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Example 1 with TaggerFstCorpus

use of org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus in project stanbol by apache.

the class CorpusCreationTask method call.

public TaggerFstCorpus call() {
    if (!indexConfig.isActive()) {
        String msg = "Index Configuration already deactivated";
        throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
    SolrCore core = indexConfig.getIndex();
    if (core.isClosed()) {
        String msg = "Unable to build " + fstInfo + " becuase SolrCore " + core.getName() + " is closed!";
        throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
    final TaggerFstCorpus corpus;
    RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> searcherRef = core.getSearcher();
    try {
        //STANBOL-1177: create FST models in AccessController.doPrivileged(..)
        final SolrIndexSearcher searcher = searcherRef.get();
        //we do get the AtomicReader, because TaggerFstCorpus will need it
        //anyways. This prevents to create another SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.
        final IndexReader reader = searcher.getAtomicReader();" ... build FST corpus for {}", fstInfo);
        corpus = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<TaggerFstCorpus>() {

            public TaggerFstCorpus run() throws IOException {
                return new TaggerFstCorpus(reader, searcher.getIndexReader().getVersion(), null, fstInfo.indexedField, fstInfo.storedField, fstInfo.analyzer, fstInfo.partialMatches, 1, 100);
        if (indexConfig.isActive()) {
            //set the created corpus to the FST Info
        } else {
            //index configuration no longer active ... ignore the built FST
            log.warn("Index Config for " + fstInfo + "was deactivated while building FST. " + "Built FST will be ignored.");
        return corpus;
    } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
        Exception e = pae.getException();
        if (e instanceof IOException) {
            //IO Exception while loading the file
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to read Information to build " + fstInfo + " from SolrIndex '" + core.getName() + "'!", e);
        } else {
            //Runtime exception
            throw RuntimeException.class.cast(e);
    } finally {
        //ensure that we dereference the searcher
Also used : PrivilegedActionException( SolrCore(org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore) IndexReader(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader) TaggerFstCorpus(org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus) SolrIndexSearcher( PrivilegedExceptionAction( IOException( PrivilegedActionException( IOException(

Example 2 with TaggerFstCorpus

use of org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus in project stanbol by apache.

the class CorpusCreationTask method run.

public void run() {
    TaggerFstCorpus corpus = null;
    RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> searcherRef = core.getSearcher();
    try {
        SolrIndexSearcher searcher = searcherRef.get();
        //we do get the AtomicReader, because TaggerFstCorpus will need it
        //anyways. This prevents to create another SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.
        IndexReader reader = searcher.getAtomicReader();" ... build {}", corpusInfo);
        corpus = new TaggerFstCorpus(reader, searcher.getIndexReader().getVersion(), null, corpusInfo.indexedField, corpusInfo.storedField, corpusInfo.analyzer, corpusInfo.partialMatches, 1, 200);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to read Information to build " + corpusInfo + " from SolrIndex '" + core.getName() + "'!", e);
    } finally {
        //ensure that we dereference the searcher
    if (corpusInfo.fst.exists()) {
        if (!FileUtils.deleteQuietly(corpusInfo.fst)) {
            log.warn("Unable to delete existing FST fiel for {}", corpusInfo);
    if (corpus.getPhrases() != null) {
        //the FST is not empty
        try {
            //NOTE saving an empty corpus results in a NPE
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to store FST corpus " + corpusInfo + " to " + corpusInfo.fst.getAbsolutePath() + "!", e);
    } else {"FST for {} is empty ... no FST will be stored", corpusInfo);
Also used : IndexReader(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader) TaggerFstCorpus(org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus) SolrIndexSearcher( IOException(

Example 3 with TaggerFstCorpus

use of org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus in project stanbol by apache.

the class TaggingSession method obtainFstCorpus.

     * Obtains the FST corpus for the parsed CorpusInfo. The other parameters
     * are just used for error messages in case this is not successful.
     * @param indexVersion the current version of the index
     * @param fstInfo the info about the corpus
     * @return the TaggerFstCorpus
     * @throws CorpusException if the requested corpus is currently not available
private TaggerFstCorpus obtainFstCorpus(Long indexVersion, CorpusInfo fstInfo) throws CorpusException {
    TaggerFstCorpus fstCorpus;
    fstCorpus = fstInfo.getCorpus();
    Future<TaggerFstCorpus> enqueuedCorpus = null;
    if (fstCorpus == null) {
        if (!fstInfo.allowCreation && fstInfo.isFstCreationError()) {
            throw new CorpusException(fstInfo.getErrorMessage(), null);
        try {
            enqueuedCorpus = fstInfo.getEnqueued();
        } finally {
        if (//not enqueued
        enqueuedCorpus == null && fstInfo.allowCreation) {
            log.debug(" - enqueue creation of {}", fstInfo);
            enqueuedCorpus = enqueue(fstInfo);
        if (enqueuedCorpus == null) {
            throw new CorpusException("Unable to abtain Fst Corpus for " + fstInfo + "(message: " + fstInfo.getErrorMessage() + ")!", null);
    } else {
        //check if the current FST corpus is up to date with the Solr index
        if (indexVersion != null && indexVersion.longValue() != fstCorpus.getIndexVersion()) {
            log.debug(" - FST corpus for language '{}' is outdated", fstInfo.language);
            try {
                enqueuedCorpus = fstInfo.getEnqueued();
            } finally {
            if (//not already enqueued
            enqueuedCorpus == null && fstInfo.allowCreation && config.getExecutorService() != null) {
                log.debug(" - enqueue creation of {}", fstInfo);
                enqueuedCorpus = enqueue(fstInfo);
            } else {
                log.warn("Unable to update outdated FST corpus for language '{}' " + "because runtimeCreation is {} and ExecutorServic " + "is {} available!", new Object[] { fstInfo.language, fstInfo.allowCreation ? "enabled" : "disabled", config.getExecutorService() == null ? "not" : "" });
                log.warn("  ... please adapt the Engine configuration for up " + "to date FST corpora!");
        } else {
            //FST corpus is up to date with the current Solr index version
            log.debug("FST corpus for language '{}' is up to date", fstInfo.language);
    //TODO: maybe make this configurable
    int waitTime = fstCorpus == null ? 30 : 10;
    if (enqueuedCorpus != null) {
        //we needed to build a new corpus
        try {
            log.debug(" - will wait max {}sec for creation of {}", waitTime, fstInfo);
            fstCorpus = enqueuedCorpus.get(waitTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            //recover interrupted state
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to update outdated FST corpus " + fstInfo + " (message: " + fstInfo.getErrorMessage() + ")", e);
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
            if (fstCorpus != null) {
                log.debug("unable to build FST corpus for {} in time ({}sec). Will use " + "previouse version ", fstInfo, waitTime);
            } else {
                throw new CorpusException("Unable to build Fst Corpus for " + fstInfo + "within " + waitTime + "sec! Try again later.", null);
        } catch (CancellationException e) {
            if (fstCorpus != null) {
                log.debug("building of  FST corpus for {} was cancelled. Will use " + "previouse version.", fstInfo);
            } else {
                throw new CorpusException("Building of FST Corpus " + fstInfo + "was cancelled!", null);
    return fstCorpus;
Also used : CancellationException(java.util.concurrent.CancellationException) TaggerFstCorpus(org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)

Example 4 with TaggerFstCorpus

use of org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus in project stanbol by apache.

the class FstLinkingEngineComponent method updateEngineRegistration.

     * This will be called on each <ul>
     * <li>update to the Component configuration (activate, deactivate)
     * <li>updates on the SolrCore
     * </ul>
     * on any detected change it will update the registered EnhancementEngine.<p>
     * This also initialises the FST configuration.
     * @param reference the ServiceRefernece for the SolrServer or <code>null</code>
     * in case the service is no longer available.
     * @param server the SolrServer (or <code>null</code>
protected void updateEngineRegistration(ServiceReference reference, SolrServer server) {" ... updateEngineRegistration for {}: {}", getClass().getSimpleName(), engineName);
    if (reference != null && server == null) {
        server = solrServerTracker.getService(reference);
    if (reference == null && this.indexReference == null) {
        //and return
    BundleContext bundleContext = this.bundleContext;
    //We need to keep the old configuration vars for unregistering the
    //current engine (see #unregisterEngine(..) method)
    final ServiceRegistration<?> oldEngineRegistration = this.engineRegistration;
    final SolrCore oldSolrCore = this.solrCore;
    final IndexConfiguration oldIndexConfig = this.indexConfig;
    SolrCore core;
    // the indexConfig build by this call
    IndexConfiguration indexConfig;
    synchronized (this) {
        //init one after the other in case of multiple calls
        try {
            //try to init - finally unregisterEngine
            //reset the old field values
            this.engineRegistration = null;
            this.indexConfig = null;
            this.solrCore = null;
            //now we can update the engines configuration
            if (bundleContext == null) {
                //NOTE: unregistering is done in finally block
            core = getSolrCore(server);
            if (core == null) {
                //no SolrCore
      "   - SolrCore {} present", oldSolrCore == null ? "not yet" : "no longer");
                //NOTE: unregistering is done in finally block
            } else {
                //- we do have a SolrCore
      "    - solrCore (name: {} | indexDir: {}", core.getName(), core.getIndexDir());
            //File fstDir = new File(dataDir,"fst");
            //now collect the FST configuration
            indexConfig = new IndexConfiguration(fstConfig, core, fieldEncoding, entityLinkerConfig.getDefaultLanguage());
            //set fields parsed in the activate method
            //TODO add support
            //NOTE: the FST cofnig is processed even if the SolrCore has not changed
            //      because their might be config changes and/or new FST files in the
            //      FST directory of the SolrCore.
            indexConfig.setFstDirectory(getFstDirectory(core, fstFolder));
            //set the DocumentCacheFactory
            if (entityCacheSize > 0) {
                indexConfig.setEntityCacheManager(new FastLRUCacheManager(entityCacheSize));
            //else no entityCache is used
            if (skipAltTokensConfig != null) {
            //activate the index configuration
            try {
                //this will init the FST directory if necessary so we might run
                //into IOExceptions
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to activate Index for FST Linking Engine '" + engineName + "' (solrCore: " + core.getName() + ", instanceDir: " + core.getCoreDescriptor().getInstanceDir() + ")!", e);
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                //log the initialised languages
                Set<String> langSet = new HashSet<String>(indexConfig.getCorpusLanguages());
                if (langSet.remove(null)) {
                    //replace the null for the default language
                    //with an empty string
                String[] langArray = langSet.toArray(new String[langSet.size()]);
                Arrays.sort(langArray, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
      " ... initialised FST corpora for languages {}", Arrays.toString(langArray));
            //check if we need to create some FST files
            for (CorpusInfo fstInfo : indexConfig.getCorpora()) {
                //check if the fst does not exist and the fstInfo allows creation
                if (!fstInfo.fst.exists() && fstInfo.allowCreation) {
                    //create a task on the FST corpus creation service
                    try {
                        Future<TaggerFstCorpus> enqueued = fstCreatorService.submit(new CorpusCreationTask(indexConfig, fstInfo));
                    } finally {
            //set the newly configured instances to the fields
            this.indexConfig = indexConfig;
            this.solrServerReference = reference;
            this.solrCore = core;
            //create the new FST linking engine instance
            FstLinkingEngine engine = new FstLinkingEngine(engineName, linkingMode, indexConfig, textProcessingConfig, entityLinkerConfig, nerTypeMappings);
            //register it as a service
            String[] services = new String[] { EnhancementEngine.class.getName(), ServiceProperties.class.getName() };
  " ... register {}: {}", engine.getClass().getSimpleName(), engineName);
            this.engineRegistration = bundleContext.registerService(services, engine, engineMetadata);
        } finally {
            //in any case (even an Exception) ensure that the current
            //engine registration is unregistered and the currently used
            //SolrCore is unregistered!
            unregisterEngine(oldEngineRegistration, oldIndexConfig, oldSolrCore);
Also used : SolrCore(org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore) TaggerFstCorpus(org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus) IOException( FastLRUCacheManager(org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.lucenefstlinking.cache.FastLRUCacheManager) BundleContext(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 5 with TaggerFstCorpus

use of org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus in project stanbol by apache.

the class CorpusInfo method getCorpus.

public TaggerFstCorpus getCorpus() {
    TaggerFstCorpus corpus;
    try {
        corpus = taggerCorpusRef == null ? null : taggerCorpusRef.get();
        if (corpus != null) {
            //on first usage replace a WeakReference with a SoftReference
            if (taggerCorpusRef instanceof WeakReference<?>) {
                log.debug(" ... convert Weak to Soft Reference for Corpus {}", fst);
                taggerCorpusRef = new SoftReference<TaggerFstCorpus>(corpus);
        } else if (taggerCorpusRef != null) {
            //reset to null as the reference was taken
            taggerCorpusRef = null;
    } finally {
    if (corpus == null) {" ... load FST corpus {}", fst);
        try {
            //STANBOL-1177: load FST models in AccessController.doPrivileged(..)
            corpus = taggerCorpusRef == null ? null : taggerCorpusRef.get();
            if (corpus == null) {
                //corpus not loaded while waiting for the write lock
                corpus = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<TaggerFstCorpus>() {

                    public TaggerFstCorpus run() throws IOException {
                        if (//if the file exists AND the file was not yet failing to load 
                        fst.exists() && //OR the file is newer as the last version failing to load
                        (!fstFileError || FileUtils.isFileNewer(fst, fstDate))) {
                            TaggerFstCorpus corpus = TaggerFstCorpus.load(fst);
                            if (corpus != null) {
                                //I need to set fstDate here, because I can not
                                //access lastModified() outside doPrivileged
                                fstDate = new Date(fst.lastModified());
                                if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                          " ... loaded FST (date: {})", SimpleDateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(fstDate));
                            } else {
                                log.warn(" ... no corpus loaded from {}", fst);
                            return corpus;
                        } else {
                            log.warn(" ... unable to load FST from {} (exists: {}, fileError {})", new Object[] { fst, fst.exists(), fstFileError });
                            return null;
                if (corpus != null) {
                    fstFileError = false;
                    taggerCorpusRef = new SoftReference<TaggerFstCorpus>(corpus);
            //else not loaded from file
        //else corpus was loaded while waiting for the write lock
        } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
            Exception e = pae.getException();
            if (e instanceof IOException) {
                //IO Exception while loading the file
                this.errorMessage = new StringBuilder("Unable to load FST corpus from " + "FST file: '").append(fst.getAbsolutePath()).append("' (Message: ").append(e.getMessage()).append(")!").toString();
                log.warn(errorMessage, e);
                fstFileError = true;
            } else {
                //Runtime exception
                throw RuntimeException.class.cast(e);
        } finally {
    return corpus;
Also used : PrivilegedActionException( WeakReference(java.lang.ref.WeakReference) TaggerFstCorpus(org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus) PrivilegedExceptionAction( IOException( Date(java.util.Date) PrivilegedActionException( IOException(


TaggerFstCorpus (org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggerFstCorpus)5 IOException ( PrivilegedActionException ( PrivilegedExceptionAction ( IndexReader (org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader)2 SolrCore (org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore)2 SolrIndexSearcher ( WeakReference (java.lang.ref.WeakReference)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 CancellationException (java.util.concurrent.CancellationException)1 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)1 TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)1 FastLRUCacheManager (org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.lucenefstlinking.cache.FastLRUCacheManager)1 BundleContext (org.osgi.framework.BundleContext)1