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Example 1 with DimensionException

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class AadlBaTypeChecker method subprogramParameterListCheck.

// This method checks the given parameter labels and matches them against the
// subprogram parameters. It resolves target/value expression semantic
// ambiguities. On error, reports error and returns false.
// Event if the subprogram call action doesn't have any parameter labels,
// the subprogram type may have and vice versa : subprogramParameterListCheck
// / is also design for these cases.
 * Document: AADL Behavior Annex draft
 * Version : 0.94
 * Type : Legality rule
 * Section : D.6 Behavior Action Language
 * Object : Check legality rule D.6.(L5)
 * Keys : parameter list match signature subprogram call
private boolean subprogramParameterListCheck(CommAction comAct, EList<ParameterLabel> callParams, Classifier subprogType) {
    // Fetches sorted subprogram feature list.
    List<Feature> tmp = Aadl2Utils.orderFeatures(subprogType);
    List<Feature> subprogFeat = new ArrayList<Feature>(tmp.size());
    for (Feature feat : tmp) {
        if (feat instanceof DataAccess || feat instanceof Parameter) {
    // Preliminary checking : on error, reports error and exit early.
    if (callParams.size() != subprogFeat.size()) {
        String subprogramName = null;
        if (comAct.getReference() != null) {
            subprogramName = unparseReference(comAct.getReference());
        } else {
            subprogramName = unparseQualifiedNamedElement(comAct.getQualifiedName());
        reportError(comAct, "Invalid number of argument(s) for the subprogram " + subprogramName);
        return false;
    boolean isconsistent = true;
    boolean hasCheckingPassed = true;
    Enum<?> currentDirRight;
    ValueExpression valueExp;
    ListIterator<ParameterLabel> it = callParams.listIterator();
    Value v;
    Target tar;
    TypeHolder t1, t2;
    ValueAndTypeHolder vth;
    List<TypeHolder> typesFound = new ArrayList<TypeHolder>(callParams.size());
    List<Enum<?>> dirRightsFound = new ArrayList<Enum<?>>(callParams.size());
    List<TypeHolder> expectedTypes = new ArrayList<TypeHolder>(subprogFeat.size());
    List<Enum<?>> expectedDirRight = new ArrayList<Enum<?>>(subprogFeat.size());
    // driven by the subprogram signature.
    for (Feature feat : subprogFeat) {
        if (feat instanceof Parameter) {
            Parameter param = (Parameter) feat;
            currentDirRight = param.getDirection();
        } else // DataAccess case.
            DataAccess data = (DataAccess) feat;
            currentDirRight = Aadl2Utils.getDataAccessRight(data);
        valueExp = (ValueExpression);
        Classifier klass = AadlBaUtils.getClassifier(feat, _baParentContainer);
        // ValueExpression case.
        if (currentDirRight == DirectionType.IN || currentDirRight == Aadl2Utils.DataAccessRight.read_only) {
            vth = valueExpressionCheck(valueExp);
            if (vth != null) {
                try {
                    t1 = AadlBaUtils.getTypeHolder(klass);
                } catch (DimensionException de) {
                    return false;
                t2 = vth.typeHolder;
                if (!_dataChecker.conformsTo(t1, t2, true)) {
                    isconsistent = false;
            } else // Value expression checking error case.
                // Error reporting has already been done.
                hasCheckingPassed = false;
        } else if (currentDirRight != Aadl2Utils.DataAccessRight.unknown) {
            v = AadlBaUtils.isOnlyOneValue(valueExp);
            boolean isOnlyOneReference = false;
            if (v instanceof Reference) {
                Reference r = (Reference) v;
                if (r.getIds().size() == 1) {
                    isOnlyOneReference = true;
            if (// Target but not reference case.
            v instanceof Target && isOnlyOneReference) {
                TypeCheckRule stopOnThisRule = TypeCheckRule.DATA_ACCESS;
                tar = targetCheck((Target) v, stopOnThisRule);
                if (tar != null) {
                    try {
                        t1 = AadlBaUtils.getTypeHolder(klass);
                        t2 = AadlBaUtils.getTypeHolder(tar, _baParentContainer);
                    } catch (DimensionException de) {
                        return false;
                    Enum<?> dirRightFound = AadlBaUtils.getDirectionType(tar);
                    if (dirRightFound == null) {
                        dirRightFound = AadlBaUtils.getDataAccessRight(tar);
                    if (!_dataChecker.conformsTo(t1, t2, true)) {
                        isconsistent = false;
                    } else {
                        // As checking passed and ambiguity between
                        // ValueExpression and Target has been resolved, it replaces
                        // the value expression by the target as parameter label.
                } else // Target checking error case.
                    // Error reporting has already been done.
                    hasCheckingPassed = false;
            } else // Value expression taken as a target -> warning arithmetic pointer operation.
                // Due to target/value expression semantic ambiguity, the parsing
                // phase may have introduced a semantic errors :
                // If v == null :
                // The parameter label has
                // to be a value expression with a single value when the expected
                // subprogram parameter is IN_OUT or OUT.
                // If v is not instanceof Target but ValueExpression or Value
                // like :
                // _ IntegerConstant or ValueConstant
                // _ PortFreshValue
                // _ PortCountValue
                // _ PortDequeueValue
                // It resolves the type in order to format the warning message:
                vth = valueExpressionCheck(valueExp);
                if (vth != null) {
                    try {
                        t1 = AadlBaUtils.getTypeHolder(klass);
                    } catch (DimensionException de) {
                        return false;
                    t2 = vth.typeHolder;
                    boolean inconsistentDir = false;
                    if (v instanceof Reference) {
                        Reference ref = (Reference) v;
                        ArrayableIdentifier refRootId = ref.getIds().get(0);
                        Enum<?> dirRightFound = null;
                        if (refRootId.getOsateRef() != null) {
                            dirRightFound = AadlBaUtils.getDirectionType(refRootId.getOsateRef());
                        if (dirRightFound == null && refRootId.getOsateRef() instanceof DataAccess) {
                            dirRightFound = Aadl2Utils.getDataAccessRight((DataAccess) refRootId.getOsateRef());
                        if (dirRightFound == DirectionType.IN || dirRightFound == Aadl2Utils.DataAccessRight.read_only) {
                            inconsistentDir = true;
                    } else {
                        inconsistentDir = true;
                    if (inconsistentDir) {
                        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                        msg.append("\': is a read only value and it is used as a writable value");
                        // Reports a warning.
                        reportWarning(valueExp, msg.toString());
                } else {
                    // Error reporting has already been done.
                    hasCheckingPassed = false;
        } else {
            reportError(valueExp, "can't fetch data access right. Set the default " + "right in memory_properties.aadl");
    // Reports consistency error.
    if (!isconsistent && hasCheckingPassed) {
        String subprogramName = null;
        if (comAct.getReference() != null) {
            subprogramName = unparseReference(comAct.getReference());
        } else {
            subprogramName = unparseQualifiedNamedElement(comAct.getQualifiedName());
        reportSubprogParamMatchingError(comAct, subprogramName, expectedTypes, expectedDirRight, typesFound, dirRightsFound);
    return isconsistent && hasCheckingPassed;
Also used : LocationReference(org.osate.aadl2.parsesupport.LocationReference) Reference( DeclarativePropertyReference( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Classifier(org.osate.aadl2.Classifier) ComponentClassifier(org.osate.aadl2.ComponentClassifier) DataClassifier(org.osate.aadl2.DataClassifier) ProcessorClassifier(org.osate.aadl2.ProcessorClassifier) Feature(org.osate.aadl2.Feature) ArrayableIdentifier( DataAccess(org.osate.aadl2.DataAccess) NamedValue( NumberValue(org.osate.aadl2.NumberValue) ClassifierValue(org.osate.aadl2.ClassifierValue) Parameter(org.osate.aadl2.Parameter) DimensionException(


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Classifier (org.osate.aadl2.Classifier)1 ClassifierValue (org.osate.aadl2.ClassifierValue)1 ComponentClassifier (org.osate.aadl2.ComponentClassifier)1 DataAccess (org.osate.aadl2.DataAccess)1 DataClassifier (org.osate.aadl2.DataClassifier)1 Feature (org.osate.aadl2.Feature)1 NumberValue (org.osate.aadl2.NumberValue)1 Parameter (org.osate.aadl2.Parameter)1 ProcessorClassifier (org.osate.aadl2.ProcessorClassifier)1 LocationReference (org.osate.aadl2.parsesupport.LocationReference)1 ArrayableIdentifier ( DeclarativePropertyReference ( NamedValue ( Reference ( DimensionException (