use of org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Network in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class AddVmNic method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// Locate the virtual machines service and use it to find the virtual machine:
VmsService vmsService = connection.systemService().vmsService();
Vm vm = vmsService.list().search("name=myvm").send().vms().get(0);
// In order to specify the network that the new interface will be connected to, we need to specify the
// identifier of the virtual network interface profile, so we need to find it:
VnicProfilesService profilesService = connection.systemService().vnicProfilesService();
String profileId = null;
List<VnicProfile> profiles = profilesService.list().send().profiles();
for (VnicProfile profile : profiles) {
if (Objects.equals(, "mynetwork")) {
profileId =;
// Locate the service that manages the NICs of the virtual machine:
VmNicsService nicsService = vmsService.vmService(;
// Use the "add" method of the disks service to add the disk:
nicsService.add().nic(nic().name("mynic").description("My network interface card").vnicProfile(vnicProfile().id(profileId))).send();
// Close the connection to the server:
use of org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Network in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class AddLogicalNetwork method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// Get the reference to the "networks" service:
NetworksService networksService = connection.systemService().networksService();
// Use the "add" method to create new VM logical network in data center called "mydatacenter", with VLAN tag
// 100 and MTU 1500.
networksService.add().network(network().name("mynetwork").description("My logical network").dataCenter(dataCenter().name("mydatacenter")).vlan(vlan().id(100)).usages(Arrays.asList(NetworkUsage.DISPLAY)).mtu(1500)).send();
// Close the connection to the server:
use of org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Network in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class StartVmWithCloudInit method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// Find the virtual machine:
VmsService vmsService = connection.systemService().vmsService();
Vm vm = vmsService.list().search("name=myvm").send().vms().get(0);
// Find the service that manages the virtual machine:
VmService vmService = vmsService.vmService(;
// Create cloud-init script, which you want to execute in deployed virtual machine, please note that
// the script must be properly formatted and indented as it's using YAML.
String myScript = "write_files:\n" + " - content: |\n" + " Hello, world!\n" + " path: /tmp/greeting.txt\n" + " permissions: '0644'\n";
// Start the virtual machine enabling cloud-init and providing the password for the `root` user and the network
// configuration:
// Close the connection to the server:
use of org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Network in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class AddBond method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").insecure(true).build();
// Find the service that manages the collection of hosts:
HostsService hostsService = connection.systemService().hostsService();
// Find the host:
Host host = hostsService.list().search("name=myhost").send().hosts().get(0);
// Find the service that manages the host:
HostService hostService = hostsService.hostService(;
// Configure the host adding a bond with two slaves, and attaching it to a network with an static IP address:
hostService.setupNetworks().modifiedBonds(hostNic().name("bond0").bonding(bonding().options(option().name("mode").value("1"), option().name("miimon").value("100")).slaves(hostNic().name("eth0"), hostNic().name("eth1")))).modifiedNetworkAttachments(networkAttachment().network(network().name("mynetwork")).ipAddressAssignments(ipAddressAssignment().assignmentMethod(BootProtocol.STATIC).ip(ip().address("").netmask("")))).send();
// After modifying the network configuration it is very important to make it persistent:
// Close the connection to the server:
use of org.ovirt.engine.sdk4.types.Network in project ovirt-engine-sdk-java by oVirt.
the class AssignNetworkToCluster method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create the connection to the server:
Connection connection = connection().url("").user("admin@internal").password("redhat123").trustStoreFile("truststore.jks").build();
// Locate the networks service and use it to find the network:
NetworksService networksService = connection.systemService().networksService();
Network network = networksService.list().search("name=mynetwork and datacenter=mydatacenter").send().networks().get(0);
// Locate the clusters service and use it to find the cluster:
ClustersService clustersService = connection.systemService().clustersService();
Cluster cluster = clustersService.list().search("name=mycluster").send().clusters().get(0);
// Locate the service that manages the networks of the cluster:
ClusterService clusterService = clustersService.clusterService(;
ClusterNetworksService assignedNetworksService = clusterService.networksService();
// Use the "add" method to assign network to cluster:
// Close the connection to the server: