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Example 1 with DockSide

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class SelectedElementsMover method updateSceneGraph.

 * Updates the positions of scene graph nodes.
 * @param totalPositionDelta the total movement since the beginning of the interaction.
 * @param snapToGrid whether the positions should be snapped to grid. Ignored for connection labels.
public void updateSceneGraph(final Point2D totalPositionDelta, final boolean snapToGrid) {
    final Transform sceneToDiagramTransform = editor.getGefDiagram().getSceneNode().getSceneToLocalTransform();
    // Reset guide
    // Move nodes
    for (final DiagramElementSnapshot snapshot : elementsToMove) {
        if (snapshot.sceneNode instanceof LabelNode) {
            final BaseConnectionNode cn = InputEventHandlerUtil.getClosestConnection(snapshot.sceneNode);
            // Secondary connection label
            if (cn != null) {
                // Determine the new position in diagram coordinates
                final double newPositionX = InputEventHandlerUtil.snapX(editor, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinX() + totalPositionDelta.getX(), false);
                final double newPositionY = InputEventHandlerUtil.snapX(editor, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinY() + totalPositionDelta.getY(), false);
                // Set the new position relative to the midpoint
                final Point2D connectionMidpointPositionInDiagram = sceneToDiagramTransform.transform(cn.getLocalToSceneTransform().transform(cn.getMidpointAnchorPosition()));
                PreferredPosition.set(snapshot.sceneNode, new Point2D(newPositionX - connectionMidpointPositionInDiagram.getX(), newPositionY - connectionMidpointPositionInDiagram.getY()));
        } else {
            // Determine snapped position
            double newPositionX = snapshot.positionInLocal.getX() + (InputEventHandlerUtil.snapX(editor, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinX() + totalPositionDelta.getX(), snapToGrid) - snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinX());
            double newPositionY = snapshot.positionInLocal.getY() + (InputEventHandlerUtil.snapY(editor, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinY() + totalPositionDelta.getY(), snapToGrid) - snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinY());
            // Constrain the position to the container
            final Node container = InputEventHandlerUtil.getLogicalShapeContainer(snapshot.sceneNode);
            if (container instanceof ContainerShape) {
                final Bounds parentBounds = container.getLayoutBounds();
                newPositionX = Math.max(0, Math.min(newPositionX, parentBounds.getWidth() - snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getWidth()));
                newPositionY = Math.max(0, Math.min(newPositionY, parentBounds.getHeight() - snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getHeight()));
            // Update guide overlay
            if (guides.shouldUpdate()) {
            // Adjust the position and size
            final Point2D currentPreferredPosition = PreferredPosition.get(snapshot.sceneNode);
            if (currentPreferredPosition == null || currentPreferredPosition.getX() != newPositionX || currentPreferredPosition.getY() != newPositionY) {
                PreferredPosition.set(snapshot.sceneNode, new Point2D(newPositionX, newPositionY));
                if (showAffectedConnections) {
                    final double dx = currentPreferredPosition == null ? 0 : (newPositionX - currentPreferredPosition.getX());
                    final double dy = currentPreferredPosition == null ? 0 : (newPositionY - currentPreferredPosition.getY());
                    shiftAffectedConnections(snapshot, dx, dy);
                // Update side for docked shapes
                if (snapshot.sceneNode instanceof DockedShape) {
                    final DockedShape ds = (DockedShape) snapshot.sceneNode;
                    if (container instanceof ContainerShape) {
                        final ContainerShape cs = (ContainerShape) container;
                        final Bounds containerBounds = cs.getLayoutBounds();
                        final DockSide side = GefAgeDiagramUtil.toDockSide(DockArea.fromDockingPosition(AgeDiagramUtil.determineDockingPosition(containerBounds.getWidth(), containerBounds.getHeight(), newPositionX, newPositionY, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getWidth(), snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getHeight())));
                        cs.addOrUpdateDockedChild(ds, side);
Also used : LabelNode( DockSide( Point2D(javafx.geometry.Point2D) LabelNode( BaseConnectionNode( Node(javafx.scene.Node) ConnectionNode( DiagramNode( Bounds(javafx.geometry.Bounds) DockedShape( ContainerShape( BaseConnectionNode( Transform(javafx.scene.transform.Transform)

Example 2 with DockSide

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class GefAgeDiagram method updateDiagramFromSceneGraph.

 * Triggers a layout of the scene graph nodes and then updates the diagram based on the layout of the scene graph nodes.
 * Updates position and size. Optionally updates bendpoints.
 * Should only be called after the root node has been added to a scene.
 * @param updateBendpoints whether to update bendpoints in addition to the position and size of elements.
public void updateDiagramFromSceneGraph(final boolean updateBendpoints) {
    updatingDiagramFromSceneGraph = true;
    diagram.modify("Update Diagram from Scene Graph", m -> {
        for (final Entry<DiagramElement, GefDiagramElement> e : this.diagramElementToGefDiagramElementMap.entrySet()) {
            final DiagramElement de = e.getKey();
            final GefDiagramElement ge = e.getValue();
            final Node sceneNode = ge.sceneNode;
            final DiagramNode parent = de.getParent();
            if (DiagramElementPredicates.isMoveable(de)) {
                if (parent instanceof DiagramElement && DiagramElementPredicates.isConnection((DiagramElement) parent)) {
                    // Store the preferred position.
                    final Point2D p = PreferredPosition.get(sceneNode);
                    m.setPosition(de, GefAgeDiagramUtil.toAgePoint(p));
                } else {
                    final double newX = sceneNode.getLayoutX();
                    final double newY = sceneNode.getLayoutY();
                    if (de.hasPosition() || (newX != 0.0 || newY != 0)) {
                        m.setPosition(de, new Point(newX, newY));
                if (sceneNode instanceof DockedShape && ge.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
                    final DockedShape ds = (DockedShape) sceneNode;
                    final DockSide side = ds.getSide();
                    if (side != null) {
                        m.setDockArea(de, GefAgeDiagramUtil.toDockArea(side));
            // Set the size for all elements. Even for non-resizable elements, the layout engine uses the sizes in the diagram.
            // This is important for secondary labels of connections.
            final Bounds layoutBounds = sceneNode.getLayoutBounds();
            if (de.hasSize() || (layoutBounds.getWidth() != 0.0 || layoutBounds.getHeight() != 0)) {
                m.setSize(de, new Dimension(layoutBounds.getWidth(), layoutBounds.getHeight()));
            if (DiagramElementPredicates.isConnection(de) && sceneNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode) {
                final BaseConnectionNode cn = (BaseConnectionNode) sceneNode;
                // Primary label position
                if (!cn.getPrimaryLabels().isEmpty()) {
                    // Store the preferred position of the connection label
                    final Node primaryLabel = cn.getPrimaryLabels().get(0);
                    final Point2D p = PreferredPosition.get(primaryLabel);
                    m.setConnectionPrimaryLabelPosition(de, GefAgeDiagramUtil.toAgePoint(p));
                // Bendpoints
                if (updateBendpoints) {
                    final List<org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Point> controlPoints = cn.getInnerConnection().getControlPoints();
                    if (!controlPoints.isEmpty() || !de.getBendpoints().isEmpty()) {
                        final Point controlPointOrigin = getControlPointOriginFromSceneGraph(sceneNode);
                        m.setBendpoints(de, cn.getInnerConnection().getControlPoints().stream().map(p -> new Point(p.x + controlPointOrigin.x, p.y + controlPointOrigin.y)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
    updatingDiagramFromSceneGraph = false;
Also used : DiagramNode( BaseConnectionNode( DiagramRootNode( DiagramNode( FeatureGroupNode( LabelNode( Node(javafx.scene.Node) ConnectionNode( FlowIndicatorNode( DockedShape( Bounds(javafx.geometry.Bounds) Point( Dimension( DiagramElement( DockSide( Point2D(javafx.geometry.Point2D) ContainerShape( BaseConnectionNode(

Example 3 with DockSide

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class GefAgeDiagram method updateSceneNode.

 * Updates the scene nodes related to the specified GEF diagram element based on the diagram element.
 * Only updates properties which do not effect the structure of the scene graph. Not-recursive
 * @param gefDiagramElement is the GEF diagram element for which scene nodes will be updated.
private void updateSceneNode(final GefDiagramElement gefDiagramElement) {
    final DiagramElement diagramElement = gefDiagramElement.diagramElement;
    final Node sceneNode = gefDiagramElement.sceneNode;
    // Update connections
    if (sceneNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode) {
        final BaseConnectionNode connectionNode = (BaseConnectionNode) sceneNode;
        final Point controlPointOrigin = getControlPointOriginFromDiagram(diagramElement, sceneNode);
        if (sceneNode instanceof FlowIndicatorNode) {
            PreferredPosition.set(sceneNode, convertPoint(diagramElement.getPosition()));
        // Update the connection anchor
        updateConnectionAnchors(diagramElement, (BaseConnectionNode) sceneNode);
        // Set control points. Coordinates are specified in the diagram model relative to the diagram. The need to be specified relative to the
        // connection position. For regular connection this is the same because the node's parent is the diagram node.
        // However, flow indicators have a position and have parent nodes other than the diagram.
        connectionNode.getInnerConnection().setControlPoints(diagramElement.getBendpoints().stream().map(p -> new org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.Point(p.x - controlPointOrigin.x, p.y - controlPointOrigin.y)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
        PreferredPosition.set(gefDiagramElement.primaryLabel, convertPoint(diagramElement.getConnectionPrimaryLabelPosition()));
    } else if (sceneNode instanceof LabelNode) {
        // Such a label represents a secondary label
        final LabelNode label = (LabelNode) sceneNode;
        // Update element position
        if (gefDiagramElement.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode instanceof BaseConnectionNode) {
            PreferredPosition.set(label, convertPoint(diagramElement.getPosition()));
    } else if (sceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
        final ContainerShape containerShape = (ContainerShape) sceneNode;
        PreferredPosition.set(sceneNode, convertPoint(diagramElement.getPosition()));
        // Set configured size
        final Dimension size = diagramElement.getSize();
        if (size == null) {
        } else {
    } else if (sceneNode instanceof DockedShape) {
        final DockedShape n = (DockedShape) sceneNode;
        PreferredPosition.set(sceneNode, convertPoint(diagramElement.getPosition()));
        // Set configured size
        final Dimension size = diagramElement.getSize();
        if (size == null) {
        } else {
        final DockArea dockArea = diagramElement.getDockArea();
        if (dockArea != null && dockArea != DockArea.GROUP && gefDiagramElement.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
            final DockSide side = GefAgeDiagramUtil.toDockSide(dockArea);
            final ContainerShape cs = (ContainerShape) gefDiagramElement.parentDiagramNodeSceneNode;
            cs.addOrUpdateDockedChild(n, side);
    // Update the primary label
    if (gefDiagramElement.primaryLabel != null) {
    // Update the secondary label
    if (gefDiagramElement.annotationLabel != null) {
        final String annotation = diagramElement.getGraphicalConfiguration().getAnnotation();
Also used : LabelNode( BaseConnectionNode( DiagramRootNode( DiagramNode( FeatureGroupNode( LabelNode( Node(javafx.scene.Node) ConnectionNode( FlowIndicatorNode( DockedShape( Point( Dimension( DiagramElement( FlowIndicatorNode( DockSide( DockArea( ContainerShape( BaseConnectionNode(

Example 4 with DockSide

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class ResizeInteraction method onMouseDragged.

protected Interaction.InteractionState onMouseDragged(final MouseEvent e) {
    if (e.getButton() != MouseButton.PRIMARY) {
        return super.onMouseDragged(e);
    final Transform sceneToDiagramTransform = editor.getGefDiagram().getSceneNode().getSceneToLocalTransform();
    final Point2D eventInDiagram = sceneToDiagramTransform.transform(e.getSceneX(), e.getSceneY());
    final Point2D totalDelta = eventInDiagram.subtract(initialClickLocationInDiagram);
    final boolean snapToGrid = !e.isAltDown();
    // Resize all selection diagram elements
    for (final DiagramElementSnapshot snapshot : elementsToResize) {
        // Determine position adjustment and new size
        double newPositionX = snapshot.sceneNode.getLayoutX();
        double newPositionY = snapshot.sceneNode.getLayoutY();
        double newWidth = snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getWidth();
        double newHeight = snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getHeight();
        final Vector dir = handle.getDirection();
        final Node container = InputEventHandlerUtil.getLogicalShapeContainer(snapshot.sceneNode);
        // Determine the minimum layout X and Y values for shapes which will be repositioned during the resize.
        // This value is used to constrain the new position of the node when the resize results in both a movement
        // and a size change.
        double minChildLayoutX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        double minChildLayoutY = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        for (final DiagramElement childDiagramElement : snapshot.diagramElement.getChildren()) {
            final Node childSceneNode = editor.getGefDiagram().getSceneNode(childDiagramElement);
            if (childSceneNode instanceof ContainerShape) {
                minChildLayoutX = Math.min(minChildLayoutX, childSceneNode.getLayoutX());
                minChildLayoutY = Math.min(minChildLayoutY, childSceneNode.getLayoutY());
            // Docked shapes are only repositioned in one axis.
            if (childSceneNode instanceof DockedShape) {
                final DockSide side = ((DockedShape) childSceneNode).getSide();
                if (side.vertical) {
                    minChildLayoutY = Math.min(minChildLayoutY, childSceneNode.getLayoutY());
                } else {
                    minChildLayoutX = Math.min(minChildLayoutX, childSceneNode.getLayoutX());
        if (dir.x < 0) {
            double newPositionDiagramX = InputEventHandlerUtil.snapX(editor, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinX() + totalDelta.getX(), snapToGrid);
            // It is critical to not consider children that are being repositioned. Otherwise the minimum width
            // will change as the node is resized. The layout of such children are considered to ensure that the resize
            // does not clip children not included in the minimum width.
            final double minWidthOfNotRepositionedChildren = snapshot.sceneNode instanceof ContainerShape ? ((ContainerShape) snapshot.sceneNode).computeMinWidth(false) : snapshot.sceneNode.minWidth(-1);
            newPositionDiagramX = Math.min(newPositionDiagramX, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMaxX() - minWidthOfNotRepositionedChildren);
            newPositionX = snapshot.positionInLocal.getX() + (newPositionDiagramX - snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinX());
            newPositionX = Math.min(newPositionX, snapshot.sceneNode.getLayoutX() + minChildLayoutX);
            if (container instanceof ContainerShape) {
                newPositionX = Math.max(newPositionX, 0);
            newWidth = snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getWidth() + (snapshot.positionInLocal.getX() - newPositionX);
        } else if (dir.x > 0) {
            final double newMaxX = InputEventHandlerUtil.snapX(editor, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMaxX() + totalDelta.getX(), snapToGrid);
            newWidth = newMaxX - snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinX();
        if (dir.y < 0) {
            double newPositionDiagramY = InputEventHandlerUtil.snapX(editor, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinY() + totalDelta.getY(), snapToGrid);
            // It is critical to not consider children that are being repositioned. Otherwise the minimum height
            // will change as the node is resized. The layout of such children are considered to ensure that the resize
            // does not clip children not included in the minimum height.
            final double minHeightWithoutFreeChildren = snapshot.sceneNode instanceof ContainerShape ? ((ContainerShape) snapshot.sceneNode).computeMinHeight(false) : snapshot.sceneNode.minHeight(-1);
            newPositionDiagramY = Math.min(newPositionDiagramY, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMaxY() - minHeightWithoutFreeChildren);
            newPositionY = snapshot.positionInLocal.getY() + (newPositionDiagramY - snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinY());
            newPositionY = Math.min(newPositionY, snapshot.sceneNode.getLayoutY() + minChildLayoutY);
            if (container instanceof ContainerShape) {
                newPositionY = Math.max(newPositionY, 0);
            newHeight = snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getHeight() + (snapshot.positionInLocal.getY() - newPositionY);
        } else if (dir.y > 0) {
            final double newMaxY = InputEventHandlerUtil.snapX(editor, snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMaxY() + totalDelta.getY(), snapToGrid);
            newHeight = newMaxY - snapshot.boundsInDiagram.getMinY();
        // Adjust the position and size
        final Point2D currentPreferredPosition = PreferredPosition.get(snapshot.sceneNode);
        if (currentPreferredPosition == null || currentPreferredPosition.getX() != newPositionX || currentPreferredPosition.getY() != newPositionY) {
            PreferredPosition.set(snapshot.sceneNode, new Point2D(newPositionX, newPositionY));
            final double dx = currentPreferredPosition == null ? 0 : (newPositionX - currentPreferredPosition.getX());
            final double dy = currentPreferredPosition == null ? 0 : (newPositionY - currentPreferredPosition.getY());
            // Reposition children so that their absolute positions do not change.
            for (final DiagramElement childDiagramElement : snapshot.diagramElement.getChildren()) {
                final Node childSceneNode = editor.getGefDiagram().getSceneNode(childDiagramElement);
                if (childSceneNode instanceof ContainerShape || childSceneNode instanceof DockedShape || childSceneNode instanceof FlowIndicatorNode) {
                    final Point2D childPosition = PreferredPosition.get(childSceneNode);
                    if (childPosition != null) {
                        final double newPreferredPositionX;
                        final double newPreferredPositionY;
                        // This assumes the flow indicator is attaches to a vertical side.
                        if (childSceneNode instanceof FlowIndicatorNode) {
                            newPreferredPositionX = childPosition.getX();
                            newPreferredPositionY = childPosition.getY() - dy;
                        } else {
                            newPreferredPositionX = childPosition.getX() - dx;
                            newPreferredPositionY = childPosition.getY() - dy;
                        PreferredPosition.set(childSceneNode, new Point2D(newPreferredPositionX, newPreferredPositionY));
        final ConfigureSize configureSize = (ConfigureSize) snapshot.sceneNode;
        final double minWidth = snapshot.sceneNode.minWidth(-1);
        final double minHeight = snapshot.sceneNode.minHeight(-1);
        configureSize.setConfiguredWidth(Math.max(newWidth, minWidth));
        configureSize.setConfiguredHeight(Math.max(newHeight, minHeight));
        // Update guide overlay
        if (guides.shouldUpdate()) {
            final Bounds newBoundsInDiagram = sceneToDiagramTransform.transform(snapshot.sceneNode.getLocalToSceneTransform().transform(snapshot.sceneNode.getLayoutBounds()));
            // Show guides for the values in the bounds that are being changed as part of the resize
            if (dir.x < 0) {
            } else if (dir.x > 0) {
            if (dir.y < 0) {
            } else if (dir.y > 0) {
    return InteractionState.IN_PROGRESS;
Also used : Node(javafx.scene.Node) FlowIndicatorNode( DockedShape( Bounds(javafx.geometry.Bounds) DiagramElement( FlowIndicatorNode( DockSide( Point2D(javafx.geometry.Point2D) ContainerShape( ConfigureSize( Transform(javafx.scene.transform.Transform) Vector(org.eclipse.gef.geometry.euclidean.Vector)


Node (javafx.scene.Node)4 ContainerShape ( DockSide ( DockedShape ( Bounds (javafx.geometry.Bounds)3 Point2D (javafx.geometry.Point2D)3 BaseConnectionNode ( ConnectionNode ( FlowIndicatorNode ( LabelNode ( DiagramElement ( DiagramNode ( Transform (javafx.scene.transform.Transform)2 DiagramRootNode ( FeatureGroupNode ( Dimension ( Point ( Vector (org.eclipse.gef.geometry.euclidean.Vector)1 ConfigureSize ( DockArea (