Search in sources :

Example 6 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TimetableHelper method createModifiedStopTimes.

 * Apply the SIRI ET to the appropriate TripTimes from this Timetable.
 * Calculate new stoppattern based on single stop cancellations
 * @param oldTimes
 * @param journey    SIRI-ET EstimatedVehicleJourney
 * @param trip
 * @param routingService
 * @return new copy of updated TripTimes after TripUpdate has been applied on TripTimes of trip
 * with the id specified in the trip descriptor of the TripUpdate; null if something
 * went wrong
public static List<StopTime> createModifiedStopTimes(Timetable timetable, TripTimes oldTimes, EstimatedVehicleJourney journey, Trip trip, RoutingService routingService) {
    if (journey == null) {
        return null;
    EstimatedVehicleJourney.EstimatedCalls journeyCalls = journey.getEstimatedCalls();
    if (journeyCalls == null) {
        return null;
    List<EstimatedCall> estimatedCalls = journeyCalls.getEstimatedCalls();
    List<Stop> stops = createModifiedStops(timetable, journey, routingService);
    List<StopTime> modifiedStops = new ArrayList<>();
    ZonedDateTime departureDate = null;
    int numberOfRecordedCalls = (journey.getRecordedCalls() != null && journey.getRecordedCalls().getRecordedCalls() != null) ? journey.getRecordedCalls().getRecordedCalls().size() : 0;
    Set<Object> alreadyVisited = new HashSet<>();
    // modify updated stop-times
    for (int i = 0; i < stops.size(); i++) {
        Stop stop = stops.get(i);
        final StopTime stopTime = new StopTime();
        // TODO: Do we need to set the
        // stopTime.setId(oldTimes.getStopTimeIdByIndex(i));
        boolean foundMatch = false;
        if (i >= numberOfRecordedCalls) {
            for (EstimatedCall estimatedCall : estimatedCalls) {
                if (alreadyVisited.contains(estimatedCall)) {
                if (departureDate == null) {
                    departureDate = (estimatedCall.getAimedDepartureTime() != null ? estimatedCall.getAimedDepartureTime() : estimatedCall.getAimedArrivalTime());
                // Current stop is being updated
                boolean stopsMatchById = stop.getId().getId().equals(estimatedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue());
                if (!stopsMatchById && stop.isPartOfStation()) {
                    Stop alternativeStop = routingService.getStopForId(new FeedScopedId(stop.getId().getFeedId(), estimatedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue()));
                    if (alternativeStop != null && stop.isPartOfSameStationAs(alternativeStop)) {
                        stopsMatchById = true;
                if (stopsMatchById) {
                    foundMatch = true;
                    CallStatusEnumeration arrivalStatus = estimatedCall.getArrivalStatus();
                    if (arrivalStatus == CallStatusEnumeration.CANCELLED) {
                    } else if (estimatedCall.getArrivalBoardingActivity() == ArrivalBoardingActivityEnumeration.ALIGHTING) {
                    } else if (estimatedCall.getArrivalBoardingActivity() == ArrivalBoardingActivityEnumeration.NO_ALIGHTING) {
                    } else if (estimatedCall.getArrivalBoardingActivity() == null && i == 0) {
                        // First stop - default no pickup
                    CallStatusEnumeration departureStatus = estimatedCall.getDepartureStatus();
                    if (departureStatus == CallStatusEnumeration.CANCELLED) {
                    } else if (estimatedCall.getDepartureBoardingActivity() == DepartureBoardingActivityEnumeration.BOARDING) {
                    } else if (estimatedCall.getDepartureBoardingActivity() == DepartureBoardingActivityEnumeration.NO_BOARDING) {
                    } else if (estimatedCall.getDepartureBoardingActivity() == null && i == (stops.size() - 1)) {
                        // Last stop - default no dropoff
                    if (estimatedCall.getDestinationDisplaies() != null && !estimatedCall.getDestinationDisplaies().isEmpty()) {
                        NaturalLanguageStringStructure destinationDisplay = estimatedCall.getDestinationDisplaies().get(0);
        if (!foundMatch) {
    return modifiedStops;
Also used : NaturalLanguageStringStructure( EstimatedVehicleJourney( Stop(org.opentripplanner.model.Stop) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ZonedDateTime(java.time.ZonedDateTime) FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId) EstimatedCall( CallStatusEnumeration( StopTime(org.opentripplanner.model.StopTime) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 7 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TimetableHelper method createModifiedStops.

 * Apply the SIRI ET to the appropriate TripTimes from this Timetable.
 * Calculate new stoppattern based on single stop cancellations
 * @param journey    SIRI-ET EstimatedVehicleJourney
 * @param routingService
 * @return new copy of updated TripTimes after TripUpdate has been applied on TripTimes of trip
 * with the id specified in the trip descriptor of the TripUpdate; null if something
 * went wrong
public static List<Stop> createModifiedStops(Timetable timetable, EstimatedVehicleJourney journey, RoutingService routingService) {
    if (journey == null) {
        return null;
    EstimatedVehicleJourney.EstimatedCalls journeyEstimatedCalls = journey.getEstimatedCalls();
    EstimatedVehicleJourney.RecordedCalls journeyRecordedCalls = journey.getRecordedCalls();
    if (journeyEstimatedCalls == null) {
        return null;
    List<EstimatedCall> estimatedCalls = journeyEstimatedCalls.getEstimatedCalls();
    List<RecordedCall> recordedCalls;
    if (journeyRecordedCalls != null) {
        recordedCalls = journeyRecordedCalls.getRecordedCalls();
    } else {
        recordedCalls = new ArrayList<>();
    // Get all scheduled stops
    Stop[] stops = timetable.pattern.stopPattern.stops;
    List<Stop> modifiedStops = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < stops.length; i++) {
        Stop stop = stops[i];
        boolean foundMatch = false;
        if (i < recordedCalls.size()) {
            for (RecordedCall recordedCall : recordedCalls) {
                // Current stop is being updated
                boolean stopsMatchById = stop.getId().getId().equals(recordedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue());
                if (!stopsMatchById && stop.isPartOfStation()) {
                    Stop alternativeStop = routingService.getStopForId(new FeedScopedId(stop.getId().getFeedId(), recordedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue()));
                    if (alternativeStop != null && stop.isPartOfSameStationAs(alternativeStop)) {
                        stopsMatchById = true;
                        stop = alternativeStop;
                if (stopsMatchById) {
                    foundMatch = true;
        } else {
            for (EstimatedCall estimatedCall : estimatedCalls) {
                // Current stop is being updated
                boolean stopsMatchById = stop.getId().getId().equals(estimatedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue());
                if (!stopsMatchById && stop.isPartOfStation()) {
                    Stop alternativeStop = routingService.getStopForId(new FeedScopedId(stop.getId().getFeedId(), estimatedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue()));
                    if (alternativeStop != null && stop.isPartOfSameStationAs(alternativeStop)) {
                        stopsMatchById = true;
                        stop = alternativeStop;
                if (stopsMatchById) {
                    foundMatch = true;
        if (!foundMatch) {
    return modifiedStops;
Also used : EstimatedVehicleJourney( Stop(org.opentripplanner.model.Stop) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RecordedCall( FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId) EstimatedCall(

Example 8 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TimetableHelper method createUpdatedTripTimes.

 * Apply the TripUpdate to the appropriate TripTimes from this Timetable. The existing TripTimes
 * must not be modified directly because they may be shared with the underlying
 * scheduledTimetable, or other updated Timetables. The {@link TimetableSnapshot} performs the
 * protective copying of this Timetable. It is not done in this update method to avoid
 * repeatedly cloning the same Timetable when several updates are applied to it at once. We
 * assume here that all trips in a timetable are from the same feed, which should always be the
 * case.
 * @param journey  SIRI-ET EstimatedVehicleJourney
 * @param timeZone time zone of trip update
 * @param tripId
 * @return new copy of updated TripTimes after TripUpdate has been applied on TripTimes of trip
 * with the id specified in the trip descriptor of the TripUpdate; null if something
 * went wrong
public static TripTimes createUpdatedTripTimes(final Graph graph, Timetable timetable, EstimatedVehicleJourney journey, TimeZone timeZone, FeedScopedId tripId) {
    if (journey == null) {
        return null;
    int tripIndex = timetable.getTripIndex(tripId);
    if (tripIndex == -1) {
        LOG.debug("tripId {} not found in pattern.", tripId);
        return null;
    final TripTimes existingTripTimes = timetable.getTripTimes(tripIndex);
    TripTimes oldTimes = new TripTimes(existingTripTimes);
    if (journey.isCancellation() != null && journey.isCancellation()) {
        return oldTimes;
    EstimatedVehicleJourney.EstimatedCalls journeyEstimatedCalls = journey.getEstimatedCalls();
    EstimatedVehicleJourney.RecordedCalls journeyRecordedCalls = journey.getRecordedCalls();
    if (journeyEstimatedCalls == null) {
        return null;
    List<EstimatedCall> estimatedCalls = journeyEstimatedCalls.getEstimatedCalls();
    List<RecordedCall> recordedCalls;
    if (journeyRecordedCalls != null) {
        recordedCalls = journeyRecordedCalls.getRecordedCalls();
    } else {
        recordedCalls = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean stopPatternChanged = false;
    Stop[] modifiedStops = timetable.pattern.stopPattern.stops;
    Trip trip = getTrip(tripId, timetable);
    List<StopTime> modifiedStopTimes = createModifiedStopTimes(timetable, oldTimes, journey, trip, new RoutingService(graph));
    if (modifiedStopTimes == null) {
        return null;
    TripTimes newTimes = new TripTimes(trip, modifiedStopTimes, graph.deduplicator);
    // Populate missing data from existing TripTimes
    newTimes.serviceCode = oldTimes.serviceCode;
    int callCounter = 0;
    ZonedDateTime departureDate = null;
    Set<Object> alreadyVisited = new HashSet<>();
    boolean isJourneyPredictionInaccurate = (journey.isPredictionInaccurate() != null && journey.isPredictionInaccurate());
    int departureFromPreviousStop = 0;
    int lastArrivalDelay = 0;
    int lastDepartureDelay = 0;
    for (Stop stop : modifiedStops) {
        boolean foundMatch = false;
        for (RecordedCall recordedCall : recordedCalls) {
            if (alreadyVisited.contains(recordedCall)) {
            // Current stop is being updated
            foundMatch = stop.getId().getId().equals(recordedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue());
            if (!foundMatch && stop.isPartOfStation()) {
                Stop alternativeStop = graph.index.getStopForId(new FeedScopedId(stop.getId().getFeedId(), recordedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue()));
                if (alternativeStop != null && stop.isPartOfSameStationAs(alternativeStop)) {
                    foundMatch = true;
                    stopPatternChanged = true;
            if (foundMatch) {
                if (departureDate == null) {
                    departureDate = recordedCall.getAimedDepartureTime();
                    if (departureDate == null) {
                        departureDate = recordedCall.getAimedArrivalTime();
                    if (oldTimes.getDepartureTime(0) > 86400) {
                        // The "departure-date" for this trip is set to "yesterday" (or before) even though it actually departs "today"
                        // calculate number of offset-days
                        int dayOffsetCount = oldTimes.getDepartureTime(0) / 86400;
                        departureDate = departureDate.minusDays(dayOffsetCount);
                // Flag as recorded
                newTimes.setRecorded(callCounter, true);
                if (recordedCall.isCancellation() != null) {
                    newTimes.setCancelledStop(callCounter, recordedCall.isCancellation());
                newTimes.setDropoffType(callCounter, timetable.pattern.stopPattern.dropoffs[callCounter]);
                newTimes.setPickupType(callCounter, timetable.pattern.stopPattern.pickups[callCounter]);
                int arrivalTime = newTimes.getArrivalTime(callCounter);
                int realtimeArrivalTime = arrivalTime;
                if (recordedCall.getActualArrivalTime() != null) {
                    realtimeArrivalTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, recordedCall.getActualArrivalTime());
                } else if (recordedCall.getExpectedArrivalTime() != null) {
                    realtimeArrivalTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, recordedCall.getExpectedArrivalTime());
                } else if (recordedCall.getAimedArrivalTime() != null) {
                    realtimeArrivalTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, recordedCall.getAimedArrivalTime());
                int arrivalDelay = realtimeArrivalTime - arrivalTime;
                newTimes.updateArrivalDelay(callCounter, arrivalDelay);
                lastArrivalDelay = arrivalDelay;
                int departureTime = newTimes.getDepartureTime(callCounter);
                int realtimeDepartureTime = departureTime;
                if (recordedCall.getActualDepartureTime() != null) {
                    realtimeDepartureTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, recordedCall.getActualDepartureTime());
                } else if (recordedCall.getExpectedDepartureTime() != null) {
                    realtimeDepartureTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, recordedCall.getExpectedDepartureTime());
                } else if (recordedCall.getAimedDepartureTime() != null) {
                    realtimeDepartureTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, recordedCall.getAimedDepartureTime());
                if (realtimeDepartureTime < realtimeArrivalTime) {
                    realtimeDepartureTime = realtimeArrivalTime;
                int departureDelay = realtimeDepartureTime - departureTime;
                newTimes.updateDepartureDelay(callCounter, departureDelay);
                lastDepartureDelay = departureDelay;
                departureFromPreviousStop = newTimes.getDepartureTime(callCounter);
        if (!foundMatch) {
            for (EstimatedCall estimatedCall : estimatedCalls) {
                if (alreadyVisited.contains(estimatedCall)) {
                // Current stop is being updated
                foundMatch = stop.getId().getId().equals(estimatedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue());
                if (!foundMatch && stop.isPartOfStation()) {
                    Stop alternativeStop = graph.index.getStopForId(new FeedScopedId(stop.getId().getFeedId(), estimatedCall.getStopPointRef().getValue()));
                    if (alternativeStop != null && stop.isPartOfSameStationAs(alternativeStop)) {
                        foundMatch = true;
                        stopPatternChanged = true;
                if (foundMatch) {
                    if (departureDate == null) {
                        departureDate = estimatedCall.getAimedDepartureTime();
                        if (departureDate == null) {
                            departureDate = estimatedCall.getAimedArrivalTime();
                    if (estimatedCall.isCancellation() != null) {
                        newTimes.setCancelledStop(callCounter, estimatedCall.isCancellation());
                    boolean isCallPredictionInaccurate = estimatedCall.isPredictionInaccurate() != null && estimatedCall.isPredictionInaccurate();
                    // Set flag for inaccurate prediction if either call OR journey has inaccurate-flag set.
                    newTimes.setPredictionInaccurate(callCounter, (isJourneyPredictionInaccurate | isCallPredictionInaccurate));
                    // Update dropoff-/pickuptype only if status is cancelled
                    CallStatusEnumeration arrivalStatus = estimatedCall.getArrivalStatus();
                    if (arrivalStatus == CallStatusEnumeration.CANCELLED) {
                        newTimes.setDropoffType(callCounter, PICKDROP_NONE);
                    CallStatusEnumeration departureStatus = estimatedCall.getDepartureStatus();
                    if (departureStatus == CallStatusEnumeration.CANCELLED) {
                        newTimes.setPickupType(callCounter, PICKDROP_NONE);
                    int arrivalTime = newTimes.getArrivalTime(callCounter);
                    int realtimeArrivalTime = -1;
                    if (estimatedCall.getExpectedArrivalTime() != null) {
                        realtimeArrivalTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, estimatedCall.getExpectedArrivalTime());
                    } else if (estimatedCall.getAimedArrivalTime() != null) {
                        realtimeArrivalTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, estimatedCall.getAimedArrivalTime());
                    int departureTime = newTimes.getDepartureTime(callCounter);
                    int realtimeDepartureTime = departureTime;
                    if (estimatedCall.getExpectedDepartureTime() != null) {
                        realtimeDepartureTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, estimatedCall.getExpectedDepartureTime());
                    } else if (estimatedCall.getAimedDepartureTime() != null) {
                        realtimeDepartureTime = calculateSecondsSinceMidnight(departureDate, estimatedCall.getAimedDepartureTime());
                    if (realtimeArrivalTime == -1) {
                        realtimeArrivalTime = realtimeDepartureTime;
                    if (realtimeDepartureTime < realtimeArrivalTime) {
                        realtimeDepartureTime = realtimeArrivalTime;
                    int arrivalDelay = realtimeArrivalTime - arrivalTime;
                    newTimes.updateArrivalDelay(callCounter, arrivalDelay);
                    lastArrivalDelay = arrivalDelay;
                    int departureDelay = realtimeDepartureTime - departureTime;
                    newTimes.updateDepartureDelay(callCounter, departureDelay);
                    lastDepartureDelay = departureDelay;
                    departureFromPreviousStop = newTimes.getDepartureTime(callCounter);
        if (!foundMatch) {
            if (timetable.pattern.stopPattern.pickups[callCounter] == PICKDROP_NONE && timetable.pattern.stopPattern.dropoffs[callCounter] == PICKDROP_NONE) {
                // When newTimes contains stops without pickup/dropoff - set both arrival/departure to previous stop's departure
                // This necessary to accommodate the case when delay is reduced/eliminated between to stops with pickup/dropoff, and
                // multiple non-pickup/dropoff stops are in between.
                newTimes.updateArrivalTime(callCounter, departureFromPreviousStop);
                newTimes.updateDepartureTime(callCounter, departureFromPreviousStop);
            } else {
                int arrivalDelay = lastArrivalDelay;
                int departureDelay = lastDepartureDelay;
                if (lastArrivalDelay == 0 && lastDepartureDelay == 0) {
                    // No match has been found yet (i.e. still in RecordedCalls) - keep existing delays
                    arrivalDelay = existingTripTimes.getArrivalDelay(callCounter);
                    departureDelay = existingTripTimes.getDepartureDelay(callCounter);
                newTimes.updateArrivalDelay(callCounter, arrivalDelay);
                newTimes.updateDepartureDelay(callCounter, departureDelay);
            departureFromPreviousStop = newTimes.getDepartureTime(callCounter);
    if (stopPatternChanged) {
        // This update modified stopPattern
    } else {
        // This is the first update, and StopPattern has not been changed
    if (journey.isCancellation() != null && journey.isCancellation()) {
        LOG.debug("Trip is cancelled");
    if (!newTimes.timesIncreasing()) {"TripTimes are non-increasing after applying SIRI delay propagation - LineRef {}, TripId {}.", journey.getLineRef().getValue(), tripId);
        return null;
    if (newTimes.getNumStops() != timetable.pattern.stopPattern.stops.length) {
        return null;
    LOG.debug("A valid TripUpdate object was applied using the Timetable class update method.");
    return newTimes;
Also used : Trip(org.opentripplanner.model.Trip) EstimatedVehicleJourney( Stop(org.opentripplanner.model.Stop) RoutingService(org.opentripplanner.routing.RoutingService) RecordedCall( ZonedDateTime(java.time.ZonedDateTime) TripTimes(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes) FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId) EstimatedCall( CallStatusEnumeration( StopTime(org.opentripplanner.model.StopTime) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 9 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TimetableHelper method createUpdatedTripTimes.

 * Apply the TripUpdate to the appropriate TripTimes from this Timetable. The existing TripTimes
 * must not be modified directly because they may be shared with the underlying
 * scheduledTimetable, or other updated Timetables. The {@link TimetableSnapshot} performs the
 * protective copying of this Timetable. It is not done in this update method to avoid
 * repeatedly cloning the same Timetable when several updates are applied to it at once. We
 * assume here that all trips in a timetable are from the same feed, which should always be the
 * case.
 * @param activity SIRI-VM VehicleActivity
 * @param timeZone time zone of trip update
 * @param tripId
 * @return new copy of updated TripTimes after TripUpdate has been applied on TripTimes of trip
 * with the id specified in the trip descriptor of the TripUpdate; null if something
 * went wrong
public static TripTimes createUpdatedTripTimes(Timetable timetable, Graph graph, VehicleActivityStructure activity, TimeZone timeZone, FeedScopedId tripId) {
    if (activity == null) {
        return null;
    MonitoredVehicleJourneyStructure mvj = activity.getMonitoredVehicleJourney();
    int tripIndex = timetable.getTripIndex(tripId);
    if (tripIndex == -1) {
        LOG.trace("tripId {} not found in pattern.", tripId);
        return null;
    final TripTimes existingTripTimes = timetable.getTripTimes(tripIndex);
    TripTimes newTimes = new TripTimes(existingTripTimes);
    MonitoredCallStructure update = mvj.getMonitoredCall();
    if (update == null) {
        return null;
    final List<Stop> stops = timetable.pattern.getStops();
    VehicleActivityStructure.MonitoredVehicleJourney monitoredVehicleJourney = activity.getMonitoredVehicleJourney();
    Duration delay = null;
    if (monitoredVehicleJourney != null) {
        delay = monitoredVehicleJourney.getDelay();
        int updatedDelay = 0;
        if (delay != null) {
            updatedDelay = delay.getSign() * (delay.getHours() * 3600 + delay.getMinutes() * 60 + delay.getSeconds());
        MonitoredCallStructure monitoredCall = monitoredVehicleJourney.getMonitoredCall();
        if (monitoredCall != null && monitoredCall.getStopPointRef() != null) {
            boolean matchFound = false;
            int arrivalDelay = 0;
            int departureDelay = 0;
            for (int index = 0; index < newTimes.getNumStops(); ++index) {
                if (!matchFound) {
                    // Delay is set on a single stop at a time. When match is found - propagate delay on all following stops
                    final Stop stop = stops.get(index);
                    matchFound = stop.getId().getId().equals(monitoredCall.getStopPointRef().getValue());
                    if (!matchFound && stop.isPartOfStation()) {
                        FeedScopedId alternativeId = new FeedScopedId(stop.getId().getFeedId(), monitoredCall.getStopPointRef().getValue());
                        Stop alternativeStop = graph.index.getStopForId(alternativeId);
                        if (alternativeStop != null && alternativeStop.isPartOfStation()) {
                            matchFound = stop.isPartOfSameStationAs(alternativeStop);
                    if (matchFound) {
                        arrivalDelay = departureDelay = updatedDelay;
                    } else {
                             * If updated delay is less than previously set delay, the existing delay needs to be adjusted to avoid
                             * non-increasing times causing updates to be rejected. Will only affect historical data.
                        arrivalDelay = Math.min(existingTripTimes.getArrivalDelay(index), updatedDelay);
                        departureDelay = Math.min(existingTripTimes.getDepartureDelay(index), updatedDelay);
                newTimes.updateArrivalDelay(index, arrivalDelay);
                newTimes.updateDepartureDelay(index, departureDelay);
    if (!newTimes.timesIncreasing()) {"TripTimes are non-increasing after applying SIRI delay propagation - delay: {}", delay);
        return null;
    // If state is already MODIFIED - keep existing state
    if (newTimes.getRealTimeState() != RealTimeState.MODIFIED) {
        // Make sure that updated trip times have the correct real time state
    return newTimes;
Also used : MonitoredVehicleJourneyStructure( Stop(org.opentripplanner.model.Stop) TripTimes(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes) FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId) Duration(javax.xml.datatype.Duration) VehicleActivityStructure( MonitoredCallStructure(

Example 10 with FeedScopedId

use of org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TripServiceDateKey method generateUniqueTripPatternCode.

 * Generate unique trip pattern code for real-time added trip pattern. This function roughly
 * follows the format of {@link TripPattern#generateUniqueIds(java.util.Collection)}.
 * @param tripPattern trip pattern to generate code for
 * @return unique trip pattern code
private String generateUniqueTripPatternCode(TripPattern tripPattern) {
    FeedScopedId routeId = tripPattern.route.getId();
    String direction = tripPattern.directionId != -1 ? String.valueOf(tripPattern.directionId) : "";
    if (counter == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        counter = 0;
    } else {
    // OBA library uses underscore as separator, we're moving toward colon.
    String code = String.format("%s:%s:rt#%d", routeId.getId(), direction, counter);
    return code;
Also used : FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId)


FeedScopedId (org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId)117 Trip (org.opentripplanner.model.Trip)32 Test (org.junit.Test)29 Stop (org.opentripplanner.model.Stop)25 TripPattern (org.opentripplanner.model.TripPattern)25 ServiceDate (org.opentripplanner.model.calendar.ServiceDate)21 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)20 Route (org.opentripplanner.model.Route)15 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)11 List (java.util.List)11 Agency (org.opentripplanner.model.Agency)11 Collection (java.util.Collection)9 Map (java.util.Map)9 Collectors ( ZonedDateTime (java.time.ZonedDateTime)8 TransitEntity (org.opentripplanner.model.TransitEntity)8 RoutingService (org.opentripplanner.routing.RoutingService)8 TripTimes (org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes)8 Notice (org.opentripplanner.model.Notice)7 Station (org.opentripplanner.model.Station)7