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Example 21 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TimetableSnapshotSource method validateAndHandleModifiedTrip.

 * Validate and handle GTFS-RT TripUpdate message containing a MODIFIED trip.
 * @param graph graph to update
 * @param tripUpdate GTFS-RT TripUpdate message
 * @param feedId
 * @param serviceDate
 * @return true iff successful
private boolean validateAndHandleModifiedTrip(final Graph graph, final TripUpdate tripUpdate, final String feedId, final ServiceDate serviceDate) {
    // Preconditions
    // Validate modified trip
    // Check whether trip id of MODIFIED trip is available
    final TripDescriptor tripDescriptor = tripUpdate.getTrip();
    if (!tripDescriptor.hasTripId()) {
        LOG.warn("No trip id found for MODIFIED trip, skipping.");
        return false;
    // Check whether trip id already exists in graph
    String tripId = tripDescriptor.getTripId();
    Trip trip = getTripForTripId(feedId, tripId);
    if (trip == null) {
        // TODO: should we support this and consider it an ADDED trip?
        LOG.warn("Graph does not contain trip id of MODIFIED trip, skipping.");
        return false;
    // Check whether a start date exists
    if (!tripDescriptor.hasStartDate()) {
        // TODO: should we support this and apply update to all days?
        LOG.warn("MODIFIED trip doesn't have a start date in TripDescriptor, skipping.");
        return false;
    } else {
        // Check whether service date is served by trip
        final Set<FeedScopedId> serviceIds = graph.getCalendarService().getServiceIdsOnDate(serviceDate);
        if (!serviceIds.contains(trip.getServiceId())) {
            // TODO: should we support this and change service id of trip?
            LOG.warn("MODIFIED trip has a service date that is not served by trip, skipping.");
            return false;
    // Check whether at least two stop updates exist
    if (tripUpdate.getStopTimeUpdateCount() < 2) {
        LOG.warn("MODIFIED trip has less then two stops, skipping.");
        return false;
    // Check whether all stop times are available and all stops exist
    List<Stop> stops = checkNewStopTimeUpdatesAndFindStops(feedId, tripUpdate);
    if (stops == null) {
        return false;
    // Handle modified trip
    final boolean success = handleModifiedTrip(graph, trip, tripUpdate, stops, feedId, serviceDate);
    return success;
Also used : Trip(org.opentripplanner.model.Trip) TripDescriptor( Stop(org.opentripplanner.model.Stop) FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId)

Example 22 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TimetableSnapshotSource method handleCanceledTrip.

private boolean handleCanceledTrip(final TripUpdate tripUpdate, final String feedId, final ServiceDate serviceDate) {
    boolean success = false;
    if (tripUpdate.getTrip().hasTripId()) {
        // Try to cancel scheduled trip
        final String tripId = tripUpdate.getTrip().getTripId();
        final boolean cancelScheduledSuccess = cancelScheduledTrip(feedId, tripId, serviceDate);
        // Try to cancel previously added trip
        final boolean cancelPreviouslyAddedSuccess = cancelPreviouslyAddedTrip(new FeedScopedId(feedId, tripId), serviceDate);
        if (cancelScheduledSuccess || cancelPreviouslyAddedSuccess) {
            success = true;
        } else {
            LOG.warn("No pattern found for tripId {}, skipping TripUpdate.", tripId);
    } else {
        LOG.warn("No trip id in CANCELED trip update, skipping TripUpdate.");
    return success;
Also used : FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId)

Example 23 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TimetableSnapshotSource method getPatternForTripId.

 * Retrieve a trip pattern given a feed id and trip id.
 * @param feedId feed id for the trip id
 * @param tripId trip id without agency
 * @return trip pattern or null if no trip pattern was found
private TripPattern getPatternForTripId(String feedId, String tripId) {
    Trip trip = routingService.getTripForId().get(new FeedScopedId(feedId, tripId));
    TripPattern pattern = routingService.getPatternForTrip().get(trip);
    return pattern;
Also used : Trip(org.opentripplanner.model.Trip) FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId) TripPattern(org.opentripplanner.model.TripPattern)

Example 24 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TripPatternCache method getOrCreateTripPattern.

 * Get cached trip pattern or create one if it doesn't exist yet. If a trip pattern is created, vertices
 * and edges for this trip pattern are also created in the graph.
 * @param stopPattern stop pattern to retrieve/create trip pattern
 * @param trip the trip the new trip pattern will be created for
 * @param graph graph to add vertices and edges in case a new trip pattern will be created
 * @return cached or newly created trip pattern
public synchronized TripPattern getOrCreateTripPattern(@NotNull final StopPattern stopPattern, @NotNull final Trip trip, @NotNull final Graph graph) {
    Route route = trip.getRoute();
    // Check cache for trip pattern
    TripPattern tripPattern = cache.get(stopPattern);
    // Create TripPattern if it doesn't exist yet
    if (tripPattern == null) {
        tripPattern = new TripPattern(route, stopPattern);
        // Generate unique code for trip pattern
        tripPattern.setId(new FeedScopedId(tripPattern.getFeedId(), generateUniqueTripPatternCode(tripPattern)));
        // Create an empty bitset for service codes (because the new pattern does not contain any trips)
        // Finish scheduled time table
        TripPattern originalTripPattern = graph.index.getPatternForTrip().get(trip);
        // Copy information from the TripPattern this is replacing
        if (originalTripPattern != null) {
        // Add pattern to cache
        cache.put(stopPattern, tripPattern);
    return tripPattern;
Also used : FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId) Route(org.opentripplanner.model.Route) TripPattern(org.opentripplanner.model.TripPattern)

Example 25 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TestSpecificTransfer method testSpecificTransfer.

 * Test different specific transfers
public void testSpecificTransfer() {
    // Setup from trip with route
    Route fromRoute = new Route();
    fromRoute.setId(new FeedScopedId("A1", "R1"));
    Trip fromTrip = new Trip();
    fromTrip.setId(new FeedScopedId("A1", "T1"));
    // Setup to trip with route
    Route toRoute = new Route();
    toRoute.setId(new FeedScopedId("A1", "R2"));
    Trip toTrip = new Trip();
    toTrip.setId(new FeedScopedId("A1", "T2"));
    // Create full SpecificTransfer
    SpecificTransfer s1 = new SpecificTransfer(fromRoute.getId(), toRoute.getId(), fromTrip.getId(), toTrip.getId(), 1);
    assertTrue(s1.matches(fromTrip, toTrip));
    assertTrue(s1.getSpecificity() == SpecificTransfer.MAX_SPECIFICITY);
    assertTrue(s1.transferTime == 1);
    // Create empty SpecificTransfer
    SpecificTransfer s2 = new SpecificTransfer((FeedScopedId) null, null, null, null, 2);
    assertTrue(s2.matches(fromTrip, toTrip));
    assertTrue(s2.getSpecificity() == SpecificTransfer.MIN_SPECIFICITY);
    assertTrue(s2.transferTime == 2);
    // Create SpecificTransfer one trip missing
    SpecificTransfer s3 = new SpecificTransfer(fromRoute.getId(), toRoute.getId(), null, toTrip.getId(), 3);
    assertTrue(s3.matches(fromTrip, toTrip));
    assertTrue(s3.getSpecificity() == 3);
    assertTrue(s3.transferTime == 3);
    // Create SpecificTransfer one trip different
    SpecificTransfer s4 = new SpecificTransfer(fromRoute.getId(), toRoute.getId(), new FeedScopedId("A1", "T3"), toTrip.getId(), 4);
    assertFalse(s4.matches(fromTrip, toTrip));
    assertTrue(s4.getSpecificity() == SpecificTransfer.MAX_SPECIFICITY);
    assertTrue(s4.transferTime == 4);
    // Create SpecificTransfer one trip and route missing
    SpecificTransfer s5 = new SpecificTransfer(null, toRoute.getId(), null, toTrip.getId(), 5);
    assertTrue(s5.matches(fromTrip, toTrip));
    assertTrue(s5.getSpecificity() == 2);
    assertTrue(s5.transferTime == 5);
    // Create SpecificTransfer one trip only
    SpecificTransfer s6 = new SpecificTransfer(null, null, null, toTrip.getId(), 6);
    assertTrue(s6.matches(fromTrip, toTrip));
    assertTrue(s6.getSpecificity() == 2);
    assertTrue(s6.transferTime == 6);
    // Create SpecificTransfer one route only
    SpecificTransfer s7 = new SpecificTransfer(fromRoute.getId(), null, null, null, 7);
    assertTrue(s7.matches(fromTrip, toTrip));
    assertTrue(s7.getSpecificity() == 1);
    assertTrue(s7.transferTime == 7);
Also used : Trip(org.opentripplanner.model.Trip) FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId) Route(org.opentripplanner.model.Route)


FeedScopedId (org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId)117 Trip (org.opentripplanner.model.Trip)32 Test (org.junit.Test)29 Stop (org.opentripplanner.model.Stop)25 TripPattern (org.opentripplanner.model.TripPattern)25 ServiceDate (org.opentripplanner.model.calendar.ServiceDate)21 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)20 Route (org.opentripplanner.model.Route)15 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)11 List (java.util.List)11 Agency (org.opentripplanner.model.Agency)11 Collection (java.util.Collection)9 Map (java.util.Map)9 Collectors ( ZonedDateTime (java.time.ZonedDateTime)8 TransitEntity (org.opentripplanner.model.TransitEntity)8 RoutingService (org.opentripplanner.routing.RoutingService)8 TripTimes (org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes)8 Notice (org.opentripplanner.model.Notice)7 Station (org.opentripplanner.model.Station)7