use of org.opentripplanner.analyst.scenario.Scenario in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class ConvertToFrequencyTest method testBidirectional.
* Test bidirectional conversion
public void testBidirectional() throws Exception {
Graph gg = buildGraphNoTransit();
gg.index(new DefaultStreetVertexIndexFactory());
ProfileRequest pr2 = new ProfileRequest(); = new LocalDate(2015, 6, 10);
pr2.fromTime = 7 * 3600;
pr2.toTime = 9 * 3600;
pr2.fromLat = pr2.toLat = 39.9621;
pr2.fromLon = pr2.toLon = -83.0007;
pr2.accessModes = pr2.egressModes = pr2.directModes = new QualifiedModeSet("WALK");
pr2.transitModes = new TraverseModeSet("TRANSIT");
ConvertToFrequency ctf = new ConvertToFrequency();
ctf.groupBy = ConvertToFrequency.ConversionGroup.ROUTE_DIRECTION;
ctf.routeId = new String[] { "route" };
ctf.windowStart = 5 * 3600;
ctf.windowEnd = 10 * 3600;
pr2.scenario = new Scenario(0);
pr2.scenario.modifications = Arrays.asList(ctf);
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter rrpr2 = new RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter(gg, pr2);
assertEquals(2, rrpr2.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.size());
// make sure we got trips in both directions
RaptorWorkerTimetable tt = rrpr2.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.get(0);
RaptorWorkerTimetable tt2 = rrpr2.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.get(1);
assertEquals(2, tt2.stopIndices.length);
assertEquals(2, tt.stopIndices.length);
assertEquals(tt.stopIndices[0], tt2.stopIndices[1]);
assertEquals(tt.stopIndices[1], tt2.stopIndices[0]);
use of org.opentripplanner.analyst.scenario.Scenario in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class ConvertToFrequencyTest method testSimpleConversion.
* The simplest case of frequency conversion: no weird loop routes or anything like that, travel times always same, etc.
public void testSimpleConversion() throws Exception {
Graph gg = buildGraphNoTransit();
gg.index(new DefaultStreetVertexIndexFactory());
ProfileRequest pr1 = new ProfileRequest(); = new LocalDate(2015, 6, 10);
pr1.fromTime = 7 * 3600;
pr1.toTime = 9 * 3600;
pr1.fromLat = pr1.toLat = 39.9621;
pr1.fromLon = pr1.toLon = -83.0007;
pr1.accessModes = pr1.egressModes = pr1.directModes = new QualifiedModeSet("WALK");
pr1.transitModes = new TraverseModeSet("TRANSIT");
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter rrpr1 = new RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter(gg, pr1);
ProfileRequest pr2 = new ProfileRequest(); = new LocalDate(2015, 6, 10);
pr2.fromTime = 7 * 3600;
pr2.toTime = 9 * 3600;
pr2.fromLat = pr2.toLat = 39.9621;
pr2.fromLon = pr2.toLon = -83.0007;
pr2.accessModes = pr2.egressModes = pr2.directModes = new QualifiedModeSet("WALK");
pr2.transitModes = new TraverseModeSet("TRANSIT");
ConvertToFrequency ctf = new ConvertToFrequency();
ctf.groupBy = ConvertToFrequency.ConversionGroup.ROUTE_DIRECTION;
ctf.routeId = new String[] { "route" };
ctf.windowStart = 5 * 3600;
ctf.windowEnd = 10 * 3600;
pr2.scenario = new Scenario(0);
pr2.scenario.modifications = Arrays.asList(ctf);
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter rrpr2 = new RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter(gg, pr2);
RaptorWorkerTimetable tt = rrpr2.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.get(0);
assertEquals(FakeGraph.FREQUENCY, tt.headwaySecs[0]);
assertEquals(FakeGraph.TRAVEL_TIME, tt.frequencyTrips[0][2]);
use of org.opentripplanner.analyst.scenario.Scenario in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class ConvertToFrequencyTest method testMultiplePatterns.
* Test the case where there are multiple patterns that need to be chosen from.
public void testMultiplePatterns() throws Exception {
Graph gg = buildGraphNoTransit();
gg.index(new DefaultStreetVertexIndexFactory());
ProfileRequest pr1 = new ProfileRequest(); = new LocalDate(2015, 6, 10);
pr1.fromTime = 7 * 3600;
pr1.toTime = 9 * 3600;
pr1.fromLat = pr1.toLat = 39.9621;
pr1.fromLon = pr1.toLon = -83.0007;
pr1.accessModes = pr1.egressModes = pr1.directModes = new QualifiedModeSet("WALK");
pr1.transitModes = new TraverseModeSet("TRANSIT");
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter rrpr1 = new RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter(gg, pr1);
ProfileRequest pr2 = new ProfileRequest(); = new LocalDate(2015, 6, 10);
pr2.fromTime = 7 * 3600;
pr2.toTime = 9 * 3600;
pr2.fromLat = pr2.toLat = 39.9621;
pr2.fromLon = pr2.toLon = -83.0007;
pr2.accessModes = pr2.egressModes = pr2.directModes = new QualifiedModeSet("WALK");
pr2.transitModes = new TraverseModeSet("TRANSIT");
ConvertToFrequency ctf = new ConvertToFrequency();
ctf.groupBy = ConvertToFrequency.ConversionGroup.ROUTE_DIRECTION;
ctf.routeId = new String[] { "route" };
ctf.windowStart = 5 * 3600;
ctf.windowEnd = 10 * 3600;
pr2.scenario = new Scenario(0);
pr2.scenario.modifications = Arrays.asList(ctf);
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter rrpr2 = new RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter(gg, pr2);
// everything should have gotten merged into one pattern
assertEquals(1, rrpr2.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.size());
RaptorWorkerTimetable tt = rrpr2.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.get(0);
// should be no frequency variation because trips on all patterns are considered for frequencies.
// there should be no travel time variation because only trips on the dominant pattern are considered
// for travel time.
assertEquals(FakeGraph.FREQUENCY, tt.headwaySecs[0]);
assertEquals(FakeGraph.TRAVEL_TIME, tt.frequencyTrips[0][2]);
// now try it with groupings by pattern
ConvertToFrequency ctf3 = new ConvertToFrequency();
ctf3.groupBy = ConvertToFrequency.ConversionGroup.PATTERN;
ctf3.routeId = new String[] { "route" };
ctf3.windowStart = 5 * 3600;
ctf3.windowEnd = 10 * 3600;
ProfileRequest pr3 = new ProfileRequest(); = new LocalDate(2015, 6, 10);
pr3.fromTime = 7 * 3600;
pr3.toTime = 9 * 3600;
pr3.fromLat = pr2.toLat = 39.9621;
pr3.fromLon = pr2.toLon = -83.0007;
pr3.accessModes = pr2.egressModes = pr2.directModes = new QualifiedModeSet("WALK");
pr3.transitModes = new TraverseModeSet("TRANSIT");
pr3.scenario = new Scenario(0);
pr3.scenario.modifications = Arrays.asList(ctf3);
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter rrpr3 = new RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter(gg, pr3);
// should be converted to two independent patterns
assertEquals(2, rrpr3.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.size());
RaptorWorkerTimetable shrt, lng;
if (rrpr3.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.get(0).nStops == 2) {
shrt = rrpr3.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.get(0);
lng = rrpr3.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.get(1);
} else {
lng = rrpr3.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.get(0);
shrt = rrpr3.raptorWorkerData.timetablesForPattern.get(1);
assertEquals(3, lng.nStops);
assertEquals(2, shrt.nStops);
assertEquals(675, lng.headwaySecs[0]);
assertEquals((int) (FakeGraph.FREQUENCY / 0.1), shrt.headwaySecs[0]);
// make sure that the hop time is always FakeGraph.TRAVEL_TIME
assertEquals(FakeGraph.TRAVEL_TIME, shrt.frequencyTrips[0][2]);
assertEquals(FakeGraph.TRAVEL_TIME, lng.frequencyTrips[0][2]);
assertEquals(FakeGraph.TRAVEL_TIME * 2, lng.frequencyTrips[0][4]);