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Example 1 with UTM

use of org.opensextant.geodesy.UTM in project Xponents by OpenSextant.

the class UTMParser method parseUTM.

     * TODO: Needs lots of false positive filtering mainly using context. Did
     * text indicate this is UTM?  Where there units, e.g., "m"?
     * Those things are currently optional.
     * @param text
     * @param elements
     * @return
public static UTM parseUTM(String text, Map<String, String> elements) {
    String z = elements.get("UTMZone");
    // 0-5\d
    String z1 = elements.get("UTMZoneZZ");
    //    \d
    String z2 = elements.get("UTMZoneZ");
    if (z == null) {
        z = (z1 != null ? z1 : z2);
    if (z == null) {
        return null;
    int ZZ = Integer.parseInt(z);
    String b = elements.get("UTMBand");
    if (b == null) {
        return null;
    // TODO:  is 'n' valid for UTM band?
    char h = b.charAt(0);
    if (h != UTM_NORTH && h != UTM_SOUTH) {
        h = UTM.getHemisphere(h);
    String e = elements.get("UTMEasting");
    String n = elements.get("UTMNorthing");
    Integer E = Integer.parseInt(e);
    Integer N = Integer.parseInt(n);
    UTM utm = new UTM(ZZ, h, E.doubleValue(), N.doubleValue());
    return utm;
Also used : UTM(org.opensextant.geodesy.UTM)

Example 2 with UTM

use of org.opensextant.geodesy.UTM in project Xponents by OpenSextant.

the class GeocoordNormalization method normalize_coordinate.

     * The match object is normalized, setting the coord_text and other data
     * from parsing "text" and knowing which pattern family was matched.
     * @param m match
     * @param groups fields
     * @throws NormalizationException
public static void normalize_coordinate(GeocoordMatch m, Map<String, TextEntity> groups) throws NormalizationException {
    // Hoaky Java 6 issue:  REGEX does not use named groups, so here we map both the value to
    // a text/offset pair (in groups) and provide just the key/text pairs  (_elements)
    Map<String, String> fieldValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (String name : groups.keySet()) {
        TextEntity val = groups.get(name);
        fieldValues.put(name, val.getText());
    if (m.cce_family_id == XConstants.DD_PATTERN) {
        // get lat text
        // lon text -- remove whitespace from both
        // coord_text = lat + ' ' + lon
        // set lat, lon
        // decDegLat, decDegLon, degSym, hemiLat, hemiLon
        DMSOrdinate ddlat = new DMSOrdinate(groups, fieldValues, DMLAT, m.getText());
        DMSOrdinate ddlon = new DMSOrdinate(groups, fieldValues, DMLON, m.getText());
        // Yield a cooridnate-only version of text; "+42.4440 -102.3333"
        // preserving the innate precision given in the original text.
        m.lat_text = ddlat.text;
        m.lon_text = ddlon.text;
        m.setCoordinate(ddlat, ddlon);
             * DD filters enabled.
             * To Disable: XCoord.RUNTIME_FLAGS XOR XConstants.DD_FILTERS_ON
        if ((XCoord.RUNTIME_FLAGS & XConstants.DD_FILTERS_ON) > 0) {
                 * With FILTERS ON if lat/lon have no ALPHA hemisphere, i.e.,
                 * ENSW * and if lat/lon text for match has no COORD symbology
                 * then this is likely not a DD coordinate -- filter out.
            if (!ddlon.hemisphere.isAlpha() && !ddlat.hemisphere.isAlpha()) {
                if (!ddlat.hasSymbols()) {
        } else {
            // DD filters OFF, so do not filter out
            m.setFilteredOut(!GeodeticUtility.validateCoordinate(m.getLatitude(), m.getLongitude()));
        m.coord_text = m.lat_text + " " + m.lon_text;
    } else if (m.cce_family_id == XConstants.DM_PATTERN) {
        // get lat text
        // lon text -- remove whitespace from both
        // coord_text = lat + ' ' + lon
        // set lat, lon
        DMSOrdinate dmlat = new DMSOrdinate(groups, fieldValues, DMLAT, m.getText());
        DMSOrdinate dmlon = new DMSOrdinate(groups, fieldValues, DMLON, m.getText());
        m.lat_text = dmlat.text;
        m.lon_text = dmlon.text;
        m.setCoordinate(dmlat, dmlon);
        if (!m.isFilteredOut()) {
        m.coord_text = m.lat_text + " " + m.lon_text;
    } else if (m.cce_family_id == XConstants.DMS_PATTERN) {
        // remove whitespace
        // set lat, lon
        DMSOrdinate dmlat = new DMSOrdinate(groups, fieldValues, DMLAT, m.getText());
        DMSOrdinate dmlon = new DMSOrdinate(groups, fieldValues, DMLON, m.getText());
        m.lat_text = dmlat.text;
        m.lon_text = dmlon.text;
        m.setCoordinate(dmlat, dmlon);
        if (!m.isFilteredOut()) {
        m.coord_text = m.lat_text + " " + m.lon_text;
    } else if (m.cce_family_id == XConstants.MGRS_PATTERN) {
        // Capture the normalized coord text just to aid in reporting in
        // error situations
        m.coord_text = TextUtils.delete_whitespace(m.getText());
        // TODO: make use of multiple answers.
        try {
            MGRS[] mgrs_candidates = MGRSParser.parseMGRS(m.getText(), m.coord_text, fieldValues);
            if (mgrs_candidates != null) {
                MGRS mgrs = mgrs_candidates[0];
                m.coord_text = mgrs.toString();
                Geodetic2DPoint pt = mgrs.toGeodetic2DPoint();
                if (mgrs_candidates.length == 2) {
                    mgrs = mgrs_candidates[1];
                    GeocoordMatch m2 = new GeocoordMatch();
                    m2.coord_text = mgrs.toString();
                    pt = mgrs.toGeodetic2DPoint();
                    // Really balanced?
        } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException parseErr) {
            //.debug("Failed to parse MGRS pattern with text=" + m.getText() + " COORD?:"
            //        + m.coord_text, parseErr);
            // No normalization was possible as this match represents an invalid MGRS value
        } catch (Exception err) {
            throw new NormalizationException("Failed to parse MGRS", err);
    } else if (m.cce_family_id == XConstants.UTM_PATTERN) {
        m.coord_text = TextUtils.delete_whitespace(m.getText());
        try {
            UTM utm = UTMParser.parseUTM(m.coord_text, fieldValues);
            if (utm != null) {
                Geodetic2DPoint pt = utm.getGeodetic();
                m.coord_text = utm.toString();
        } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException parseErr) {
            throw new NormalizationException("Failed to parse UTM pattern with text=" + m.getText() + " COORD?:" + m.coord_text, parseErr);
        // No normalization done.
        } catch (Exception err) {
            throw new NormalizationException("Failed to parse UTM pattern", err);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TextEntity(org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity) NormalizationException(org.opensextant.extraction.NormalizationException) UTM(org.opensextant.geodesy.UTM) NormalizationException(org.opensextant.extraction.NormalizationException) Geodetic2DPoint(org.opensextant.geodesy.Geodetic2DPoint) MGRS(org.opensextant.geodesy.MGRS)


UTM (org.opensextant.geodesy.UTM)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 NormalizationException (org.opensextant.extraction.NormalizationException)1 TextEntity (org.opensextant.extraction.TextEntity)1 Geodetic2DPoint (org.opensextant.geodesy.Geodetic2DPoint)1 MGRS (org.opensextant.geodesy.MGRS)1