use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class CloseEventsAbstractTest method testRootPlusToleranceHasWrongSignAndLessThanTb.
* check when g(t < root) < 0, g(root + convergence) < 0.
public void testRootPlusToleranceHasWrongSignAndLessThanTb() throws OrekitException {
// setup
// test is fragile w.r.t. implementation and these parameters
double maxCheck = 10;
double tolerance = 0.5;
double t1 = 11, t2 = 11.4, t3 = 12.0;
// shared event list so we know the order in which they occurred
List<Event<EventDetector>> events = new ArrayList<>();
FlatDetector detectorB = new FlatDetector(t1, t2, t3).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
Propagator propagator = getPropagator(10);
// action
// verify
// allowed to find t1 or t3.
Assert.assertEquals(1, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(0).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorB, events.get(0).getDetector());
use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class CloseEventsAbstractTest method testRootPlusToleranceHasWrongSignReverse.
* check when g(t < root) < 0, g(root + convergence) < 0.
public void testRootPlusToleranceHasWrongSignReverse() throws OrekitException {
// setup
double maxCheck = 10;
double tolerance = 1e-6;
final double toleranceB = 0.3;
double t1 = -11, t2 = -11.1, t3 = -11.2;
// shared event list so we know the order in which they occurred
List<Event<EventDetector>> events = new ArrayList<>();
TimeDetector detectorA = new TimeDetector(t2).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
TimeDetector detectorB = new TimeDetector(-50, t1, t3).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(toleranceB);
Propagator propagator = getPropagator(10);
// action
// verify
// we only care that the rules are satisfied. There are multiple solutions.
Assert.assertEquals(3, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(0).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), toleranceB);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorB, events.get(0).getDetector());
Assert.assertEquals(t3, events.get(1).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), toleranceB);
Assert.assertEquals(false, events.get(1).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorB, events.get(1).getDetector());
Assert.assertEquals(t2, events.get(2).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(2).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorA, events.get(2).getDetector());
// ascending order
Assert.assertTrue(events.get(0).getState().getDate().compareTo(events.get(1).getState().getDate()) >= 0);
Assert.assertTrue(events.get(1).getState().getDate().compareTo(events.get(2).getState().getDate()) >= 0);
use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class CloseEventsAbstractTest method testEventChangesGFunctionDefinitionReverse.
* test when one event detector changes the definition of another's g function before
* the end of the step as a result of a continue action. Not sure if this should be
* officially supported, but it is used in Orekit's DateDetector, it's useful, and not
* too hard to implement.
public void testEventChangesGFunctionDefinitionReverse() throws OrekitException {
// setup
double maxCheck = 5;
double tolerance = 1e-6;
double t1 = -11, t2 = -19;
// shared event list so we know the order in which they occurred
List<Event<EventDetector>> events = new ArrayList<>();
// mutable boolean
boolean[] swap = new boolean[1];
ContinuousDetector detectorA = new ContinuousDetector(t1).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<EventDetector>(events) {
public Action eventOccurred(SpacecraftState s, EventDetector detector, boolean increasing) {
swap[0] = true;
return super.eventOccurred(s, detector, increasing);
ContinuousDetector detectorB = new ContinuousDetector(t2);
EventDetector detectorC = new AbstractDetector<EventDetector>(maxCheck, tolerance, 100, new RecordAndContinue<>(events)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public double g(SpacecraftState state) throws OrekitException {
if (swap[0]) {
return detectorB.g(state);
} else {
return 1;
protected EventDetector create(double newMaxCheck, double newThreshold, int newMaxIter, EventHandler<? super EventDetector> newHandler) {
return null;
Propagator propagator = getPropagator(10);
// action
// verify
Assert.assertEquals(2, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(0).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorA, events.get(0).getDetector());
Assert.assertEquals(t2, events.get(1).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), tolerance);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(1).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorC, events.get(1).getDetector());
use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class RecordAndContinueTest method testGetEvents.
* check add and clear behavior.
* @throws OrekitException on error.
public void testGetEvents() throws OrekitException {
// setup
RecordAndContinue<DateDetector> handler = new RecordAndContinue<DateDetector>();
AbsoluteDate date = AbsoluteDate.J2000_EPOCH;
DateDetector detector = new DateDetector(date);
Frame eci = FramesFactory.getGCRF();
Orbit orbit = new KeplerianOrbit(6378137 + 500e3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, PositionAngle.TRUE, eci, date, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU);
SpacecraftState s1 = new SpacecraftState(orbit);
SpacecraftState s2 = s1.shiftedBy(-10);
SpacecraftState s3 = s2.shiftedBy(1);
SpacecraftState s4 = s3.shiftedBy(1);
// actions
Assert.assertEquals(Action.CONTINUE, handler.eventOccurred(s1, detector, true));
Assert.assertEquals(Action.CONTINUE, handler.eventOccurred(s2, detector, true));
Assert.assertEquals(Action.CONTINUE, handler.eventOccurred(s3, detector, false));
// verify
List<Event<DateDetector>> events = handler.getEvents();
Assert.assertEquals(3, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(s1, events.get(0).getState());
Assert.assertEquals(s2, events.get(1).getState());
Assert.assertEquals(s3, events.get(2).getState());
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(1).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertEquals(false, events.get(2).isIncreasing());
for (Event<DateDetector> event : events) {
Assert.assertEquals(detector, event.getDetector());
// action: clear
// verify is empty
Assert.assertEquals(0, handler.getEvents().size());
// action add more
Assert.assertEquals(Action.CONTINUE, handler.eventOccurred(s4, detector, false));
// verify new events
events = handler.getEvents();
Assert.assertEquals(1, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(s4, events.get(0).getState());
Assert.assertEquals(false, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertEquals(detector, events.get(0).getDetector());
use of in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class CloseEventsAbstractTest method testDoubleRootReverse.
* Check when g(t) has a multiple root. e.g. g(t < root) < 0, g(root) = 0, g(t > root)
* < 0.
public void testDoubleRootReverse() throws OrekitException {
// setup
double maxCheck = 10;
double tolerance = 1e-6;
double t1 = -11;
// shared event list so we know the order in which they occurred
List<Event<EventDetector>> events = new ArrayList<>();
TimeDetector detectorA = new TimeDetector(t1).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
TimeDetector detectorB = new TimeDetector(t1, t1).withHandler(new RecordAndContinue<>(events)).withMaxCheck(maxCheck).withThreshold(tolerance);
Propagator propagator = getPropagator(10);
// action
// verify
Assert.assertEquals(1, events.size());
Assert.assertEquals(t1, events.get(0).getState().getDate().durationFrom(epoch), 0.0);
Assert.assertEquals(true, events.get(0).isIncreasing());
Assert.assertSame(detectorA, events.get(0).getDetector());
// detector worked correctly
Assert.assertTrue(detectorB.g(state(t1)) == 0.0);
Assert.assertTrue(detectorB.g(state(t1 + 1e-6)) < 0);
Assert.assertTrue(detectorB.g(state(t1 - 1e-6)) < 0);