use of in project osate2 by osate.
the class BehaviorVariableImpl method basicSetOwnedValueConstant.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public NotificationChain basicSetOwnedValueConstant(ValueConstant newOwnedValueConstant, NotificationChain msgs) {
ValueConstant oldOwnedValueConstant = ownedValueConstant;
ownedValueConstant = newOwnedValueConstant;
if (eNotificationRequired()) {
ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, AadlBaPackage.BEHAVIOR_VARIABLE__OWNED_VALUE_CONSTANT, oldOwnedValueConstant, newOwnedValueConstant);
if (msgs == null)
msgs = notification;
return msgs;
use of in project osate2 by osate.
the class AadlBaUtils method getTypeHolder.
* Returns the TypeHolder (data representation and component's DataClassifier
* if any) of the given Element object.
* <BR><BR>
* For now, only the following objects are supported:<BR>
* <BR>_ IterativeVariable
* <BR>_ DataClassifier
* <BR>_ Target
* <BR>_ Value
* <BR><BR>
* @param el the given Element object.
* @param parentContainer only for AADLBA declarative objects which have no
* parent set, yet
* @return the type holder of the given Element object. If the given element
* is null, it returns the default type holder object.
* @exception UnsupportedOperationException for the unsupported types
* or Element instances.
* @exception DimensionException in any case of array dimension overflow.
public static TypeHolder getTypeHolder(Element el, ComponentClassifier parentContainer) throws DimensionException {
TypeHolder result = null;
if (el instanceof IterativeVariable) {
IterativeVariable iv = (IterativeVariable) el;
result = getTypeHolder(iv);
processArrayDataRepresentation(el, result, 0);
return result;
} else if (el instanceof DataClassifier) {
DataClassifier dc = (DataClassifier) el;
result = getTypeHolder(dc);
return result;
} else if (el instanceof ValueConstant) {
return result = getTypeHolder((ValueConstant) el, parentContainer);
} else if (el instanceof Target || el instanceof ValueVariable) {
result = getTypeHolder((Value) el, parentContainer);
// The declared variable dimension: the number of [] in the element
// declaration.
int declaredDim = 0;
// The expression dimension: the number of [] in the expression.
// Only targets and values can express dimension.
int exprDim = 0;
boolean hasToProcessDataRepresentation = false;
// for/forall statement.
if (el.eContainer() instanceof ForOrForAllStatement) {
hasToProcessDataRepresentation = true;
// Either ElementHolder or DataComponentReference object.
Element bindedEl = null;
ElementHolder elHolder = null;
if (el instanceof ElementHolder) {
elHolder = (ElementHolder) el;
bindedEl = elHolder.getElement();
} else // DataComponentReference case.
DataComponentReference dcr = (DataComponentReference) el;
elHolder = dcr.getData().get(dcr.getData().size() - 1);
bindedEl = elHolder.getElement();
if (elHolder instanceof IndexableElement) {
IndexableElement ie = (IndexableElement) elHolder;
if (ie.isSetArrayIndexes()) {
exprDim = ie.getArrayIndexes().size();
// Set up the declared, expression dimension and dimension sizes.
if (bindedEl instanceof ArrayableElement) {
ArrayableElement ae = (ArrayableElement) bindedEl;
if (false == ae.getArrayDimensions().isEmpty()) {
EList<ArrayDimension> adl = ae.getArrayDimensions();
declaredDim = adl.size();
if (exprDim <= declaredDim) {
long[] ds = new long[declaredDim - exprDim];
for (int i = exprDim; i < declaredDim; i++) {
ds[i - exprDim] = adl.get(i).getSize().getSize();
// or if the element is an element values of a for/forall statement.
if (declaredDim == 0 && (exprDim > 0 || hasToProcessDataRepresentation)) {
processArrayDataRepresentation(el, result, exprDim);
} else {
if (exprDim <= declaredDim) {
result.setDimension(declaredDim - exprDim);
} else {
// The given type is expressed as an array in AADL standard
// core way. We don't evaluate array behavior expressed in
// the Data Model Annex standard as we don't want to mix up
// the two standards.
String msg = "mixs up AADL standard array and data model array";
throw new DimensionException(el, msg, true);
return result;
} else if (el == null || el instanceof Abstract) {
// returns the default type holder for untyped prototypes.
return new TypeHolder();
} else {
String errorMsg = "getTypeHolder : " + el.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is not supported yet at line " + Aadl2Utils.getLocationReference(el).getLine() + ".";
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(errorMsg);
use of in project osate2 by osate.
the class AadlBaParserVisitor method cloneValueConstant.
private ValueConstant cloneValueConstant(ValueConstant sourceValueConstant) {
ValueConstant targetValueConstant = null;
* value_constant ::=
* boolean_literal
* | numeric_literal
* | string_literal
* | property_constant
* | property_reference
if (sourceValueConstant instanceof BehaviorBooleanLiteral) {
BehaviorBooleanLiteral sourceBbl = (BehaviorBooleanLiteral) sourceValueConstant;
BehaviorBooleanLiteral targetBbl = _baFact.createBehaviorBooleanLiteral();
targetValueConstant = targetBbl;
} else if (sourceValueConstant instanceof BehaviorRealLiteral) {
BehaviorRealLiteral sourceBrl = (BehaviorRealLiteral) sourceValueConstant;
BehaviorRealLiteral targetBrl = _baFact.createBehaviorRealLiteral();
targetValueConstant = targetBrl;
} else if (sourceValueConstant instanceof BehaviorIntegerLiteral) {
BehaviorIntegerLiteral sourceIl = (BehaviorIntegerLiteral) sourceValueConstant;
BehaviorIntegerLiteral targetIl = _baFact.createBehaviorIntegerLiteral();
targetValueConstant = targetIl;
} else if (sourceValueConstant instanceof BehaviorStringLiteral) {
BehaviorStringLiteral sourceBsl = (BehaviorStringLiteral) sourceValueConstant;
BehaviorStringLiteral targetBsl = _baFact.createBehaviorStringLiteral();
targetValueConstant = targetBsl;
} else if (sourceValueConstant instanceof BehaviorPropertyConstant) {
BehaviorPropertyConstant sourceBpc = (BehaviorPropertyConstant) sourceValueConstant;
BehaviorPropertyConstant targetBpc = _baFact.createBehaviorPropertyConstant();
targetValueConstant = targetBpc;
} else if (sourceValueConstant instanceof PropertyReference) {
PropertyReference sourcePr = (PropertyReference) sourceValueConstant;
List<PropertyNameHolder> sourceProperties = sourcePr.getProperties();
if (sourceValueConstant instanceof ClassifierFeaturePropertyReference) {
ClassifierFeaturePropertyReference sourceCfpr = (ClassifierFeaturePropertyReference) sourceValueConstant;
ClassifierFeaturePropertyReference targetCfpr = _baFact.createClassifierFeaturePropertyReference();
targetCfpr.setComponent((ClassifierFeatureHolder) cloneHolder(sourceCfpr.getComponent()));
targetValueConstant = targetCfpr;
} else if (sourceValueConstant instanceof ClassifierPropertyReference) {
ClassifierPropertyReference sourceCpr = (ClassifierPropertyReference) sourceValueConstant;
ClassifierPropertyReference targetCpr = _baFact.createClassifierPropertyReference();
targetValueConstant = targetCpr;
} else if (sourceValueConstant instanceof PropertySetPropertyReference) {
PropertySetPropertyReference sourcePspr = (PropertySetPropertyReference) sourceValueConstant;
PropertySetPropertyReference targetPspr = _baFact.createPropertySetPropertyReference();
targetValueConstant = targetPspr;
return targetValueConstant;