use of org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.errorreporting.AnalysisErrorReporterManager in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class EphemeralImplementationUtil method generateEphemeralCompInstanceFromImplementation.
* Generate an ephemeral {@link SystemInstance} matching the subtype of the given {@link ComponentType}.
* <p>
* Ephemerally generated system instances are placed it in an ephemeral {@link Resource}. The ephemeral
* resources are intended to have short lifecycles and deleted by the {@link cleanup} method.
* @param ct The component type for which to create an ephemeral implementation.
* @return A system instance for the given component type.
* @throws Exception
* @since 2.8
public SystemInstance generateEphemeralCompInstanceFromImplementation(ComponentImplementation ci) throws Exception {
final TransactionalEditingDomain domain = WorkspaceEditingDomainFactory.INSTANCE.createEditingDomain();
Resource instanceAadlResource = getResource(InstantiateModel.getInstanceModelURI(ci));
List<SystemInstance> instanceResultList;
SystemInstance instanceResult;
// We execute this command on the command stack because otherwise, we will not
// have write permissions on the editing domain.
Command instanceCmd = new RecordingCommand(domain) {
public SystemInstance systemInstance;
protected void doExecute() {
try {
final InstantiateModel instantiateModel = new InstantiateModel(monitor, new AnalysisErrorReporterManager(new MarkerAnalysisErrorReporter.Factory(AadlConstants.INSTANTIATION_OBJECT_MARKER)));
systemInstance = instantiateModel.createSystemInstance(ci, instanceAadlResource);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Do nothing. Will be thrown after execute.
} catch (Exception e) {
errorMessage = e.getMessage();
public List<SystemInstance> getResult() {
return Collections.singletonList(systemInstance);
((TransactionalCommandStack) domain.getCommandStack()).execute(instanceCmd, null);
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new InterruptedException();
try {
// We're done: Save the model.
monitor.subTask("Saving instance model");;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
instanceResultList = (List<SystemInstance>) instanceCmd.getResult();
instanceResult = instanceResultList.get(0);
return instanceResult;
use of org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.errorreporting.AnalysisErrorReporterManager in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class EphemeralImplementationUtil method generateEphemeralCompInstanceFromType.
* Generate an ephemeral {@link SystemInstance} matching the subtype of the given {@link ComponentType}.
* <p>
* Ephemerally generated system instances are placed it in an ephemeral {@link Resource}. The ephemeral
* resources are intended to have short lifecycles and deleted by the {@link cleanup} method.
* @param ct The component type for which to create an ephemeral implementation.
* @return A system instance for the given component type.
* @throws Exception
* @since 2.8
public SystemInstance generateEphemeralCompInstanceFromType(ComponentType ct) throws Exception {
Resource implementationAadlResource = getResource(getEphemeralImplURI(ct));
List<ComponentImplementation> implementationResultList;
ComponentImplementation implementationResult;
final TransactionalEditingDomain domain = WorkspaceEditingDomainFactory.INSTANCE.createEditingDomain();
Command implementationCmd = new RecordingCommand(domain) {
public ComponentImplementation implementation;
protected void doExecute() {
try {
implementation = createComponentImplementationInternal(ct, implementationAadlResource);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Do nothing. Will be thrown after execute.
public List<ComponentImplementation> getResult() {
return Collections.singletonList(implementation);
((TransactionalCommandStack) domain.getCommandStack()).execute(implementationCmd, null);
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new InterruptedException();
try {
// We're done: Save the model.
// We don't respond to a cancel at this point
monitor.subTask("Saving implementation model");;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
implementationResultList = (List<ComponentImplementation>) implementationCmd.getResult();
implementationResult = implementationResultList.get(0);
Resource instanceAadlResource = getResource(InstantiateModel.getInstanceModelURI(implementationResult));
List<SystemInstance> instanceResultList;
SystemInstance instanceResult;
// We execute this command on the command stack because otherwise, we will not
// have write permissions on the editing domain.
Command instanceCmd = new RecordingCommand(domain) {
public SystemInstance systemInstance;
protected void doExecute() {
try {
final InstantiateModel instantiateModel = new InstantiateModel(monitor, new AnalysisErrorReporterManager(new MarkerAnalysisErrorReporter.Factory(AadlConstants.INSTANTIATION_OBJECT_MARKER)));
systemInstance = instantiateModel.createSystemInstance(implementationResult, instanceAadlResource);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Do nothing. Will be thrown after execute.
} catch (Exception e) {
errorMessage = e.getMessage();
public List<SystemInstance> getResult() {
return Collections.singletonList(systemInstance);
((TransactionalCommandStack) domain.getCommandStack()).execute(instanceCmd, null);
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new InterruptedException();
try {
// We're done: Save the model.
monitor.subTask("Saving instance model");;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
instanceResultList = (List<SystemInstance>) instanceCmd.getResult();
instanceResult = instanceResultList.get(0);
return instanceResult;
use of org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.errorreporting.AnalysisErrorReporterManager in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class VerifyHandler method getSysInstance.
protected SystemInstance getSysInstance(ComponentImplementation ci, EphemeralImplementationUtil implUtil) {
try {
AnalysisErrorReporterManager errorManager = new AnalysisErrorReporterManager(QueuingAnalysisErrorReporter.factory);
SystemInstance result = implUtil.generateEphemeralCompInstanceFromImplementation(ci);
QueuingAnalysisErrorReporter errorReporter = (QueuingAnalysisErrorReporter) errorManager.getReporter(result.eResource());
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
List<Message> instantiationMarkers = errorReporter.getErrors();
if (!instantiationMarkers.isEmpty()) { -> {
throw new AgreeException(stringBuilder.toString());
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
Dialog.showError("Model Instantiate", "Error while re-instantiating the model: " + e.getMessage());
throw new AgreeException("Error Instantiating model");
use of org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.errorreporting.AnalysisErrorReporterManager in project osate2 by osate.
the class AnnexParserAgent method processAnnexSection.
* Common functionality for processing either a {@link DefaultAnnexLibrary} or a {@link DefaultAnnexSubclause}.
* Processing involves parsing the text, attaching the resulting {@link AnnexLibrary} or {@link AnnexSubclause} to
* the {@link DefaultAnnexLibrary} or {@link DefaultAnnexSubclause}, setting the modes for the resulting
* {@link AnnexSubclause}, and either running the resolver or the linking service, depending upon which one if
* available. If the resolver produces errors, then the {@link AnnexLibrary} or {@link AnnexSubclause} will be
* detached from the {@link DefaultAnnexLibrary} or {@link DefaultAnnexSubclause}. All error, warning, and info
* messages that are produced from the parser, resolver, or linker will be passed along to
* {@code diagnosticsConsumer}.
* @param <A> Type of the resulting annex section. Expected to be {@link AnnexLibrary} or {@link AnnexSubclause}.
* @param <D> Type of the default annex section. Expected to be {@link DefaultAnnexLibrary} or
* {@link DefaultAnnexSubclause}.
* @param defaultAnnexSection Either the {@link DefaultAnnexLibrary} or {@link DefaultAnnexSubclause}.
* @param annexText Either the value of {@link DefaultAnnexLibrary#getSourceText()} or
* {@link DefaultAnnexSubclause#getSourceText()}.
* @param filename Name of the AADL file containing the annex section.
* @param diagnosticsConsumer Used for handling error, warning, and info messages.
* @param parserFunction Either
* {@link AnnexParser#parseAnnexLibrary(String, String, String, int, int, ParseErrorReporter)}
* or
* {@link AnnexParser#parseAnnexSubclause(String, String, String, int, int, ParseErrorReporter)}.
* @param setParsedAnnexSection Either {@link DefaultAnnexLibrary#setSourceText(String)} or
* {@link DefaultAnnexSubclause#setSourceText(String)}.
* @param copyModes Function for copying modes from the {@link DefaultAnnexSubclause} into the newly created
* {@link AnnexSubclause}. When processing an annex library, {@code copyModes} is expected to be a
* no-op {@link Consumer}.
private <A extends NamedElement, D extends A> void processAnnexSection(D defaultAnnexSection, String annexText, String filename, IDiagnosticConsumer diagnosticsConsumer, ParserFunction<A> parserFunction, Consumer<A> setParsedAnnexSection, Consumer<A> copyModes) {
INode node = NodeModelUtils.findActualNodeFor(defaultAnnexSection);
int line = node.getStartLine() + computeLineOffset(node);
int offset = AnnexUtil.getAnnexOffset(defaultAnnexSection);
// look for plug-in parser
String annexName = defaultAnnexSection.getName();
if (annexText != null && annexText.length() > 6 && annexName != null) {
// strip {** **} from annex text
if (annexText.startsWith("{**")) {
annexText = annexText.substring(3, annexText.length() - 3);
annexName = AnnexModel.filterDisabledAnnexes(defaultAnnexSection, annexName);
AnnexParser ap = PARSER_REGISTRY.getAnnexParser(annexName);
try {
QueuingParseErrorReporter parseErrReporter = new QueuingParseErrorReporter();
if (defaultAnnexSection instanceof AnnexSubclause) {
AnnexUtil.setCurrentAnnexSubclause((AnnexSubclause) defaultAnnexSection);
A annexSection = parserFunction.parse(ap, annexName, annexText, filename, line, offset, parseErrReporter);
if (defaultAnnexSection instanceof AnnexSubclause) {
if (ParseResultHolder.Factory.INSTANCE.adapt(defaultAnnexSection).getParseResult() == null) {
// Only consume messages for non-Xtext annexes
consumeMessages(parseErrReporter, diagnosticsConsumer, annexText, line, offset);
if (annexSection != null) {
// copy in modes list
// now resolve reference so we get messages if we have references to undefined items
AnnexResolver resolver = RESOLVER_REGISTRY.getAnnexResolver(annexName);
AnnexLinkingService linkingService = LINKING_SERVICE_REGISTRY.getAnnexLinkingService(annexName);
if (resolver != null && parseErrReporter.getNumErrors() == 0) {
// Don't resolve any annex with parsing errors.
QueuingParseErrorReporter resolveErrReporter = new QueuingParseErrorReporter();
AnalysisErrorReporterManager resolveErrManager = new AnalysisErrorReporterManager(new AnalysisToParseErrorReporterAdapter.Factory(aadlRsrc -> resolveErrReporter));
resolver.resolveAnnex(annexName, Collections.singletonList(annexSection), resolveErrManager);
consumeMessages(resolveErrReporter, diagnosticsConsumer, annexText, line, offset);
if (resolveErrReporter.getNumErrors() != 0) {
AnnexValidator.setNoValidation(defaultAnnexSection, annexName);
} else if (linkingService != null) {
try {
XtextResource res = (XtextResource) defaultAnnexSection.eResource();
ILinker linker = res.getLinker();
linker.linkModel(annexSection, diagnosticsConsumer);
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "Linking Service error in " + filename + " at line " + line;
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, message, e);
if (parseErrReporter.getNumErrors() > 0) {
AnnexValidator.setNoValidation(defaultAnnexSection, annexName);
} catch (RecognitionException e) {
String message = "Major parsing error in " + filename + " at line " + line;
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, message, e);
use of org.osate.aadl2.modelsupport.errorreporting.AnalysisErrorReporterManager in project osate2 by osate.
the class AbstractAaxlHandler method actionBody.
protected final void actionBody(final IProgressMonitor monitor, final Element root) {
final Resource resource = root.eResource();
errManager = new AnalysisErrorReporterManager(getAnalysisErrorReporterFactory());
summaryReport = new StringBuffer();
// Root cannot be null (see above)
// init the context object. It is used by the lookup methods for initializing property references
context = root instanceof SystemInstance ? ((SystemInstance) root).getComponentImplementation() : root;
// Init the properties
initializeAction((NamedElement) root);
if (suppressErrorMessages() || !reportPropertyLookupErrors()) {
// Run the command (indirectly)
processAaxlAction(monitor, resource, root);