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the class QueryPhaseResultConsumer method partialReduce.
private MergeResult partialReduce(QuerySearchResult[] toConsume, List<SearchShard> emptyResults, SearchPhaseController.TopDocsStats topDocsStats, MergeResult lastMerge, int numReducePhases) {
// ensure consistent ordering
Arrays.sort(toConsume, Comparator.comparingInt(QuerySearchResult::getShardIndex));
for (QuerySearchResult result : toConsume) {
topDocsStats.add(result.topDocs(), result.searchTimedOut(), result.terminatedEarly());
final TopDocs newTopDocs;
if (hasTopDocs) {
List<TopDocs> topDocsList = new ArrayList<>();
if (lastMerge != null) {
for (QuerySearchResult result : toConsume) {
TopDocsAndMaxScore topDocs = result.consumeTopDocs();
SearchPhaseController.setShardIndex(topDocs.topDocs, result.getShardIndex());
newTopDocs = SearchPhaseController.mergeTopDocs(topDocsList, // we have to merge here in the same way we collect on a shard
topNSize, 0);
} else {
newTopDocs = null;
final InternalAggregations newAggs;
if (hasAggs) {
List<InternalAggregations> aggsList = new ArrayList<>();
if (lastMerge != null) {
for (QuerySearchResult result : toConsume) {
newAggs = InternalAggregations.topLevelReduce(aggsList, aggReduceContextBuilder.forPartialReduction());
} else {
newAggs = null;
List<SearchShard> processedShards = new ArrayList<>(emptyResults);
if (lastMerge != null) {
for (QuerySearchResult result : toConsume) {
SearchShardTarget target = result.getSearchShardTarget();
processedShards.add(new SearchShard(target.getClusterAlias(), target.getShardId()));
progressListener.notifyPartialReduce(processedShards, topDocsStats.getTotalHits(), newAggs, numReducePhases);
// we leave the results un-serialized because serializing is slow but we compute the serialized
// size as an estimate of the memory used by the newly reduced aggregations.
long serializedSize = hasAggs ? newAggs.getSerializedSize() : 0;
return new MergeResult(processedShards, newTopDocs, newAggs, hasAggs ? serializedSize : 0);
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the class DfsQueryPhase method run.
public void run() throws IOException {
// TODO we can potentially also consume the actual per shard results from the initial phase here in the aggregateDfs
// to free up memory early
final CountedCollector<SearchPhaseResult> counter = new CountedCollector<>(queryResult, searchResults.size(), () -> context.executeNextPhase(this, nextPhaseFactory.apply(queryResult)), context);
for (final DfsSearchResult dfsResult : searchResults) {
final SearchShardTarget searchShardTarget = dfsResult.getSearchShardTarget();
Transport.Connection connection = context.getConnection(searchShardTarget.getClusterAlias(), searchShardTarget.getNodeId());
QuerySearchRequest querySearchRequest = new QuerySearchRequest(searchShardTarget.getOriginalIndices(), dfsResult.getContextId(), dfsResult.getShardSearchRequest(), dfs);
final int shardIndex = dfsResult.getShardIndex();
searchTransportService.sendExecuteQuery(connection, querySearchRequest, context.getTask(), new SearchActionListener<QuerySearchResult>(searchShardTarget, shardIndex) {
protected void innerOnResponse(QuerySearchResult response) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
context.onPhaseFailure(DfsQueryPhase.this, "", e);
public void onFailure(Exception exception) {
try {
context.getLogger().debug(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("[{}] Failed to execute query phase", querySearchRequest.contextId()), exception);
progressListener.notifyQueryFailure(shardIndex, searchShardTarget, exception);
counter.onFailure(shardIndex, searchShardTarget, exception);
} finally {
if (context.getRequest().pointInTimeBuilder() == null) {
// the query might not have been executed at all (for example because thread pool rejected
// execution) and the search context that was created in dfs phase might not be released.
// release it again to be in the safe side
context.sendReleaseSearchContext(querySearchRequest.contextId(), connection, searchShardTarget.getOriginalIndices());
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the class SearchPhaseControllerTests method testConsumerConcurrently.
public void testConsumerConcurrently() throws Exception {
int expectedNumResults = randomIntBetween(1, 100);
int bufferSize = randomIntBetween(2, 200);
SearchRequest request = randomSearchRequest();
request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder().aggregation(AggregationBuilders.avg("foo")));
ArraySearchPhaseResults<SearchPhaseResult> consumer = searchPhaseController.newSearchPhaseResults(fixedExecutor, new NoopCircuitBreaker(CircuitBreaker.REQUEST), SearchProgressListener.NOOP, request, expectedNumResults, exc -> {
AtomicInteger max = new AtomicInteger();
Thread[] threads = new Thread[expectedNumResults];
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(expectedNumResults);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedNumResults; i++) {
int id = i;
threads[i] = new Thread(() -> {
int number = randomIntBetween(1, 1000);
max.updateAndGet(prev -> Math.max(prev, number));
QuerySearchResult result = new QuerySearchResult(new ShardSearchContextId("", id), new SearchShardTarget("node", new ShardId("a", "b", id), null, OriginalIndices.NONE), null);
result.topDocs(new TopDocsAndMaxScore(new TopDocs(new TotalHits(1, TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO), new ScoreDoc[] { new ScoreDoc(0, number) }), number), new DocValueFormat[0]);
InternalAggregations aggs = InternalAggregations.from(Collections.singletonList(new InternalMax("test", (double) number, DocValueFormat.RAW, Collections.emptyMap())));
consumer.consumeResult(result, latch::countDown);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedNumResults; i++) {
SearchPhaseController.ReducedQueryPhase reduce = consumer.reduce();
InternalMax internalMax = (InternalMax) reduce.aggregations.asList().get(0);
assertEquals(max.get(), internalMax.getValue(), 0.0D);
assertEquals(1, reduce.sortedTopDocs.scoreDocs.length);
assertEquals(max.get(), reduce.maxScore, 0.0f);
assertEquals(expectedNumResults, reduce.totalHits.value);
assertEquals(max.get(), reduce.sortedTopDocs.scoreDocs[0].score, 0.0f);
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the class SearchPhaseControllerTests method generateQueryResults.
* Generate random query results received from the provided number of shards, including the provided
* number of search hits and randomly generated completion suggestions based on the name and size of the provided ones.
* Note that <code>shardIndex</code> is already set to the generated completion suggestions to simulate what
* {@link SearchPhaseController#reducedQueryPhase} does,
* meaning that the returned query results can be fed directly to {@link SearchPhaseController#sortDocs}
private static AtomicArray<SearchPhaseResult> generateQueryResults(int nShards, List<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions, int searchHitsSize, boolean useConstantScore) {
AtomicArray<SearchPhaseResult> queryResults = new AtomicArray<>(nShards);
for (int shardIndex = 0; shardIndex < nShards; shardIndex++) {
String clusterAlias = randomBoolean() ? null : "remote";
SearchShardTarget searchShardTarget = new SearchShardTarget("", new ShardId("", "", shardIndex), clusterAlias, OriginalIndices.NONE);
QuerySearchResult querySearchResult = new QuerySearchResult(new ShardSearchContextId("", shardIndex), searchShardTarget, null);
final TopDocs topDocs;
float maxScore = 0;
if (searchHitsSize == 0) {
topDocs = Lucene.EMPTY_TOP_DOCS;
} else {
int nDocs = randomIntBetween(0, searchHitsSize);
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[nDocs];
for (int i = 0; i < nDocs; i++) {
float score = useConstantScore ? 1.0F : Math.abs(randomFloat());
scoreDocs[i] = new ScoreDoc(i, score);
maxScore = Math.max(score, maxScore);
topDocs = new TopDocs(new TotalHits(scoreDocs.length, TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO), scoreDocs);
List<CompletionSuggestion> shardSuggestion = new ArrayList<>();
for (CompletionSuggestion completionSuggestion : suggestions) {
CompletionSuggestion suggestion = new CompletionSuggestion(completionSuggestion.getName(), completionSuggestion.getSize(), false);
final CompletionSuggestion.Entry completionEntry = new CompletionSuggestion.Entry(new Text(""), 0, 5);
int optionSize = randomIntBetween(1, suggestion.getSize());
float maxScoreValue = randomIntBetween(suggestion.getSize(), (int) Float.MAX_VALUE);
for (int i = 0; i < optionSize; i++) {
completionEntry.addOption(new CompletionSuggestion.Entry.Option(i, new Text(""), maxScoreValue, Collections.emptyMap()));
float dec = randomIntBetween(0, optionSize);
if (dec <= maxScoreValue) {
maxScoreValue -= dec;
querySearchResult.topDocs(new TopDocsAndMaxScore(topDocs, maxScore), null);
querySearchResult.suggest(new Suggest(new ArrayList<>(shardSuggestion)));
queryResults.set(shardIndex, querySearchResult);
return queryResults;
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the class SearchPhaseControllerTests method testConsumerOnlyAggs.
public void testConsumerOnlyAggs() throws Exception {
int expectedNumResults = randomIntBetween(1, 100);
int bufferSize = randomIntBetween(2, 200);
SearchRequest request = randomSearchRequest();
request.source(new SearchSourceBuilder().aggregation(AggregationBuilders.avg("foo")).size(0));
QueryPhaseResultConsumer consumer = searchPhaseController.newSearchPhaseResults(fixedExecutor, new NoopCircuitBreaker(CircuitBreaker.REQUEST), SearchProgressListener.NOOP, request, expectedNumResults, exc -> {
AtomicInteger max = new AtomicInteger();
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(expectedNumResults);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedNumResults; i++) {
int number = randomIntBetween(1, 1000);
max.updateAndGet(prev -> Math.max(prev, number));
QuerySearchResult result = new QuerySearchResult(new ShardSearchContextId("", i), new SearchShardTarget("node", new ShardId("a", "b", i), null, OriginalIndices.NONE), null);
result.topDocs(new TopDocsAndMaxScore(new TopDocs(new TotalHits(1, TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO), new ScoreDoc[0]), number), new DocValueFormat[0]);
InternalAggregations aggs = InternalAggregations.from(Collections.singletonList(new InternalMax("test", (double) number, DocValueFormat.RAW, Collections.emptyMap())));
consumer.consumeResult(result, latch::countDown);
SearchPhaseController.ReducedQueryPhase reduce = consumer.reduce();
InternalMax internalMax = (InternalMax) reduce.aggregations.asList().get(0);
assertEquals(max.get(), internalMax.getValue(), 0.0D);
assertEquals(0, reduce.sortedTopDocs.scoreDocs.length);
assertEquals(max.get(), reduce.maxScore, 0.0f);
assertEquals(expectedNumResults, reduce.totalHits.value);