use of org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Agent in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class UpdateFencingOptions method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// The name and value of the option that we want to add or update:
String name = "lanplus";
String value = "1";
// Get the reference to the service that manages the hosts:
HostsService hostsService = connection.systemService().hostsService();
// Find the host:
Host host = hostsService.list().search("name=myhost").send().hosts().get(0);
// Get the reference to the service that manages the fencing agents used by the host that we found in the
// previous step:
HostService hostService = hostsService.hostService(;
FenceAgentsService agentsService = hostService.fenceAgentsService();
// The host may have multiple fencing agents, so we need to locate the first of type 'ipmilan':
List<Agent> agents = agentsService.list().send().agents();
Agent agent = null;
for (Agent x : agents) {
if ("ipmlan".equals(x.type())) {
agent = x;
// Get the options of the fencing agent. There may be no options, in that case we need to use an empty list.
List<Option> original = agent.options();
if (original == null) {
original = Collections.emptyList();
// Create a list of modified options, containing all the original options except the one with the name we want
// to modify, as we will add that with the right value later:
List<Option> modified = new ArrayList<>();
for (Option option : original) {
if (!name.equals( {
// Add the modified option to the list of modified options:
Option option = option().name(name).value(value).build();
// Find the service that manages the fence agent:
FenceAgentService agentService = agentsService.agentService(;
// Send the update request containing the modified list of options:
// Close the connection to the server:
use of org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Agent in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class VmBackup method run.
* This is the method that performs the actual work.
* @param systemService the reference to the root of services
* @throws Exception if something fails while doing the work
private void run(SystemService systemService) throws Exception {
// Get the reference to the service that we will use to send events to the audit log:
EventsService eventsService = systemService.eventsService();
// In order to send events we need to also send unique integer ids. These should usually come from an external
// database, but in this example we will just generate them from the current time in seconds since Jan 1st 1970.
int eventId = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
// Get the reference to the service that manages the virtual machines:
VmsService vmsService = systemService.vmsService();
// Find the virtual machine that we want to back up. Note that we need to use the 'all_content' parameter to
// retrieve the retrieve the OVF, as it isn't retrieved by default:
Vm dataVm = vmsService.list().search(String.format("name=%s", DATA_VM_NAME)).allContent(true).send().vms().get(0);"Found data virtual machine '{}', the id is '{}'.",,;
// Find the virtual machine were we will attach the disks in order to do the backup:
Vm agentVm = vmsService.list().search(String.format("name=%s", AGENT_VM_NAME)).send().vms().get(0);"Found agent virtual machine '{}', the id is '{}'.",,;
// Find the services that manage the data and agent virtual machines:
VmService dataVmService = vmsService.vmService(;
VmService agentVmService = vmsService.vmService(;
// Create an unique description for the snapshot, so that it is easier for the administrator to identify this
// snapshot as a temporary one created just for backup purposes:
String snapDescription = String.format("%s-backup-%s",, UUID.randomUUID());
// Send an external event to indicate to the administrator that the backup of the virtual machine is starting.
// Note that the description of the event contains the name of the virtual machine and the name of the temporary
// snapshot, this way, if something fails, the administrator will know what snapshot was used and remove it
// manually.
eventsService.add().event(event().vm(vm().id("Backup of virtual machine '%s' using snapshot '%s' is starting.",, snapDescription))).send();
// Save the OVF to a file, so that we can use to restore the virtual machine later. The name of the file is the
// name of the virtual machine, followed by a dash and the identifier of the virtual machine, to make it unique:
String ovfData = dataVm.initialization().configuration().data();
File ovfFile = new File(String.format("%s-%s.ovf",,;
try (OutputStream ovfStream = new FileOutputStream(ovfFile)) {
}"Wrote OVF to file '{}'", ovfFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Send the request to create the snapshot. Note that this will return before the snapshot is completely
// created, so we will later need to wait till the snapshot is completely created.
SnapshotsService snapsService = dataVmService.snapshotsService();
Snapshot snap = snapsService.add().snapshot(snapshot().description(snapDescription)).send().snapshot();"Sent request to create snapshot '{}', the id is '{}'.", snap.description(),;
// Poll and wait till the status of the snapshot is 'ok', which means that it is completely created:
SnapshotService snapService = snapsService.snapshotService(;
while (snap.snapshotStatus() != SnapshotStatus.OK) {"Waiting till the snapshot is created, the status is now '{}'.", snap.snapshotStatus());
Thread.sleep(1 * 1000);
snap = snapService.get().send().snapshot();
}"The snapshot is now complete.");
// Retrieve the descriptions of the disks of the snapshot:
SnapshotDisksService snapDisksService = snapService.disksService();
List<Disk> snapDisks = snapDisksService.list().send().disks();
// Attach all the disks of the snapshot to the agent virtual machine, and save the resulting disk attachments
// in a list so that we can later detach them easily:
DiskAttachmentsService attachmentsService = agentVmService.diskAttachmentsService();
List<DiskAttachment> attachments = new ArrayList<>();
for (Disk snapDisk : snapDisks) {
DiskAttachment attachment = attachmentsService.add().attachment(diskAttachment().disk(disk().id(;
attachments.add(attachment);"Attached disk '{}' to the agent virtual machine.", attachment.disk().id());
// been attached.
for (DiskAttachment attachment : attachments) {
if (attachment.logicalNamePresent()) {"Logical name for disk '{}' is '{}'.", attachment.disk().id(), attachment.logicalName());
} else {"The logical name for disk '{}' isn't available. Is the guest agent installed?", attachment.disk().id());
// Insert here the code to contact the backup agent and do the actual backup ..."Doing the actual backup ...");
// Detach the disks from the agent virtual machine:
for (DiskAttachment attachment : attachments) {
DiskAttachmentService attachmentService = attachmentsService.attachmentService(;
attachmentService.remove().send();"Detached disk '{}' to from the agent virtual machine.", attachment.disk().id());
// Remove the snapshot:
snapService.remove().send();"Removed the snapshot '{}'.", snap.description());
// Send an external event to indicate to the administrator that the backup of the virtual machine is completed:
eventsService.add().event(event().vm(vm().id("Backup of virtual machine '%s' using snapshot '%s' is completed.",, snapDescription))).send();
// Bye:"Bye!");
use of org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Agent in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class HttpConnection method getSsoResponse.
private JsonNode getSsoResponse(URI uri, List<NameValuePair> params) {
HttpResponse response = null;
try {
// Send request and parse token:
HttpPost requestToken = new HttpPost(uri);
requestToken.addHeader("User-Agent", "JavaSDK");
requestToken.addHeader("Accept", "application/json");
requestToken.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params));
response = client.execute(requestToken);
checkContentType(JSON_CONTENT_TYPE_RE, "JSON", response.getFirstHeader("content-type").getValue());
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return mapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new Error("Failed to parse JSON response", ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Error("Failed to send SSO request", ex);
} finally {
if (response != null) {