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Example 1 with ResolutionException

use of org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException in project felix by apache.

the class Felix method init.

 * @see org.osgi.framework.launch.Framework#init(org.osgi.framework.FrameworkListener[])
public void init(final FrameworkListener... listeners) throws BundleException {
    // The system bundle can only be initialized if it currently isn't started.
    acquireBundleLock(this, Bundle.INSTALLED | Bundle.RESOLVED | Bundle.STARTING | Bundle.ACTIVE);
    try {
        if ((getState() == Bundle.INSTALLED) || (getState() == Bundle.RESOLVED)) {
            String security = (String) m_configMap.get(Constants.FRAMEWORK_SECURITY);
            if (security != null) {
                if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
                    throw new SecurityException("SecurityManager already installed");
                security = security.trim();
                if (Constants.FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_OSGI.equalsIgnoreCase(security) || (security.length() == 0)) {
                    System.setSecurityManager(m_securityManager = new SecurityManager());
                } else {
                    try {
                        System.setSecurityManager(m_securityManager = (SecurityManager) Class.forName(security).newInstance());
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        SecurityException se = new SecurityException("Unable to install custom SecurityManager: " + security);
                        throw se;
            // Generate a framework UUID.
            // Spec says we get a new UUID for each invocation of init().
            m_configMutableMap.put(FelixConstants.FRAMEWORK_UUID, Util.randomUUID());
            // Initialize event dispatcher.
            // Create the bundle cache, if necessary, so that we can reload any
            // installed bundles.
            m_cache = (BundleCache) m_configMutableMap.get(FelixConstants.FRAMEWORK_BUNDLECACHE_IMPL);
            if (m_cache == null) {
                try {
                    m_cache = new BundleCache(m_logger, m_configMap);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, "Error creating bundle cache.", ex);
                    throw new BundleException("Error creating bundle cache.", ex);
            // we need to flush the bundle cache.
            if (getState() == Bundle.INSTALLED) {
                String clean = (String) m_configMap.get(Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN);
                if ((clean != null) && clean.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE_CLEAN_ONFIRSTINIT)) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw new BundleException("Unable to flush bundle cache.", ex);
            // Initialize installed bundle data structures.
            Map[] maps = new Map[] { new HashMap<String, BundleImpl>(1), new TreeMap<Long, BundleImpl>() };
            m_uninstalledBundles = new ArrayList<BundleImpl>(0);
            // Add the system bundle to the set of installed bundles.
            maps[LOCATION_MAP_IDX].put(_getLocation(), this);
            maps[IDENTIFIER_MAP_IDX].put(new Long(0), this);
            m_installedBundles = maps;
            // state to be set to RESOLVED.
            try {
                m_resolver.resolve(Collections.singleton(adapt(BundleRevision.class)), Collections.EMPTY_SET);
            } catch (ResolutionException ex) {
                // This should never happen.
                throw new BundleException("Unresolved constraint in System Bundle:" + ex.getUnresolvedRequirements());
            // Reload the cached bundles before creating and starting the
            // system bundle, since we want all cached bundles to be reloaded
            // when we activate the system bundle and any subsequent system
            // bundle activators passed into the framework constructor.
            BundleArchive[] archives = null;
            // First get cached bundle identifiers.
            try {
                archives = m_cache.getArchives();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, "Unable to list saved bundles.", ex);
                archives = null;
            // Create system bundle activator and bundle context so we can activate it.
            setActivator(new SystemBundleActivator());
            setBundleContext(new BundleContextImpl(m_logger, this, this));
            boolean javaVersionChanged = handleJavaVersionChange();
            // Now load all cached bundles.
            for (int i = 0; (archives != null) && (i < archives.length); i++) {
                try {
                    // Keep track of the max bundle ID currently in use since we
                    // will need to use this as our next bundle ID value if the
                    // persisted value cannot be read.
                    m_nextId = Math.max(m_nextId, archives[i].getId() + 1);
                    // it now.
                    if (archives[i].getPersistentState() == Bundle.UNINSTALLED) {
                    } else // Otherwise re-install the cached bundle.
                        // Install the cached bundle.
                        reloadBundle(archives[i], javaVersionChanged);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    fireFrameworkEvent(FrameworkEvent.ERROR, this, ex);
                    try {
                        m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, "Unable to re-install " + archives[i].getLocation(), ex);
                    } catch (Exception ex2) {
                        m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, "Unable to re-install cached bundle.", ex);
                // TODO: FRAMEWORK - Perhaps we should remove the cached bundle?
            for (Bundle extension : m_extensionManager.resolveExtensionBundles(this)) {
                m_extensionManager.startExtensionBundle(this, (BundleImpl) extension);
            // Now that we have loaded all cached bundles and have determined the
            // max bundle ID of cached bundles, we need to try to load the next
            // bundle ID from persistent storage. In case of failure, we should
            // keep the max value.
            m_nextId = Math.max(m_nextId, loadNextId());
            // The framework is now in its startup sequence.
            setBundleStateAndNotify(this, Bundle.STARTING);
            // Now it is possible for threads to wait for the framework to stop,
            // so create a gate for that purpose.
            m_shutdownGate = new ThreadGate();
            // add framework listeners
            if (listeners != null) {
                for (final FrameworkListener fl : listeners) {
                    addFrameworkListener(this, fl);
            // Start services
            try {
                Felix.m_secureAction.startActivator(getActivator(), _getBundleContext());
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, "Unable to start system bundle.", ex);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to start system bundle.");
            // We have to check with the security provider (if there is one).
            // This is to avoid having bundles in the cache that have been tampered with
            SecurityProvider sp = getFramework().getSecurityProvider();
            if ((sp != null) && (System.getSecurityManager() != null)) {
                boolean locked = acquireGlobalLock();
                if (!locked) {
                    throw new BundleException("Unable to acquire the global lock to check the bundle.");
                try {
                    for (Object bundle : m_installedBundles[IDENTIFIER_MAP_IDX].values()) {
                        try {
                            if (bundle != this) {
                                setBundleProtectionDomain(((BundleImpl) bundle).adapt(BundleRevisionImpl.class));
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            ((BundleImpl) bundle).close();
                            maps = new Map[] { new HashMap<String, BundleImpl>(m_installedBundles[LOCATION_MAP_IDX]), new TreeMap<Long, BundleImpl>(m_installedBundles[IDENTIFIER_MAP_IDX]) };
                            maps[LOCATION_MAP_IDX].remove(((BundleImpl) bundle)._getLocation());
                            maps[IDENTIFIER_MAP_IDX].remove(new Long(((BundleImpl) bundle).getBundleId()));
                            m_installedBundles = maps;
                            m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_ERROR, "Bundle in cache doesn't pass security check anymore.", ex);
                } finally {
                    // Always release the global lock.
            // up class lookup for the system bundle.
            synchronized (m_systemBundleClassCache) {
    } finally {
        if (listeners != null) {
            for (final FrameworkListener fl : listeners) {
                removeFrameworkListener(this, fl);
Also used : BundleArchive(org.apache.felix.framework.cache.BundleArchive) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) WeakHashMap(java.util.WeakHashMap) BundleException(org.osgi.framework.BundleException) Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) ServiceException(org.osgi.framework.ServiceException) BundleException(org.osgi.framework.BundleException) InvalidSyntaxException(org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException) FileNotFoundException( AccessControlException( ResolutionException(org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException) MalformedURLException( IOException( ResolutionException(org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException) SecurityProvider(org.apache.felix.framework.ext.SecurityProvider) BundleCache(org.apache.felix.framework.cache.BundleCache) FrameworkListener(org.osgi.framework.FrameworkListener) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) WeakHashMap(java.util.WeakHashMap) StringMap(org.apache.felix.framework.util.StringMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) ThreadGate(org.apache.felix.framework.util.ThreadGate)

Example 2 with ResolutionException

use of org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException in project felix by apache.

the class Felix method resolveBundles.

boolean resolveBundles(Collection<Bundle> targets) {
    // Acquire global lock.
    boolean locked = acquireGlobalLock();
    if (!locked) {
        m_logger.log(Logger.LOG_WARNING, "Unable to acquire global lock to perform resolve.", null);
        return false;
    try {
        // Remember original targets.
        Collection<Bundle> originalTargets = targets;
        // specified bundles or all bundles if null.
        if (targets == null) {
            // Add all bundles to the list.
            targets = m_installedBundles[LOCATION_MAP_IDX].values();
        // Now resolve each target bundle.
        boolean result = true;
        // If there are targets, then resolve each one.
        if (!targets.isEmpty()) {
            // Get bundle revisions for bundles in INSTALLED state.
            Set<BundleRevision> revisions = new HashSet<BundleRevision>(targets.size());
            for (Bundle b : targets) {
                if (b.getState() != Bundle.UNINSTALLED) {
            // the return result will be false regardless.
            if ((originalTargets != null) && (originalTargets.size() != revisions.size())) {
                result = false;
            try {
                m_resolver.resolve(Collections.EMPTY_SET, revisions);
                if (result) {
                    for (BundleRevision br : revisions) {
                        if (br.getWiring() == null) {
                            result = false;
            } catch (ResolutionException ex) {
                result = false;
            } catch (BundleException ex) {
                result = false;
        return result;
    } finally {
        // Always release the global lock.
Also used : ResolutionException(org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException) Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) BundleRevision(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRevision) BundleException(org.osgi.framework.BundleException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 3 with ResolutionException

use of org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException in project felix by apache.

the class StatefulResolver method resolve.

BundleRevision resolve(BundleRevision revision, String pkgName) throws ResolutionException, BundleException {
    BundleRevision provider = null;
    // acquired the global lock below.
    if ((revision.getWiring() != null) && isAllowedDynamicImport(revision, pkgName)) {
        // Acquire global lock.
        boolean locked = m_felix.acquireGlobalLock();
        if (!locked) {
            throw new ResolveException("Unable to acquire global lock for resolve.", revision, null);
        // the case if a resolver hook does something bad.
        if (m_isResolving) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Nested resolve operations not allowed.");
        m_isResolving = true;
        Map<Resource, List<Wire>> wireMap = null;
        try {
            // Double check to make sure that someone hasn't beaten us to
            // dynamically importing the package, which can happen if two
            // threads are racing to do so. If we have an existing wire,
            // then just return it instead.
            provider = ((BundleWiringImpl) revision.getWiring()).getImportedPackageSource(pkgName);
            if (provider == null) {
                // Prepare resolver hooks, if any.
                ResolverHookRecord record = prepareResolverHooks(Collections.singleton(revision), Collections.EMPTY_SET);
                // Select any singletons in the resolver state.
                // Catch any resolve exception to rethrow later because
                // we may need to call end() on resolver hooks.
                ResolutionException rethrow = null;
                try {
                    List<BundleRequirement> dynamics = Util.getDynamicRequirements(revision.getWiring().getRequirements(null));
                    // Loop through the importer's dynamic requirements to determine if
                    // there is a matching one for the package from which we want to
                    // load a class.
                    Map<String, Object> attrs = Collections.singletonMap(BundleRevision.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, (Object) pkgName);
                    BundleRequirementImpl req = new BundleRequirementImpl(revision, BundleRevision.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, attrs);
                    final List<BundleCapability> candidates = findProvidersInternal(record, req, false, true);
                    // Try to find a dynamic requirement that matches the capabilities.
                    BundleRequirementImpl dynReq = null;
                    for (int dynIdx = 0; (candidates.size() > 0) && (dynReq == null) && (dynIdx < dynamics.size()); dynIdx++) {
                        for (Iterator<BundleCapability> itCand = candidates.iterator(); (dynReq == null) && itCand.hasNext(); ) {
                            Capability cap =;
                            if (CapabilitySet.matches(cap, ((BundleRequirementImpl) dynamics.get(dynIdx)).getFilter())) {
                                dynReq = (BundleRequirementImpl) dynamics.get(dynIdx);
                    // any candidates that do not match it.
                    if (dynReq != null) {
                        for (Iterator<BundleCapability> itCand = candidates.iterator(); itCand.hasNext(); ) {
                            Capability cap =;
                            if (!CapabilitySet.matches(cap, dynReq.getFilter())) {
                    } else {
                    Map<Resource, Wiring> wirings = getWirings();
                    wireMap = wirings.containsKey(revision) ? m_resolver.resolveDynamic(new ResolveContextImpl(this, wirings, record, Collections.<BundleRevision>emptyList(), Collections.<BundleRevision>emptyList(), getFragments()) {

                        public List<Capability> findProviders(Requirement br) {
                            return (List) candidates;
                    }, revision.getWiring(), dynReq) : Collections.<Resource, List<Wire>>emptyMap();
                } catch (ResolutionException ex) {
                    rethrow = ex;
                // Release resolver hooks, if any.
                // If the resolve failed, rethrow the exception.
                if (rethrow != null) {
                    throw rethrow;
                if ((wireMap != null) && wireMap.containsKey(revision)) {
                    List<Wire> dynamicWires = wireMap.remove(revision);
                    Wire dynamicWire = dynamicWires.get(0);
                    // Mark all revisions as resolved.
                    // Dynamically add new wire to importing revision.
                    if (dynamicWire != null) {
                        // TODO can we optimize this?
                        if (dynamicWire.getRequirer() instanceof BundleRevision && dynamicWire.getRequirement() instanceof BundleRequirement && dynamicWire.getProvider() instanceof BundleRevision && dynamicWire.getCapability() instanceof BundleCapability) {
                            BundleRevision dwRequirer = (BundleRevision) dynamicWire.getRequirer();
                            BundleRequirement dwRequirement = (BundleRequirement) dynamicWire.getRequirement();
                            BundleRevision dwProvider = (BundleRevision) dynamicWire.getProvider();
                            BundleCapability dwCapability = (BundleCapability) dynamicWire.getCapability();
                            BundleWire bw = new BundleWireImpl(dwRequirer, dwRequirement, dwProvider, dwCapability);
                            ((BundleWiringImpl) revision.getWiring()).addDynamicWire(bw);
                            m_felix.getLogger().log(Logger.LOG_DEBUG, "DYNAMIC WIRE: " + dynamicWire);
                            provider = ((BundleWiringImpl) revision.getWiring()).getImportedPackageSource(pkgName);
        } finally {
            // Clear resolving flag.
            m_isResolving = false;
            // Always release the global lock.
    return provider;
Also used : Wire(org.osgi.resource.Wire) BundleWire(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire) BundleRequirement(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRequirement) BundleRequirementImpl(org.apache.felix.framework.wiring.BundleRequirementImpl) BundleWiring(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWiring) Wiring(org.osgi.resource.Wiring) BundleRevision(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRevision) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BundleWireImpl(org.apache.felix.framework.wiring.BundleWireImpl) BundleCapability(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleCapability) Capability(org.osgi.resource.Capability) Resource(org.osgi.resource.Resource) BundleWire(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire) ResolveException(org.apache.felix.framework.resolver.ResolveException) ResolutionException(org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException) BundleRequirement(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRequirement) Requirement(org.osgi.resource.Requirement) BundleCapability(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleCapability)

Example 4 with ResolutionException

use of org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException in project bnd by bndtools.

the class ResolveProcess method augment.

private static ResolutionException augment(Collection<Requirement> unresolved, ResolveContext context, ResolutionException re) {
    if (unresolved.isEmpty()) {
        return re;
    long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000L;
    Set<Requirement> list = new HashSet<>(unresolved);
    Set<Resource> resources = new HashSet<>();
    try {
        for (Requirement r : unresolved) {
            Requirement find = missing(context, r, resources, deadline);
            if (find != null) {
    } catch (TimeoutException toe) {
    return new ResolutionException(re.getMessage(), re.getCause(), list);
Also used : ResolutionException(org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException) Requirement(org.osgi.resource.Requirement) Resource(org.osgi.resource.Resource) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)

Example 5 with ResolutionException

use of org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException in project bnd by bndtools.

the class JpmRepoTest method testSimpleResolve.

// public void testResolveProviderWithRunpath() throws Exception {
// try {
// Project provider = ws.getProject("provider");
// assertTrue(provider.check());
// Project requirer = ws.getProject("requirer");
// assertTrue(requirer.check());
// BndEditModel model = new BndEditModel();
// model.setProject(requirer);
// BndrunResolveContext context = new BndrunResolveContext(model, ws, log);
// Resolver resolver = new ResolverImpl(new
// org.apache.felix.resolver.Logger(4), null);
// Map<Resource,List<Wire>> resolved = resolver.resolve(context);
// Set<Resource> resources = resolved.keySet();
// Resource resource = getResource(resources, "requirer", "0");
// assertNotNull(resource);
// }
// catch (ResolutionException e) {
// fail("Resolve failed " + e);
// }
// }
public void testSimpleResolve() {
    Repository repo = ws.getPlugin(Repository.class);
    BndEditModel model = new BndEditModel();
    List<Requirement> requires = new ArrayList<Requirement>();
    CapReqBuilder capReq = CapReqBuilder.createBundleRequirement("", "[0,1)");
    Map<Requirement, Collection<Capability>> shell = repo.findProviders(requires);
    assertEquals(1, shell.size());
    BndrunResolveContext context = new BndrunResolveContext(model, ws, log);
    Resolver resolver = new BndResolver(new org.apache.felix.resolver.Logger(4));
    try {
        Map<Resource, List<Wire>> resolved = resolver.resolve(context);
        Set<Resource> resources = resolved.keySet();
        Resource resource = getResource(resources, "org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime", "0.12");
    } catch (ResolutionException e) {
        fail("Resolve failed");
Also used : CapReqBuilder(aQute.bnd.osgi.resource.CapReqBuilder) BndResolver(biz.aQute.resolve.BndResolver) Resolver(org.osgi.service.resolver.Resolver) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Resource(org.osgi.resource.Resource) ResolutionException(org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException) Requirement(org.osgi.resource.Requirement) InfoRepository(aQute.bnd.service.repository.InfoRepository) Repository(org.osgi.service.repository.Repository) BndrunResolveContext(biz.aQute.resolve.BndrunResolveContext) Collection(java.util.Collection) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) BndResolver(biz.aQute.resolve.BndResolver) BndEditModel(


ResolutionException (org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException)32 List (java.util.List)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 Resource (org.osgi.resource.Resource)16 Requirement (org.osgi.resource.Requirement)14 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)8 Resolver (org.osgi.service.resolver.Resolver)8 Capability (org.osgi.resource.Capability)7 File ( BundleException (org.osgi.framework.BundleException)6 IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)5 BundleRevision (org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRevision)5 Workspace ( BndEditModel ( Collection (java.util.Collection)4 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)4 Logger (org.apache.felix.resolver.Logger)4 ResolverImpl (org.apache.felix.resolver.ResolverImpl)4 BundleCapability (org.apache.felix.resolver.test.util.BundleCapability)4