use of in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class AvgAggregatorTests method getMockScriptService.
protected ScriptService getMockScriptService() {
Map<String, Function<Map<String, Object>, Object>> scripts = new HashMap<>();
Function<Map<String, Object>, Integer> getInc = vars -> {
if (vars == null || vars.containsKey("inc") == false) {
return 0;
} else {
return ((Number) vars.get("inc")).intValue();
BiFunction<Map<String, Object>, String, Object> sum = (vars, fieldname) -> {
int inc = getInc.apply(vars);
LeafDocLookup docLookup = (LeafDocLookup) vars.get("doc");
List<Long> values = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object v : docLookup.get(fieldname)) {
values.add(((Number) v).longValue() + inc);
return values;
scripts.put(SUM_FIELD_PARAMS_SCRIPT, vars -> {
String fieldname = (String) vars.get("field");
return sum.apply(vars, fieldname);
scripts.put(SUM_VALUES_FIELD_SCRIPT, vars -> sum.apply(vars, "values"));
scripts.put(VALUE_FIELD_SCRIPT, vars -> sum.apply(vars, "value"));
scripts.put(VALUE_SCRIPT, vars -> {
int inc = getInc.apply(vars);
return ((Number) vars.get("_value")).doubleValue() + inc;
Map<String, Function<Map<String, Object>, Object>> nonDeterministicScripts = new HashMap<>();
nonDeterministicScripts.put(RANDOM_SCRIPT, vars -> AvgAggregatorTests.randomDouble());
MockScriptEngine scriptEngine = new MockScriptEngine(MockScriptEngine.NAME, scripts, nonDeterministicScripts, Collections.emptyMap());
Map<String, ScriptEngine> engines = Collections.singletonMap(scriptEngine.getType(), scriptEngine);
return new ScriptService(Settings.EMPTY, engines, ScriptModule.CORE_CONTEXTS);
use of in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class StatsAggregatorTests method getMockScriptService.
protected ScriptService getMockScriptService() {
final Map<String, Function<Map<String, Object>, Object>> scripts = org.opensearch.common.collect.Map.of(VALUE_SCRIPT_NAME, vars -> ((Number) vars.get("_value")).doubleValue() + 1, FIELD_SCRIPT_NAME, vars -> {
final String fieldName = (String) vars.get("field");
final LeafDocLookup lookup = (LeafDocLookup) vars.get("doc");
return lookup.get(fieldName).stream().map(value -> ((Number) value).longValue() + 1).collect(toList());
final MockScriptEngine engine = new MockScriptEngine(MockScriptEngine.NAME, scripts, emptyMap());
final Map<String, ScriptEngine> engines = singletonMap(engine.getType(), engine);
return new ScriptService(Settings.EMPTY, engines, ScriptModule.CORE_CONTEXTS);
use of in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class MaxAggregatorTests method getMockScriptService.
protected ScriptService getMockScriptService() {
Map<String, Function<Map<String, Object>, Object>> scripts = new HashMap<>();
Function<Map<String, Object>, Integer> getInc = vars -> {
if (vars == null || vars.containsKey("inc") == false) {
return 0;
} else {
return ((Number) vars.get("inc")).intValue();
BiFunction<Map<String, Object>, String, Object> sum = (vars, fieldname) -> {
int inc = getInc.apply(vars);
LeafDocLookup docLookup = (LeafDocLookup) vars.get("doc");
List<Long> values = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object v : docLookup.get(fieldname)) {
values.add(((Number) v).longValue() + inc);
return values;
scripts.put(SCRIPT_NAME, script -> SCRIPT_VALUE);
scripts.put(SUM_FIELD_PARAMS_SCRIPT, vars -> {
String fieldname = (String) vars.get("field");
return sum.apply(vars, fieldname);
scripts.put(SUM_VALUES_FIELD_SCRIPT, vars -> sum.apply(vars, "values"));
scripts.put(VALUE_FIELD_SCRIPT, vars -> sum.apply(vars, "value"));
scripts.put(VALUE_SCRIPT, vars -> {
int inc = getInc.apply(vars);
return ((Number) vars.get("_value")).doubleValue() + inc;
Map<String, Function<Map<String, Object>, Object>> nonDeterministicScripts = new HashMap<>();
nonDeterministicScripts.put(RANDOM_SCRIPT, vars -> MaxAggregatorTests.randomDouble());
MockScriptEngine scriptEngine = new MockScriptEngine(MockScriptEngine.NAME, scripts, nonDeterministicScripts, Collections.emptyMap());
Map<String, ScriptEngine> engines = Collections.singletonMap(scriptEngine.getType(), scriptEngine);
return new ScriptService(Settings.EMPTY, engines, ScriptModule.CORE_CONTEXTS);
use of in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class MinAggregatorTests method getMockScriptService.
protected ScriptService getMockScriptService() {
Map<String, Function<Map<String, Object>, Object>> scripts = new HashMap<>();
Function<Map<String, Object>, Integer> getInc = vars -> {
if (vars == null || vars.containsKey("inc") == false) {
return 0;
} else {
return ((Number) vars.get("inc")).intValue();
BiFunction<Map<String, Object>, String, Object> sum = (vars, fieldname) -> {
int inc = getInc.apply(vars);
LeafDocLookup docLookup = (LeafDocLookup) vars.get("doc");
List<Long> values = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object v : docLookup.get(fieldname)) {
values.add(((Number) v).longValue() + inc);
return values;
scripts.put(SCRIPT_NAME, script -> SCRIPT_VALUE);
scripts.put(SUM_FIELD_PARAMS_SCRIPT, vars -> {
String fieldname = (String) vars.get("field");
return sum.apply(vars, fieldname);
scripts.put(SUM_VALUES_FIELD_SCRIPT, vars -> sum.apply(vars, "values"));
scripts.put(VALUE_FIELD_SCRIPT, vars -> sum.apply(vars, "value"));
scripts.put(VALUE_SCRIPT, vars -> {
int inc = getInc.apply(vars);
return ((Number) vars.get("_value")).doubleValue() + inc;
scripts.put(INVERT_SCRIPT, vars -> -((Number) vars.get("_value")).doubleValue());
Map<String, Function<Map<String, Object>, Object>> nonDeterministicScripts = new HashMap<>();
nonDeterministicScripts.put(RANDOM_SCRIPT, vars -> AggregatorTestCase.randomDouble());
MockScriptEngine scriptEngine = new MockScriptEngine(MockScriptEngine.NAME, scripts, nonDeterministicScripts, Collections.emptyMap());
Map<String, ScriptEngine> engines = Collections.singletonMap(scriptEngine.getType(), scriptEngine);
return new ScriptService(Settings.EMPTY, engines, ScriptModule.CORE_CONTEXTS);
use of in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class SumAggregatorTests method getMockScriptService.
protected ScriptService getMockScriptService() {
final Map<String, Function<Map<String, Object>, Object>> scripts = org.opensearch.common.collect.Map.of(VALUE_SCRIPT_NAME, vars -> ((Number) vars.get("_value")).doubleValue() + 1, FIELD_SCRIPT_NAME, vars -> {
final String fieldName = (String) vars.get("field");
final LeafDocLookup lookup = (LeafDocLookup) vars.get("doc");
return lookup.get(fieldName).stream().map(value -> ((Number) value).longValue() + 1).collect(toList());
final MockScriptEngine engine = new MockScriptEngine(MockScriptEngine.NAME, scripts, emptyMap());
final Map<String, ScriptEngine> engines = singletonMap(engine.getType(), engine);
return new ScriptService(Settings.EMPTY, engines, ScriptModule.CORE_CONTEXTS);