use of in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportValidateQueryAction method shardOperation.
protected ShardValidateQueryResponse shardOperation(ShardValidateQueryRequest request, Task task) throws IOException {
boolean valid;
String explanation = null;
String error = null;
ShardSearchRequest shardSearchLocalRequest = new ShardSearchRequest(request.shardId(), request.nowInMillis(), request.filteringAliases());
SearchContext searchContext = searchService.createSearchContext(shardSearchLocalRequest, SearchService.NO_TIMEOUT);
try {
ParsedQuery parsedQuery = searchContext.getQueryShardContext().toQuery(request.query());
valid = true;
explanation = explain(searchContext, request.rewrite());
} catch (QueryShardException | ParsingException e) {
valid = false;
error = e.getDetailedMessage();
} catch (AssertionError e) {
valid = false;
error = e.getMessage();
} finally {
return new ShardValidateQueryResponse(request.shardId(), valid, explanation, error);
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the class AbstractSearchAsyncAction method buildShardSearchRequest.
public final ShardSearchRequest buildShardSearchRequest(SearchShardIterator shardIt) {
AliasFilter filter = aliasFilter.get(shardIt.shardId().getIndex().getUUID());
assert filter != null;
float indexBoost = concreteIndexBoosts.getOrDefault(shardIt.shardId().getIndex().getUUID(), DEFAULT_INDEX_BOOST);
String indexName = shardIt.shardId().getIndex().getName();
final String[] routings = indexRoutings.getOrDefault(indexName, Collections.emptySet()).toArray(new String[0]);
ShardSearchRequest shardRequest = new ShardSearchRequest(shardIt.getOriginalIndices(), request, shardIt.shardId(), getNumShards(), filter, indexBoost, timeProvider.getAbsoluteStartMillis(), shardIt.getClusterAlias(), routings, shardIt.getSearchContextId(), shardIt.getSearchContextKeepAlive());
// if we already received a search result we can inform the shard that it
// can return a null response if the request rewrites to match none rather
// than creating an empty response in the search thread pool.
// Note that, we have to disable this shortcut for queries that create a context (scroll and search context).
shardRequest.canReturnNullResponseIfMatchNoDocs(hasShardResponse.get() && shardRequest.scroll() == null);
return shardRequest;
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the class TransportFieldCapabilitiesIndexAction method canMatchShard.
private boolean canMatchShard(FieldCapabilitiesIndexRequest req) throws IOException {
if (req.indexFilter() == null || req.indexFilter() instanceof MatchAllQueryBuilder) {
return true;
assert req.nowInMillis() != 0L;
ShardSearchRequest searchRequest = new ShardSearchRequest(req.shardId(), req.nowInMillis(), AliasFilter.EMPTY);
searchRequest.source(new SearchSourceBuilder().query(req.indexFilter()));
return searchService.canMatch(searchRequest).canMatch();
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the class SearchService method executeQueryPhase.
public void executeQueryPhase(QuerySearchRequest request, SearchShardTask task, ActionListener<QuerySearchResult> listener) {
final ReaderContext readerContext = findReaderContext(request.contextId(), request.shardSearchRequest());
final ShardSearchRequest shardSearchRequest = readerContext.getShardSearchRequest(request.shardSearchRequest());
final Releasable markAsUsed = readerContext.markAsUsed(getKeepAlive(shardSearchRequest));
runAsync(getExecutor(readerContext.indexShard()), () -> {
try (SearchContext searchContext = createContext(readerContext, shardSearchRequest, task, true);
SearchOperationListenerExecutor executor = new SearchOperationListenerExecutor(searchContext)) {
if (searchContext.queryResult().hasSearchContext() == false && readerContext.singleSession()) {
// no hits, we can release the context since there will be no fetch phase
// Pass the rescoreDocIds to the queryResult to send them the coordinating node and receive them back in the fetch phase.
// We also pass the rescoreDocIds to the LegacyReaderContext in case the search state needs to stay in the data node.
final RescoreDocIds rescoreDocIds = searchContext.rescoreDocIds();
return searchContext.queryResult();
} catch (Exception e) {
assert TransportActions.isShardNotAvailableException(e) == false : new AssertionError(e);
logger.trace("Query phase failed", e);
// we handle the failure in the failure listener below
throw e;
}, wrapFailureListener(listener, readerContext, markAsUsed));
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the class SearchService method executeFetchPhase.
public void executeFetchPhase(InternalScrollSearchRequest request, SearchShardTask task, ActionListener<ScrollQueryFetchSearchResult> listener) {
final LegacyReaderContext readerContext = (LegacyReaderContext) findReaderContext(request.contextId(), request);
final Releasable markAsUsed;
try {
markAsUsed = readerContext.markAsUsed(getScrollKeepAlive(request.scroll()));
} catch (Exception e) {
// We need to release the reader context of the scroll when we hit any exception (here the keep_alive can be too large)
throw e;
runAsync(getExecutor(readerContext.indexShard()), () -> {
final ShardSearchRequest shardSearchRequest = readerContext.getShardSearchRequest(null);
try (SearchContext searchContext = createContext(readerContext, shardSearchRequest, task, false);
SearchOperationListenerExecutor executor = new SearchOperationListenerExecutor(searchContext)) {
processScroll(request, readerContext, searchContext);
final long afterQueryTime = executor.success();
QueryFetchSearchResult fetchSearchResult = executeFetchPhase(readerContext, searchContext, afterQueryTime);
return new ScrollQueryFetchSearchResult(fetchSearchResult, searchContext.shardTarget());
} catch (Exception e) {
assert TransportActions.isShardNotAvailableException(e) == false : new AssertionError(e);
logger.trace("Fetch phase failed", e);
// we handle the failure in the failure listener below
throw e;
}, wrapFailureListener(listener, readerContext, markAsUsed));