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Example 1 with MonitoredCallStructure

use of in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class TimetableHelper method createUpdatedTripTimes.

 * Apply the TripUpdate to the appropriate TripTimes from this Timetable. The existing TripTimes
 * must not be modified directly because they may be shared with the underlying
 * scheduledTimetable, or other updated Timetables. The {@link TimetableSnapshot} performs the
 * protective copying of this Timetable. It is not done in this update method to avoid
 * repeatedly cloning the same Timetable when several updates are applied to it at once. We
 * assume here that all trips in a timetable are from the same feed, which should always be the
 * case.
 * @param activity SIRI-VM VehicleActivity
 * @param timeZone time zone of trip update
 * @param tripId
 * @return new copy of updated TripTimes after TripUpdate has been applied on TripTimes of trip
 * with the id specified in the trip descriptor of the TripUpdate; null if something
 * went wrong
public static TripTimes createUpdatedTripTimes(Timetable timetable, Graph graph, VehicleActivityStructure activity, TimeZone timeZone, FeedScopedId tripId) {
    if (activity == null) {
        return null;
    MonitoredVehicleJourneyStructure mvj = activity.getMonitoredVehicleJourney();
    int tripIndex = timetable.getTripIndex(tripId);
    if (tripIndex == -1) {
        LOG.trace("tripId {} not found in pattern.", tripId);
        return null;
    final TripTimes existingTripTimes = timetable.getTripTimes(tripIndex);
    TripTimes newTimes = new TripTimes(existingTripTimes);
    MonitoredCallStructure update = mvj.getMonitoredCall();
    if (update == null) {
        return null;
    final List<Stop> stops = timetable.pattern.getStops();
    VehicleActivityStructure.MonitoredVehicleJourney monitoredVehicleJourney = activity.getMonitoredVehicleJourney();
    Duration delay = null;
    if (monitoredVehicleJourney != null) {
        delay = monitoredVehicleJourney.getDelay();
        int updatedDelay = 0;
        if (delay != null) {
            updatedDelay = delay.getSign() * (delay.getHours() * 3600 + delay.getMinutes() * 60 + delay.getSeconds());
        MonitoredCallStructure monitoredCall = monitoredVehicleJourney.getMonitoredCall();
        if (monitoredCall != null && monitoredCall.getStopPointRef() != null) {
            boolean matchFound = false;
            int arrivalDelay = 0;
            int departureDelay = 0;
            for (int index = 0; index < newTimes.getNumStops(); ++index) {
                if (!matchFound) {
                    // Delay is set on a single stop at a time. When match is found - propagate delay on all following stops
                    final Stop stop = stops.get(index);
                    matchFound = stop.getId().getId().equals(monitoredCall.getStopPointRef().getValue());
                    if (!matchFound && stop.isPartOfStation()) {
                        FeedScopedId alternativeId = new FeedScopedId(stop.getId().getFeedId(), monitoredCall.getStopPointRef().getValue());
                        Stop alternativeStop = graph.index.getStopForId(alternativeId);
                        if (alternativeStop != null && alternativeStop.isPartOfStation()) {
                            matchFound = stop.isPartOfSameStationAs(alternativeStop);
                    if (matchFound) {
                        arrivalDelay = departureDelay = updatedDelay;
                    } else {
                             * If updated delay is less than previously set delay, the existing delay needs to be adjusted to avoid
                             * non-increasing times causing updates to be rejected. Will only affect historical data.
                        arrivalDelay = Math.min(existingTripTimes.getArrivalDelay(index), updatedDelay);
                        departureDelay = Math.min(existingTripTimes.getDepartureDelay(index), updatedDelay);
                newTimes.updateArrivalDelay(index, arrivalDelay);
                newTimes.updateDepartureDelay(index, departureDelay);
    if (!newTimes.timesIncreasing()) {"TripTimes are non-increasing after applying SIRI delay propagation - delay: {}", delay);
        return null;
    // If state is already MODIFIED - keep existing state
    if (newTimes.getRealTimeState() != RealTimeState.MODIFIED) {
        // Make sure that updated trip times have the correct real time state
    return newTimes;
Also used : MonitoredVehicleJourneyStructure( Stop(org.opentripplanner.model.Stop) TripTimes(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes) FeedScopedId(org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId) Duration(javax.xml.datatype.Duration) VehicleActivityStructure( MonitoredCallStructure(

Example 2 with MonitoredCallStructure

use of in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class SiriSupportV2 method fillMonitoredCall.

private static void fillMonitoredCall(MonitoredVehicleJourneyStructure monitoredVehicleJourney, BlockInstanceBean blockInstance, TripStatusBean tripStatus, StopBean monitoredCallStopBean, PresentationService presentationService, TransitDataService transitDataService, Map<String, TimepointPredictionRecord> stopLevelPredictions, boolean hasRealtimeData, DetailLevel detailLevel, long responseTimestamp) {
    List<BlockTripBean> blockTrips = blockInstance.getBlockConfiguration().getTrips();
    double distanceOfVehicleAlongBlock = 0;
    int blockTripStopsAfterTheVehicle = 0;
    boolean foundActiveTrip = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < blockTrips.size(); i++) {
        BlockTripBean blockTrip = blockTrips.get(i);
        if (!foundActiveTrip) {
            if (tripStatus.getActiveTrip().getId().equals(blockTrip.getTrip().getId())) {
                double distanceAlongTrip = tripStatus.getDistanceAlongTrip();
                if (!hasRealtimeData) {
                    distanceAlongTrip = tripStatus.getScheduledDistanceAlongTrip();
                distanceOfVehicleAlongBlock += distanceAlongTrip;
                foundActiveTrip = true;
            } else {
                // next.
                if (i + 1 < blockTrips.size()) {
                    distanceOfVehicleAlongBlock = blockTrips.get(i + 1).getDistanceAlongBlock();
                // further
        HashMap<String, Integer> visitNumberForStopMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (BlockStopTimeBean stopTime : blockTrip.getBlockStopTimes()) {
            int visitNumber = getVisitNumber(visitNumberForStopMap, stopTime.getStopTime().getStop());
            // on future trips, count always.
            if (tripStatus.getActiveTrip().getId().equals(blockTrip.getTrip().getId())) {
                if (stopTime.getDistanceAlongBlock() >= distanceOfVehicleAlongBlock) {
                } else {
                    // further
            // future trip--bus hasn't reached this trip yet, so count
            // all stops
            } else {
            // monitored call
            if (stopTime.getStopTime().getStop().getId().equals(monitoredCallStopBean.getId())) {
                if (!presentationService.isOnDetour(tripStatus)) {
                    MonitoredCallStructure mcs = getMonitoredCallStructure(stopTime.getStopTime().getStop(), presentationService, stopTime.getDistanceAlongBlock() - blockTrip.getDistanceAlongBlock(), stopTime.getDistanceAlongBlock() - distanceOfVehicleAlongBlock, visitNumber, blockTripStopsAfterTheVehicle - 1, stopLevelPredictions.get(stopTime.getStopTime().getStop().getId()), detailLevel, responseTimestamp);
                    if (mcs != null) {
                // we found our monitored call--stop
Also used : BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) BlockTripBean(org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.blocks.BlockTripBean) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) BlockStopTimeBean(org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.blocks.BlockStopTimeBean) MonitoredCallStructure(

Example 3 with MonitoredCallStructure

use of in project onebusaway-application-modules by camsys.

the class SiriSupportV2 method getMonitoredCallStructure.

private static MonitoredCallStructure getMonitoredCallStructure(StopBean stopBean, PresentationService presentationService, double distanceOfCallAlongTrip, double distanceOfVehicleFromCall, int visitNumber, int index, TimepointPredictionRecord prediction, DetailLevel detailLevel, long responseTimestamp) {
    if (prediction.getScheduleRelationship() != null && prediction.isSkipped()) {"SKIPPED STOP: " + stopBean.getId());
        return null;
    MonitoredCallStructure monitoredCallStructure = new MonitoredCallStructure();
    StopPointRefStructure stopPointRef = new StopPointRefStructure();
    NaturalLanguageStringStructure stopPoint = new NaturalLanguageStringStructure();
    if (prediction != null) {
        // do not allow predicted times to be less than ResponseTimestamp
        if (prediction.getTimepointPredictedArrivalTime() < responseTimestamp) {
         * monitoredCall has less precision than onwardCall (date vs.
         * timestamp) which results in a small amount of error when
         * converting back to timestamp. Add a second here to prevent
         * negative values from showing up in the UI (actual precision
         * of the value is 1 minute, so a second has little influence)
            monitoredCallStructure.setExpectedArrivalTime(DateUtil.toXmlGregorianCalendar(responseTimestamp + 1000));
            monitoredCallStructure.setExpectedDepartureTime(DateUtil.toXmlGregorianCalendar(responseTimestamp + 1000));
        } else {
    // siri extensions
    // TODO - LCARABALLO - Distance Along Route Might Still need Extension
    /*SiriExtensionWrapper wrapper = new SiriExtensionWrapper();
    ExtensionsStructure distancesExtensions = new ExtensionsStructure();
    SiriDistanceExtension distances = new SiriDistanceExtension();

    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();

    // distances
    NaturalLanguageStringStructure presentableDistance = new NaturalLanguageStringStructure();
    presentableDistance.setValue(presentationService.getPresentableDistance(distanceOfVehicleFromCall, index));
    monitoredCallStructure.setDistanceFromStop(new BigDecimal(distanceOfVehicleFromCall).toBigInteger());
    // basic
    if (detailLevel.equals(DetailLevel.BASIC) || detailLevel.equals(DetailLevel.NORMAL) || detailLevel.equals(DetailLevel.CALLS)) {
    // normal
    if (detailLevel.equals(DetailLevel.NORMAL) || detailLevel.equals(DetailLevel.CALLS)) {
    return monitoredCallStructure;
Also used : NaturalLanguageStringStructure( StopPointRefStructure( MonitoredCallStructure( BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal)


MonitoredCallStructure ( BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)1 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Duration (javax.xml.datatype.Duration)1 BlockStopTimeBean (org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.blocks.BlockStopTimeBean)1 BlockTripBean (org.onebusaway.transit_data.model.blocks.BlockTripBean)1 FeedScopedId (org.opentripplanner.model.FeedScopedId)1 Stop (org.opentripplanner.model.Stop)1 TripTimes (org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes)1 MonitoredCallStructure ( MonitoredVehicleJourneyStructure ( VehicleActivityStructure ( NaturalLanguageStringStructure ( StopPointRefStructure (