Search in sources :

Example 26 with TripTimes

use of org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class GTFSPatternHopFactory method run.

 * Generate the edges. Assumes that there are already vertices in the graph for the stops.
public void run(Graph graph) {
    if (fareServiceFactory == null) {
        fareServiceFactory = new DefaultFareServiceFactory();
    // TODO: Why are we loading stops? The Javadoc above says this method assumes stops are aleady loaded.
    // TODO: Why is there cached "data", and why are we clearing it? Due to a general lack of comments, I have no idea.
    // Perhaps it is to allow name collisions with previously loaded feeds.
    /* Assign 0-based numeric codes to all GTFS service IDs. */
    for (AgencyAndId serviceId : _dao.getAllServiceIds()) {
        // TODO: FIX Service code collision for multiple feeds.
        graph.serviceCodes.put(serviceId, graph.serviceCodes.size());
    LOG.debug("building hops from trips");
    Collection<Trip> trips = _dao.getAllTrips();
    int tripCount = 0;
    /* First, record which trips are used by one or more frequency entries.
         * These trips will be ignored for the purposes of non-frequency routing, and
         * all the frequency entries referencing the same trip can be added at once to the same
         * Timetable/TripPattern.
    ListMultimap<Trip, Frequency> frequenciesForTrip = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (Frequency freq : _dao.getAllFrequencies()) {
        frequenciesForTrip.put(freq.getTrip(), freq);
    /* Then loop over all trips, handling each one as a frequency-based or scheduled trip. */
    int freqCount = 0;
    int nonFreqCount = 0;
    /* The hops don't actually exist when we build their geometries, but we have to build their geometries
         * below, before we throw away the modified stopTimes, saving only the tripTimes (which don't have enough
         * information to build a geometry). So we keep them here.
         *  A trip pattern actually does not have a single geometry, but one per hop, so we store an array.
         *  FIXME _why_ doesn't it have a single geometry?
    Map<TripPattern, LineString[]> geometriesByTripPattern = Maps.newHashMap();
    TRIP: for (Trip trip : trips) {
        if (++tripCount % 100000 == 0) {
            LOG.debug("loading trips {}/{}", tripCount, trips.size());
        // TODO: move to a validator module
        if (!_calendarService.getServiceIds().contains(trip.getServiceId())) {
            LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new TripUndefinedService(trip)));
            // Invalid trip, skip it, it will break later
            continue TRIP;
        /* Fetch the stop times for this trip. Copy the list since it's immutable. */
        List<StopTime> stopTimes = new ArrayList<StopTime>(_dao.getStopTimesForTrip(trip));
        /* GTFS stop times frequently contain duplicate, missing, or incorrect entries. Repair them. */
        TIntList removedStopSequences = removeRepeatedStops(stopTimes);
        if (!removedStopSequences.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new RepeatedStops(trip, removedStopSequences)));
        filterStopTimes(stopTimes, graph);
        /* If after filtering this trip does not contain at least 2 stoptimes, it does not serve any purpose. */
        if (stopTimes.size() < 2) {
            LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new TripDegenerate(trip)));
            continue TRIP;
        /* Try to get the direction id for the trip, set to -1 if not found */
        int directionId;
        try {
            directionId = Integer.parseInt(trip.getDirectionId());
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            LOG.debug("Trip {} does not have direction id, defaults to -1");
            directionId = -1;
        /* Get the existing TripPattern for this filtered StopPattern, or create one. */
        StopPattern stopPattern = new StopPattern(stopTimes);
        TripPattern tripPattern = findOrCreateTripPattern(stopPattern, trip.getRoute(), directionId);
        /* Create a TripTimes object for this list of stoptimes, which form one trip. */
        TripTimes tripTimes = new TripTimes(trip, stopTimes, graph.deduplicator);
        /* If this trip is referenced by one or more lines in frequencies.txt, wrap it in a FrequencyEntry. */
        List<Frequency> frequencies = frequenciesForTrip.get(trip);
        if (frequencies != null && !(frequencies.isEmpty())) {
            for (Frequency freq : frequencies) {
                tripPattern.add(new FrequencyEntry(freq, tripTimes));
        // TODO replace: createGeometry(graph, trip, stopTimes, hops);
        } else /* This trip was not frequency-based. Add the TripTimes directly to the TripPattern's scheduled timetable. */
        // there would be a trip pattern with no geometry yet because it failed some of these tests
        if (!geometriesByTripPattern.containsKey(tripPattern) && trip.getShapeId() != null && trip.getShapeId().getId() != null && !trip.getShapeId().getId().equals("")) {
            // save the geometry to later be applied to the hops
            geometriesByTripPattern.put(tripPattern, createGeometry(graph, trip, stopTimes));
    // end foreach TRIP"Added {} frequency-based and {} single-trip timetable entries.", freqCount, nonFreqCount);
    graph.hasFrequencyService = graph.hasFrequencyService || freqCount > 0;
    graph.hasScheduledService = graph.hasScheduledService || nonFreqCount > 0;
    /* Generate unique human-readable names for all the TableTripPatterns. */
    /* Generate unique short IDs for all the TableTripPatterns. */
    /* Loop over all new TripPatterns, creating edges, setting the service codes and geometries, etc. */
    for (TripPattern tripPattern : tripPatterns.values()) {
        tripPattern.makePatternVerticesAndEdges(graph, context.stationStopNodes);
        // Add the geometries to the hop edges.
        LineString[] geom = geometriesByTripPattern.get(tripPattern);
        if (geom != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < tripPattern.hopEdges.length; i++) {
            // Make a geometry for the whole TripPattern from all its constituent hops.
            // This happens only if geometry is found in geometriesByTripPattern,
            // because that means that geometry was created from shapes instead "as crow flies"
        // TODO this could be more elegant
        /* Iterate over all stops in this pattern recording mode information. */
        TraverseMode mode = GtfsLibrary.getTraverseMode(tripPattern.route);
        for (TransitStop tstop : tripPattern.stopVertices) {
            if (mode == TraverseMode.SUBWAY) {
    /* Identify interlined trips and create the necessary edges. */
    interline(tripPatterns.values(), graph);
    /* Interpret the transfers explicitly defined in transfers.txt. */
    /* Store parent stops in graph, even if not linked. These are needed for clustering*/
    for (TransitStationStop stop : context.stationStopNodes.values()) {
        if (stop instanceof TransitStation) {
            TransitStation parentStopVertex = (TransitStation) stop;
            graph.parentStopById.put(parentStopVertex.getStopId(), parentStopVertex.getStop());
    // it is already done at deserialization, but standalone mode allows using graphs without serializing them.
    for (TripPattern tableTripPattern : tripPatterns.values()) {
    // eh?
    graph.putService(FareService.class, fareServiceFactory.makeFareService());
    graph.putService(OnBoardDepartService.class, new OnBoardDepartServiceImpl());
Also used : AgencyAndId(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId) TransitStop(org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStop) FrequencyEntry(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.FrequencyEntry) TripTimes(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes) TIntArrayList(gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList) TIntList(gnu.trove.list.TIntList) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) TraverseMode(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode) DefaultFareServiceFactory(org.opentripplanner.routing.impl.DefaultFareServiceFactory) StopTime(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.StopTime) StopPattern(org.opentripplanner.model.StopPattern) Trip(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Trip) TripUndefinedService(org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.TripUndefinedService) ShapePoint(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.ShapePoint) TripPattern(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern) TransitStation(org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStation) TripDegenerate(org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.TripDegenerate) LineString(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString) Frequency(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Frequency) RepeatedStops(org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation.RepeatedStops) TIntList(gnu.trove.list.TIntList) TransitStationStop(org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStationStop) OnBoardDepartServiceImpl(org.opentripplanner.routing.impl.OnBoardDepartServiceImpl)

Example 27 with TripTimes

use of org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class RoundBasedProfileRouter method route.

public void route() {"access modes: {}", request.accessModes);"egress modes: {}", request.egressModes);"direct modes: {}", request.directModes);
    // TimeWindow could constructed in the caller, which does have access to the graph index.
    this.window = new TimeWindow(request.fromTime, request.toTime, graph.index.servicesRunning(;
    // Establish search timeouts
    long searchBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long abortTime = searchBeginTime + TIMEOUT * 1000;"Finding access/egress paths.");
    // Look for stops that are within a given time threshold of the origin and destination
    // Find the closest stop on each pattern near the origin and destination
    // TODO consider that some stops may be closer by one mode than another
    // and that some stops may be accessible by one mode but not another
    ProfileStateStore store = RETAIN_PATTERNS ? new MultiProfileStateStore() : new SingleProfileStateStore();
    for (ProfileState ps : findInitialStops(false)) {
    }"Found {} initial stops", store.size());
    // we don't want to generate trips that are artificially forced to go past a transit stop.
    ROUNDS: for (int round = 0; round < MAX_ROUNDS; round++) {
        long roundStart = System.currentTimeMillis();"Begin round {}; {} stops to explore", round, store.size());
        ProfileStateStore previousStore = store;
        store = RETAIN_PATTERNS ? new MultiProfileStateStore((MultiProfileStateStore) store) : new SingleProfileStateStore((SingleProfileStateStore) store);
        Set<TripPattern> patternsToExplore = Sets.newHashSet();
        // explore all of the patterns at the stops visited on the previous round
        for (TransitStop tstop : previousStore.keys()) {
            Collection<TripPattern> patterns = graph.index.patternsForStop.get(tstop.getStop());
        }"Exploring {} patterns", patternsToExplore.size());
        // propagate all of the bounds down each pattern
        PATTERNS: for (final TripPattern pattern : patternsToExplore) {
            STOPS: for (int i = 0; i < pattern.stopVertices.length; i++) {
                if (!previousStore.containsKey(pattern.stopVertices[i]))
                    continue STOPS;
                Collection<ProfileState> statesToPropagate;
                // only propagate nondominated states
                statesToPropagate = previousStore.get(pattern.stopVertices[i]);
                // don't propagate states that use the same pattern
                statesToPropagate = Collections2.filter(statesToPropagate, new Predicate<ProfileState>() {

                    public boolean apply(ProfileState input) {
                        // don't reboard same pattern, and don't board patterns that are better boarded elsewhere
                        return !input.containsPattern(pattern) && (input.targetPatterns == null || input.targetPatterns.contains(pattern));
                if (statesToPropagate.isEmpty())
                    continue STOPS;
                int minWaitTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                int maxWaitTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                // (i.e. the transfer time is different for the initial boarding than transfers)
                for (FrequencyEntry freq : pattern.scheduledTimetable.frequencyEntries) {
                    if (freq.exactTimes) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Exact times not yet supported in profile routing.");
                    int overlap = window.overlap(freq.startTime, freq.endTime, freq.tripTimes.serviceCode);
                    if (overlap > 0) {
                        if (freq.headway > maxWaitTime)
                            maxWaitTime = freq.headway;
                        // if any frequency-based trips are running a wait of 0 is always possible, because it could come
                        // just as you show up at the stop.
                        minWaitTime = 0;
                DESTSTOPS: for (int j = i + 1; j < pattern.stopVertices.length; j++) {
                    // how long does it take to ride this trip from i to j?
                    int minRideTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    int maxRideTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    // how long does it take to get to stop j from stop i?
                    for (TripTimes tripTimes : pattern.scheduledTimetable.tripTimes) {
                        int depart = tripTimes.getDepartureTime(i);
                        int arrive = tripTimes.getArrivalTime(j);
                        if (window.includes(depart) && window.includes(arrive) && window.servicesRunning.get(tripTimes.serviceCode)) {
                            int t = arrive - depart;
                            if (t < minRideTime)
                                minRideTime = t;
                            if (t > maxRideTime)
                                maxRideTime = t;
                    /* Do the same thing for any frequency-based trips. */
                    for (FrequencyEntry freq : pattern.scheduledTimetable.frequencyEntries) {
                        TripTimes tt = freq.tripTimes;
                        int overlap = window.overlap(freq.startTime, freq.endTime, tt.serviceCode);
                        if (overlap == 0)
                        int depart = tt.getDepartureTime(i);
                        int arrive = tt.getArrivalTime(j);
                        int t = arrive - depart;
                        if (t < minRideTime)
                            minRideTime = t;
                        if (t > maxRideTime)
                            maxRideTime = t;
                    if (minWaitTime == Integer.MAX_VALUE || maxWaitTime == Integer.MIN_VALUE || minRideTime == Integer.MAX_VALUE || maxRideTime == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
                        // no trips in window that arrive at stop
                        continue DESTSTOPS;
                    if (minRideTime < 0 || maxRideTime < 0) {
                        LOG.error("Pattern {} travels backwards in time between stop {} and {}", pattern, pattern.stopVertices[i].getStop(), pattern.stopVertices[j].getStop());
                        continue DESTSTOPS;
                    // we've already checked to ensure we're not reboarding the same pattern
                    for (ProfileState ps : statesToPropagate) {
                        ProfileState ps2 = ps.propagate(minWaitTime + minRideTime, maxWaitTime + maxRideTime);
                        if (ps2.upperBound > CUTOFF_SECONDS)
                        ps2.stop = pattern.stopVertices[j];
                        ps2.accessType = Type.TRANSIT;
                        if (RETAIN_PATTERNS)
                            ps2.patterns = new TripPattern[] { pattern };
        // merge states that came from the same stop.
        if (RETAIN_PATTERNS) {
  "Round completed, merging similar states");
            ((MultiProfileStateStore) store).mergeStates();
        for (ProfileState ps : store.getAll()) {
            retainedStates.put(ps.stop, ps);
        if (round == MAX_ROUNDS - 1) {
  "Finished round {} in {} seconds", round, (System.currentTimeMillis() - roundStart) / 1000);
            break ROUNDS;
        // propagate states to nearby stops (transfers)"Finding transfers . . .");
        // avoid concurrent modification
        Set<TransitStop> touchedStopKeys = new HashSet<TransitStop>(store.keys());
        for (TransitStop tstop : touchedStopKeys) {
            List<Tuple2<TransitStop, Integer>> accessTimes = Lists.newArrayList();
            // find transfers for the stop
            for (Edge e : tstop.getOutgoing()) {
                if (e instanceof SimpleTransfer) {
                    SimpleTransfer t = (SimpleTransfer) e;
                    int time = (int) (t.getDistance() / request.walkSpeed);
                    accessTimes.add(new Tuple2((TransitStop) e.getToVertex(), time));
            // only transfer from nondominated states. only transfer to each pattern once
            Collection<ProfileState> statesAtStop = store.get(tstop);
            TObjectIntHashMap<TripPattern> minBoardTime = new TObjectIntHashMap<TripPattern>(1000, .75f, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            Map<TripPattern, ProfileState> optimalBoardState = Maps.newHashMap();
            List<ProfileState> xferStates = Lists.newArrayList();
            // make a hashset of the patterns that stop here, because we don't want to transfer to them at another stop
            HashSet<TripPattern> patternsAtSource = new HashSet<TripPattern>(graph.index.patternsForStop.get(tstop.getStop()));
            for (ProfileState ps : statesAtStop) {
                for (Tuple2<TransitStop, Integer> atime : accessTimes) {
                    ProfileState ps2 = ps.propagate(atime.b);
                    ps2.accessType = Type.TRANSFER;
                    ps2.stop = atime.a;
                    for (TripPattern patt : graph.index.patternsForStop.get(atime.a.getStop())) {
                        // don't transfer to patterns that we can board at this stop.
                        if (patternsAtSource.contains(patt))
                        if (atime.b < minBoardTime.get(patt)) {
                            minBoardTime.put(patt, atime.b);
                            optimalBoardState.put(patt, ps2);
            for (Entry<TripPattern, ProfileState> e : optimalBoardState.entrySet()) {
                ProfileState ps = e.getValue();
                if (ps.targetPatterns == null)
                    ps.targetPatterns = Sets.newHashSet();
            for (ProfileState ps : xferStates) {
                if (ps.targetPatterns != null && !ps.targetPatterns.isEmpty()) {
        }"Finished round {} in {} seconds", round, (System.currentTimeMillis() - roundStart) / 1000);
    }"Finished profile routing in {} seconds", (System.currentTimeMillis() - searchBeginTime) / 1000);
    makeSurfaces();"Finished analyst request in {} seconds total", (System.currentTimeMillis() - searchBeginTime) / 1000);
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) QualifiedModeSet(org.opentripplanner.api.parameter.QualifiedModeSet) Set(java.util.Set) RangeSet(org.opentripplanner.analyst.TimeSurface.RangeSet) TransitStop(org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStop) FrequencyEntry(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.FrequencyEntry) FrequencyEntry(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.FrequencyEntry) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) TObjectIntHashMap( TripTimes(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) SimpleTransfer(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.SimpleTransfer) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) TripPattern(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern) Tuple2(org.mapdb.Fun.Tuple2) Collection(java.util.Collection) Edge(org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge) TObjectIntMap( Map(java.util.Map) TObjectIntHashMap(

Example 28 with TripTimes

use of org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class GraphIndex method getStopTimesForStop.

 * Get a list of all trips that pass through a stop during a single ServiceDate. Useful when creating complete stop
 * timetables for a single day.
 * @param stop Stop object to perform the search for
 * @param serviceDate Return all departures for the specified date
 * @return
public List<StopTimesInPattern> getStopTimesForStop(Stop stop, ServiceDate serviceDate, boolean omitNonPickups) {
    List<StopTimesInPattern> ret = new ArrayList<>();
    TimetableSnapshot snapshot = null;
    if (graph.timetableSnapshotSource != null) {
        snapshot = graph.timetableSnapshotSource.getTimetableSnapshot();
    Collection<TripPattern> patterns = patternsForStop.get(stop);
    for (TripPattern pattern : patterns) {
        StopTimesInPattern stopTimes = new StopTimesInPattern(pattern);
        Timetable tt;
        if (snapshot != null) {
            tt = snapshot.resolve(pattern, serviceDate);
        } else {
            tt = pattern.scheduledTimetable;
        ServiceDay sd = new ServiceDay(graph, serviceDate, calendarService, pattern.route.getAgency().getId());
        int sidx = 0;
        for (Stop currStop : pattern.stopPattern.stops) {
            if (currStop == stop) {
                if (omitNonPickups && pattern.stopPattern.pickups[sidx] == pattern.stopPattern.PICKDROP_NONE)
                for (TripTimes t : tt.tripTimes) {
                    if (!sd.serviceRunning(t.serviceCode))
                    stopTimes.times.add(new TripTimeShort(t, sidx, stop, sd));
    return ret;
Also used : Timetable(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.Timetable) TripTimeShort(org.opentripplanner.index.model.TripTimeShort) ServiceDay(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.ServiceDay) TransitStop(org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStop) Stop(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Stop) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TripTimes(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes) TimetableSnapshot(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TimetableSnapshot) TripPattern(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern) StopTimesInPattern(org.opentripplanner.index.model.StopTimesInPattern)

Example 29 with TripTimes

use of org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class GraphIndex method stopTimesForStop.

 * Fetch upcoming vehicle departures from a stop.
 * It goes though all patterns passing the stop for the previous, current and next service date.
 * It uses a priority queue to keep track of the next departures. The queue is shared between all dates, as services
 * from the previous service date can visit the stop later than the current service date's services. This happens
 * eg. with sleeper trains.
 * TODO: Add frequency based trips
 * @param stop Stop object to perform the search for
 * @param startTime Start time for the search. Seconds from UNIX epoch
 * @param timeRange Searches forward for timeRange seconds from startTime
 * @param numberOfDepartures Number of departures to fetch per pattern
 * @param omitNonPickups If true, do not include vehicles that will not pick up passengers.
 * @return
public List<StopTimesInPattern> stopTimesForStop(Stop stop, long startTime, int timeRange, int numberOfDepartures, boolean omitNonPickups) {
    if (startTime == 0) {
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
    List<StopTimesInPattern> ret = new ArrayList<>();
    TimetableSnapshot snapshot = null;
    if (graph.timetableSnapshotSource != null) {
        snapshot = graph.timetableSnapshotSource.getTimetableSnapshot();
    Date date = new Date(startTime * 1000);
    ServiceDate[] serviceDates = { new ServiceDate(date).previous(), new ServiceDate(date), new ServiceDate(date).next() };
    for (TripPattern pattern : patternsForStop.get(stop)) {
        // Use the Lucene PriorityQueue, which has a fixed size
        PriorityQueue<TripTimeShort> pq = new PriorityQueue<TripTimeShort>(numberOfDepartures) {

            protected boolean lessThan(TripTimeShort tripTimeShort, TripTimeShort t1) {
                // Calculate exact timestamp
                return (tripTimeShort.serviceDay + tripTimeShort.realtimeDeparture) > (t1.serviceDay + t1.realtimeDeparture);
        // Loop through all possible days
        for (ServiceDate serviceDate : serviceDates) {
            ServiceDay sd = new ServiceDay(graph, serviceDate, calendarService, pattern.route.getAgency().getId());
            Timetable tt;
            if (snapshot != null) {
                tt = snapshot.resolve(pattern, serviceDate);
            } else {
                tt = pattern.scheduledTimetable;
            if (!tt.temporallyViable(sd, startTime, timeRange, true))
            int secondsSinceMidnight = sd.secondsSinceMidnight(startTime);
            int sidx = 0;
            for (Stop currStop : pattern.stopPattern.stops) {
                if (currStop == stop) {
                    if (omitNonPickups && pattern.stopPattern.pickups[sidx] == pattern.stopPattern.PICKDROP_NONE)
                    for (TripTimes t : tt.tripTimes) {
                        if (!sd.serviceRunning(t.serviceCode))
                        if (t.getDepartureTime(sidx) != -1 && t.getDepartureTime(sidx) >= secondsSinceMidnight) {
                            pq.insertWithOverflow(new TripTimeShort(t, sidx, stop, sd));
                    // TODO: This needs to be adapted after #1647 is merged
                    for (FrequencyEntry freq : tt.frequencyEntries) {
                        if (!sd.serviceRunning(freq.tripTimes.serviceCode))
                        int departureTime = freq.nextDepartureTime(sidx, secondsSinceMidnight);
                        if (departureTime == -1)
                        int lastDeparture = freq.endTime + freq.tripTimes.getArrivalTime(sidx) - freq.tripTimes.getDepartureTime(0);
                        int i = 0;
                        while (departureTime <= lastDeparture && i < numberOfDepartures) {
                            pq.insertWithOverflow(new TripTimeShort(freq.materialize(sidx, departureTime, true), sidx, stop, sd));
                            departureTime += freq.headway;
        if (pq.size() != 0) {
            StopTimesInPattern stopTimes = new StopTimesInPattern(pattern);
            while (pq.size() != 0) {
                stopTimes.times.add(0, pq.pop());
    return ret;
Also used : Timetable(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.Timetable) ServiceDay(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.ServiceDay) TransitStop(org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStop) Stop(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Stop) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FrequencyEntry(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.FrequencyEntry) TimetableSnapshot(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TimetableSnapshot) PriorityQueue(org.apache.lucene.util.PriorityQueue) Date(java.util.Date) ServiceDate(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.calendar.ServiceDate) LocalDate(org.joda.time.LocalDate) TripPattern(org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern) TripTimeShort(org.opentripplanner.index.model.TripTimeShort) ServiceDate(org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.calendar.ServiceDate) TripTimes(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes) StopTimesInPattern(org.opentripplanner.index.model.StopTimesInPattern)

Example 30 with TripTimes

use of org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.

the class PatternHop method traverse.

public State traverse(State s0) {
    RoutingRequest options = s0.getOptions();
    // Ignore this edge if either of its stop is banned hard
    if (!options.bannedStopsHard.isEmpty()) {
        if (options.bannedStopsHard.matches(((PatternStopVertex) fromv).getStop()) || options.bannedStopsHard.matches(((PatternStopVertex) tov).getStop())) {
            return null;
    TripTimes tripTimes = s0.getTripTimes();
    int runningTime = tripTimes.getRunningTime(stopIndex);
    StateEditor s1 = s0.edit(this);
    if (s0.getOptions().arriveBy)
    // s1.setRoute(pattern.getExemplar().route.getId());
    return s1.makeState();
Also used : StateEditor(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.StateEditor) TripTimes(org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes) RoutingRequest(org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest) PatternStopVertex(org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.PatternStopVertex)


TripTimes (org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes)40 TripPattern (org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern)19 Stop (org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Stop)13 FrequencyEntry (org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.FrequencyEntry)12 TransitStop (org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStop)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Trip (org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Trip)9 RoutingRequest (org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest)9 Timetable (org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.Timetable)9 AgencyAndId (org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId)8 StopTime (org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.StopTime)8 ServiceDay (org.opentripplanner.routing.core.ServiceDay)8 Test (org.junit.Test)7 StopPattern (org.opentripplanner.model.StopPattern)7 StopTimeUpdate ( PatternHop (org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.PatternHop)6 TimetableSnapshot (org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TimetableSnapshot)6 TripDescriptor ( Coordinate (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate)5 RoutingContext (org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingContext)5