use of org.opensearch.index.analysis.FieldNameAnalyzer in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class PercolateQueryBuilder method doToQuery.
protected Query doToQuery(QueryShardContext context) throws IOException {
if (context.allowExpensiveQueries() == false) {
throw new OpenSearchException("[percolate] queries cannot be executed when '" + ALLOW_EXPENSIVE_QUERIES.getKey() + "' is set to false.");
// Call nowInMillis() so that this query becomes un-cacheable since we
// can't be sure that it doesn't use now or scripts
if (indexedDocumentIndex != null || indexedDocumentId != null || documentSupplier != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("query builder must be rewritten first");
if (documents.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("no document to percolate");
MappedFieldType fieldType = context.fieldMapper(field);
if (fieldType == null) {
throw new QueryShardException(context, "field [" + field + "] does not exist");
if (!(fieldType instanceof PercolatorFieldMapper.PercolatorFieldType)) {
throw new QueryShardException(context, "expected field [" + field + "] to be of type [percolator], but is of type [" + fieldType.typeName() + "]");
final List<ParsedDocument> docs = new ArrayList<>();
final DocumentMapper docMapper;
final MapperService mapperService = context.getMapperService();
String type = mapperService.documentMapper().type();
if (documentType != null) {
deprecationLogger.deprecate("percolate_with_document_type", DOCUMENT_TYPE_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE);
if (documentType.equals(type) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("specified document_type [" + documentType + "] is not equal to the actual type [" + type + "]");
docMapper = mapperService.documentMapper(type);
for (BytesReference document : documents) {
docs.add(docMapper.parse(new SourceToParse(context.index().getName(), type, "_temp_id", document, documentXContentType)));
FieldNameAnalyzer fieldNameAnalyzer = (FieldNameAnalyzer) docMapper.mappers().indexAnalyzer();
// Need to this custom impl because FieldNameAnalyzer is strict and the percolator sometimes isn't when
// 'index.percolator.map_unmapped_fields_as_string' is enabled:
Analyzer analyzer = new DelegatingAnalyzerWrapper(Analyzer.PER_FIELD_REUSE_STRATEGY) {
protected Analyzer getWrappedAnalyzer(String fieldName) {
Analyzer analyzer = fieldNameAnalyzer.analyzers().get(fieldName);
if (analyzer != null) {
return analyzer;
} else {
return context.getIndexAnalyzers().getDefaultIndexAnalyzer();
final IndexSearcher docSearcher;
final boolean excludeNestedDocuments;
if (docs.size() > 1 || docs.get(0).docs().size() > 1) {
assert docs.size() != 1 || docMapper.hasNestedObjects();
docSearcher = createMultiDocumentSearcher(analyzer, docs);
excludeNestedDocuments = docMapper.hasNestedObjects() && -> size > 1);
} else {
MemoryIndex memoryIndex = MemoryIndex.fromDocument(docs.get(0).rootDoc(), analyzer, true, false);
docSearcher = memoryIndex.createSearcher();
excludeNestedDocuments = false;
PercolatorFieldMapper.PercolatorFieldType pft = (PercolatorFieldMapper.PercolatorFieldType) fieldType;
String name = != null ? :;
QueryShardContext percolateShardContext = wrap(context);
PercolatorFieldMapper.configureContext(percolateShardContext, pft.mapUnmappedFieldsAsText);
PercolateQuery.QueryStore queryStore = createStore(pft.queryBuilderField, percolateShardContext);
return pft.percolateQuery(name, queryStore, documents, docSearcher, excludeNestedDocuments, context.indexVersionCreated());