use of org.opentosca.planbuilder.core.plugins.artifactbased.IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin in project container by OpenTOSCA.
the class BPELScopeBuilder method createOperationChain.
* Creates a complete ProvisioningChain for the given NodeTemplate
* @param nodeTemplate an TNodeTemplate to create a ProvisioningChain for
* @return a complete ProvisioningChain
public OperationChain createOperationChain(BPELPlanContext context, final TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate, final List<String> operationNames) {
// get nodetype implementations
final Collection<TNodeTypeImplementation> nodeTypeImpls = ModelUtils.findNodeTypeImplementation(nodeTemplate, context.getCsar());
if (nodeTypeImpls.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("No implementations available for NodeTemplate {} , can't generate Provisioning logic", nodeTemplate.getId());
return null;
final OperationChain chain = new OperationChain(nodeTemplate);
// calculate infrastructure nodes
final List<TNodeTemplate> infraNodes = new ArrayList<>();
ModelUtils.getInfrastructureNodes(nodeTemplate, infraNodes, context.getCsar());
// we'll add here a dummy infra node, representing the management
// infrastructure of the tosca engine (WAR IA's implementing tosca
// operation,..)
infraNodes.add(new TOSCAManagementInfrastructureNodeTemplate());
// check for IA Plugins
final List<IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin<?>> iaPlugins = pluginRegistry.getIaPlugins();
final List<IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin<BPELPlanContext>> iaPlugins2 = Lists.newArrayList();
iaPlugins.forEach(x -> iaPlugins2.add((IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin<BPELPlanContext>) x));
LOG.debug("Calculating best IA candidates for nodeTemplate {} ", nodeTemplate.getId());
// calculate nodeImpl candidates where all IAs of each can be
// provisioned
calculateBestImplementationIACandidates(context, nodeTypeImpls, iaPlugins2, infraNodes, chain);
for (final IANodeTypeImplCandidate wrapper : chain.iaCandidates) {
final int length = wrapper.ias.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final TImplementationArtifact ia = wrapper.ias.get(i);
final TNodeTemplate infraNode = wrapper.infraNodes.get(i);
final IPlanBuilderPlugin plugin = wrapper.plugins.get(i);
LOG.debug("Found IA {} for deployment on the InfraNode {} with the Plugin {}", ia.getName(), infraNode.getId(), plugin.getID());
// check for DA Plugins
final List<IPlanBuilderPrePhaseDAPlugin<?>> daPlugins = pluginRegistry.getDaPlugins();
final List<IPlanBuilderPrePhaseDAPlugin<BPELPlanContext>> daPlugins2 = Lists.newArrayList();
daPlugins.forEach(x -> daPlugins2.add((IPlanBuilderPrePhaseDAPlugin<BPELPlanContext>) x));
// calculate nodeImpl candidates where all DAs of each can be
// provisioned
calculateBestImplementationDACandidates(context, nodeTemplate, nodeTypeImpls, daPlugins2, infraNodes, chain);
for (final DANodeTypeImplCandidate wrapper : chain.daCandidates) {
final int length = wrapper.das.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final TDeploymentArtifact da = wrapper.das.get(i);
final TNodeTemplate infraNode = wrapper.infraNodes.get(i);
final IPlanBuilderPlugin plugin = wrapper.plugins.get(i);
LOG.debug("Found DA {} for deployment on the InfraNode {} with the Plugin {}", da.getName(), infraNode.getId(), plugin.getID());
// filter for nodeTypeImpl Candidates where both DAs and IAs can
// be provisioned
// check for prov plugins
final List<IPlanBuilderProvPhaseOperationPlugin<?>> provPlugins = pluginRegistry.getProvPlugins();
// search for prov plugins according to the chosen IA provisionings in
// the chain
calculateProvPlugins(chain, provPlugins, context.getCsar());
// filter ia and da candidates where the operations can't be executed
// order provisioning candidates
// TODO consistency plugins
// select provisioning
selectProvisioning(chain, operationNames);
return chain;
use of org.opentosca.planbuilder.core.plugins.artifactbased.IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin in project container by OpenTOSCA.
the class BPELScopeBuilder method createOperationCall.
* Creates a complete ProvisioningChain for the given NodeTemplate
* @param nodeTemplate an TNodeTemplate to create a ProvisioningChain for
* @return a complete ProvisioningChain
public OperationChain createOperationCall(BPELPlanContext context, final TNodeTemplate nodeTemplate, final String interfaceName, final String operationName) {
// get nodetype implementations
final Collection<TNodeTypeImplementation> nodeTypeImpls = ModelUtils.findNodeTypeImplementation(nodeTemplate, context.getCsar());
if (nodeTypeImpls.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("No implementations available for NodeTemplate {} , can't generate Provisioning logic", nodeTemplate.getId());
return null;
final OperationChain chain = new OperationChain(nodeTemplate);
// calculate infrastructure nodes
final List<TNodeTemplate> infraNodes = new ArrayList<>();
ModelUtils.getInfrastructureNodes(nodeTemplate, infraNodes, context.getCsar());
// we'll add here a dummy infra node, representing the management
// infrastructure of the tosca engine (WAR IA's implementing tosca
// operation,..)
infraNodes.add(new TOSCAManagementInfrastructureNodeTemplate());
// check for IA Plugins
final List<IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin<?>> iaPlugins = pluginRegistry.getIaPlugins();
final List<IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin<BPELPlanContext>> iaPlugins2 = Lists.newArrayList();
iaPlugins.forEach(x -> iaPlugins2.add((IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin<BPELPlanContext>) x));
LOG.debug("Calculating best IA candidates for nodeTemplate {} ", nodeTemplate.getId());
// calculate nodeImpl candidates where all IAs of each can be
// provisioned
calculateBestImplementationIACandidates(context, nodeTypeImpls, iaPlugins2, infraNodes, chain, interfaceName, operationName);
for (final IANodeTypeImplCandidate iaCandidate : chain.iaCandidates) {
final int length = iaCandidate.ias.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final TImplementationArtifact ia = iaCandidate.ias.get(i);
final TNodeTemplate infraNode = iaCandidate.infraNodes.get(i);
final IPlanBuilderPlugin plugin = iaCandidate.plugins.get(i);
LOG.debug("Found IA {} for deployment on the InfraNode {} with the Plugin {}", ia.getName(), infraNode.getId(), plugin.getID());
// check for prov plugins
final List<IPlanBuilderProvPhaseOperationPlugin<?>> provPlugins = pluginRegistry.getProvPlugins();
// search for prov plugins according to the chosen IA provisionings in
// the chain
calculateProvPlugins(chain, provPlugins, interfaceName, operationName, context.getCsar());
// filter ia and da candidates where the operations can't be executed
// order provisioning candidates
// TODO consistency plugins
final List<String> array = new ArrayList<>();
// select provisioning
selectProvisioning(chain, array);
return chain;
use of org.opentosca.planbuilder.core.plugins.artifactbased.IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin in project container by OpenTOSCA.
the class OperationChain method executeIAProvisioning.
* <p>
* Executes the first found IACandidate to provision IA's with the appropiate plugins set in the candidate
* </p>
* @param context a BPELPlanContext which is initialized for either a NodeTemplate or RelationshipTemplate this
* ProvisioningChain belongs to
* @return returns false only when execution of a plugin inside the IACandidate failed, else true. There may be no
* IACandidate available, because there is no need for IA's to provision. In this case true is also returned.
public boolean executeIAProvisioning(final PlanContext context) {
boolean check = true;
if (!this.iaCandidates.isEmpty()) {
final IANodeTypeImplCandidate iaCandidate = this.iaCandidates.get(this.selectedCandidateSet);
for (int index = 0; index < iaCandidate.ias.size(); index++) {
final TImplementationArtifact ia = iaCandidate.ias.get(index);
final TNodeTemplate infraNode = iaCandidate.infraNodes.get(index);
final IPlanBuilderPrePhaseIAPlugin plugin = iaCandidate.plugins.get(index);
check &= plugin.handle(context, ia, infraNode);
return check;