use of org.osate.aadl2.DataPort in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.
the class Aadl2Vdm method translateProcessTypeObjects.
// End of translateAbstractTypeObjects
* Analyzing each processType:
* 1. Determine if it is a lower-level system or higher-level system
* 2. If lower-level, add to componentType list attribute of Model
* 2.1 Populate the port, contract, cyberRel, safetyRel, event, id, compCategory
* fields of componentType of the Model object
* 3. If higher-level, assign to Model
* 3.1 Populate the safetyReq
* cyberReq, mission fields of Model object
* @param processTypes
* @param m1
* @return
public Model translateProcessTypeObjects(List<ProcessType> processTypes, Model m1, HashSet<String> dataTypeDecl) {
for (ProcessType prcsType : processTypes) {
// variables for unpacking prcsType
List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberMission> missionReqs = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberRel> cyberRels = new ArrayList<>();
List<SafetyRel> safetyRels = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberReq> cyberReqs = new ArrayList<>();
List<SafetyReq> safetyReqs = new ArrayList<>();
// a flag to check if a higher -level component has already been found
boolean higher_flag = false;
// unpacking prcsType
for (AnnexSubclause annex : prcsType.getOwnedAnnexSubclauses()) {
if (annex.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("verdict")) {
Verdict verdictAnnex = VerdictUtil.getVerdict(annex);
for (Statement statement : verdictAnnex.getElements()) {
if (statement instanceof Event) {
events.add((Event) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberMission) {
missionReqs.add((CyberMission) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberReq) {
cyberReqs.add((CyberReq) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberRel) {
cyberRels.add((CyberRel) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof SafetyReq) {
safetyReqs.add((SafetyReq) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof SafetyRel) {
safetyRels.add((SafetyRel) statement);
* For every ProcessType,
* populate the id, name, compCateg, port, event,
* cyberRel, and safetyRel fields of componentType
* and add it to the list of componentType
* of the Model object
if (true) {
// No Filter-- do for all System Types
// to pack the memType as a VDM component
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType packComponent = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType();
// Note: Not populating "contract" for now
// ISSUE: There is no getId() function for memoryType
// populating "name"
// populating "compCateg"
// ISSUE: no getOwnedBusAccesses
// get all data accesses and store them as ports
List<DataAccess> dataAccesses = prcsType.getOwnedDataAccesses();
// checking each dataAccess's details and adding it to the port list
for (DataAccess dataAccess : dataAccesses) {
String portName = dataAccess.getName();
String modeString = "in";
if (dataAccess.getKind() == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
modeString = "providesDataAccess";
} else if (dataAccess.getKind() == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
modeString = "requiresDataAccess";
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(portName, modeString, dataAccess.getQualifiedName());
// Note: Not populating "type" for now
// ISSUE: "probe", "event", and "id" not found in DataPort class or superclass
// add to port list of component
// End of checking each dataAccess
// get all ports
List<DataPort> dataPorts = prcsType.getOwnedDataPorts();
// checking each port's mode and name and adding it to the port list
for (DataPort dataPort : dataPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(dataPort, m1, dataTypeDecl);
// Note: Not populating "type" for now
// ISSUE: "probe", "event", and "id" not found in DataPort class or superclass
// add to port list of component
// End of checking each port
// get all event data ports
List<EventDataPort> eventDataPorts = prcsType.getOwnedEventDataPorts();
for (EventDataPort eventDataPort : eventDataPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(eventDataPort, m1, dataTypeDecl);
// add to port list of component
// get all event ports
List<EventPort> eventPorts = prcsType.getOwnedEventPorts();
for (EventPort eventPort : eventPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmEventPort(eventPort);
// add to port list of component
// packing all events and adding to component
for (Event anEvent : events) {
// To pack the event as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Event packEvent = createVdmEvent(anEvent);
// adding to the list of component's events
// packing all cyberRels and adding to component
for (CyberRel aCyberRel : cyberRels) {
// To pack the cyberRel as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CyberRel packCyberRel = createVdmCyberRel(aCyberRel);
// adding to the list of component's Cyber relations
// packing all safetyRels and adding to component
for (SafetyRel aSafetyRel : safetyRels) {
// To pack the safetyRel as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.SafetyRel packSafetyRel = createVdmSafetyRel(aSafetyRel);
// adding to the list of component's Safety relations
// End of packing all safetyRels
// adding to the list of componenmemTypes of the Model object
* If a high-level system
* populate the name, safetyReq, cyberReq, and mission
* for the model object
if (!cyberReqs.isEmpty() || !safetyReqs.isEmpty() || !missionReqs.isEmpty()) {
// checking if a high-level system has already been found
if (higher_flag == false) {
higher_flag = true;
} else {
System.out.println("Warning: Multiple high-level systems detected!");
// populating name
// packing all safetyReqs and adding to model
for (SafetyReq aSafetyReq : safetyReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.SafetyReq packSafetyReq = createVdmSafetyReq(aSafetyReq, prcsType.getFullName());
// adding to the list of model's Safety requirements
// packing all cyberReqs and adding to model
for (CyberReq aCyberReq : cyberReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CyberReq packCyberReq = createVdmCyberReq(aCyberReq, prcsType.getFullName());
// adding to the list of model's Cyber requirements
// packing all missionReqs and adding to model
for (CyberMission aMission : missionReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Mission packMission = createVdmMission(aMission);
// adding to the list of model's Mission
// End of packing all missionReqs
// End of if a higher-level system
// returning the populated Model
return m1;
use of org.osate.aadl2.DataPort in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.
the class Aadl2Vdm method translateProcessorTypeObjects.
// End of translateVirtualProcessorTypeObjects
* Analyzing each processorType:
* 1. Determine if it is a lower-level system or higher-level system
* 2. If lower-level, add to componentType list attribute of Model
* 2.1 Populate the port, contract, cyberRel, safetyRel, event, id, compCategory
* fields of componentType of the Model object
* 3. If higher-level, assign to Model
* 3.1 Populate the safetyReq
* cyberReq, mission fields of Model object
* @param processorTypes
* @param m1
* @return
public Model translateProcessorTypeObjects(List<ProcessorType> processorTypes, Model m1, HashSet<String> dataTypeDecl) {
for (ProcessorType proType : processorTypes) {
// variables for unpacking proType
List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberMission> missionReqs = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberRel> cyberRels = new ArrayList<>();
List<SafetyRel> safetyRels = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberReq> cyberReqs = new ArrayList<>();
List<SafetyReq> safetyReqs = new ArrayList<>();
// a flag to check if a higher -level component has already been found
boolean higher_flag = false;
// unpacking proType
for (AnnexSubclause annex : proType.getOwnedAnnexSubclauses()) {
if (annex.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("verdict")) {
Verdict verdictAnnex = VerdictUtil.getVerdict(annex);
for (Statement statement : verdictAnnex.getElements()) {
if (statement instanceof Event) {
events.add((Event) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberMission) {
missionReqs.add((CyberMission) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberReq) {
cyberReqs.add((CyberReq) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberRel) {
cyberRels.add((CyberRel) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof SafetyReq) {
safetyReqs.add((SafetyReq) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof SafetyRel) {
safetyRels.add((SafetyRel) statement);
* For every ProcessorType,
* populate the id, name, compCateg, port, event,
* cyberRel, and safetyRel fields of componentType
* and add it to the list of componentType
* of the Model object
if (true) {
// No Filter-- do for all System Types
// to pack the memType as a VDM component
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType packComponent = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType();
// Note: Not populating "contract" for now
// ISSUE: There is no getId() function for memoryType
// populating "name"
// populating "compCateg"
// get all bus accesses and store them as ports
List<BusAccess> busAccesses = proType.getOwnedBusAccesses();
// checking each busAccess's details and adding it to the port list
for (BusAccess busAccess : busAccesses) {
String portName = busAccess.getName();
String modeString = "in";
if (busAccess.getKind() == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
modeString = "providesBusAccess";
} else if (busAccess.getKind() == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
modeString = "requiresBusAccess";
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(portName, modeString, busAccess.getQualifiedName());
// Note: Not populating "type" for now
// ISSUE: "probe", "event", and "id" not found in DataPort class or superclass
// add to port list of component
// End of checking each busAccess
// ISSUE: no getOwnedDataAccess for processorType
// get all ports
List<DataPort> dataPorts = proType.getOwnedDataPorts();
// checking each port's mode and name and adding it to the port list
for (DataPort dataPort : dataPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(dataPort, m1, dataTypeDecl);
// ISSUE: "probe", "event", and "id" not found in DataPort class or superclass
// add to port list of component
// End of checking each port
// get all event data ports
List<EventDataPort> eventDataPorts = proType.getOwnedEventDataPorts();
for (EventDataPort eventDataPort : eventDataPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(eventDataPort, m1, dataTypeDecl);
// add to port list of component
// get all event ports
List<EventPort> eventPorts = proType.getOwnedEventPorts();
for (EventPort eventPort : eventPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmEventPort(eventPort);
// add to port list of component
// packing all events and adding to component
for (Event anEvent : events) {
// To pack the event as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Event packEvent = createVdmEvent(anEvent);
// adding to the list of component's events
// packing all cyberRels and adding to component
for (CyberRel aCyberRel : cyberRels) {
// To pack the cyberRel as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CyberRel packCyberRel = createVdmCyberRel(aCyberRel);
// adding to the list of component's Cyber relations
// packing all safetyRels and adding to component
for (SafetyRel aSafetyRel : safetyRels) {
// To pack the safetyRel as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.SafetyRel packSafetyRel = createVdmSafetyRel(aSafetyRel);
// adding to the list of component's Safety relations
// End of packing all safetyRels
// adding to the list of componenmemTypes of the Model object
* If a high-level system
* populate the name, safetyReq, cyberReq, and mission
* for the model object
if (!cyberReqs.isEmpty() || !safetyReqs.isEmpty() || !missionReqs.isEmpty()) {
// checking if a high-level system has already been found
if (higher_flag == false) {
higher_flag = true;
} else {
System.out.println("Warning: Multiple high-level systems detected!");
// populating name
// packing all safetyReqs and adding to model
for (SafetyReq aSafetyReq : safetyReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.SafetyReq packSafetyReq = createVdmSafetyReq(aSafetyReq, proType.getFullName());
// adding to the list of model's Safety requirements
// packing all cyberReqs and adding to model
for (CyberReq aCyberReq : cyberReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CyberReq packCyberReq = createVdmCyberReq(aCyberReq, proType.getFullName());
// adding to the list of model's Cyber requirements
// packing all missionReqs and adding to model
for (CyberMission aMission : missionReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Mission packMission = createVdmMission(aMission);
// adding to the list of model's Mission
// End of packing all missionReqs
// End of if a higher-level system
// returning the populated Model
return m1;
use of org.osate.aadl2.DataPort in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.
the class Aadl2Vdm method createVdmPort.
* @author Vidhya Tekken Valapil
* Creates a new Vdm Port object and returns
* Populates "name", "mode" and "type"
* @param eventdataport
* @return vdm port
private Port createVdmPort(EventDataPort dataPort, Model model, HashSet<String> dataTypeDecl) {
String modeString = "in";
if (dataPort.isIn()) {
modeString = "in";
} else if (dataPort.isOut()) {
modeString = "out";
// fetching data type information
DataSubcomponentType dSubCompType = dataPort.getDataFeatureClassifier();
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port();
if (dSubCompType != null) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_data.DataType dtype = new verdict.vdm.vdm_data.DataType();
if (dSubCompType instanceof DataTypeImpl) {
org.osate.aadl2.DataType aadlDType = (org.osate.aadl2.DataType) dSubCompType;
dtype = resolveAADLDataType(aadlDType, model, dataTypeDecl);
} else if (dSubCompType instanceof DataImplementationImpl) {
org.osate.aadl2.DataImplementation aadlDImpl = (org.osate.aadl2.DataImplementation) dSubCompType;
dtype = resolveAADLDataImplementationType(aadlDImpl, model, dataTypeDecl);
} else {
System.out.println("Unresolved/unexpected Named Element.");
return newPort;
use of org.osate.aadl2.DataPort in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.
the class Aadl2Vdm method translateVirtualProcessorTypeObjects.
// End of translateThreadGroupTypeObjects
* Analyzing each virtualProcessorType:
* 1. Determine if it is a lower-level system or higher-level system
* 2. If lower-level, add to componentType list attribute of Model
* 2.1 Populate the port, contract, cyberRel, safetyRel, event, id, compCategory
* fields of componentType of the Model object
* 3. If higher-level, assign to Model
* 3.1 Populate the safetyReq
* cyberReq, mission fields of Model object
* @param virtualProcessorTypes
* @param m1
* @return
public Model translateVirtualProcessorTypeObjects(List<VirtualProcessorType> virtualProcessorTypes, Model m1, HashSet<String> dataTypeDecl) {
for (VirtualProcessorType vprocType : virtualProcessorTypes) {
// variables for unpacking vprocType
List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberMission> missionReqs = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberRel> cyberRels = new ArrayList<>();
List<SafetyRel> safetyRels = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberReq> cyberReqs = new ArrayList<>();
List<SafetyReq> safetyReqs = new ArrayList<>();
// a flag to check if a higher -level component has already been found
boolean higher_flag = false;
// unpacking vprocType
for (AnnexSubclause annex : vprocType.getOwnedAnnexSubclauses()) {
if (annex.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("verdict")) {
Verdict verdictAnnex = VerdictUtil.getVerdict(annex);
for (Statement statement : verdictAnnex.getElements()) {
if (statement instanceof Event) {
events.add((Event) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberMission) {
missionReqs.add((CyberMission) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberReq) {
cyberReqs.add((CyberReq) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberRel) {
cyberRels.add((CyberRel) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof SafetyReq) {
safetyReqs.add((SafetyReq) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof SafetyRel) {
safetyRels.add((SafetyRel) statement);
* For every VirtualProcessorType,
* populate the id, name, compCateg, port, event,
* cyberRel, and safetyRel fields of componentType
* and add it to the list of componentType
* of the Model object
if (true) {
// No Filter-- do for all System Types
// to pack the memType as a VDM component
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType packComponent = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType();
// Note: Not populating "contract" for now
// ISSUE: There is no getId() function for memoryType
// populating "name"
// populating "compCateg"
// get all bus accesses and store them as ports
List<BusAccess> busAccesses = vprocType.getOwnedBusAccesses();
// checking each busAccess's details and adding it to the port list
for (BusAccess busAccess : busAccesses) {
String portName = busAccess.getName();
String modeString = "in";
if (busAccess.getKind() == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
modeString = "providesBusAccess";
} else if (busAccess.getKind() == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
modeString = "requiresBusAccess";
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(portName, modeString, busAccess.getQualifiedName());
// Note: Not populating "type" for now
// ISSUE: "probe", "event", and "id" not found in DataPort class or superclass
// add to port list of component
// End of checking each busAccess
// ISSUE: no getOwnedDataAccesses for virtualProcessorType
// get all ports
List<DataPort> dataPorts = vprocType.getOwnedDataPorts();
// checking each port's mode and name and adding it to the port list
for (DataPort dataPort : dataPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(dataPort, m1, dataTypeDecl);
// Note: Not populating "type" for now
// ISSUE: "probe", "event", and "id" not found in DataPort class or superclass
// add to port list of component
// End of checking each port
// get all event data ports
List<EventDataPort> eventDataPorts = vprocType.getOwnedEventDataPorts();
for (EventDataPort eventDataPort : eventDataPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(eventDataPort, m1, dataTypeDecl);
// add to port list of component
// get all event ports
List<EventPort> eventPorts = vprocType.getOwnedEventPorts();
for (EventPort eventPort : eventPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmEventPort(eventPort);
// add to port list of component
// packing all events and adding to component
for (Event anEvent : events) {
// To pack the event as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Event packEvent = createVdmEvent(anEvent);
// adding to the list of component's events
// packing all cyberRels and adding to component
for (CyberRel aCyberRel : cyberRels) {
// To pack the cyberRel as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CyberRel packCyberRel = createVdmCyberRel(aCyberRel);
// adding to the list of component's Cyber relations
// packing all safetyRels and adding to component
for (SafetyRel aSafetyRel : safetyRels) {
// To pack the safetyRel as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.SafetyRel packSafetyRel = createVdmSafetyRel(aSafetyRel);
// adding to the list of component's Safety relations
// End of packing all safetyRels
// adding to the list of componenmemTypes of the Model object
* If a high-level system
* populate the name, safetyReq, cyberReq, and mission
* for the model object
if (!cyberReqs.isEmpty() || !safetyReqs.isEmpty() || !missionReqs.isEmpty()) {
// checking if a high-level system has already been found
if (higher_flag == false) {
higher_flag = true;
} else {
System.out.println("Warning: Multiple high-level systems detected!");
// populating name
// packing all safetyReqs and adding to model
for (SafetyReq aSafetyReq : safetyReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.SafetyReq packSafetyReq = createVdmSafetyReq(aSafetyReq, vprocType.getFullName());
// adding to the list of model's Safety requirements
// packing all cyberReqs and adding to model
for (CyberReq aCyberReq : cyberReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CyberReq packCyberReq = createVdmCyberReq(aCyberReq, vprocType.getFullName());
// adding to the list of model's Cyber requirements
// packing all missionReqs and adding to model
for (CyberMission aMission : missionReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Mission packMission = createVdmMission(aMission);
// adding to the list of model's Mission
// End of packing all missionReqs
// End of if a higher-level system
// returning the populated Model
return m1;
use of org.osate.aadl2.DataPort in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.
the class Aadl2Vdm method translateDeviceTypeObjects.
// End of translateMemoryTypeObjects
* Analyzing each deviceType:
* 1. Determine if it is a lower-level system or higher-level system
* 2. If lower-level, add to componentType list attribute of Model
* 2.1 Populate the port, contract, cyberRel, safetyRel, event, id, compCategory
* fields of componentType of the Model object
* 3. If higher-level, assign to Model
* 3.1 Populate the safetyReq
* cyberReq, mission fields of Model object
* @param deviceTypes
* @param m1
* @return
public Model translateDeviceTypeObjects(List<DeviceType> deviceTypes, Model m1, HashSet<String> dataTypeDecl) {
for (DeviceType devType : deviceTypes) {
// variables for unpacking devType
List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberMission> missionReqs = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberRel> cyberRels = new ArrayList<>();
List<SafetyRel> safetyRels = new ArrayList<>();
List<CyberReq> cyberReqs = new ArrayList<>();
List<SafetyReq> safetyReqs = new ArrayList<>();
// a flag to check if a higher -level component has already been found
boolean higher_flag = false;
// unpacking devType
for (AnnexSubclause annex : devType.getOwnedAnnexSubclauses()) {
if (annex.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("verdict")) {
Verdict verdictAnnex = VerdictUtil.getVerdict(annex);
for (Statement statement : verdictAnnex.getElements()) {
if (statement instanceof Event) {
events.add((Event) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberMission) {
missionReqs.add((CyberMission) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberReq) {
cyberReqs.add((CyberReq) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof CyberRel) {
cyberRels.add((CyberRel) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof SafetyReq) {
safetyReqs.add((SafetyReq) statement);
} else if (statement instanceof SafetyRel) {
safetyRels.add((SafetyRel) statement);
* For every DeviceType,
* populate the id, name, compCateg, port, event,
* cyberRel, and safetyRel fields of componentType
* and add it to the list of componentType
* of the Model object
if (true) {
// No Filter-- do for all System Types
// to pack the memType as a VDM component
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType packComponent = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType();
// Note: Not populating "contract" for now
// ISSUE: There is no getId() function for memoryType
// populating "name"
// populating "compCateg"
// get all bus accesses and store them as ports
List<BusAccess> busAccesses = devType.getOwnedBusAccesses();
// checking each busAccess's details and adding it to the port list
for (BusAccess busAccess : busAccesses) {
String portName = busAccess.getName();
String modeString = "in";
if (busAccess.getKind() == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
modeString = "providesBusAccess";
} else if (busAccess.getKind() == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
modeString = "requiresBusAccess";
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(portName, modeString, busAccess.getQualifiedName());
// Note: Not populating "type" for now
// ISSUE: "probe", "event", and "id" not found in DataPort class or superclass
// add to port list of component
// End of checking each busAccess
// ISSUE: no getOwnedDataAccesses for deviceType
// get all ports
List<DataPort> dataPorts = devType.getOwnedDataPorts();
// checking each port's mode and name and adding it to the port list
for (DataPort dataPort : dataPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(dataPort, m1, dataTypeDecl);
// ISSUE: "probe", "event", and "id" not found in DataPort class or superclass
// add to port list of component
// End of checking each port
// get all event data ports
List<EventDataPort> eventDataPorts = devType.getOwnedEventDataPorts();
for (EventDataPort eventDataPort : eventDataPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmPort(eventDataPort, m1, dataTypeDecl);
// add to port list of component
// get all event ports
List<EventPort> eventPorts = devType.getOwnedEventPorts();
for (EventPort eventPort : eventPorts) {
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port newPort = createVdmEventPort(eventPort);
// add to port list of component
// packing all events and adding to component
for (Event anEvent : events) {
// To pack the event as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Event packEvent = createVdmEvent(anEvent);
// adding to the list of component's events
// packing all cyberRels and adding to component
for (CyberRel aCyberRel : cyberRels) {
// To pack the cyberRel as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CyberRel packCyberRel = createVdmCyberRel(aCyberRel);
// adding to the list of component's Cyber relations
// packing all safetyRels and adding to component
for (SafetyRel aSafetyRel : safetyRels) {
// To pack the safetyRel as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.SafetyRel packSafetyRel = createVdmSafetyRel(aSafetyRel);
// adding to the list of component's Safety relations
// End of packing all safetyRels
// adding to the list of componenmemTypes of the Model object
* If a high-level system
* populate the name, safetyReq, cyberReq, and mission
* for the model object
if (!cyberReqs.isEmpty() || !safetyReqs.isEmpty() || !missionReqs.isEmpty()) {
// checking if a high-level system has already been found
if (higher_flag == false) {
higher_flag = true;
} else {
System.out.println("Warning: Multiple high-level systems detected!");
// populating name
// packing all safetyReqs and adding to model
for (SafetyReq aSafetyReq : safetyReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.SafetyReq packSafetyReq = createVdmSafetyReq(aSafetyReq, devType.getFullName());
// adding to the list of model's Safety requirements
// packing all cyberReqs and adding to model
for (CyberReq aCyberReq : cyberReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CyberReq packCyberReq = createVdmCyberReq(aCyberReq, devType.getFullName());
// adding to the list of model's Cyber requirements
// packing all missionReqs and adding to model
for (CyberMission aMission : missionReqs) {
// To pack the safettReq as a VDM event
verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Mission packMission = createVdmMission(aMission);
// adding to the list of model's Mission
// End of packing all missionReqs
// End of if a higher-level system
// returning the populated Model
return m1;