use of org.opensearch.geometry.MultiPoint in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class GeoJson method createGeometry.
private static Geometry createGeometry(String type, List<Geometry> geometries, CoordinateNode coordinates, Boolean orientation, boolean defaultOrientation, boolean coerce, DistanceUnit.Distance radius) {
ShapeType shapeType;
if ("bbox".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
shapeType = ShapeType.ENVELOPE;
} else {
shapeType = ShapeType.forName(type);
if (shapeType == ShapeType.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) {
if (geometries == null) {
throw new OpenSearchParseException("geometries not included");
if (coordinates != null) {
throw new OpenSearchParseException("parameter coordinates is not supported for type " + type);
verifyNulls(type, null, orientation, radius);
return new GeometryCollection<>(geometries);
// We expect to have coordinates for all the rest
if (coordinates == null) {
throw new OpenSearchParseException("coordinates not included");
switch(shapeType) {
case CIRCLE:
if (radius == null) {
throw new OpenSearchParseException("radius is not specified");
verifyNulls(type, geometries, orientation, null);
Point point = coordinates.asPoint();
return new Circle(point.getX(), point.getY(), point.getZ(), radius.convert(DistanceUnit.METERS).value);
case POINT:
verifyNulls(type, geometries, orientation, radius);
return coordinates.asPoint();
verifyNulls(type, geometries, orientation, radius);
return coordinates.asMultiPoint();
verifyNulls(type, geometries, orientation, radius);
return coordinates.asLineString(coerce);
verifyNulls(type, geometries, orientation, radius);
return coordinates.asMultiLineString(coerce);
verifyNulls(type, geometries, null, radius);
// handle possible null in orientation
return coordinates.asPolygon(orientation != null ? orientation : defaultOrientation, coerce);
verifyNulls(type, geometries, null, radius);
// handle possible null in orientation
return coordinates.asMultiPolygon(orientation != null ? orientation : defaultOrientation, coerce);
verifyNulls(type, geometries, orientation, radius);
return coordinates.asRectangle();
throw new OpenSearchParseException("unsupported shape type " + type);
use of org.opensearch.geometry.MultiPoint in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class MultiPointBuilder method buildS4J.
public XShapeCollection<Point> buildS4J() {
// Could wrap JtsGeometry but probably slower due to conversions to/from JTS in relate()
// MultiPoint geometry = FACTORY.createMultiPoint(points.toArray(new Coordinate[points.size()]));
List<Point> shapes = new ArrayList<>(coordinates.size());
for (Coordinate coord : coordinates) {
shapes.add(SPATIAL_CONTEXT.makePoint(coord.x, coord.y));
XShapeCollection<Point> multiPoints = new XShapeCollection<>(shapes, SPATIAL_CONTEXT);
return multiPoints;
use of org.opensearch.geometry.MultiPoint in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class GeometryIndexerTests method testMultiPoint.
public void testMultiPoint() {
MultiPoint multiPoint = MultiPoint.EMPTY;
Geometry indexed = multiPoint;
assertEquals(indexed, indexer.prepareForIndexing(multiPoint));
multiPoint = new MultiPoint(Collections.singletonList(new Point(2, 1)));
indexed = new Point(2, 1);
assertEquals(indexed, indexer.prepareForIndexing(multiPoint));
multiPoint = new MultiPoint(Arrays.asList(new Point(2, 1), new Point(4, 3)));
indexed = multiPoint;
assertEquals(indexed, indexer.prepareForIndexing(multiPoint));
multiPoint = new MultiPoint(Arrays.asList(new Point(2, 1, 10), new Point(4, 3, 10)));
assertEquals(indexed, indexer.prepareForIndexing(multiPoint));
use of org.opensearch.geometry.MultiPoint in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class GeometryIndexerTests method testRandomLine.
* A randomized test that generates a random lines crossing anti-merdian and checks that the decomposed segments of this line
* have the same total length (measured using Euclidean distances between neighboring points) as the original line.
* It also extracts all points from these lines, performs normalization of these points and then compares that the resulting
* points of line normalization match the points of points normalization with the exception of points that were created on the
* antimeridian as the result of line decomposition.
public void testRandomLine() {
int size = randomIntBetween(2, 20);
int shift = randomIntBetween(-2, 2);
double[] originalLats = new double[size];
double[] originalLons = new double[size];
// Generate a random line that goes over poles and stretches beyond -180 and +180
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// from time to time go over poles
originalLats[i] = randomInt(4) == 0 ? GeometryTestUtils.randomLat() : GeometryTestUtils.randomLon();
originalLons[i] = GeometryTestUtils.randomLon() + shift * 360;
if (randomInt(3) == 0) {
shift += randomFrom(-2, -1, 1, 2);
Line original = new Line(originalLons, originalLats);
// Check that the length of original and decomposed lines is the same
Geometry decomposed = indexer.prepareForIndexing(original);
double decomposedLength = 0;
if (decomposed instanceof Line) {
decomposedLength = length((Line) decomposed);
} else {
assertThat(decomposed, instanceOf(MultiLine.class));
MultiLine lines = (MultiLine) decomposed;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
decomposedLength += length(lines.get(i));
assertEquals("Different Lengths between " + original + " and " + decomposed, length(original), decomposedLength, 0.001);
// Check that normalized linestring generates the same points as the normalized multipoint based on the same set of points
MultiPoint decomposedViaLines = remove180s(GeometryTestUtils.toMultiPoint(decomposed));
MultiPoint originalPoints = GeometryTestUtils.toMultiPoint(original);
MultiPoint decomposedViaPoint = remove180s(GeometryTestUtils.toMultiPoint(indexer.prepareForIndexing(originalPoints)));
assertEquals(decomposedViaPoint.size(), decomposedViaLines.size());
for (int i = 0; i < decomposedViaPoint.size(); i++) {
assertEquals("Difference between decomposing lines " + decomposedViaLines + " and points " + decomposedViaPoint + " at the position " + i, decomposedViaPoint.get(i).getLat(), decomposedViaLines.get(i).getLat(), 0.0001);
assertEquals("Difference between decomposing lines " + decomposedViaLines + " and points " + decomposedViaPoint + " at the position " + i, decomposedViaPoint.get(i).getLon(), decomposedViaLines.get(i).getLon(), 0.0001);
use of org.opensearch.geometry.MultiPoint in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class GeoJsonShapeParserTests method testParseMultiPoint.
public void testParseMultiPoint() throws IOException, ParseException {
XContentBuilder multiPointGeoJson = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder().startObject().field("type", "MultiPoint").startArray("coordinates").startArray().value(100.0).value(0.0).endArray().startArray().value(101.0).value(1.0).endArray().endArray().endObject();
ShapeCollection<?> expected = shapeCollection(SPATIAL_CONTEXT.makePoint(100, 0), SPATIAL_CONTEXT.makePoint(101, 1.0));
assertGeometryEquals(expected, multiPointGeoJson, true);
assertGeometryEquals(new MultiPoint(Arrays.asList(new org.opensearch.geometry.Point(100, 0), new org.opensearch.geometry.Point(101, 1))), multiPointGeoJson, false);