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Example 1 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class DiagramElementLayoutUtil method getNonGroupDockArea.

 * Walks up the tree from the given node and returns the first dock area that isn't the group dock area.
 * Checks the specified diagram node and then ancestors.
 * @param diagramNode is the diagram for which to return the non group docker area.
 * @return the first dock area that isn't the group dock area.
public static DockArea getNonGroupDockArea(DiagramNode diagramNode) {
    DockArea result = null;
    do {
        if (!(diagramNode instanceof DiagramElement)) {
            result = null;
        result = ((DiagramElement) diagramNode).getDockArea();
        diagramNode = diagramNode.getParent();
    } while (result != null && result == DockArea.GROUP);
    return result;
Also used : DiagramElement( DockArea(

Example 2 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class DiagramElementLayoutUtil method layoutIncrementally.

 * Performs layout on elements in the specified diagram which have not been laid out.
 * @param diagram the diagram for which to perform the incremental layout
 * @param mod the modification to use to modify the diagram
 * @param layoutInfoProvider the layout info provider which provides additional information required for laying out the diagram
public static void layoutIncrementally(final AgeDiagram diagram, final DiagramModification mod, final LayoutInfoProvider layoutInfoProvider) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(diagram, "diagram must not be null");
    Objects.requireNonNull(mod, "mod must not be null");
    Objects.requireNonNull(layoutInfoProvider, "layoutInfoProvider must not be null");
    final IncrementalLayoutMode currentLayoutMode = LayoutPreferences.getCurrentIncrementalLayoutMode();
    // Get all the nodes that need to be layed out.
    final Set<DiagramNode> unfilteredNodesToLayout = getNodesToLayoutIncrementally(diagram, currentLayoutMode, new HashSet<>());
    if (unfilteredNodesToLayout.size() == 0) {
    // Lay our flow indicators. In the container is eventually layed out, this will be replaced but in cases where that is not the case,
    // we provide a default layout. Flow indicators are connections and as such will be filtered in the next step.
    layoutFlowIndicators(mod,, layoutInfoProvider);
    final Collection<DiagramNode> nodesToLayout = DiagramElementLayoutUtil.filterUnnecessaryNodes(unfilteredNodesToLayout, currentLayoutMode == IncrementalLayoutMode.LAYOUT_DIAGRAM);
    if (nodesToLayout.size() == 0) {
        // If the filtered node list is empty then the unfiltered list still contain feature self loop connections that need to be layed out. -> layoutFeatureSelfLoopConnection(de, mod, layoutInfoProvider));
    final LayoutOptions layoutOptions = LayoutOptions.createFromPreferences();
    if (currentLayoutMode == IncrementalLayoutMode.LAYOUT_DIAGRAM) {
        layout(INCREMENTAL_LAYOUT_LABEL, diagram, layoutInfoProvider, layoutOptions);
    } else {
        layout(mod, nodesToLayout, new StyleCalculator(diagram.getConfiguration(), StyleProvider.EMPTY), layoutInfoProvider, layoutOptions);
        // Set Positions of elements which do not have a position set.
        for (final DiagramNode dn : nodesToLayout) {
            if (dn instanceof DiagramElement) {
                final DiagramElement de = (DiagramElement) dn;
                if (!de.hasPosition()) {
                    if (de.getDockArea() == null) {
                        mod.setPosition(de, new Point(0.0, 0.0));
                    } else if (de.getDockArea() != DockArea.GROUP && de.getParent() instanceof DiagramElement) {
                        final DiagramElement parent = (DiagramElement) de.getParent();
                        final DockingPosition defaultDockingPosition = de.getGraphicalConfiguration().getDefaultDockingPosition();
                        final DockArea defaultDockArea = DockArea.fromDockingPosition(defaultDockingPosition);
                        if (parent.hasSize()) {
                            final Stream<DiagramElement> otherElementsAlongSide = parent.getChildren().stream().filter(c -> c.hasPosition() && c.hasSize() && c.getDockArea() == defaultDockArea);
                            // Determine the position of the new element along it's preferred docking position.
                            double locationAlongSide;
                            if (defaultDockingPosition == DockingPosition.TOP || defaultDockingPosition == DockingPosition.BOTTOM) {
                                locationAlongSide = otherElementsAlongSide.max(Comparator.comparingDouble(c -> c.getY())).map(c -> c.getX() + c.getWidth()).orElse(0.0);
                            } else {
                                locationAlongSide = otherElementsAlongSide.max(Comparator.comparingDouble(c -> c.getY())).map(c -> c.getY() + c.getHeight()).orElse(0.0);
                            // Set position based on the docking position
                            switch(defaultDockingPosition) {
                                case TOP:
                                    mod.setPosition(de, new Point(locationAlongSide, 0));
                                case BOTTOM:
                                    mod.setPosition(de, new Point(locationAlongSide, parent.getHeight()));
                                case LEFT:
                                    mod.setPosition(de, new Point(0, locationAlongSide));
                                case RIGHT:
                                    mod.setPosition(de, new Point(parent.getWidth(), locationAlongSide));
                        mod.setDockArea(de, defaultDockArea);
Also used : CoreOptions(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.CoreOptions) ArrayListMultimap( PortSide(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide) LayoutMapping(org.eclipse.elk.core.service.LayoutMapping) ElkNode(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkNode) ElkPort(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkPort) IGraphElementVisitor(org.eclipse.elk.core.util.IGraphElementVisitor) RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine(org.eclipse.elk.core.RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine) DockArea( IStatus(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus) BusinessObjectContext( Graphic( DiagramNodePredicates( StatusManager(org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager) IEditorPart(org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart) EnumSet(java.util.EnumSet) Collection(java.util.Collection) Set(java.util.Set) Status(org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status) SizeConstraint(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.SizeConstraint) Point( Collectors( DiagramElementUtil( DockingPosition( Objects(java.util.Objects) List(java.util.List) Stream( ElkGraphElement(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkGraphElement) NodeLabelPlacement(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.NodeLabelPlacement) GraphicalEditorException( ElkEdgeSection(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdgeSection) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Optional(java.util.Optional) ElkEdge(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdge) AgeConnection( DiagramNode( DiagramElement( Dimension( ElkGraphPackage(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkGraphPackage) ModeGraphic( DiagramModification( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ElkUtil(org.eclipse.elk.core.util.ElkUtil) Style( InternalDiagramEditor( Lists( ImmutableList( AgeShape( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Activator( DiagramElementPredicates( ElkLabel(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel) KVector(org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVector) Label( BasicProgressMonitor(org.eclipse.elk.core.util.BasicProgressMonitor) ElkShape(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkShape) Adapters(org.eclipse.core.runtime.Adapters) AgeDiagram( AgeDiagramUtil( Comparator(java.util.Comparator) StyleProvider( Collections(java.util.Collections) StyleCalculator( StyleCalculator( DiagramNode( Point( DiagramNodePredicates( DiagramElement( DockArea( DockingPosition( Stream(

Example 3 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class GefAgeDiagram method ensureSceneNodeExists.

 * Ensures that a scene node exists for the specified GEF diagram element.
 * Creates or recreates scene nodes and adds to the scene graph as necessary. Updates the specified GEF diagram element.
 * @param gefDiagramElement the GEF diagram element for which to ensure that the scene node exists.
 * @param parentDiagramElementSceneNode the scene node for the parent of the GEF diagram element. This is specified instead of using
 * the value contained in the GEF diagram element because it may not be up to date.
 * @return the scene node for the diagram element. This specified GEF diagram element will be updated to hold this value.
private Node ensureSceneNodeExists(GefDiagramElement gefDiagramElement, final Node parentDiagramElementSceneNode) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(parentDiagramElementSceneNode, "parentDiagramElementScenenNode must not be null");
    final Graphic graphic = Objects.requireNonNull(gefDiagramElement.diagramElement.getGraphic(), "graphic must not be null");
    final DiagramElement childDiagramElement = gefDiagramElement.diagramElement;
    // The following final variables determine the operations that needs to be performed by the remainder of the function.
    // They are set by comparing the previous state with the current state of the diagram element.
    final boolean docked = childDiagramElement.getDockArea() != null;
    final boolean parentIsConnection = parentDiagramElementSceneNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode;
    final boolean create = !Objects.equals(graphic, gefDiagramElement.sourceGraphic) || docked != gefDiagramElement.sceneNode instanceof DockedShape || parentIsConnection != gefDiagramElement.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode;
    final boolean addToScene = create || gefDiagramElement.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode != parentDiagramElementSceneNode;
    final boolean removeFromScene = addToScene && gefDiagramElement.sceneNode != null;
    // Update other fields
    gefDiagramElement.sourceGraphic = graphic;
    // Remove the node for the scene graph
    if (removeFromScene) {
    if (create) {
        // Remove mapping to old scene node
        if (gefDiagramElement.sceneNode != null) {
        // Create the new node. Create a graphic and then a wrapper as appropriate
        final Node graphicNode = GraphicToFx.createNode(graphic);
        if (graphicNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode) {
            final BaseConnectionNode newConnectionNode = (BaseConnectionNode) graphicNode;
            gefDiagramElement.sceneNode = graphicNode;
            // Create the primary label node
            final LabelNode primaryLabel = new LabelNode();
            gefDiagramElement.primaryLabel = primaryLabel;
        } else if (graphicNode instanceof LabelNode) {
            gefDiagramElement.sceneNode = graphicNode;
        } else if (parentIsConnection) {
            // NOTE: This should only occur for fixed sized graphics
            // Rotate midpoint decorations 180.0 degrees because our connection not expects midpoint decorations to be oriented as if
            // the connection was left to right and that is not how graphics are specified in the graphical editor.
            final Group rotationWrapper = new Group();
            gefDiagramElement.sceneNode = rotationWrapper;
        } else {
            if (docked) {
                final DockedShape newDockedShape = new DockedShape();
                gefDiagramElement.sceneNode = newDockedShape;
                // Create the primary label node
                final LabelNode primaryLabel = new LabelNode();
                gefDiagramElement.primaryLabel = primaryLabel;
                // Create annotation node
                final LabelNode annotationLabel = new LabelNode();
                gefDiagramElement.annotationLabel = annotationLabel;
            } else {
                final ContainerShape newContainerShape = new ContainerShape();
                gefDiagramElement.sceneNode = newContainerShape;
                // Create the primary label node
                final LabelNode primaryLabel = new LabelNode();
                gefDiagramElement.primaryLabel = primaryLabel;
        // Add mapping to scene node
        if (gefDiagramElement.sceneNode != null) {
            sceneNodeToGefDiagramElementMap.put(gefDiagramElement.sceneNode, gefDiagramElement);
        StyleRoot.set(gefDiagramElement.sceneNode, true);
    if (addToScene) {
        if (gefDiagramElement.sceneNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode) {
            // Flow indicators are positioned relative to the scene node of the parent diagram element
            if (gefDiagramElement.sceneNode instanceof FlowIndicatorNode) {
                if (parentDiagramElementSceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
                    ((FlowIndicatorNode) gefDiagramElement.sceneNode).setPositioningReference(parentDiagramElementSceneNode);
                } else {
                    throw new AgeGefRuntimeException("Unexpected parent diagram element scene node for flow indicator: " + parentDiagramElementSceneNode);
        } else if (gefDiagramElement.sceneNode instanceof LabelNode) {
            // Add label to parent
            if (parentDiagramElementSceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
                ((ContainerShape) parentDiagramElementSceneNode).getSecondaryLabels().add(gefDiagramElement.sceneNode);
            } else if (parentDiagramElementSceneNode instanceof DockedShape) {
                ((DockedShape) parentDiagramElementSceneNode).getSecondaryLabels().add(gefDiagramElement.sceneNode);
            } else if (parentDiagramElementSceneNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode) {
                ((BaseConnectionNode) parentDiagramElementSceneNode).getSecondaryLabels().add(gefDiagramElement.sceneNode);
            } else {
                throw new AgeGefRuntimeException("Unexpected parent node for label: " + parentDiagramElementSceneNode);
        } else if (parentIsConnection) {
            ((BaseConnectionNode) parentDiagramElementSceneNode).getMidpointDecorations().add(gefDiagramElement.sceneNode);
        } else {
            final DockArea dockArea = childDiagramElement.getDockArea();
            if (gefDiagramElement.sceneNode instanceof DockedShape) {
                final DockedShape dockedShape = (DockedShape) gefDiagramElement.sceneNode;
                // Add the docked shape to the appropriate list
                if (parentDiagramElementSceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
                    final ContainerShape containerShapeParent = (ContainerShape) parentDiagramElementSceneNode;
                    containerShapeParent.addOrUpdateDockedChild(dockedShape, GefAgeDiagramUtil.toDockSide(dockArea));
                } else if (parentDiagramElementSceneNode instanceof DockedShape) {
                    final DockedShape dockedShapeParent = (DockedShape) parentDiagramElementSceneNode;
                } else {
                    throw new AgeGefRuntimeException("Unexpected parent for docked shape: " + parentDiagramElementSceneNode);
            } else {
                if (parentDiagramElementSceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
                    final ContainerShape containerShapeParent = (ContainerShape) parentDiagramElementSceneNode;
                } else if (parentDiagramElementSceneNode instanceof Group) {
                    ((Group) parentDiagramElementSceneNode).getChildren().add(gefDiagramElement.sceneNode);
                } else {
                    throw new AgeGefRuntimeException("Unexpected parent node for container shape: " + parentDiagramElementSceneNode);
        gefDiagramElement.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode = parentDiagramElementSceneNode;
    return gefDiagramElement.sceneNode;
Also used : DiagramElement( LabelNode( Group(javafx.scene.Group) FlowIndicatorNode( Graphic( FeatureGraphic( DockArea( DockedShape( BaseConnectionNode( DiagramRootNode( DiagramNode( FeatureGroupNode( LabelNode( Node(javafx.scene.Node) ConnectionNode( FlowIndicatorNode( ContainerShape( BaseConnectionNode( AgeGefRuntimeException(

Example 4 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class GefAgeDiagram method updateSceneNode.

 * Updates the scene nodes related to the specified GEF diagram element based on the diagram element.
 * Only updates properties which do not effect the structure of the scene graph. Not-recursive
 * @param gefDiagramElement is the GEF diagram element for which scene nodes will be updated.
private void updateSceneNode(final GefDiagramElement gefDiagramElement) {
    final DiagramElement diagramElement = gefDiagramElement.diagramElement;
    final Node sceneNode = gefDiagramElement.sceneNode;
    // Update connections
    if (sceneNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode) {
        final BaseConnectionNode connectionNode = (BaseConnectionNode) sceneNode;
        final Point controlPointOrigin = getControlPointOriginFromDiagram(diagramElement, sceneNode);
        if (sceneNode instanceof FlowIndicatorNode) {
            PreferredPosition.set(sceneNode, convertPoint(diagramElement.getPosition()));
        // Update the connection anchor
        updateConnectionAnchors(diagramElement, (BaseConnectionNode) sceneNode);
        // Set control points. Coordinates are specified in the diagram model relative to the diagram. The need to be specified relative to the
        // connection position. For regular connection this is the same because the node's parent is the diagram node.
        // However, flow indicators have a position and have parent nodes other than the diagram.
        connectionNode.getInnerConnection().setControlPoints(diagramElement.getBendpoints().stream().map(p -> new org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Point(p.x - controlPointOrigin.x, p.y - controlPointOrigin.y)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
        PreferredPosition.set(gefDiagramElement.primaryLabel, convertPoint(diagramElement.getConnectionPrimaryLabelPosition()));
    } else if (sceneNode instanceof LabelNode) {
        // Such a label represents a secondary label
        final LabelNode label = (LabelNode) sceneNode;
        // Update element position
        if (gefDiagramElement.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode) {
            PreferredPosition.set(label, convertPoint(diagramElement.getPosition()));
    } else if (sceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
        final ContainerShape containerShape = (ContainerShape) sceneNode;
        PreferredPosition.set(sceneNode, convertPoint(diagramElement.getPosition()));
        // Set configured size
        final Dimension size = diagramElement.getSize();
        if (size == null) {
        } else {
    } else if (sceneNode instanceof DockedShape) {
        final DockedShape n = (DockedShape) sceneNode;
        PreferredPosition.set(sceneNode, convertPoint(diagramElement.getPosition()));
        // Set configured size
        final Dimension size = diagramElement.getSize();
        if (size == null) {
        } else {
        final DockArea dockArea = diagramElement.getDockArea();
        if (dockArea != null && dockArea != DockArea.GROUP && gefDiagramElement.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
            final DockSide side = GefAgeDiagramUtil.toDockSide(dockArea);
            final ContainerShape cs = (ContainerShape) gefDiagramElement.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode;
            cs.addOrUpdateDockedChild(n, side);
    // Update the primary label
    if (gefDiagramElement.primaryLabel != null) {
    // Update the secondary label
    if (gefDiagramElement.annotationLabel != null) {
        final String annotation = diagramElement.getGraphicalConfiguration().getAnnotation();
Also used : LabelNode( BaseConnectionNode( DiagramRootNode( DiagramNode( FeatureGroupNode( LabelNode( Node(javafx.scene.Node) ConnectionNode( FlowIndicatorNode( DockedShape( Point( Dimension( DiagramElement( FlowIndicatorNode( DockSide( DockArea( ContainerShape( BaseConnectionNode(

Example 5 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class DiagramUpdaterTest method testDockArea.

// Test that element docking are works as expected
public void testDockArea() {
    // Assign a Docking Position to an Element
    final TestBusinessObject testBoParent = testModel.getModel().children[0];
    final TestBusinessObject testBo = testBoParent.children[2];
    // Update the diagram and assign positions
    // Check that the contents of test diagram element have the appropriate docking area
    checkElements(diagram.getChildren(), testModel.getModel());
    // Check that Changing the Docking Area and updating the diagram does not reset the docking area.
    final DiagramElement dockableDiagramElement = diagram.getChildByRelativeReference(testBoParent.getRelativeReference()).getChildByRelativeReference(testBo.getRelativeReference());
    assertThat(dockableDiagramElement.getDockArea(), is(equalTo(DockArea.fromDockingPosition(testBo.getDefaultDockingPosition()))));
    final DockArea newDockArea = DockArea.fromDockingPosition(DockingPosition.RIGHT);
    diagram.modify("Set Dock Area", m -> m.setDockArea(dockableDiagramElement, newDockArea));
    assertThat(dockableDiagramElement.getDockArea(), is(equalTo(newDockArea)));
Also used : DiagramElement( TestBusinessObject( DockArea( Test(org.junit.Test)


DockArea ( DiagramElement ( Point ( DiagramNode ( Dimension ( PortSide (org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide)4 ArrayListMultimap ( ImmutableList ( Lists ( Collection (java.util.Collection)3 Collections (java.util.Collections)3 Comparator (java.util.Comparator)3 EnumSet (java.util.EnumSet)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)3 List (java.util.List)3 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)3 Objects (java.util.Objects)3 Optional (java.util.Optional)3 Set (java.util.Set)3