use of in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class AddInstanceType method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// Get the reference to the instance types service:
InstanceTypesService instanceTypesService = connection.systemService().instanceTypesService();
// Add the instance type. Note that the size of the memory, the `memory`
// attribute, is specified in bytes, so to create a instance type with
// 2 GiB of memory the value should be 2 * 2^30.
instanceTypesService.add().instanceType(instanceType().name("myinstancetype").description("My instance type").memory(BigInteger.valueOf(2).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(30))).highAvailability(highAvailability().enabled(true)).cpu(cpu().topology(cpuTopology().cores(2).sockets(2)))).send();
// Close the connection to the server: