use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class WFSNotePollingGraphUpdater method runPolling.
* The function is run periodically by the update manager.
* The extending class should provide the getNote method. It is not implemented here
* as the requirements for different updaters can be vastly different dependent on the data source.
protected void runPolling() throws IOException {"Run WFS polling updater with hashcode: {}", this.hashCode());
notesForEdge = HashMultimap.create();
uniqueMatchers = new HashMap<>();
FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> features = featureSource.getFeatures(query).features();
while (features.hasNext()) {
SimpleFeature feature =;
if (feature.getDefaultGeometry() == null)
Alert alert = getNote(feature);
if (alert == null)
Geometry geom = (Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry();
Geometry searchArea = geom.buffer(SEARCH_RADIUS_DEG);
Collection<Edge> edges = graph.streetIndex.getEdgesForEnvelope(searchArea.getEnvelopeInternal());
for (Edge edge : edges) {
if (edge instanceof StreetEdge && !searchArea.disjoint(edge.getGeometry())) {
addNote(edge, alert, NOTE_MATCHER);
updaterManager.execute(new WFSGraphWriter());
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class TurnRestrictionTest method before.
public void before() {
_graph = new Graph();
// Graph for a fictional grid city with turn restrictions
StreetVertex maple1 = vertex("maple_1st", 2.0, 2.0);
StreetVertex maple2 = vertex("maple_2nd", 1.0, 2.0);
StreetVertex maple3 = vertex("maple_3rd", 0.0, 2.0);
StreetVertex main1 = vertex("main_1st", 2.0, 1.0);
StreetVertex main2 = vertex("main_2nd", 1.0, 1.0);
StreetVertex main3 = vertex("main_3rd", 0.0, 1.0);
StreetVertex broad1 = vertex("broad_1st", 2.0, 0.0);
StreetVertex broad2 = vertex("broad_2nd", 1.0, 0.0);
StreetVertex broad3 = vertex("broad_3rd", 0.0, 0.0);
// Each block along the main streets has unit length and is one-way
StreetEdge maple1_2 = edge(maple1, maple2, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge maple2_3 = edge(maple2, maple3, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge main1_2 = edge(main1, main2, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge main2_3 = edge(main2, main3, 100.0, false);
broad1_2 = edge(broad1, broad2, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge broad2_3 = edge(broad2, broad3, 100.0, false);
// Each cross-street connects
maple_main1 = edge(maple1, main1, 50.0, false);
StreetEdge main_broad1 = edge(main1, broad1, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge maple_main2 = edge(maple2, main2, 50.0, false);
StreetEdge main_broad2 = edge(main2, broad2, 50.0, false);
StreetEdge maple_main3 = edge(maple3, main3, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge main_broad3 = edge(main3, broad3, 100.0, false);
// Turn restrictions are only for driving modes.
// - can't turn from 1st onto Main.
// - can't turn from 2nd onto Main.
// - can't turn from 2nd onto Broad.
DisallowTurn(maple_main1, main1_2);
DisallowTurn(maple_main2, main2_3);
DisallowTurn(main_broad2, broad2_3);
// Hold onto some vertices for the tests
topRight = maple1;
bottomLeft = broad3;
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class TurnRestrictionTest method edge.
* Create an edge. If twoWay, create two edges (back and forth).
* @param back true if this is a reverse edge
private StreetEdge edge(StreetVertex vA, StreetVertex vB, double length, boolean back) {
String labelA = vA.getLabel();
String labelB = vB.getLabel();
String name = String.format("%s_%s", labelA, labelB);
Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[2];
coords[0] = vA.getCoordinate();
coords[1] = vB.getCoordinate();
LineString geom = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createLineString(coords);
StreetTraversalPermission perm = StreetTraversalPermission.ALL;
return new StreetEdge(vA, vB, geom, name, length, perm, back);
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class TurnCostTest method before.
public void before() {
_graph = new Graph();
// Graph for a fictional grid city with turn restrictions
StreetVertex maple1 = vertex("maple_1st", 2.0, 2.0);
StreetVertex maple2 = vertex("maple_2nd", 1.0, 2.0);
StreetVertex maple3 = vertex("maple_3rd", 0.0, 2.0);
StreetVertex main1 = vertex("main_1st", 2.0, 1.0);
StreetVertex main2 = vertex("main_2nd", 1.0, 1.0);
StreetVertex main3 = vertex("main_3rd", 0.0, 1.0);
StreetVertex broad1 = vertex("broad_1st", 2.0, 0.0);
StreetVertex broad2 = vertex("broad_2nd", 1.0, 0.0);
StreetVertex broad3 = vertex("broad_3rd", 0.0, 0.0);
// Each block along the main streets has unit length and is one-way
StreetEdge maple1_2 = edge(maple1, maple2, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge maple2_3 = edge(maple2, maple3, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge main1_2 = edge(main1, main2, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge main2_3 = edge(main2, main3, 100.0, false);
broad1_2 = edge(broad1, broad2, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge broad2_3 = edge(broad2, broad3, 100.0, false);
// Each cross-street connects
maple_main1 = edge(maple1, main1, 50.0, false);
StreetEdge main_broad1 = edge(main1, broad1, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge maple_main2 = edge(maple2, main2, 50.0, false);
StreetEdge main_broad2 = edge(main2, broad2, 50.0, false);
StreetEdge maple_main3 = edge(maple3, main3, 100.0, false);
StreetEdge main_broad3 = edge(main3, broad3, 100.0, false);
// Turn restrictions are only for driving modes.
// - can't turn from 1st onto Main.
// - can't turn from 2nd onto Main.
// - can't turn from 2nd onto Broad.
DisallowTurn(maple_main1, main1_2);
DisallowTurn(maple_main2, main2_3);
DisallowTurn(main_broad2, broad2_3);
// Hold onto some vertices for the tests
topRight = maple1;
bottomLeft = broad3;
// Make a prototype routing request.
proto = new RoutingRequest();
proto.carSpeed = 1.0;
proto.walkSpeed = 1.0;
proto.bikeSpeed = 1.0;
proto.turnReluctance = (1.0);
proto.stairsReluctance = (1.0);
// Turn costs are all 0 by default.
proto.traversalCostModel = (new ConstantIntersectionTraversalCostModel(0.0));
use of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.StreetEdge in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class TurnCostTest method edge.
* Create an edge. If twoWay, create two edges (back and forth).
* @param vA
* @param vB
* @param length
* @param back true if this is a reverse edge
private StreetEdge edge(StreetVertex vA, StreetVertex vB, double length, boolean back) {
String labelA = vA.getLabel();
String labelB = vB.getLabel();
String name = String.format("%s_%s", labelA, labelB);
Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[2];
coords[0] = vA.getCoordinate();
coords[1] = vB.getCoordinate();
LineString geom = GeometryUtils.getGeometryFactory().createLineString(coords);
StreetTraversalPermission perm = StreetTraversalPermission.ALL;
StreetEdge pse = new StreetEdge(vA, vB, geom, name, length, perm, back);
return pse;