Search in sources :

Example 6 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class DiagramElementLayoutUtil method layoutFlowIndicators.

 * Sets the position and bendpoints of all specified flow indicators. Intended to provide a default position for flow indicators in cases
 * where only contents are being layed out. This layout will be replaced by the ELK produced layout when the flow indicator's container
 * is layed out.
 * This function simply positions flow indicators such that they are in a after existing indicators.
 * @param m is the modification to use to modify the diagram.
 * @param flowIndicatorsToLayout is the stream of flow indicators to layout.
 * @param layoutInfoProvider is the source for layout info needed to determine source anchor points.
public static void layoutFlowIndicators(final DiagramModification m, final Stream<DiagramElement> flowIndicatorsToLayout, final LayoutInfoProvider layoutInfoProvider) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(flowIndicatorsToLayout, "flowIndicators must not be null");
    // Create set of a start elements in which we are interested.
    final Set<DiagramNode> startElements = -> n.getStartElement()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
    if (startElements.isEmpty()) {
    // Search diagram and build a multimap mapping start elements to the flow indicators which reference them.
    final ArrayListMultimap<DiagramElement, DiagramElement> startElementToFlowIndicators = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    m.getDiagram().getAllDescendants().filter(q -> q instanceof DiagramElement && DiagramElementPredicates.isFlowIndicator((DiagramElement) q)).forEachOrdered(q -> {
        final DiagramElement e = (DiagramElement) q;
        final DiagramElement start = e.getStartElement();
        if (startElements.contains(start)) {
            startElementToFlowIndicators.put(start, e);
    // Process each start element
    for (DiagramElement startElement : startElementToFlowIndicators.keySet()) {
        // Skip start elements that haven't been positioned
        if (!startElement.hasPosition()) {
        // Skip if unable to determine what side the start element is on. Flow indicators are only supported when there is a source element which is docked.
        final DockArea dockArea = getNonGroupDockArea(startElement);
        if (dockArea == null) {
        // Sort by X or Y based on dock area. Flow indicators without a position are sorted at the end.
        final List<DiagramElement> flowIndicatorsForStartElement = startElementToFlowIndicators.get(startElement);
        flowIndicatorsForStartElement.sort((e1, e2) -> {
            if (e1.hasPosition() && e2.hasPosition()) {
                if (dockArea.isLeftOrRight()) {
                    return, e2.getY());
                } else {
                    return, e2.getX());
            } else if (e1.hasPosition()) {
                return -1;
            } else if (e2.hasPosition()) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return 0;
        // Flow indicators are positions based on the first undocked container. Need to find that container.
        final DiagramElement indicatorContainer = DiagramElementUtil.getUndockedDiagramElement(flowIndicatorsForStartElement.get(0).getParent());
        // Skip if we are unable to determine the container or if the container doesn't have a size.
        if (indicatorContainer == null || !indicatorContainer.hasSize()) {
        final Point containerAbsPosition = getAbsolutePosition(indicatorContainer);
        // Determine how to adjust position of bendpoints and indicator positions based on the dock area
        final Point startAnchorPosition = getPortAnchorOffset(startElement, dockArea, containerAbsPosition, layoutInfoProvider);
        final double initialPositionOffsetX;
        final double initialPositionOffsetY;
        final double positionIncrementX;
        final double positionIncrementY;
        switch(dockArea) {
            case LEFT:
                initialPositionOffsetX = INCREMENTAL_FLOW_INDICATOR_PRIMARY_OFFSET;
                initialPositionOffsetY = 0;
                positionIncrementX = 0.0;
            case RIGHT:
                initialPositionOffsetX = -INCREMENTAL_FLOW_INDICATOR_PRIMARY_OFFSET;
                initialPositionOffsetY = 0;
                positionIncrementX = 0;
            case TOP:
                initialPositionOffsetX = 0;
                initialPositionOffsetY = INCREMENTAL_FLOW_INDICATOR_PRIMARY_OFFSET;
                positionIncrementY = 0;
            case BOTTOM:
                initialPositionOffsetX = 0;
                initialPositionOffsetY = -INCREMENTAL_FLOW_INDICATOR_PRIMARY_OFFSET;
                positionIncrementY = 0;
            case GROUP:
                // Our dock area should never have the group value and all other values should be handled
                throw new GraphicalEditorException("Unexpected case: " + dockArea);
        // Calculate absolute position for the start anchor. Used for bendpoints
        final Point startAnchorAbsPosition = new Point(containerAbsPosition.x + startAnchorPosition.x, containerAbsPosition.y + startAnchorPosition.y);
        // Determine initial of the first flow indicator relative to it's container.
        // This is only used when there all flow indicators do not have a position
        final Point firstPosition = new Point(startAnchorPosition.x + initialPositionOffsetX, startAnchorPosition.y + initialPositionOffsetY);
        Point nextPosition = firstPosition;
        for (DiagramElement indicator : flowIndicatorsForStartElement) {
            final Point currentPosition;
            if (indicator.hasPosition()) {
                currentPosition = indicator.getPosition();
            } else {
                // Set the position
                currentPosition = nextPosition;
                m.setPosition(indicator, nextPosition);
                // The first flow indicator should not need bendpoints, to reset them
                if (nextPosition.equals(firstPosition)) {
                    m.setBendpoints(indicator, ImmutableList.of());
                } else {
                    // Set bendpoints
                    final Point bp1 = new Point(startAnchorAbsPosition.x + (initialPositionOffsetX * INCREMENTAL_FLOW_INDICATOR_BENDPOINT_OFFSET_SCALING), startAnchorAbsPosition.y + (initialPositionOffsetY * INCREMENTAL_FLOW_INDICATOR_BENDPOINT_OFFSET_SCALING));
                    final Point positionAbs = new Point(containerAbsPosition.x + nextPosition.x, +containerAbsPosition.y + nextPosition.y);
                    final Point bp2 = new Point(positionAbs.x - (initialPositionOffsetX * (1.0 - INCREMENTAL_FLOW_INDICATOR_BENDPOINT_OFFSET_SCALING)), positionAbs.y - (initialPositionOffsetY * (1.0 - INCREMENTAL_FLOW_INDICATOR_BENDPOINT_OFFSET_SCALING)));
                    m.setBendpoints(indicator, ImmutableList.of(bp1, bp2));
            // Determine the next position
            nextPosition = new Point(currentPosition.x + positionIncrementX, currentPosition.y + positionIncrementY);
Also used : CoreOptions(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.CoreOptions) ArrayListMultimap( PortSide(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide) LayoutMapping(org.eclipse.elk.core.service.LayoutMapping) ElkNode(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkNode) ElkPort(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkPort) IGraphElementVisitor(org.eclipse.elk.core.util.IGraphElementVisitor) RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine(org.eclipse.elk.core.RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine) DockArea( IStatus(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus) BusinessObjectContext( Graphic( DiagramNodePredicates( StatusManager(org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager) IEditorPart(org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart) EnumSet(java.util.EnumSet) Collection(java.util.Collection) Set(java.util.Set) Status(org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status) SizeConstraint(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.SizeConstraint) Point( Collectors( DiagramElementUtil( DockingPosition( Objects(java.util.Objects) List(java.util.List) Stream( ElkGraphElement(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkGraphElement) NodeLabelPlacement(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.NodeLabelPlacement) GraphicalEditorException( ElkEdgeSection(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdgeSection) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Optional(java.util.Optional) ElkEdge(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdge) AgeConnection( DiagramNode( DiagramElement( Dimension( ElkGraphPackage(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkGraphPackage) ModeGraphic( DiagramModification( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ElkUtil(org.eclipse.elk.core.util.ElkUtil) Style( InternalDiagramEditor( Lists( ImmutableList( AgeShape( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Activator( DiagramElementPredicates( ElkLabel(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel) KVector(org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVector) Label( BasicProgressMonitor(org.eclipse.elk.core.util.BasicProgressMonitor) ElkShape(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkShape) Adapters(org.eclipse.core.runtime.Adapters) AgeDiagram( AgeDiagramUtil( Comparator(java.util.Comparator) StyleProvider( Collections(java.util.Collections) StyleCalculator( DiagramElement( DiagramNode( DockArea( Point( GraphicalEditorException(

Example 7 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class DiagramElementLayoutUtil method shiftRelatedConnections.

 * Shifts the bendpoints of all connections for which both endpoints are contained within the specified elements.
 * Shifts bendpoints of flow indicators if start elements are contained within the specified elements.
 * Shifts position of flow indicators if start elements are contained within the specified elements and the flow indicator container is not
 * is not in movedElements.
 * @param movedElements are the element which have been moved.
 * @param delta the amount to shift the bendpoints
 * @param m the modification that will be used to update the bendpoints
 * @param shiftBendpoints whether to shift bendpoints
 * @param shiftFlowIndicatorPositions whether to shift flow indicator positions.
 * @param checkDescendants whether to check descendants of the specified elements when looking for connections
public static void shiftRelatedConnections(final Stream<DiagramElement> movedElements, final delta, final DiagramModification m, boolean shiftBendpoints, boolean shiftFlowIndicatorPositions, final boolean checkDescendants) {
    final Set<BusinessObjectContext> movedElementsSet = movedElements.collect(Collectors.toSet());
    // Build a set containing the moved elements and all of their descendant which are represented as shapes
    final Set<BusinessObjectContext> diagramElements = checkDescendants ? -> Stream.concat(Stream.of(de), de.getAllDescendants())).collect(Collectors.toSet()) : movedElementsSet;
    final Stream<DiagramElement> connections = m.getDiagram().getAllDiagramNodes().filter(q -> q instanceof DiagramElement && DiagramElementPredicates.isConnection((DiagramElement) q)).map(DiagramElement.class::cast);
    // Iterate over all the connections in the diagram and update their bendpoints if their ends are in the set above.
    connections.forEachOrdered(connection -> {
        final DiagramElement startElement = connection.getStartElement();
        final DiagramElement endElement = connection.getEndElement();
        final boolean isFlowIndicator = ((AgeConnection) connection.getGraphic()).isFlowIndicator;
        if (diagramElements.contains(startElement) && (diagramElements.contains(endElement) || isFlowIndicator)) {
            if (shiftBendpoints) {
                shiftBendpoints(connection, delta, m);
            // Shift flow indicator positions
            if (shiftFlowIndicatorPositions && isFlowIndicator && connection.hasPosition()) {
                // Flow indicator positions are relative to the container of the flow indicator.
                // If the flow indicator's ancestor has moved, then do not shift the flow indicator's position
                boolean ancestorHasMoved = false;
                for (DiagramNode tmp = connection.getParent(); tmp != null; tmp = tmp.getParent()) {
                    if (movedElementsSet.contains(tmp)) {
                        ancestorHasMoved = true;
                if (!ancestorHasMoved) {
                    final DockArea startDockArea = getNonGroupDockArea(startElement);
                    m.setPosition(connection, new + (startDockArea == null || !startDockArea.isLeftOrRight() ? delta.x : 0), connection.getY() + (startDockArea == null || startDockArea.isLeftOrRight() ? delta.y : 0)));
Also used : DiagramElement( CoreOptions(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.CoreOptions) ArrayListMultimap( PortSide(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide) LayoutMapping(org.eclipse.elk.core.service.LayoutMapping) ElkNode(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkNode) ElkPort(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkPort) IGraphElementVisitor(org.eclipse.elk.core.util.IGraphElementVisitor) RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine(org.eclipse.elk.core.RecursiveGraphLayoutEngine) DockArea( IStatus(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus) BusinessObjectContext( Graphic( DiagramNodePredicates( StatusManager(org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager) IEditorPart(org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart) EnumSet(java.util.EnumSet) Collection(java.util.Collection) Set(java.util.Set) Status(org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status) SizeConstraint(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.SizeConstraint) Point( Collectors( DiagramElementUtil( DockingPosition( Objects(java.util.Objects) List(java.util.List) Stream( ElkGraphElement(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkGraphElement) NodeLabelPlacement(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.NodeLabelPlacement) GraphicalEditorException( ElkEdgeSection(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdgeSection) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Optional(java.util.Optional) ElkEdge(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkEdge) AgeConnection( DiagramNode( DiagramElement( Dimension( ElkGraphPackage(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkGraphPackage) ModeGraphic( DiagramModification( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ElkUtil(org.eclipse.elk.core.util.ElkUtil) Style( InternalDiagramEditor( Lists( ImmutableList( AgeShape( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Activator( DiagramElementPredicates( ElkLabel(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel) KVector(org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVector) Label( BasicProgressMonitor(org.eclipse.elk.core.util.BasicProgressMonitor) ElkShape(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkShape) Adapters(org.eclipse.core.runtime.Adapters) AgeDiagram( AgeDiagramUtil( Comparator(java.util.Comparator) StyleProvider( Collections(java.util.Collections) StyleCalculator( AgeConnection( DiagramNode( DockArea( Point( BusinessObjectContext(

Example 8 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class DiagramElementLayoutUtil method layoutFeatureSelfLoopConnection.

 * Sets the bendpoints for an element. The element should be a feature self loop connection element.
 * @param connectionElement the element to update.
 * @param mod the modification to use to set the bendpoints
 * @param layoutInfoProvider the layout information provider to help calculate positions
private static void layoutFeatureSelfLoopConnection(final DiagramElement connectionElement, final DiagramModification mod, final LayoutInfoProvider layoutInfoProvider) {
    final DockArea dockArea = getNonGroupDockArea(connectionElement.getStartElement());
    final Point featurePosition = getPortAnchorOffset(connectionElement.getStartElement(), dockArea, new Point(0, 0), layoutInfoProvider);
    // Calculate new bendpoints
    final List<Point> newBendpoints;
    // Offset towards the inside of the port in the dock area dependent direction. The horizontal direction for Left/Right
    final double majorOffset = 50;
    // Offset used in both directions in the other axis.
    final double minorOffset = 8;
    if (dockArea == DockArea.LEFT) {
        newBendpoints = ImmutableList.of(new Point(featurePosition.x + majorOffset, featurePosition.y - minorOffset), new Point(featurePosition.x + majorOffset, featurePosition.y + minorOffset));
    } else if (dockArea == DockArea.RIGHT) {
        newBendpoints = ImmutableList.of(new Point(featurePosition.x - majorOffset, featurePosition.y - minorOffset), new Point(featurePosition.x - majorOffset, featurePosition.y + minorOffset));
    } else if (dockArea == DockArea.TOP) {
        newBendpoints = ImmutableList.of(new Point(featurePosition.x - minorOffset, featurePosition.y + majorOffset), new Point(featurePosition.x + minorOffset, featurePosition.y + majorOffset));
    } else {
        // BOTTOM
        newBendpoints = ImmutableList.of(new Point(featurePosition.x - minorOffset, featurePosition.y - majorOffset), new Point(featurePosition.x + minorOffset, featurePosition.y - majorOffset));
    // Update the bendpoints
    mod.setBendpoints(connectionElement, newBendpoints);
Also used : DockArea( Point(

Example 9 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class DiagramElementLayoutUtil method applyShapeLayout.

private static void applyShapeLayout(final LayoutMapping mapping, final DiagramModification m) {
    // Modify shapes
    for (Entry<ElkGraphElement, Object> e : mapping.getGraphMap().entrySet()) {
        final ElkGraphElement elkElement = e.getKey();
        final Object mappedValue = e.getValue();
        final boolean isTopLevelElement = isTopLevel(elkElement);
        if (!(elkElement instanceof ElkShape)) {
        final ElkShape elkShape = (ElkShape) elkElement;
        if (!(mappedValue instanceof DiagramElement)) {
        final DiagramElement de = (DiagramElement) mappedValue;
        if (!(de.getGraphic() instanceof AgeShape)) {
        if (de.getGraphic() instanceof Label) {
        // Set Position. Don't set the position of top level elements
        if (!isTopLevelElement && DiagramElementPredicates.isMoveableShape(de)) {
            // Determine position for the element
            double x = elkShape.getX();
            double y = elkShape.getY();
            // If the diagram element has a parent port, subtract the parent port position from the ELK port position to determine the relative position
            if (de.getDockArea() == DockArea.GROUP) {
                final ElkPort parentPort = (ElkPort) mapping.getGraphMap().inverse().get(de.getParent());
                if (parentPort != null) {
                    final PortSide side = parentPort.getProperty(CoreOptions.PORT_SIDE);
                    if (PortSide.SIDES_NORTH_SOUTH.contains(side)) {
                        x = elkShape.getX() - parentPort.getX();
                    } else if (PortSide.SIDES_EAST_WEST.contains(side)) {
                        y = elkShape.getY() - parentPort.getY();
                    } else {
                        throw new GraphicalEditorException("Unexpected side: " + side);
            DiagramElementLayoutUtil.moveElement(m, de, new Point(x, y));
            // Set the dock area
            if (de.getDockArea() != DockArea.GROUP && de.getDockArea() != null) {
                final DockArea newDockArea = PortSideUtil.getDockArea(elkShape.getProperty(CoreOptions.PORT_SIDE));
                if (newDockArea != null) {
                    m.setDockArea(de, newDockArea);
        // Set the size
        if (DiagramElementPredicates.isResizeable(de)) {
            m.setSize(de, new Dimension(elkShape.getWidth(), elkShape.getHeight()));
Also used : ElkPort(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkPort) AgeShape( ElkLabel(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkLabel) Label( Point( Dimension( DiagramElement( ElkShape(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkShape) DockArea( PortSide(org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide) ElkGraphElement(org.eclipse.elk.graph.ElkGraphElement) GraphicalEditorException(

Example 10 with DockArea

use of in project osate2 by osate.

the class DiagramElementLayoutUtil method moveElement.

 * Sets the position of a diagram element
 * @param modification the diagram modification to use to modify the diagram
 * @param e the element for which to set the position
 * @param value the new position of the element
 * @param updateDockArea whether the dock area should be updated based on the set position.
 * @param updateBendpoints whether to shift bendpoints of related connections
 * @param updateFlowIndicators if related flow indicators should be moved. If dock area has changed the position of the dock areas will be reset to allow for a new layout.
public static void moveElement(final DiagramModification modification, final DiagramElement e, final Point value, final boolean updateDockArea, final boolean updateBendpoints, final boolean updateFlowIndicators) {
    if (!Objects.equals(e.getPosition(), value)) {
        // Determine the different between X and Y
        final Point delta = value == null ? null : new Point(value.x - e.getX(), value.y - e.getY());
        modification.setPosition(e, value);
        // Only update dock area and bendpoints if position is being set to an actual value
        if (delta != null) {
            final DockArea originalDockArea = e.getDockArea();
            if (updateDockArea) {
                // Update the dock area based on the position
                if (originalDockArea != null) {
                    if (originalDockArea != DockArea.GROUP) {
                        modification.setDockArea(e, calculateDockArea(e));
            if (updateBendpoints || updateFlowIndicators) {
                DiagramElementLayoutUtil.shiftRelatedConnections(Stream.of(e), new Point(delta.x, delta.y), modification, updateBendpoints, updateFlowIndicators, true);
            // Reset flow indicators entirely if dock area has changed
            if (updateFlowIndicators && originalDockArea != e.getDockArea()) {
                final Stream<DiagramNode> affectedStartElements = e.getAllDiagramNodes();
                DiagramElementLayoutUtil.resetFlowIndicatorsWithStartElementsPositions(modification, affectedStartElements);
Also used : DiagramNode( DockArea( Point(


DockArea ( DiagramElement ( Point ( DiagramNode ( Dimension ( PortSide (org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide)4 ArrayListMultimap ( ImmutableList ( Lists ( Collection (java.util.Collection)3 Collections (java.util.Collections)3 Comparator (java.util.Comparator)3 EnumSet (java.util.EnumSet)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)3 List (java.util.List)3 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)3 Objects (java.util.Objects)3 Optional (java.util.Optional)3 Set (java.util.Set)3