use of org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory in project aries by apache.
the class ServiceRegistryContextTest method registerService.
* Register a service in our map.
* @param service2 The service to register.
private void registerService(Runnable service2) {
ServiceFactory factory = Skeleton.newMock(ServiceFactory.class);
Skeleton skel = Skeleton.getSkeleton(factory);
skel.setReturnValue(new MethodCall(ServiceFactory.class, "getService", Bundle.class, ServiceRegistration.class), service2);
Hashtable<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>();
props.put("rubbish", "smelly");
reg = bc.registerService(new String[] { "java.lang.Runnable" }, factory, props);
use of org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory in project karaf by apache.
the class GuardProxyCatalogTest method testCreateProxy.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Dictionary<String, Object> testCreateProxy(BundleContext bc, Class intf, final Class proxyRegClass, Object testService) throws Exception {
// Create the object that is actually being tested here
GuardProxyCatalog gpc = new GuardProxyCatalog(bc);
// The service being proxied has these properties
long serviceID = 456L;
final Hashtable<String, Object> serviceProps = new Hashtable<>();
serviceProps.put(Constants.OBJECTCLASS, new String[] { intf.getName() });
serviceProps.put(Constants.SERVICE_ID, serviceID);
serviceProps.put(".foo", 123L);
final Map<ServiceReference<?>, Object> serviceMap = new HashMap<>();
// The mock bundle context for the bundle providing the service is set up here
BundleContext providerBC = EasyMock.createMock(BundleContext.class);
// These are the expected service properties of the proxy registration. Note the proxy marker...
final Hashtable<String, Object> expectedProxyProps = new Hashtable<>(serviceProps);
expectedProxyProps.put(GuardProxyCatalog.PROXY_SERVICE_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
// This will check that the right proxy is being registered.
EasyMock.expect(providerBC.registerService(EasyMock.isA(String[].class), EasyMock.anyObject(), EasyMock.isA(Dictionary.class))).andAnswer((IAnswer) () -> {
if (!runningUnderCoverage) {
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { proxyRegClass.getName() }, (String[]) EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[0]);
Object svc = EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[1];
assertTrue(svc instanceof ServiceFactory);
Dictionary<String, Object> props = (Dictionary<String, Object>) EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[2];
for (String key : expectedProxyProps.keySet()) {
assertEquals(expectedProxyProps.get(key), props.get(key));
ServiceRegistration reg = EasyMock.createMock(ServiceRegistration.class);
ServiceReference sr = mockServiceReference(props);
serviceMap.put(sr, EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[1]);
return reg;
EasyMock.expect(providerBC.getService(EasyMock.isA(ServiceReference.class))).andAnswer(() -> serviceMap.get(EasyMock.getCurrentArguments()[0])).anyTimes();
// In some cases the proxy-creating code is looking for a classloader (e.g. when run through
// a coverage tool such as EclEmma). This will satisfy that.
BundleWiring bw = EasyMock.createMock(BundleWiring.class);
// The mock bundle that provides the original service (and also the proxy is registered with this)
Bundle providerBundle = EasyMock.createNiceMock(Bundle.class);
ServiceReference sr = mockServiceReference(providerBundle, serviceProps);
assertEquals("Precondition", 0, gpc.proxyMap.size());
assertEquals("Precondition", 0, gpc.createProxyQueue.size());
// Create the proxy for the service
assertEquals(1, gpc.proxyMap.size());
// The actual proxy creation is done asynchronously.
GuardProxyCatalog.ServiceRegistrationHolder holder = gpc.proxyMap.get(serviceID);
assertNull("The registration shouldn't have happened yet", holder.registration);
assertEquals(1, gpc.createProxyQueue.size());
// Mimic the thread that works the queue to create the proxy
GuardProxyCatalog.CreateProxyRunnable runnable = gpc.createProxyQueue.take();
ProxyManager pm = getProxyManager();;
// The runnable should have put the actual registration in the holder
ServiceReference<?> proxySR = holder.registration.getReference();
for (String key : expectedProxyProps.keySet()) {
assertEquals(expectedProxyProps.get(key), proxySR.getProperty(key));
// Check that the proxy registration was done on the original provider bundle's context
// Test that the actual proxy invokes the original service...
Object proxyService = serviceMap.get(proxySR);
assertNotSame("The proxy should not be the same object as the original service", testService, proxyService);
// Attempt to proxy the service again, make sure that no re-proxying happens
assertEquals("Precondition", 1, gpc.proxyMap.size());
assertEquals("Precondition", 0, gpc.createProxyQueue.size());
assertEquals("No additional proxy should have been created", 1, gpc.proxyMap.size());
assertEquals("No additional work on the queue is expected", 0, gpc.createProxyQueue.size());
Dictionary<String, Object> proxyProps = getServiceReferenceProperties(proxySR);
// checks that the unregister call was made
return proxyProps;
use of org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory in project sling by apache.
the class Activator method start.
public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) {
// install handler for uncaught exceptions
oldHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();
// install thread handler shell command
register(bundleContext, new String[] { "" }, new ServiceFactory() {
public void ungetService(final Bundle bundle, final ServiceRegistration reg, final Object consoleObject) {
// nothing to do
public Object getService(final Bundle bundle, final ServiceRegistration reg) {
return new ThreadDumpCommand();
}, null);
// install Web Console configuration printer
final Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
props.put("felix.webconsole.label", "slingthreads");
props.put("felix.webconsole.title", "Threads");
props.put("felix.webconsole.configprinter.modes", "always");
final ThreadDumperPanel tdp = new ThreadDumperPanel();
register(bundleContext, new String[] { tdp.getClass().getName() }, tdp, props);
use of org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory in project sling by apache.
the class AbstractSlingRepositoryManager method registerService.
* Registers this component as an OSGi service with the types provided by
* the {@link #getServiceRegistrationInterfaces()} method and properties
* provided by the {@link #getServiceRegistrationProperties()} method.
* <p>
* The repository is actually registered as an OSGi {@code ServiceFactory}
* where the {@link #create(Bundle)} method is called to create an actual
* {@link AbstractSlingRepository2} repository instance for a calling
* (using) bundle. When the bundle is done using the repository instance,
* the {@link #destroy(AbstractSlingRepository2)} method is called to clean
* up.
* @return The OSGi <code>ServiceRegistration</code> object representing the
* registered service.
* @see #start(BundleContext, String, boolean)
* @see #getServiceRegistrationInterfaces()
* @see #getServiceRegistrationProperties()
* @see #create(Bundle)
* @see #destroy(AbstractSlingRepository2)
protected final ServiceRegistration registerService() {
final Dictionary<String, Object> props = getServiceRegistrationProperties();
final String[] interfaces = getServiceRegistrationInterfaces();
return bundleContext.registerService(interfaces, new ServiceFactory() {
public Object getService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration registration) {
return AbstractSlingRepositoryManager.this.create(bundle);
public void ungetService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration registration, Object service) {
AbstractSlingRepositoryManager.this.destroy((AbstractSlingRepository2) service);
}, props);
use of org.osgi.framework.ServiceFactory in project sling by apache.
the class MDCInsertingFilter method activate.
private void activate(BundleContext context, Map<String, Object> config) {
Properties p = new Properties();
p.setProperty("filter.scope", "REQUEST");
//The MDC Filter might be running in a non Sling container. Hence to avoid
//direct dependency on Sling we use a ServiceFactory
filterReg = context.registerService(Filter.class.getName(), new ServiceFactory() {
private Object instance;
public synchronized Object getService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration serviceRegistration) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new SlingMDCFilter();
return instance;
public void ungetService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration serviceRegistration, Object o) {
}, p);