getAtomCount(); i++) charges[i] += molecule.getAtom(i).getCharge();
for (int i = 0; i < molecule.getAtomCount(); i++) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("Could not calculate partial charges: " + e.getMessage(), e));
counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < molecule.getAtomCount(); i++) {
if (molecule.getAtom(i).getAtomicNumber() == IElement.H)
diagvalue[counter] = molecule.getAtom(i).getCharge();
burdenMatrix = BurdenMatrix.evalMatrix(molecule, diagvalue);
if (hasUndefined(burdenMatrix))
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("Burden matrix has undefined values"));
matrix = new Matrix(burdenMatrix);
eigenDecomposition = new EigenvalueDecomposition(matrix);
double[] eval2 = eigenDecomposition.getRealEigenvalues();
int[][] topoDistance = PathTools.computeFloydAPSP(AdjacencyMatrix.getMatrix(molecule));
// get polarizability weighted BCUT
Polarizability pol = new Polarizability();
counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < molecule.getAtomCount(); i++) {
if (molecule.getAtom(i).getAtomicNumber() == IElement.H)
diagvalue[counter] = pol.calculateGHEffectiveAtomPolarizability(molecule, molecule.getAtom(i), false, topoDistance);
burdenMatrix = BurdenMatrix.evalMatrix(molecule, diagvalue);
if (hasUndefined(burdenMatrix))
return getDummyDescriptorValue(new CDKException("Burden matrix has undefined values"));
matrix = new Matrix(burdenMatrix);
eigenDecomposition = new EigenvalueDecomposition(matrix);
double[] eval3 = eigenDecomposition.getRealEigenvalues();
// return only the n highest & lowest eigenvalues
int lnlow, lnhigh, enlow, enhigh;
if (nlow > nheavy) {
lnlow = nheavy;
enlow = nlow - nheavy;
} else {
lnlow = nlow;
enlow = 0;
if (nhigh > nheavy) {
lnhigh = nheavy;
enhigh = nhigh - nheavy;
} else {
lnhigh = nhigh;
enhigh = 0;
DoubleArrayResult retval = new DoubleArrayResult((lnlow + enlow + lnhigh + enhigh) * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < lnlow; i++) retval.add(eval1[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < enlow; i++) retval.add(Double.NaN);
for (int i = 0; i < lnhigh; i++) retval.add(eval1[eval1.length - i - 1]);
for (int i = 0; i < enhigh; i++) retval.add(Double.NaN);
for (int i = 0; i < lnlow; i++) retval.add(eval2[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < enlow; i++) retval.add(Double.NaN);
for (int i = 0; i < lnhigh; i++) retval.add(eval2[eval2.length - i - 1]);
for (int i = 0; i < enhigh; i++) retval.add(Double.NaN);
for (int i = 0; i < lnlow; i++) retval.add(eval3[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < enlow; i++) retval.add(Double.NaN);
for (int i = 0; i < lnhigh; i++) retval.add(eval3[eval3.length - i - 1]);
for (int i = 0; i < enhigh; i++) retval.add(Double.NaN);
return new DescriptorValue(getSpecification(), getParameterNames(), getParameters(), retval, getDescriptorNames());