use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class CloseEventsAbstractTest method testEventCausedByStateReset.
* Test a reset event triggering another event at the same time.
public void testEventCausedByStateReset() throws OrekitException {
// setup
double maxCheck = 10;
double tolerance = 1e-6;
double t1 = 15.0;
SpacecraftState newState = new SpacecraftState(new KeplerianOrbit(6378137 + 500e3, 0, FastMath.PI / 2, 0, 0, FastMath.PI / 2, PositionAngle.TRUE, eci, epoch.shiftedBy(t1), mu));
// shared event list so we know the order in which they occurred
List<Event<EventDetector>> events = new ArrayList<>();
TimeDetector detectorA = new TimeDetector(t1).withHandler(new Handler<EventDetector>(events, Action.RESET_STATE) {
public SpacecraftState resetState(EventDetector detector, SpacecraftState oldState) {
return newState;
LatitudeCrossingDetector detectorB = new LatitudeCrossingDetector(earth, FastMath.toRadians(80)).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
Propagator propagator = getPropagator(10);
// action
// verify
// really we only care that the Rules of Event Handling are not violated,
Assert.assertEquals(2, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(0).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertEquals(detectorA, events.get(0).getDetector());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(1).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(1).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertEquals(detectorB, events.get(1).getDetector());
use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class CloseEventsAbstractTest method testShortBracketingIntervalReverse.
* The root finder requires the start point to be in the interval (a, b) which is hard
* when there aren't many numbers between a and b. This test uses a second event
* detector to force a very small window for the first event detector.
public void testShortBracketingIntervalReverse() throws OrekitException {
// setup
double maxCheck = 10;
double tolerance = 1e-6;
final double t1 = FastMath.nextDown(-10.0), t2 = -10.5;
// shared event list so we know the order in which they occurred
List<Event<EventDetector>> events = new ArrayList<>();
// never zero so there is no easy way out
EventDetector detectorA = new AbstractDetector<EventDetector>(maxCheck, tolerance, 100, new RecordAndContinue<>(events)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public double g(SpacecraftState state) {
final AbsoluteDate t = state.getDate();
if (t.compareTo(epoch.shiftedBy(t1)) > 0) {
return -1;
} else if (t.compareTo(epoch.shiftedBy(t2)) > 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
protected EventDetector create(double newMaxCheck, double newThreshold, int newMaxIter, EventHandler<? super EventDetector> newHandler) {
return null;
TimeDetector detectorB = new TimeDetector(t1).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
Propagator propagator = getPropagator(10);
// action
// verify
Assert.assertEquals(3, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(0).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(false, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorA, events.get(0).getDetector());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(1).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(1).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorB, events.get(1).getDetector());
Assert.assertEquals(t2, events.get(2).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(2).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorA, events.get(2).getDetector());
use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class CloseEventsAbstractTest method testCloseEventsFirstOneIsResetReverse.
/* The following tests are copies of the above tests, except that they propagate in
* the reverse direction and all the signs on the time values are negated.
public void testCloseEventsFirstOneIsResetReverse() throws OrekitException {
// setup
// a fairly rare state to reproduce this bug. Two dates, d1 < d2, that
// are very close. Event triggers on d1 will reset state to break out of
// event handling loop in AbstractIntegrator.acceptStep(). At this point
// detector2 has g0Positive == true but the event time is set to just
// before the event so g(t0) is negative. Now on processing the
// next step the root solver checks the sign of the start, midpoint,
// and end of the interval so we need another event less than half a max
// check interval after d2 so that the g function will be negative at
// all three times. Then we get a non bracketing exception.
Propagator propagator = getPropagator(10.0);
// switched for 9 to 1 to be close to the start of the step
double t1 = -1;
Handler<EventDetector> handler1 = new Handler<>(Action.RESET_DERIVATIVES);
TimeDetector detector1 = new TimeDetector(t1).withHandler(handler1).withMaxCheck(10).withThreshold(1e-9);
RecordAndContinue<EventDetector> handler2 = new RecordAndContinue<>();
TimeDetector detector2 = new TimeDetector(t1 - 1e-15, t1 - 4.9).withHandler(handler2).withMaxCheck(11).withThreshold(1e-9);
// action
// verify
List<Event<EventDetector>> events1 = handler1.getEvents();
Assert.assertEquals(1, events1.size());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events1.get(0).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), 0.0);
List<Event<EventDetector>> events2 = handler2.getEvents();
Assert.assertEquals(0, events2.size());
use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class CloseEventsAbstractTest method testZeroAtBeginningAndEndOfIntervalOppositeSignReverse.
* check root finding when zero at both ends.
public void testZeroAtBeginningAndEndOfIntervalOppositeSignReverse() throws OrekitException {
// setup
double maxCheck = 10;
double tolerance = 1e-6;
double t1 = -10, t2 = -20;
// shared event list so we know the order in which they occurred
List<Event<EventDetector>> events = new ArrayList<>();
ContinuousDetector detectorA = new ContinuousDetector(t1, t2).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
Propagator propagator = getPropagator(10);
// action
// verify
Assert.assertEquals(2, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(0).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), 0.0);
Assert.assertEquals(false, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorA, events.get(0).getDetector());
Assert.assertEquals(t2, events.get(1).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), 0.0);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(1).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorA, events.get(1).getDetector());
use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class CloseEventsAbstractTest method testTrickyCaseLower.
* "A Tricky Problem" from bug #239.
public void testTrickyCaseLower() throws OrekitException {
// setup
double maxCheck = 10;
double tolerance = 1e-6;
double t1 = 1.0, t2 = 15, t3 = 16, t4 = 17, t5 = 18;
// shared event list so we know the order in which they occurred
List<Event<EventDetector>> events = new ArrayList<>();
TimeDetector detectorA = new TimeDetector(t3).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
TimeDetector detectorB = new TimeDetector(-10, t1, t2, t5).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
TimeDetector detectorC = new TimeDetector(t4).withHandler(new Handler<>(events, Action.RESET_DERIVATIVES)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
Propagator propagator = getPropagator(10);
// action
// verify
// really we only care that the Rules of Event Handling are not violated,
// but I only know one way to do that in this case.
Assert.assertEquals(5, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(0).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(false, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertEquals(t2, events.get(1).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(1).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertEquals(t3, events.get(2).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(2).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertEquals(t4, events.get(3).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(3).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertEquals(t5, events.get(4).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(false, events.get(4).isIncreasing());