use of org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.RelationContainerIterator in project osmosis by openstreetmap.
the class PostgreSqlDatasetContext method iterate.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer> iterate() {
List<Bound> bounds;
List<ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer>> sources;
if (!initialized) {
// Build the bounds list.
bounds = new ArrayList<Bound>();
bounds.add(new Bound("Osmosis " + OsmosisConstants.VERSION));
sources = new ArrayList<ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer>>();
sources.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, BoundContainer>(new BoundContainerIterator(new ReleasableAdaptorForIterator<Bound>(bounds.iterator()))));
sources.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, NodeContainer>(new NodeContainerIterator(nodeDao.iterate())));
sources.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, WayContainer>(new WayContainerIterator(wayDao.iterate())));
sources.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, RelationContainer>(new RelationContainerIterator(relationDao.iterate())));
return new MultipleSourceIterator<EntityContainer>(sources);
use of org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.RelationContainerIterator in project osmosis by openstreetmap.
the class PostgreSqlDatasetContext method iterateBoundingBox.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer> iterateBoundingBox(double left, double right, double top, double bottom, boolean completeWays) {
List<Bound> bounds;
Point[] bboxPoints;
Polygon bboxPolygon;
int rowCount;
List<ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer>> resultSets;
if (!initialized) {
// Build the bounds list.
bounds = new ArrayList<Bound>();
bounds.add(new Bound(right, left, top, bottom, "Osmosis " + OsmosisConstants.VERSION));
// PostgreSQL sometimes incorrectly chooses to perform full table scans, these options
// prevent this. Note that this is not recommended practice according to documentation
// but fixing this would require modifying the table statistics gathering
// configuration to produce better plans.
jdbcTemplate.update("SET enable_seqscan = false");
jdbcTemplate.update("SET enable_mergejoin = false");
jdbcTemplate.update("SET enable_hashjoin = false");
// Build a polygon representing the bounding box.
// Sample box for query testing may be:
// GeomFromText('POLYGON((144.93912192855174 -37.82981987499741,
// 144.93912192855174 -37.79310006709244, 144.98188026000003
// -37.79310006709244, 144.98188026000003 -37.82981987499741,
// 144.93912192855174 -37.82981987499741))', -1)
bboxPoints = new Point[5];
bboxPoints[0] = new Point(left, bottom);
bboxPoints[1] = new Point(left, top);
bboxPoints[2] = new Point(right, top);
bboxPoints[3] = new Point(right, bottom);
bboxPoints[4] = new Point(left, bottom);
bboxPolygon = polygonBuilder.createPolygon(bboxPoints);
// Select all nodes inside the box into the node temp table.
LOG.finer("Selecting all nodes inside bounding box.");
rowCount = jdbcTemplate.update("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bbox_nodes ON COMMIT DROP AS" + " SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (geom && ?)", new PGgeometry(bboxPolygon));
LOG.finer("Adding a primary key to the temporary nodes table.");
jdbcTemplate.update("ALTER TABLE ONLY bbox_nodes ADD CONSTRAINT pk_bbox_nodes PRIMARY KEY (id)");
LOG.finer("Updating query analyzer statistics on the temporary nodes table.");
jdbcTemplate.update("ANALYZE bbox_nodes");
// Select all ways inside the bounding box into the way temp table.
if (capabilityChecker.isWayLinestringSupported()) {
LOG.finer("Selecting all ways inside bounding box using way linestring geometry.");
// We have full way geometry available so select ways
// overlapping the requested bounding box.
rowCount = jdbcTemplate.update("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bbox_ways ON COMMIT DROP AS" + " SELECT * FROM ways WHERE (linestring && ?)", new PGgeometry(bboxPolygon));
} else if (capabilityChecker.isWayBboxSupported()) {
LOG.finer("Selecting all ways inside bounding box using dynamically built" + " way linestring with way bbox indexing.");
// The inner query selects the way id and node coordinates for
// all ways constrained by the way bounding box which is
// indexed.
// The middle query converts the way node coordinates into
// linestrings.
// The outer query constrains the query to the linestrings
// inside the bounding box. These aren't indexed but the inner
// query way bbox constraint will minimise the unnecessary data.
rowCount = jdbcTemplate.update("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bbox_ways ON COMMIT DROP AS" + " SELECT w.* FROM (" + "SELECT AS id, First(c.version) AS version, First(c.user_id) AS user_id," + " First(c.tstamp) AS tstamp, First(c.changeset_id) AS changeset_id, First(c.tags) AS tags," + " First(c.nodes) AS nodes, ST_MakeLine(c.geom) AS way_line FROM (" + "SELECT w.*, n.geom AS geom FROM nodes n" + " INNER JOIN way_nodes wn ON = wn.node_id" + " INNER JOIN ways w ON wn.way_id =" + " WHERE (w.bbox && ?) ORDER BY wn.way_id, wn.sequence_id" + ") c " + "GROUP BY" + ") w " + "WHERE (w.way_line && ?)", new PGgeometry(bboxPolygon), new PGgeometry(bboxPolygon));
} else {
LOG.finer("Selecting all way ids inside bounding box using already selected nodes.");
// No way bbox support is available so select ways containing
// the selected nodes.
rowCount = jdbcTemplate.update("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bbox_ways ON COMMIT DROP AS" + " SELECT w.* FROM ways w" + " INNER JOIN (" + " SELECT wn.way_id FROM way_nodes wn" + " INNER JOIN bbox_nodes n ON wn.node_id = GROUP BY wn.way_id" + ") wids ON = wids.way_id");
LOG.finer(rowCount + " rows affected.");
LOG.finer("Adding a primary key to the temporary ways table.");
jdbcTemplate.update("ALTER TABLE ONLY bbox_ways ADD CONSTRAINT pk_bbox_ways PRIMARY KEY (id)");
LOG.finer("Updating query analyzer statistics on the temporary ways table.");
jdbcTemplate.update("ANALYZE bbox_ways");
// Select all relations containing the nodes or ways into the relation table.
LOG.finer("Selecting all relation ids containing selected nodes or ways.");
rowCount = jdbcTemplate.update("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bbox_relations ON COMMIT DROP AS" + " SELECT r.* FROM relations r" + " INNER JOIN (" + " SELECT relation_id FROM (" + " SELECT rm.relation_id AS relation_id FROM relation_members rm" + " INNER JOIN bbox_nodes n ON rm.member_id = WHERE rm.member_type = 'N' " + " UNION " + " SELECT rm.relation_id AS relation_id FROM relation_members rm" + " INNER JOIN bbox_ways w ON rm.member_id = WHERE rm.member_type = 'W'" + " ) rids GROUP BY relation_id" + ") rids ON = rids.relation_id");
LOG.finer(rowCount + " rows affected.");
LOG.finer("Adding a primary key to the temporary relations table.");
jdbcTemplate.update("ALTER TABLE ONLY bbox_relations ADD CONSTRAINT pk_bbox_relations PRIMARY KEY (id)");
LOG.finer("Updating query analyzer statistics on the temporary relations table.");
jdbcTemplate.update("ANALYZE bbox_relations");
// relation table and repeat until no more inclusions occur.
do {
LOG.finer("Selecting parent relations of selected relations.");
rowCount = jdbcTemplate.update("INSERT INTO bbox_relations " + "SELECT r.* FROM relations r INNER JOIN (" + " SELECT rm.relation_id FROM relation_members rm" + " INNER JOIN bbox_relations br ON rm.member_id =" + " WHERE rm.member_type = 'R' AND NOT EXISTS (" + " SELECT * FROM bbox_relations br2 WHERE rm.relation_id =" + " ) GROUP BY rm.relation_id" + ") rids ON = rids.relation_id");
LOG.finer(rowCount + " rows affected.");
} while (rowCount > 0);
LOG.finer("Updating query analyzer statistics on the temporary relations table.");
jdbcTemplate.update("ANALYZE bbox_relations");
// If complete ways is set, select all nodes contained by the ways into the node temp table.
if (completeWays) {
LOG.finer("Selecting all nodes for selected ways.");
jdbcTemplate.update("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bbox_way_nodes (id bigint) ON COMMIT DROP");
jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT unnest_bbox_way_nodes()");
jdbcTemplate.update("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bbox_missing_way_nodes ON COMMIT DROP AS " + "SELECT FROM (SELECT DISTINCT FROM bbox_way_nodes bwn) buwn " + "WHERE NOT EXISTS (" + " SELECT * FROM bbox_nodes WHERE id =" + ");");
jdbcTemplate.update("ALTER TABLE ONLY bbox_missing_way_nodes" + " ADD CONSTRAINT pk_bbox_missing_way_nodes PRIMARY KEY (id)");
jdbcTemplate.update("ANALYZE bbox_missing_way_nodes");
rowCount = jdbcTemplate.update("INSERT INTO bbox_nodes " + "SELECT n.* FROM nodes n INNER JOIN bbox_missing_way_nodes bwn ON =;");
LOG.finer(rowCount + " rows affected.");
LOG.finer("Updating query analyzer statistics on the temporary nodes table.");
jdbcTemplate.update("ANALYZE bbox_nodes");
// Create iterators for the selected records for each of the entity types.
LOG.finer("Iterating over results.");
resultSets = new ArrayList<ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer>>();
resultSets.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, BoundContainer>(new BoundContainerIterator(new ReleasableAdaptorForIterator<Bound>(bounds.iterator()))));
resultSets.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, NodeContainer>(new NodeContainerIterator(nodeDao.iterate("bbox_"))));
resultSets.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, WayContainer>(new WayContainerIterator(wayDao.iterate("bbox_"))));
resultSets.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, RelationContainer>(new RelationContainerIterator(relationDao.iterate("bbox_"))));
// Merge all readers into a single result iterator and return.
return new MultipleSourceIterator<EntityContainer>(resultSets);
use of org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.RelationContainerIterator in project osmosis by openstreetmap.
the class PostgreSqlDatasetContext method iterateBoundingBox.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer> iterateBoundingBox(double left, double right, double top, double bottom, boolean completeWays) {
List<Bound> bounds;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
int prmIndex;
Point[] bboxPoints;
Polygon bboxPolygon;
MemberTypeValueMapper memberTypeValueMapper;
int rowCount;
List<ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer>> resultSets;
if (!initialized) {
// Build the bounds list.
bounds = new ArrayList<Bound>();
bounds.add(new Bound(right, left, top, bottom, "Osmosis " + OsmosisConstants.VERSION));
try {
// PostgreSQL sometimes incorrectly chooses to perform full table scans, these options
// prevent this. Note that this is not recommended practice according to documentation
// but fixing this would require modifying the table statistics gathering
// configuration to produce better plans.
dbCtx.executeStatement("SET enable_seqscan = false");
dbCtx.executeStatement("SET enable_mergejoin = false");
dbCtx.executeStatement("SET enable_hashjoin = false");
// Create a temporary table capable of holding node ids.
LOG.finer("Creating node id temp table.");
dbCtx.executeStatement("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE box_node_list (id bigint PRIMARY KEY) ON COMMIT DROP");
// Create a temporary table capable of holding way ids.
LOG.finer("Creating way id temp table.");
dbCtx.executeStatement("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE box_way_list (id bigint PRIMARY KEY) ON COMMIT DROP");
// Create a temporary table capable of holding relation ids.
LOG.finer("Creating relation id temp table.");
dbCtx.executeStatement("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE box_relation_list (id bigint PRIMARY KEY) ON COMMIT DROP");
// Build a polygon representing the bounding box.
// Sample box for query testing may be:
// GeomFromText('POLYGON((144.93912192855174 -37.82981987499741,
// 144.93912192855174 -37.79310006709244, 144.98188026000003
// -37.79310006709244, 144.98188026000003 -37.82981987499741,
// 144.93912192855174 -37.82981987499741))', -1)
bboxPoints = new Point[5];
bboxPoints[0] = new Point(left, bottom);
bboxPoints[1] = new Point(left, top);
bboxPoints[2] = new Point(right, top);
bboxPoints[3] = new Point(right, bottom);
bboxPoints[4] = new Point(left, bottom);
bboxPolygon = polygonBuilder.createPolygon(bboxPoints);
// Instantiate the mapper for converting between entity types and
// member type values.
memberTypeValueMapper = new MemberTypeValueMapper();
// Select all nodes inside the box into the node temp table.
LOG.finer("Selecting all node ids inside bounding box.");
preparedStatement = dbCtx.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO box_node_list SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE (geom && ?)");
prmIndex = 1;
preparedStatement.setObject(prmIndex++, new PGgeometry(bboxPolygon));
rowCount = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
preparedStatement = null;
LOG.finer(rowCount + " rows affected.");
// Select all ways inside the bounding box into the way temp table.
if (capabilityChecker.isWayLinestringSupported()) {
LOG.finer("Selecting all way ids inside bounding box using way linestring geometry.");
// We have full way geometry available so select ways
// overlapping the requested bounding box.
preparedStatement = dbCtx.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO box_way_list " + "SELECT id FROM ways w where w.linestring && ?");
prmIndex = 1;
preparedStatement.setObject(prmIndex++, new PGgeometry(bboxPolygon));
} else if (capabilityChecker.isWayBboxSupported()) {
LOG.finer("Selecting all way ids inside bounding box using dynamically built" + " way linestring with way bbox indexing.");
// The inner query selects the way id and node coordinates for
// all ways constrained by the way bounding box which is
// indexed.
// The middle query converts the way node coordinates into
// linestrings.
// The outer query constrains the query to the linestrings
// inside the bounding box. These aren't indexed but the inner
// query way bbox constraint will minimise the unnecessary data.
preparedStatement = dbCtx.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO box_way_list " + "SELECT way_id FROM (" + "SELECT c.way_id AS way_id, ST_MakeLine(c.geom) AS way_line FROM (" + "SELECT AS way_id, n.geom AS geom FROM nodes n" + " INNER JOIN way_nodes wn ON = wn.node_id" + " INNER JOIN ways w ON wn.way_id =" + " WHERE (w.bbox && ?) ORDER BY wn.way_id, wn.sequence_id" + ") c " + "GROUP BY c.way_id" + ") w " + "WHERE (w.way_line && ?)");
prmIndex = 1;
preparedStatement.setObject(prmIndex++, new PGgeometry(bboxPolygon));
preparedStatement.setObject(prmIndex++, new PGgeometry(bboxPolygon));
} else {
LOG.finer("Selecting all way ids inside bounding box using already selected nodes.");
// No way bbox support is available so select ways containing
// the selected nodes.
preparedStatement = dbCtx.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO box_way_list " + "SELECT wn.way_id FROM way_nodes wn INNER JOIN box_node_list n ON wn.node_id =" + " GROUP BY wn.way_id");
rowCount = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
preparedStatement = null;
LOG.finer(rowCount + " rows affected.");
// Select all relations containing the nodes or ways into the relation table.
LOG.finer("Selecting all relation ids containing selected nodes or ways.");
preparedStatement = dbCtx.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO box_relation_list (" + "SELECT rm.relation_id AS relation_id FROM relation_members rm" + " INNER JOIN box_node_list n ON rm.member_id = WHERE rm.member_type = ? " + "UNION " + "SELECT rm.relation_id AS relation_id FROM relation_members rm" + " INNER JOIN box_way_list w ON rm.member_id = WHERE rm.member_type = ?" + ")");
prmIndex = 1;
preparedStatement.setString(prmIndex++, memberTypeValueMapper.getMemberType(EntityType.Node));
preparedStatement.setString(prmIndex++, memberTypeValueMapper.getMemberType(EntityType.Way));
rowCount = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
preparedStatement = null;
LOG.finer(rowCount + " rows affected.");
// relation table and repeat until no more inclusions occur.
do {
LOG.finer("Selecting parent relations of selected relations.");
preparedStatement = dbCtx.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO box_relation_list " + "SELECT rm.relation_id AS relation_id FROM relation_members rm" + " INNER JOIN box_relation_list r ON rm.member_id = WHERE rm.member_type = ? " + "EXCEPT " + "SELECT id AS relation_id FROM box_relation_list");
prmIndex = 1;
preparedStatement.setString(prmIndex++, memberTypeValueMapper.getMemberType(EntityType.Relation));
rowCount = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
preparedStatement = null;
LOG.finer(rowCount + " rows affected.");
} while (rowCount > 0);
// If complete ways is set, select all nodes contained by the ways into the node temp table.
if (completeWays) {
LOG.finer("Selecting all node ids for selected ways.");
preparedStatement = dbCtx.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO box_node_list " + "SELECT wn.node_id AS id FROM way_nodes wn INNER JOIN box_way_list bw ON wn.way_id = " + "EXCEPT " + "SELECT id AS node_id FROM box_node_list");
prmIndex = 1;
rowCount = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
preparedStatement = null;
LOG.finer(rowCount + " rows affected.");
// Analyse the temporary tables to give the query planner the best chance of producing good queries.
dbCtx.executeStatement("ANALYZE box_node_list");
dbCtx.executeStatement("ANALYZE box_way_list");
dbCtx.executeStatement("ANALYZE box_relation_list");
// Create iterators for the selected records for each of the entity types.
LOG.finer("Iterating over results.");
resultSets = new ArrayList<ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer>>();
resultSets.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, BoundContainer>(new BoundContainerIterator(new ReleasableAdaptorForIterator<Bound>(bounds.iterator()))));
resultSets.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, NodeContainer>(new NodeContainerIterator(new NodeReader(dbCtx, "box_node_list"))));
resultSets.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, WayContainer>(new WayContainerIterator(new WayReader(dbCtx, "box_way_list"))));
resultSets.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, RelationContainer>(new RelationContainerIterator(new RelationReader(dbCtx, "box_relation_list"))));
// Merge all readers into a single result iterator and return.
return new MultipleSourceIterator<EntityContainer>(resultSets);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new OsmosisRuntimeException("Unable to perform bounding box queries.", e);
} finally {
if (preparedStatement != null) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
// We are already in an error condition so log and continue.
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to close prepared statement.", e);
use of org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.container.v0_6.RelationContainerIterator in project osmosis by openstreetmap.
the class PostgreSqlDatasetContext method iterate.
* {@inheritDoc}
public ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer> iterate() {
List<Bound> bounds;
List<ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer>> sources;
if (!initialized) {
// Build the bounds list.
bounds = new ArrayList<Bound>();
bounds.add(new Bound("Osmosis " + OsmosisConstants.VERSION));
sources = new ArrayList<ReleasableIterator<EntityContainer>>();
sources.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, BoundContainer>(new BoundContainerIterator(new ReleasableAdaptorForIterator<Bound>(bounds.iterator()))));
sources.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, NodeContainer>(new NodeContainerIterator(nodeDao.iterate())));
sources.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, WayContainer>(new WayContainerIterator(wayDao.iterate())));
sources.add(new UpcastIterator<EntityContainer, RelationContainer>(new RelationContainerIterator(relationDao.iterate())));
return new MultipleSourceIterator<EntityContainer>(sources);