use of org.opensearch.common.concurrent.GatedCloseable in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class IndexShard method resetEngineToGlobalCheckpoint.
* Rollback the current engine to the safe commit, then replay local translog up to the global checkpoint.
void resetEngineToGlobalCheckpoint() throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(mutex) == false : "resetting engine under mutex";
assert getActiveOperationsCount() == OPERATIONS_BLOCKED : "resetting engine without blocking operations; active operations are [" + getActiveOperations() + ']';
// persist the global checkpoint to disk
final SeqNoStats seqNoStats = seqNoStats();
final TranslogStats translogStats = translogStats();
// flush to make sure the latest commit, which will be opened by the read-only engine, includes all operations.
flush(new FlushRequest().waitIfOngoing(true));
SetOnce<Engine> newEngineReference = new SetOnce<>();
final long globalCheckpoint = getLastKnownGlobalCheckpoint();
assert globalCheckpoint == getLastSyncedGlobalCheckpoint();
synchronized (engineMutex) {
// we must create both new read-only engine and new read-write engine under engineMutex to ensure snapshotStoreMetadata,
// acquireXXXCommit and close works.
final Engine readOnlyEngine = new ReadOnlyEngine(newEngineConfig(replicationTracker), seqNoStats, translogStats, false, Function.identity(), true) {
public GatedCloseable<IndexCommit> acquireLastIndexCommit(boolean flushFirst) {
synchronized (engineMutex) {
if (newEngineReference.get() == null) {
throw new AlreadyClosedException("engine was closed");
// ignore flushFirst since we flushed above and we do not want to interfere with ongoing translog replay
return newEngineReference.get().acquireLastIndexCommit(false);
public GatedCloseable<IndexCommit> acquireSafeIndexCommit() {
synchronized (engineMutex) {
if (newEngineReference.get() == null) {
throw new AlreadyClosedException("engine was closed");
return newEngineReference.get().acquireSafeIndexCommit();
public void close() throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(engineMutex);
Engine newEngine = newEngineReference.get();
if (newEngine == currentEngineReference.get()) {
// we successfully installed the new engine so do not close it.
newEngine = null;
IOUtils.close(super::close, newEngine);
final Engine.TranslogRecoveryRunner translogRunner = (engine, snapshot) -> runTranslogRecovery(engine, snapshot, Engine.Operation.Origin.LOCAL_RESET, () -> {
// TODO: add a dedicate recovery stats for the reset translog
newEngineReference.get().recoverFromTranslog(translogRunner, globalCheckpoint);
synchronized (engineMutex) {
// We set active because we are now writing operations to the engine; this way,
// if we go idle after some time and become inactive, we still give sync'd flush a chance to run.
// time elapses after the engine is created above (pulling the config settings) until we set the engine reference, during
// which settings changes could possibly have happened, so here we forcefully push any config changes to the new engine.
use of org.opensearch.common.concurrent.GatedCloseable in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class RecoverySourceHandler method recoverToTarget.
* performs the recovery from the local engine to the target
public void recoverToTarget(ActionListener<RecoveryResponse> listener) {
final Closeable releaseResources = () -> IOUtils.close(resources);
try {
cancellableThreads.setOnCancel((reason, beforeCancelEx) -> {
final RuntimeException e;
if (shard.state() == IndexShardState.CLOSED) {
// check if the shard got closed on us
e = new IndexShardClosedException(shard.shardId(), "shard is closed and recovery was canceled reason [" + reason + "]");
} else {
e = new CancellableThreads.ExecutionCancelledException("recovery was canceled reason [" + reason + "]");
if (beforeCancelEx != null) {
IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(releaseResources, () -> future.onFailure(e));
throw e;
final Consumer<Exception> onFailure = e -> {
assert Transports.assertNotTransportThread(RecoverySourceHandler.this + "[onFailure]");
IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(releaseResources, () -> future.onFailure(e));
final SetOnce<RetentionLease> retentionLeaseRef = new SetOnce<>();
runUnderPrimaryPermit(() -> {
final IndexShardRoutingTable routingTable = shard.getReplicationGroup().getRoutingTable();
ShardRouting targetShardRouting = routingTable.getByAllocationId(request.targetAllocationId());
if (targetShardRouting == null) {
logger.debug("delaying recovery of {} as it is not listed as assigned to target node {}", request.shardId(), request.targetNode());
throw new DelayRecoveryException("source node does not have the shard listed in its state as allocated on the node");
assert targetShardRouting.initializing() : "expected recovery target to be initializing but was " + targetShardRouting;
}, shardId + " validating recovery target [" + request.targetAllocationId() + "] registered ", shard, cancellableThreads, logger);
final Closeable retentionLock = shard.acquireHistoryRetentionLock();
final long startingSeqNo;
final boolean isSequenceNumberBasedRecovery = request.startingSeqNo() != SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO && isTargetSameHistory() && shard.hasCompleteHistoryOperations(PEER_RECOVERY_NAME, request.startingSeqNo()) && ((retentionLeaseRef.get() == null && shard.useRetentionLeasesInPeerRecovery() == false) || (retentionLeaseRef.get() != null && retentionLeaseRef.get().retainingSequenceNumber() <= request.startingSeqNo()));
if (isSequenceNumberBasedRecovery && retentionLeaseRef.get() != null) {
// all the history we need is retained by an existing retention lease, so we do not need a separate retention lock
logger.trace("history is retained by {}", retentionLeaseRef.get());
} else {
// all the history we need is retained by the retention lock, obtained before calling shard.hasCompleteHistoryOperations()
// and before acquiring the safe commit we'll be using, so we can be certain that all operations after the safe commit's
// local checkpoint will be retained for the duration of this recovery.
logger.trace("history is retained by retention lock");
final StepListener<SendFileResult> sendFileStep = new StepListener<>();
final StepListener<TimeValue> prepareEngineStep = new StepListener<>();
final StepListener<SendSnapshotResult> sendSnapshotStep = new StepListener<>();
final StepListener<Void> finalizeStep = new StepListener<>();
if (isSequenceNumberBasedRecovery) {
logger.trace("performing sequence numbers based recovery. starting at [{}]", request.startingSeqNo());
startingSeqNo = request.startingSeqNo();
if (retentionLeaseRef.get() == null) {
createRetentionLease(startingSeqNo,, ignored -> SendFileResult.EMPTY));
} else {
} else {
final GatedCloseable<IndexCommit> wrappedSafeCommit;
try {
wrappedSafeCommit = acquireSafeCommit(shard);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RecoveryEngineException(shard.shardId(), 1, "snapshot failed", e);
// Try and copy enough operations to the recovering peer so that if it is promoted to primary then it has a chance of being
// able to recover other replicas using operations-based recoveries. If we are not using retention leases then we
// conservatively copy all available operations. If we are using retention leases then "enough operations" is just the
// operations from the local checkpoint of the safe commit onwards, because when using soft deletes the safe commit retains
// at least as much history as anything else. The safe commit will often contain all the history retained by the current set
// of retention leases, but this is not guaranteed: an earlier peer recovery from a different primary might have created a
// retention lease for some history that this primary already discarded, since we discard history when the global checkpoint
// advances and not when creating a new safe commit. In any case this is a best-effort thing since future recoveries can
// always fall back to file-based ones, and only really presents a problem if this primary fails before things have settled
// down.
startingSeqNo = Long.parseLong(wrappedSafeCommit.get().getUserData().get(SequenceNumbers.LOCAL_CHECKPOINT_KEY)) + 1L;
logger.trace("performing file-based recovery followed by history replay starting at [{}]", startingSeqNo);
try {
final int estimateNumOps = countNumberOfHistoryOperations(startingSeqNo);
final Releasable releaseStore = acquireStore(;
sendFileStep.whenComplete(r -> IOUtils.close(wrappedSafeCommit, releaseStore), e -> {
try {
IOUtils.close(wrappedSafeCommit, releaseStore);
} catch (final IOException ex) {
logger.warn("releasing snapshot caused exception", ex);
final StepListener<ReplicationResponse> deleteRetentionLeaseStep = new StepListener<>();
runUnderPrimaryPermit(() -> {
try {
// If the target previously had a copy of this shard then a file-based recovery might move its global
// checkpoint backwards. We must therefore remove any existing retention lease so that we can create a
// new one later on in the recovery.
shard.removePeerRecoveryRetentionLease(request.targetNode().getId(), new ThreadedActionListener<>(logger, shard.getThreadPool(), ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC, deleteRetentionLeaseStep, false));
} catch (RetentionLeaseNotFoundException e) {
logger.debug("no peer-recovery retention lease for " + request.targetAllocationId());
}, shardId + " removing retention lease for [" + request.targetAllocationId() + "]", shard, cancellableThreads, logger);
deleteRetentionLeaseStep.whenComplete(ignored -> {
assert Transports.assertNotTransportThread(RecoverySourceHandler.this + "[phase1]");
phase1(wrappedSafeCommit.get(), startingSeqNo, () -> estimateNumOps, sendFileStep);
}, onFailure);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RecoveryEngineException(shard.shardId(), 1, "sendFileStep failed", e);
assert startingSeqNo >= 0 : "startingSeqNo must be non negative. got: " + startingSeqNo;
sendFileStep.whenComplete(r -> {
assert Transports.assertNotTransportThread(RecoverySourceHandler.this + "[prepareTargetForTranslog]");
// For a sequence based recovery, the target can keep its local translog
prepareTargetForTranslog(countNumberOfHistoryOperations(startingSeqNo), prepareEngineStep);
}, onFailure);
prepareEngineStep.whenComplete(prepareEngineTime -> {
assert Transports.assertNotTransportThread(RecoverySourceHandler.this + "[phase2]");
* add shard to replication group (shard will receive replication requests from this point on) now that engine is open.
* This means that any document indexed into the primary after this will be replicated to this replica as well
* make sure to do this before sampling the max sequence number in the next step, to ensure that we send
* all documents up to maxSeqNo in phase2.
runUnderPrimaryPermit(() -> shard.initiateTracking(request.targetAllocationId()), shardId + " initiating tracking of " + request.targetAllocationId(), shard, cancellableThreads, logger);
final long endingSeqNo = shard.seqNoStats().getMaxSeqNo();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("snapshot translog for recovery; current size is [{}]", countNumberOfHistoryOperations(startingSeqNo));
final Translog.Snapshot phase2Snapshot = shard.newChangesSnapshot(PEER_RECOVERY_NAME, startingSeqNo, Long.MAX_VALUE, false, true);
// we have to capture the max_seen_auto_id_timestamp and the max_seq_no_of_updates to make sure that these values
// are at least as high as the corresponding values on the primary when any of these operations were executed on it.
final long maxSeenAutoIdTimestamp = shard.getMaxSeenAutoIdTimestamp();
final long maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes = shard.getMaxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes();
final RetentionLeases retentionLeases = shard.getRetentionLeases();
final long mappingVersionOnPrimary = shard.indexSettings().getIndexMetadata().getMappingVersion();
phase2(startingSeqNo, endingSeqNo, phase2Snapshot, maxSeenAutoIdTimestamp, maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes, retentionLeases, mappingVersionOnPrimary, sendSnapshotStep);
}, onFailure);
// Recovery target can trim all operations >= startingSeqNo as we have sent all these operations in the phase 2
final long trimAboveSeqNo = startingSeqNo - 1;
sendSnapshotStep.whenComplete(r -> finalizeRecovery(r.targetLocalCheckpoint, trimAboveSeqNo, finalizeStep), onFailure);
finalizeStep.whenComplete(r -> {
// TODO: return the actual throttle time
final long phase1ThrottlingWaitTime = 0L;
final SendSnapshotResult sendSnapshotResult = sendSnapshotStep.result();
final SendFileResult sendFileResult = sendFileStep.result();
final RecoveryResponse response = new RecoveryResponse(sendFileResult.phase1FileNames, sendFileResult.phase1FileSizes, sendFileResult.phase1ExistingFileNames, sendFileResult.phase1ExistingFileSizes, sendFileResult.totalSize, sendFileResult.existingTotalSize, sendFileResult.took.millis(), phase1ThrottlingWaitTime, prepareEngineStep.result().millis(), sendSnapshotResult.sentOperations, sendSnapshotResult.tookTime.millis());
try {
} finally {
}, onFailure);
} catch (Exception e) {
IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(releaseResources, () -> future.onFailure(e));
use of org.opensearch.common.concurrent.GatedCloseable in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class InternalEngineTests method testSyncTranslogConcurrently.
public void testSyncTranslogConcurrently() throws Exception {
IOUtils.close(engine, store);
final Path translogPath = createTempDir();
store = createStore();
final AtomicLong globalCheckpoint = new AtomicLong(SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED);
engine = createEngine(config(defaultSettings, store, translogPath, newMergePolicy(), null, null, globalCheckpoint::get));
List<Engine.Operation> ops = generateHistoryOnReplica(between(1, 50), false, randomBoolean(), randomBoolean());
applyOperations(engine, ops);
engine.flush(true, true);
final CheckedRunnable<IOException> checker = () -> {
assertThat(engine.getTranslogStats().getUncommittedOperations(), equalTo(0));
assertThat(engine.getLastSyncedGlobalCheckpoint(), equalTo(globalCheckpoint.get()));
try (GatedCloseable<IndexCommit> wrappedSafeCommit = engine.acquireSafeIndexCommit()) {
SequenceNumbers.CommitInfo commitInfo = SequenceNumbers.loadSeqNoInfoFromLuceneCommit(wrappedSafeCommit.get().getUserData().entrySet());
assertThat(commitInfo.localCheckpoint, equalTo(engine.getProcessedLocalCheckpoint()));
final Thread[] threads = new Thread[randomIntBetween(2, 4)];
final Phaser phaser = new Phaser(threads.length);
for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
threads[i] = new Thread(() -> {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
for (Thread thread : threads) {
use of org.opensearch.common.concurrent.GatedCloseable in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class InternalEngineTests method testKeepMinRetainedSeqNoByMergePolicy.
public void testKeepMinRetainedSeqNoByMergePolicy() throws IOException {
IOUtils.close(engine, store);
Settings.Builder settings = Settings.builder().put(defaultSettings.getSettings()).put(IndexSettings.INDEX_SOFT_DELETES_RETENTION_OPERATIONS_SETTING.getKey(), randomLongBetween(0, 10));
final IndexMetadata indexMetadata = IndexMetadata.builder(defaultSettings.getIndexMetadata()).settings(settings).build();
final IndexSettings indexSettings = IndexSettingsModule.newIndexSettings(indexMetadata);
final AtomicLong globalCheckpoint = new AtomicLong(SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED);
final long primaryTerm = randomLongBetween(1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
final AtomicLong retentionLeasesVersion = new AtomicLong();
final AtomicReference<RetentionLeases> retentionLeasesHolder = new AtomicReference<>(new RetentionLeases(primaryTerm, retentionLeasesVersion.get(), Collections.emptyList()));
final List<Engine.Operation> operations = generateSingleDocHistory(true, randomFrom(VersionType.INTERNAL, VersionType.EXTERNAL), 2, 10, 300, "2");
Set<Long> existingSeqNos = new HashSet<>();
store = createStore();
engine = createEngine(config(indexSettings, store, createTempDir(), newMergePolicy(), null, null, globalCheckpoint::get, retentionLeasesHolder::get));
assertThat(engine.getMinRetainedSeqNo(), equalTo(0L));
long lastMinRetainedSeqNo = engine.getMinRetainedSeqNo();
for (Engine.Operation op : operations) {
final Engine.Result result;
if (op instanceof Engine.Index) {
result = engine.index((Engine.Index) op);
} else {
result = engine.delete((Engine.Delete) op);
if (randomBoolean()) {
// advance persisted local checkpoint
assertEquals(engine.getProcessedLocalCheckpoint(), engine.getPersistedLocalCheckpoint());
globalCheckpoint.set(randomLongBetween(globalCheckpoint.get(), engine.getLocalCheckpointTracker().getPersistedCheckpoint()));
if (randomBoolean()) {
final int length = randomIntBetween(0, 8);
final List<RetentionLease> leases = new ArrayList<>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final String id = randomAlphaOfLength(8);
final long retainingSequenceNumber = randomLongBetween(0, Math.max(0, globalCheckpoint.get()));
final long timestamp = randomLongBetween(0L, Long.MAX_VALUE);
final String source = randomAlphaOfLength(8);
leases.add(new RetentionLease(id, retainingSequenceNumber, timestamp, source));
retentionLeasesHolder.set(new RetentionLeases(primaryTerm, retentionLeasesVersion.get(), leases));
if (rarely()) {
settings.put(IndexSettings.INDEX_SOFT_DELETES_RETENTION_OPERATIONS_SETTING.getKey(), randomLongBetween(0, 10));
engine.onSettingsChanged(indexSettings.getTranslogRetentionAge(), indexSettings.getTranslogRetentionSize(), indexSettings.getSoftDeleteRetentionOperations());
if (rarely()) {
if (rarely()) {
engine.flush(true, true);
assertThat(Long.parseLong(engine.getLastCommittedSegmentInfos().userData.get(Engine.MIN_RETAINED_SEQNO)), equalTo(engine.getMinRetainedSeqNo()));
if (rarely()) {
engine.forceMerge(randomBoolean(), 1, false, false, false, UUIDs.randomBase64UUID());
try (Closeable ignored = engine.acquireHistoryRetentionLock()) {
long minRetainSeqNos = engine.getMinRetainedSeqNo();
assertThat(minRetainSeqNos, lessThanOrEqualTo(globalCheckpoint.get() + 1));
Long[] expectedOps = -> seqno >= minRetainSeqNos).toArray(Long[]::new);
Set<Long> actualOps = readAllOperationsInLucene(engine).stream().map(Translog.Operation::seqNo).collect(Collectors.toSet());
assertThat(actualOps, containsInAnyOrder(expectedOps));
try (GatedCloseable<IndexCommit> wrappedSafeCommit = engine.acquireSafeIndexCommit()) {
IndexCommit safeCommit = wrappedSafeCommit.get();
if (safeCommit.getUserData().containsKey(Engine.MIN_RETAINED_SEQNO)) {
lastMinRetainedSeqNo = Long.parseLong(safeCommit.getUserData().get(Engine.MIN_RETAINED_SEQNO));
if (randomBoolean()) {
} else {
try (InternalEngine recoveringEngine = new InternalEngine(engine.config())) {
assertThat(recoveringEngine.getMinRetainedSeqNo(), equalTo(lastMinRetainedSeqNo));
use of org.opensearch.common.concurrent.GatedCloseable in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class InternalEngineTests method testConcurrentWritesAndCommits.
// this test writes documents to the engine while concurrently flushing/commit
// and ensuring that the commit points contain the correct sequence number data
public void testConcurrentWritesAndCommits() throws Exception {
List<GatedCloseable<IndexCommit>> commits = new ArrayList<>();
try (Store store = createStore();
InternalEngine engine = createEngine(config(defaultSettings, store, createTempDir(), newMergePolicy(), null))) {
final int numIndexingThreads = scaledRandomIntBetween(2, 4);
final int numDocsPerThread = randomIntBetween(500, 1000);
final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(numIndexingThreads + 1);
final List<Thread> indexingThreads = new ArrayList<>();
final CountDownLatch doneLatch = new CountDownLatch(numIndexingThreads);
// create N indexing threads to index documents simultaneously
for (int threadNum = 0; threadNum < numIndexingThreads; threadNum++) {
final int threadIdx = threadNum;
Thread indexingThread = new Thread(() -> {
try {
// wait for all threads to start at the same time
// index random number of docs
for (int i = 0; i < numDocsPerThread; i++) {
final String id = "thread" + threadIdx + "#" + i;
ParsedDocument doc = testParsedDocument(id, null, testDocument(), B_1, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
// start the indexing threads
for (Thread thread : indexingThreads) {
// wait for indexing threads to all be ready to start
int commitLimit = randomIntBetween(10, 20);
long sleepTime = 1;
// create random commit points
boolean doneIndexing;
do {
doneIndexing = doneLatch.await(sleepTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (commits.size() > commitLimit) {
// don't keep on piling up too many commits
IOUtils.close(commits.remove(randomIntBetween(0, commits.size() - 1)));
// we increase the wait time to make sure we eventually if things are slow wait for threads to finish.
// this will reduce pressure on disks and will allow threads to make progress without piling up too many commits
sleepTime = sleepTime * 2;
} while (doneIndexing == false);
// now, verify all the commits have the correct docs according to the user commit data
long prevLocalCheckpoint = SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED;
long prevMaxSeqNo = SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED;
for (GatedCloseable<IndexCommit> wrappedCommit : commits) {
final IndexCommit commit = wrappedCommit.get();
Map<String, String> userData = commit.getUserData();
long localCheckpoint = userData.containsKey(SequenceNumbers.LOCAL_CHECKPOINT_KEY) ? Long.parseLong(userData.get(SequenceNumbers.LOCAL_CHECKPOINT_KEY)) : SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED;
long maxSeqNo = userData.containsKey(SequenceNumbers.MAX_SEQ_NO) ? Long.parseLong(userData.get(SequenceNumbers.MAX_SEQ_NO)) : UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO;
// local checkpoint and max seq no shouldn't go backwards
assertThat(localCheckpoint, greaterThanOrEqualTo(prevLocalCheckpoint));
assertThat(maxSeqNo, greaterThanOrEqualTo(prevMaxSeqNo));
try (IndexReader reader = {
Long highest = getHighestSeqNo(reader);
final long highestSeqNo;
if (highest != null) {
highestSeqNo = highest.longValue();
} else {
highestSeqNo = SequenceNumbers.NO_OPS_PERFORMED;
// make sure localCheckpoint <= highest seq no found <= maxSeqNo
assertThat(highestSeqNo, greaterThanOrEqualTo(localCheckpoint));
assertThat(highestSeqNo, lessThanOrEqualTo(maxSeqNo));
// make sure all sequence numbers up to and including the local checkpoint are in the index
FixedBitSet seqNosBitSet = getSeqNosSet(reader, highestSeqNo);
for (int i = 0; i <= localCheckpoint; i++) {
assertTrue("local checkpoint [" + localCheckpoint + "], _seq_no [" + i + "] should be indexed", seqNosBitSet.get(i));
prevLocalCheckpoint = localCheckpoint;
prevMaxSeqNo = maxSeqNo;