use of in project anomaly-detection by opensearch-project.
the class PriorityCache method maintenance.
* Maintain active entity's cache and door keepers.
* inActiveEntities is a Guava's LRU cache. The data structure itself is
* gonna evict items if they are inactive for 3 days or its maximum size
* reached (1 million entries)
public void maintenance() {
try {
// clean up memory if we allocate more memory than we should
activeEnities.entrySet().stream().forEach(cacheBufferEntry -> {
String detectorId = cacheBufferEntry.getKey();
CacheBuffer cacheBuffer = cacheBufferEntry.getValue();
// remove expired cache buffer
if (cacheBuffer.expired(modelTtl)) {
} else {
List<ModelState<EntityModel>> removedStates = cacheBuffer.maintenance();
for (ModelState<EntityModel> state : removedStates) {
doorKeepers.entrySet().stream().forEach(doorKeeperEntry -> {
String detectorId = doorKeeperEntry.getKey();
DoorKeeper doorKeeper = doorKeeperEntry.getValue();
// doorKeeper has its own state ttl
if (doorKeeper.expired(null)) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
// will be thrown to ES's transport broadcast handler
throw new AnomalyDetectionException("Fail to maintain cache", e);
use of in project anomaly-detection by opensearch-project.
the class PriorityCache method selectUpdateCandidate.
public Pair<List<Entity>, List<Entity>> selectUpdateCandidate(Collection<Entity> cacheMissEntities, String detectorId, AnomalyDetector detector) {
List<Entity> hotEntities = new ArrayList<>();
List<Entity> coldEntities = new ArrayList<>();
CacheBuffer buffer = activeEnities.get(detectorId);
if (buffer == null) {
// Since this method is public, need to deal with this case in case of misuse.
return Pair.of(hotEntities, coldEntities);
Iterator<Entity> cacheMissEntitiesIter = cacheMissEntities.iterator();
// current buffer's dedicated cache has free slots
while (cacheMissEntitiesIter.hasNext() && buffer.dedicatedCacheAvailable()) {
addEntity(hotEntities,, detectorId);
while (cacheMissEntitiesIter.hasNext() && memoryTracker.canAllocate(buffer.getMemoryConsumptionPerEntity())) {
// can allocate in shared cache
// race conditions can happen when multiple threads evaluating this condition.
// This is a problem as our AD memory usage is close to full and we put
// more things than we planned. One model in HCAD is small,
// it is fine we exceed a little. We have regular maintenance to remove
// extra memory usage.
addEntity(hotEntities,, detectorId);
// check if we can replace anything in dedicated or shared cache
// have a copy since we need to do the iteration twice: one for
// dedicated cache and one for shared cache
List<Entity> otherBufferReplaceCandidates = new ArrayList<>();
while (cacheMissEntitiesIter.hasNext()) {
// can replace an entity in the same CacheBuffer living in reserved
// or shared cache
// thread safe as each detector has one thread at one time and only the
// thread can access its buffer.
Entity entity =;
Optional<String> modelId = entity.getModelId(detectorId);
if (false == modelId.isPresent()) {
Optional<ModelState<EntityModel>> state = getStateFromInactiveEntiiyCache(modelId.get());
if (false == state.isPresent()) {
// not even recorded in inActiveEntities yet because of doorKeeper
ModelState<EntityModel> modelState = state.get();
float priority = modelState.getPriority();
if (buffer.canReplaceWithinDetector(priority)) {
addEntity(hotEntities, entity, detectorId);
} else {
// re-evaluate replacement condition in other buffers
// record current minimum priority among all detectors to save redundant
// scanning of all CacheBuffers
CacheBuffer bufferToRemove = null;
float minPriority = Float.MIN_VALUE;
// check if we can replace in other CacheBuffer
cacheMissEntitiesIter = otherBufferReplaceCandidates.iterator();
while (cacheMissEntitiesIter.hasNext()) {
// If two threads try to remove the same entity and add their own state, the 2nd remove
// returns null and only the first one succeeds.
Entity entity =;
Optional<String> modelId = entity.getModelId(detectorId);
if (false == modelId.isPresent()) {
Optional<ModelState<EntityModel>> inactiveState = getStateFromInactiveEntiiyCache(modelId.get());
if (false == inactiveState.isPresent()) {
// empty state should not stand a chance to replace others
ModelState<EntityModel> state = inactiveState.get();
float priority = state.getPriority();
float scaledPriority = buffer.getPriorityTracker().getScaledPriority(priority);
if (scaledPriority <= minPriority) {
// not even larger than the minPriority, we can put this to coldEntities
addEntity(coldEntities, entity, detectorId);
// Float.MIN_VALUE means we need to re-iterate through all CacheBuffers
if (minPriority == Float.MIN_VALUE) {
Triple<CacheBuffer, String, Float> bufferToRemoveEntity = canReplaceInSharedCache(buffer, scaledPriority);
bufferToRemove = bufferToRemoveEntity.getLeft();
minPriority = bufferToRemoveEntity.getRight();
if (bufferToRemove != null) {
addEntity(hotEntities, entity, detectorId);
// reset minPriority after the replacement so that we need to iterate all CacheBuffer
// again
minPriority = Float.MIN_VALUE;
} else {
// after trying everything, we can now safely put this to cold entities list
addEntity(coldEntities, entity, detectorId);
return Pair.of(hotEntities, coldEntities);
use of in project anomaly-detection by opensearch-project.
the class ADStatsTests method setup.
public void setup() {
// sampleSize * numberOfTrees has to be larger than 1. Otherwise, RCF reports errors.
rcf = RandomCutForest.builder().dimensions(1).sampleSize(2).numberOfTrees(1).build();
thresholdingModel = new HybridThresholdingModel(1e-8, 1e-5, 200, 10_000, 2, 5_000_000);
List<ModelState<?>> modelsInformation = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new ModelState<>(rcf, "rcf-model-1", "detector-1", ModelManager.ModelType.RCF.getName(), clock, 0f), new ModelState<>(thresholdingModel, "thr-model-1", "detector-1", ModelManager.ModelType.RCF.getName(), clock, 0f), new ModelState<>(rcf, "rcf-model-2", "detector-2", ModelManager.ModelType.THRESHOLD.getName(), clock, 0f), new ModelState<>(thresholdingModel, "thr-model-2", "detector-2", ModelManager.ModelType.THRESHOLD.getName(), clock, 0f)));
ModelState<EntityModel> entityModel1 = MLUtil.randomModelState(new RandomModelStateConfig.Builder().fullModel(true).build());
ModelState<EntityModel> entityModel2 = MLUtil.randomModelState(new RandomModelStateConfig.Builder().fullModel(true).build());
List<ModelState<?>> entityModelsInformation = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(entityModel1, entityModel2));
EntityCache cache = mock(EntityCache.class);
IndexUtils indexUtils = mock(IndexUtils.class);
clusterStatName1 = "clusterStat1";
clusterStatName2 = "clusterStat2";
nodeStatName1 = "nodeStat1";
nodeStatName2 = "nodeStat2";
Settings settings = Settings.builder().put(MAX_MODEL_SIZE_PER_NODE.getKey(), 10).build();
ClusterService clusterService = mock(ClusterService.class);
ClusterSettings clusterSettings = new ClusterSettings(Settings.EMPTY, Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(MAX_MODEL_SIZE_PER_NODE))));
statsMap = new HashMap<String, ADStat<?>>() {
put(nodeStatName1, new ADStat<>(false, new CounterSupplier()));
put(nodeStatName2, new ADStat<>(false, new ModelsOnNodeSupplier(modelManager, cacheProvider, settings, clusterService)));
put(clusterStatName1, new ADStat<>(true, new IndexStatusSupplier(indexUtils, "index1")));
put(clusterStatName2, new ADStat<>(true, new IndexStatusSupplier(indexUtils, "index2")));
adStats = new ADStats(statsMap);
use of in project anomaly-detection by opensearch-project.
the class ADStatsTests method testADStatsNodeResponseWithEntity.
* Test we can serialize stats with entity
* @throws IOException when writeTo and toXContent have errors.
* @throws JsonPathNotFoundException when json deserialization cannot find a path
public void testADStatsNodeResponseWithEntity() throws IOException, JsonPathNotFoundException {
TreeMap<String, String> attributes = new TreeMap<>();
String name1 = "a";
String name2 = "b";
String val1 = "a1";
String val2 = "a2";
attributes.put(name1, val1);
attributes.put(name2, val2);
String detectorId = "detectorId";
Entity entity = Entity.createEntityFromOrderedMap(attributes);
EntityModel entityModel = new EntityModel(entity, null, null);
Clock clock = mock(Clock.class);
ModelState<EntityModel> state = new ModelState<EntityModel>(entityModel, entity.getModelId(detectorId).get(), detectorId, "entity", clock, 0.1f);
Map<String, Object> stats = state.getModelStateAsMap();
// Test serialization
ADStatsNodeResponse adStatsNodeResponse = new ADStatsNodeResponse(discoveryNode1, stats);
BytesStreamOutput output = new BytesStreamOutput();
StreamInput streamInput = output.bytes().streamInput();
ADStatsNodeResponse readResponse = ADStatsNodeResponse.readStats(streamInput);
assertEquals("readStats failed", readResponse.getStatsMap(), adStatsNodeResponse.getStatsMap());
// Test toXContent
XContentBuilder builder = jsonBuilder();
adStatsNodeResponse.toXContent(builder.startObject(), ToXContent.EMPTY_PARAMS).endObject();
String json = Strings.toString(builder);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> stat : stats.entrySet()) {
if (stat.getKey().equals(ModelState.LAST_CHECKPOINT_TIME_KEY) || stat.getKey().equals(ModelState.LAST_USED_TIME_KEY)) {
assertEquals("toXContent does not work", JsonDeserializer.getLongValue(json, stat.getKey()), stat.getValue());
} else if (stat.getKey().equals(CommonName.ENTITY_KEY)) {
JsonArray array = JsonDeserializer.getArrayValue(json, stat.getKey());
assertEquals(2, array.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
JsonElement element = array.get(i);
String entityName = JsonDeserializer.getChildNode(element, Entity.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_FIELD).getAsString();
String entityValue = JsonDeserializer.getChildNode(element, Entity.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_FIELD).getAsString();
assertTrue(entityName.equals(name1) || entityName.equals(name2));
if (entityName.equals(name1)) {
assertEquals(val1, entityValue);
} else {
assertEquals(val2, entityValue);
} else {
assertEquals("toXContent does not work", JsonDeserializer.getTextValue(json, stat.getKey()), stat.getValue());
use of in project anomaly-detection by opensearch-project.
the class PriorityCacheTests method replaceInOtherCacheSetUp.
private void replaceInOtherCacheSetUp() {
Entity entity5 = Entity.createSingleAttributeEntity("attributeName1", "attributeVal5");
Entity entity6 = Entity.createSingleAttributeEntity("attributeName1", "attributeVal6");
ModelState<EntityModel> modelState5 = new ModelState<>(new EntityModel(entity5, new ArrayDeque<>(), null), entity5.getModelId(detectorId2).get(), detectorId2, ModelType.ENTITY.getName(), clock, 0);
ModelState<EntityModel> modelState6 = new ModelState<>(new EntityModel(entity6, new ArrayDeque<>(), null), entity6.getModelId(detectorId2).get(), detectorId2, ModelType.ENTITY.getName(), clock, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// bypass doorkeeper and leave room for lower frequency entity in testSelectToCold
cacheProvider.get(entity5.getModelId(detectorId2).get(), detector2);
cacheProvider.get(entity6.getModelId(detectorId2).get(), detector2);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// entity1 cannot replace entity2 due to frequency
cacheProvider.get(entity2.getModelId(detectorId).get(), detector);
// put modelState5 in dedicated and modelState6 in shared cache
cacheProvider.hostIfPossible(detector2, modelState5);
cacheProvider.hostIfPossible(detector2, modelState6);
// fill in dedicated cache
cacheProvider.hostIfPossible(detector, modelState2);
// don't allow to use shared cache afterwards