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Example 21 with Point

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class CopyAction method run.

public void run() {
    final List<CopiedDiagramElement> copiedElements = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final DiagramElement de : getElementsToCopy()) {
        final DiagramElement copiedElement = CopyAndPasteUtil.copyDiagramElement(de, null, de.getRelativeReference(), referenceBuilder);
        final Object bo = de.getBusinessObject();
        final Point position = CopyAndPasteUtil.getPositionToCopy(de);
        if (bo instanceof EObject) {
            final EObject boEObj = (EObject) de.getBusinessObject();
            copiedElements.add(new CopiedDiagramElement(copiedElement, de.getBusinessObject(), EcoreUtil.copy(boEObj), boEObj.eContainingFeature(), position));
        } else if (bo instanceof EmbeddedBusinessObject) {
            // Don't need to copy object again because it was copied as part of copying the diagram element.
            copiedElements.add(new CopiedDiagramElement(copiedElement, de.getBusinessObject(), copiedElement.getBusinessObject(), null, position));
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported case: " + bo);
    clipboard.setContents(new CopiedDiagramElements(ImmutableList.copyOf(copiedElements)));
Also used : DiagramElement( EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) EmbeddedBusinessObject( EmbeddedBusinessObject( Point(

Example 22 with Point

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class PasteAction method copyClipboardContents.

 * Copies the clipboard contents to the destination business object and diagram element.
 * @return the diagram elements which were created. Does not include children of created diagram elements.
private Collection<DiagramElement> copyClipboardContents(final EObject dstBoToModify, final DiagramNode dstDiagramNode, final DiagramModification m, final ReferenceBuilderService refBuilder) {
    // Determine the minimum coordinates from the elements whose positions will be copied
    // The minimum coordinates is null if none of the copied diagram elements have an absolute position. This is reasonable because the minimum coordinates
    // are only needed if a copied diagram element has an absolute position.
    final Point minCoordinates = getCopiedDiagramElements().stream().map(CopiedDiagramElement::getAbsolutePosition).filter(Predicates.notNull()).reduce((a, b) -> new Point(Math.min(a.x, b.x), Math.min(a.y, b.y))).orElse(null);
    // This list will contain the diagram elements that are created by the copying process. Does not contain their children.
    final List<DiagramElement> newDiagramElements = new ArrayList<>();
    // Copy each copied diagram element into the diagram and model.
    for (final CopiedDiagramElement copiedDiagramElement : getCopiedDiagramElements()) {
        final DiagramElement newDiagramElement;
        if (copiedDiagramElement.getCopiedBusinessObject() == null) {
            newDiagramElement = CopyAndPasteUtil.copyDiagramElement(copiedDiagramElement.getDiagramElement(), dstDiagramNode, copiedDiagramElement.getDiagramElement().getRelativeReference(), refBuilder);
        } else {
            final Object boFromCopiedDiagramElement = copiedDiagramElement.getCopiedBusinessObject();
            final RelativeBusinessObjectReference newRelativeRef;
            if (boFromCopiedDiagramElement instanceof EmbeddedBusinessObject) {
                // The relative reference will be assigned when copying the diagram element.
                newRelativeRef = null;
            } else if (boFromCopiedDiagramElement instanceof EObject) {
                // Get the list that to which the copied object will be added
                final EStructuralFeature compatibleFeature = getCompatibleStructuralFeature(copiedDiagramElement.getContainingFeature(), dstBoToModify.eClass());
                final Object containingFeatureValue = dstBoToModify.eGet(compatibleFeature);
                if (!(containingFeatureValue instanceof Collection)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected case. Value of containing feature was not a collection");
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Collection<EObject> containingFeatureValueCollection = (Collection<EObject>) containingFeatureValue;
                final EObject copiedEObject = EcoreUtil.copy((EObject) boFromCopiedDiagramElement);
                ensureBusinessObjectHasUniqueName(copiedEObject, copiedDiagramElement.getDiagramElement().getBusinessObjectHandler());
                newRelativeRef = refBuilder.getRelativeReference(copiedEObject);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported case:  " + boFromCopiedDiagramElement);
            newDiagramElement = CopyAndPasteUtil.copyDiagramElement(copiedDiagramElement.getDiagramElement(), dstDiagramNode, newRelativeRef, refBuilder);
        // Set the position of the new diagram element. They are positioned relative to each other at a fixed offset within the new parent.
        final Point cp = copiedDiagramElement.getAbsolutePosition();
        final Point newPosition = cp == null ? null : new Point(cp.x - minCoordinates.x + 50, cp.y - minCoordinates.y + 50);
        DiagramElementLayoutUtil.moveElement(m, newDiagramElement, newPosition);
        // Remove existing element
        final DiagramElement existingDiagramElement = dstDiagramNode.getChildByRelativeReference(newDiagramElement.getRelativeReference());
        if (existingDiagramElement != null) {
        // Add the new diagram element to the diagram.
    return newDiagramElements;
Also used : Element(org.osate.aadl2.Element) BusinessObjectHandler( RenameUtil( EStructuralFeature(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature) DiagramElementLayoutUtil( EmbeddedBusinessObject( ClipboardService( ClassifierCreationHelper( Classifier(org.osate.aadl2.Classifier) ComponentType(org.osate.aadl2.ComponentType) DiagramNodePredicates( RelativeBusinessObjectReference( Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) ReferenceBuilderService( Collection(java.util.Collection) PackageSection(org.osate.aadl2.PackageSection) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) AadlPackage(org.osate.aadl2.AadlPackage) AadlImportsUtil( Point( DiagramElementUtil( Objects(java.util.Objects) List(java.util.List) AadlModificationService( DiagramNode( EclipseContextFactory(org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.EclipseContextFactory) DiagramElement( Feature(org.osate.aadl2.Feature) ComponentImplementation(org.osate.aadl2.ComponentImplementation) DiagramModification( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InternalDiagramEditor( EClass(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass) IEclipseContext(org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.IEclipseContext) Predicates( GetNameContext( SimpleModifier( Subcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.Subcomponent) XtextResource(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResource) AadlNameUtil( EcoreUtil(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil) Action(org.eclipse.jface.action.Action) CanRenameContext( AgeDiagram( AgeHandlerUtil( ComponentTypeRename(org.osate.aadl2.ComponentTypeRename) ActionFactory(org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory) NamedElement(org.osate.aadl2.NamedElement) Collections(java.util.Collections) FrameworkUtil(org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EStructuralFeature(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature) RelativeBusinessObjectReference( EmbeddedBusinessObject( Point( DiagramElement( EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) Collection(java.util.Collection) EmbeddedBusinessObject( EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)

Example 23 with Point

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class CopyDiagramElementsHandler method execute.

public Object execute(final ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
    // Get clipboard. The clipboard service stores the clipboard weakly but this handler does not need to
    // because the paste action stores a strong reference to the clipboard. This isn't stored in a field by
    // the constructor because the handler is not instantiated for each editor.
    final Bundle bundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass());
    final IEclipseContext context = EclipseContextFactory.getServiceContext(bundle.getBundleContext());
    final Clipboard clipboard = Objects.requireNonNull(context.get(ClipboardService.class), "Unable to get clipboard service").getClipboard();
    final ReferenceBuilderService refBuilder = Objects.requireNonNull(context.get(ReferenceBuilderService.class), "Unable to get reference builder service");
    final List<CopiedDiagramElement> copiedElements = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final DiagramElement de : AgeHandlerUtil.getSelectedDiagramElements()) {
        final DiagramElement copiedElement = CopyAndPasteUtil.copyDiagramElement(de, null, de.getRelativeReference(), refBuilder);
        final Point position = CopyAndPasteUtil.getPositionToCopy(de);
        copiedElements.add(new CopiedDiagramElement(copiedElement, de.getBusinessObject(), position));
    clipboard.setContents(new CopiedDiagramElements(ImmutableList.copyOf(copiedElements)));
    return null;
Also used : DiagramElement( CopiedDiagramElement( ReferenceBuilderService( Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) IEclipseContext(org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.IEclipseContext) CopiedDiagramElement( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CopiedDiagramElements( Clipboard( Point(

Example 24 with Point

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class ArrangeInCircleHandler method getCenter.

private static Point getCenter(final List<DiagramElement> diagramElements, final double radius) {
    final int boarderPadding = 10;
    double xMin = Double.MAX_VALUE, xMax = Double.MIN_VALUE, yMin = Double.MAX_VALUE, yMax = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    double maxWidth = Double.MIN_VALUE, maxHeight = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    // Get max dimension of shapes
    for (final DiagramElement diagramElement : diagramElements) {
        final double width = diagramElement.getWidth() / 2;
        final double height = diagramElement.getHeight() / 2;
        final double x = diagramElement.getX() + width;
        final double y = diagramElement.getY() + height;
        if (x < xMin) {
            xMin = x;
        if (x > xMax) {
            xMax = x;
        if (y < yMin) {
            yMin = y;
        if (y > yMax) {
            yMax = y;
        if (maxWidth < width) {
            maxWidth = width;
        if (maxHeight < height) {
            maxHeight = height;
    // Calculate center point
    double xCenter = (xMin + xMax) / 2;
    double yCenter = (yMax + yMin) / 2;
    // Move center point to appropriate location if necessary
    if (xCenter - radius - maxWidth < 0) {
        xCenter += Math.abs(xCenter - radius - maxWidth) + boarderPadding;
    if (yCenter - radius - maxHeight < 0) {
        yCenter += Math.abs(yCenter - radius - maxHeight) + boarderPadding;
    return new Point(xCenter, yCenter);
Also used : DiagramElement( Point( Point(

Example 25 with Point

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class ArrangeInCircleHandler method execute.

public Object execute(final ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
    final List<DiagramElement> selectedDiagramElements = AgeHandlerUtil.getSelectedDiagramElements();
    final AgeDiagram diagram = UiUtil.getDiagram(selectedDiagramElements);
    if (diagram == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get diagram");
    diagram.modify("Arrange in Circle", m -> {
        // Calculate and sets the position of the selected shapes into a radial layout.
        final List<Double> angles = new ArrayList<>();
        final double padding = 5;
        double radius = 0;
        double sizeOfShapes = 0;
        double circumference = -1;
        // Find appropriate radius for shapes
        while ((sizeOfShapes > circumference) || (Double.isNaN(sizeOfShapes))) {
            sizeOfShapes = 0;
            circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius;
            for (final DiagramElement e1 : selectedDiagramElements) {
                // Get largest dimension of shape
                final double shapeDimension = ((e1.getWidth() > e1.getHeight() ? e1.getWidth() : e1.getHeight()) + padding) / 2;
                // Calculate diagonal of shape
                final double shapeSize = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(shapeDimension, 2) + Math.pow(shapeDimension, 2)));
                // Calculate angle for shape diagonal using Law of Cosines and double it
                final double angle = Math.acos((Math.pow(radius, 2) + Math.pow(radius, 2) - Math.pow(shapeSize, 2)) / (2 * radius * radius)) * 2;
                sizeOfShapes += (circumference * (angle / (2 * Math.PI)));
        final Point center = getCenter(selectedDiagramElements, radius);
        double placementAngle = 0;
        int i = 0;
        for (final DiagramElement e2 : selectedDiagramElements) {
            double spacingAngle = angles.get(i++);
            // Center of placement
            placementAngle += spacingAngle / 2;
            // Calculate where to place shape
            final long x = Math.round(center.x + radius * Math.cos(placementAngle) - e2.getWidth() / 2);
            final long y = Math.round(center.y + radius * Math.sin(placementAngle) - e2.getHeight() / 2);
            // End of placement
            placementAngle += spacingAngle / 2;
            DiagramElementLayoutUtil.moveElement(m, e2, new Point((int) x, (int) y));
    return null;
Also used : DiagramElement( AgeDiagram( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Point( Point(


Point ( DiagramElement ( DiagramNode ( AgeDiagram ( Dimension ( DockArea ( List (java.util.List)5 ElkLabel (org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel)5 Style ( AgeShape ( GraphicalEditorException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Collection (java.util.Collection)4 Collections (java.util.Collections)4 Objects (java.util.Objects)4 Collectors ( ArrayListMultimap ( ImmutableList ( Lists ( Comparator (java.util.Comparator)3