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Example 1 with XPathVersion

use of org.ow2.authzforce.xacml.identifiers.XPathVersion in project core by authzforce.

the class PolicyEvaluators method getInstance.

 * Creates Policy handler from XACML Policy element
 * @param policyElement              Policy (XACML)
 * @param parentDefaultXPathCompiler XPath compiler corresponding to parent PolicyDefaults/XPathVersion; undefined if this Policy has no parent Policy (root), or none defined in parent, or XPath disabled by PDP configuration
 * @param namespacePrefixToUriMap    namespace prefix-URI mappings from the original XACML Policy (XML) document, to be used for namespace-aware XPath evaluation; empty iff XPath support disabled or: {@code parentDefaultXPathCompiler.isPresent()} and they can be retrieved already from {@code parentDefaultXPathCompiler.get().getDeclaredNamespacePrefixToUriMap()}
 * @param expressionFactory          Expression factory/parser
 * @param combiningAlgRegistry       rule/policy combining algorithm registry
 * @return instance
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any argument is invalid
public static StaticTopLevelPolicyElementEvaluator getInstance(final Policy policyElement, final ExpressionFactory expressionFactory, final CombiningAlgRegistry combiningAlgRegistry, final Optional<XPathCompilerProxy> parentDefaultXPathCompiler, final Map<String, String> namespacePrefixToUriMap) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (policyElement == null) {
    if (expressionFactory == null) {
    if (combiningAlgRegistry == null) {
    final String policyId = policyElement.getPolicyId();
    final PolicyVersion policyVersion = new PolicyVersion(policyElement.getVersion());
    final PrimaryPolicyMetadata policyMetadata = new BasePrimaryPolicyMetadata(TopLevelPolicyElementType.POLICY, policyId, policyVersion);
    final BooleanEvaluator targetEvaluator = TargetEvaluators.getInstance(policyElement.getTarget(), expressionFactory, parentDefaultXPathCompiler);
         * Elements defined in xs:choice of XACML schema type PolicyType: Rules/(Rule)CombinerParameters/VariableDefinitions
    final List<Serializable> policyChoiceElements = policyElement.getCombinerParametersAndRuleCombinerParametersAndVariableDefinitions();
         * There are at most as many combining alg parameters as policyChoiceElements.size().
    final List<CombiningAlgParameter<? extends RuleEvaluator>> combiningAlgParameters = new ArrayList<>(policyChoiceElements.size());
         * Keep a copy of locally-defined variables defined in this policy, to remove them from the global manager at the end of parsing this policy. They should not be visible outside the scope of
         * this policy. There are at most as many VariableDefinitions as policyChoiceElements.size().
    final List<VariableReference<?>> localVariables = new ArrayList<>(policyChoiceElements.size());
    final DefaultsType policyDefaults = policyElement.getPolicyDefaults();
    Optional<XPathCompilerProxy> childXpathCompiler;
         * Leave childXpathCompiler undefined if XPath support disabled globally.
         * Else (XPath support enabled globally, but may be disabled locally for this specific Policy if XPathVersion undefined in it and any enclosing PolicySet)...
         * Reminder: According to the XACML standard, the Policy(Set)Defaults/XPathVersion must be specified (non-null) in the current Policy(Set) or any of its enclosing/ancestor PolicySet for XPath expressions to be allowed (therefore a need for a XPathCompiler), e.g. in AttributeSelectors, XPath functions, etc.
    if (expressionFactory.isXPathEnabled()) {
                If both policyDefaults and parentDefaultXPathCompiler undefined, it means no Policy(Set)Defaults/XPathVersion defined (in current Policy and any enclosing PolicySet), i.e. XPath support is disabled for this Policy, so leave childXpathCompiler undefined like parentDefaultXPathCompiler.

                We may reuse parentDefaultXPathCompiler if:
                 - parentDefaultXPathCompiler is defined
                 - AND policyDefaults/XPathVersion is undefined OR the XPath version matches the policyDefaults/XPathVersion
                 - AND namespacePrefixToUriMap is empty (i.e. only the ones from parentDefaultXPathCompiler apply)
        if (policyDefaults == null) {
            if (parentDefaultXPathCompiler.isEmpty() || namespacePrefixToUriMap.isEmpty()) {
                childXpathCompiler = parentDefaultXPathCompiler;
            } else {
                // parentDefaultXPathCompiler defined AND namespacePrefixToUriMap not empty -> new XPathCompiler to handle these new namespacePrefixToUriMap map
                childXpathCompiler = Optional.of(new ImmutableXPathCompiler(parentDefaultXPathCompiler.get().getXPathVersion(), namespacePrefixToUriMap, List.of()));
        } else {
            // policyDefaults defined
            final String xpathVersionUri = policyDefaults.getXPathVersion();
            assert xpathVersionUri != null : "PolicyDefaults(non-null)/XPathVersion = null, which violates the XACML schema! Fix: enforce XACML schema validation.";
            try {
                final XPathVersion xPathVersion = XPathVersion.fromURI(xpathVersionUri);
                if (parentDefaultXPathCompiler.isEmpty()) {
                    childXpathCompiler = Optional.of(new ImmutableXPathCompiler(xPathVersion, namespacePrefixToUriMap, List.of()));
                } else // parentDefaultXPathCompiler defined, re-use it only if XPath version matches policyDefaults and namespacePrefixToUriMap empty
                if (parentDefaultXPathCompiler.get().getXPathVersion().equals(xPathVersion) && namespacePrefixToUriMap.isEmpty()) {
                    childXpathCompiler = parentDefaultXPathCompiler;
                } else {
                    childXpathCompiler = Optional.of(new ImmutableXPathCompiler(xPathVersion, namespacePrefixToUriMap, List.of()));
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(policyMetadata + ": Invalid PolicySetDefaults/XPathVersion or XML namespace prefix/URI undefined", e);
    } else {
        // XPath support disabled globally
        childXpathCompiler = Optional.empty();
        childXpathCompiler is empty iff XPath support disabled globally (!expressionFactory.isXPathEnabled()) OR (policyDefaults ==null AND parentDefaultXPathCompiler.isEmpty()), in other words iff XPath support disabled for this Policy
		 If XPath support enabled, we can reuse the same XPathCompiler as long as there is no new VariableDefinition
    boolean isNewChildXpathCompilerRequired = false;
         * We keep a record of the size of the longest chain of VariableReference in this policy, and update it when a VariableDefinition occurs
    int sizeOfPolicyLongestVarRefChain = 0;
         * Map to get rules by their ID so that we can resolve rules associated with RuleCombinerParameters, and detect duplicate RuleId. We want to preserve insertion order, to get map.values() in
         * order of declaration, so that ordered-* algorithms have rules in order. There are at most as many Rules as policyChoiceElements.size().
    final Map<String, RuleEvaluator> ruleEvaluatorsByRuleIdInOrderOfDeclaration = new LinkedHashMap<>(policyChoiceElements.size());
    int childIndex = 0;
    for (final Serializable policyChildElt : policyChoiceElements) {
				 If and only if XPath enabled for this Policy (childXpathCompiler.isPresent()), XPath compiler needed for each child, can we reuse the same one as last time (it was used to create a child element evaluator) ?
        if (childXpathCompiler.isPresent() && isNewChildXpathCompilerRequired) {
					 New Variables defined since last XPath compiler created -> we need to use a new one to handle the new XACML Variables as XPath variables
            childXpathCompiler = Optional.of(new ImmutableXPathCompiler(childXpathCompiler.get().getXPathVersion(), namespacePrefixToUriMap, localVariables));
            isNewChildXpathCompilerRequired = false;
        if (policyChildElt instanceof RuleCombinerParameters) {
            final String combinedRuleId = ((RuleCombinerParameters) policyChildElt).getRuleIdRef();
            final RuleEvaluator ruleEvaluator = ruleEvaluatorsByRuleIdInOrderOfDeclaration.get(combinedRuleId);
            if (ruleEvaluator == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(policyMetadata + ":  invalid RuleCombinerParameters: referencing undefined child Rule #" + combinedRuleId + " (no such rule defined before this element)");
            final BaseCombiningAlgParameter<RuleEvaluator> combiningAlgParameter;
            try {
                combiningAlgParameter = new BaseCombiningAlgParameter<>(ruleEvaluator, ((CombinerParametersType) policyChildElt).getCombinerParameters(), expressionFactory, childXpathCompiler);
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(policyMetadata + ": invalid child #" + childIndex + " (RuleCombinerParameters)", e);
        } else if (policyChildElt instanceof CombinerParametersType) {
                 * CombinerParameters that is not RuleCombinerParameters already tested before
            final BaseCombiningAlgParameter<RuleEvaluator> combiningAlgParameter;
            try {
                combiningAlgParameter = new BaseCombiningAlgParameter<>(null, ((CombinerParametersType) policyChildElt).getCombinerParameters(), expressionFactory, childXpathCompiler);
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(policyMetadata + ": invalid child #" + childIndex + " (CombinerParameters)", e);
        } else if (policyChildElt instanceof VariableDefinition) {
            final VariableDefinition varDef = (VariableDefinition) policyChildElt;
            final Deque<String> varDefLongestVarRefChain = new ArrayDeque<>();
            final VariableReference<?> var;
            try {
                var = expressionFactory.addVariable(varDef, varDefLongestVarRefChain, childXpathCompiler);
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(policyMetadata + ": invalid child #" + childIndex + " (VariableDefinition)", e);
            if (var != null) {
                     * Conflicts can occur between variables defined in this policy but also with others already in a wider scope, i.e. defined in parent/ancestor policy
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(policyMetadata + ": Duplicable VariableDefinition for VariableId = " + var.getVariableId());
					 New Variables defined since last XPath compiler created -> we need to use a new one to handle the new XACML Variables as XPath variables in the subsequent child elements
            isNewChildXpathCompilerRequired = true;
                 * check whether the longest VariableReference chain in the VariableDefinition is longer than what we've got so far
            final int sizeOfVarDefLongestVarRefChain = varDefLongestVarRefChain.size();
            if (sizeOfVarDefLongestVarRefChain > sizeOfPolicyLongestVarRefChain) {
                sizeOfPolicyLongestVarRefChain = sizeOfVarDefLongestVarRefChain;
        } else if (policyChildElt instanceof Rule) {
            final RuleEvaluator ruleEvaluator;
            try {
                ruleEvaluator = new RuleEvaluator((Rule) policyChildElt, expressionFactory, childXpathCompiler);
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(policyMetadata + ": Error parsing child #" + childIndex + " (Rule)", e);
            final RuleEvaluator conflictingRuleEvaluator = ruleEvaluatorsByRuleIdInOrderOfDeclaration.putIfAbsent(ruleEvaluator.getRuleId(), ruleEvaluator);
            if (conflictingRuleEvaluator != null) {
                     * Conflict: 2 Rule elements with same RuleId -> violates uniqueness of RuleId within a Policy (XACML spec)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(policyMetadata + ": Duplicate Rule with RuleId = " + conflictingRuleEvaluator.getRuleId());
    final ObligationExpressions obligationExps = policyElement.getObligationExpressions();
    final AdviceExpressions adviceExps = policyElement.getAdviceExpressions();
    final StaticTopLevelPolicyElementEvaluator policyEvaluator = new StaticBaseTopLevelPolicyElementEvaluator<>(RuleEvaluator.class, policyMetadata, Optional.empty(), targetEvaluator, ImmutableList.copyOf(localVariables), policyElement.getRuleCombiningAlgId(), ImmutableList.copyOf(ruleEvaluatorsByRuleIdInOrderOfDeclaration.values()), ImmutableList.copyOf(combiningAlgParameters), obligationExps == null ? null : obligationExps.getObligationExpressions(), adviceExps == null ? null : adviceExps.getAdviceExpressions(), expressionFactory, combiningAlgRegistry, childXpathCompiler);
         * We are done parsing expressions in this policy, including VariableReferences, it's time to remove variables scoped to this policy from the variable manager
    localVariables.forEach(var -> expressionFactory.removeVariable(var.getVariableId()));
    return policyEvaluator;
Also used : Serializable( BaseXPathCompilerProxy(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.BaseXPathCompilerProxy) XPathCompilerProxy(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.XPathCompilerProxy) BooleanEvaluator(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.impl.BooleanEvaluator) CombiningAlgParameter(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.combining.CombiningAlgParameter) VariableReference(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.VariableReference) RuleEvaluator(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.impl.rule.RuleEvaluator) XPathVersion(org.ow2.authzforce.xacml.identifiers.XPathVersion)

Example 2 with XPathVersion

use of org.ow2.authzforce.xacml.identifiers.XPathVersion in project core by authzforce.

the class MongoDbPolicyProvider method getPolicy.

public StaticTopLevelPolicyElementEvaluator getPolicy(final String policyId, final Optional<PolicyVersionPatterns> policyPolicyVersionPatterns) throws IndeterminateEvaluationException {
		 * TODO: use a policy cache and check it before requesting the database.
    final PolicyQueryResult xmlParsingResult = getJaxbPolicyElement(XACML3_POLICY_TYPE_ID, policyId, policyPolicyVersionPatterns);
    if (xmlParsingResult == null) {
        return null;
    final PolicyPojo policyPOJO = xmlParsingResult.policyPojo;
    final Object jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj = xmlParsingResult.resultJaxbObj;
    final Map<String, String> nsPrefixUriMap = xmlParsingResult.xmlnsToPrefixMap;
    if (!(jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj instanceof Policy)) {
        throw new IndeterminateEvaluationException("PolicyProvider " + id + ": 'content' of the policy document " + policyPOJO + " retrieved from database is not consistent with its 'type' (expected: Policy). Actual content type: " + jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj.getClass() + " (corrupted database?).", XacmlStatusCode.PROCESSING_ERROR.value());
    final Policy jaxbPolicy = (Policy) jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj;
    final String contentPolicyId = jaxbPolicy.getPolicyId();
    if (!contentPolicyId.equals(policyPOJO.getId())) {
        throw new IndeterminateEvaluationException("PolicyProvider " + id + ": PolicyId in 'content' of the policy document " + policyPOJO + " retrieved from database is not consistent with 'id'. Actual PolicyId: " + contentPolicyId + " (corrupted database?).", XacmlStatusCode.PROCESSING_ERROR.value());
    final String contentPolicyVersion = jaxbPolicy.getVersion();
    if (!contentPolicyVersion.equals(policyPOJO.getVersion())) {
        throw new IndeterminateEvaluationException("PolicyProvider " + id + ": Version in 'content' of the policy document " + policyPOJO + " retrieved from database is not consistent with 'version'. Actual Version: " + contentPolicyVersion + " (corrupted database?).", XacmlStatusCode.PROCESSING_ERROR.value());
    try {
                    XPath compiler shall be initialized in PolicyEvaluators#getInstance(...) based on PolicyDefaults/XPathVersion if present
        return PolicyEvaluators.getInstance(jaxbPolicy, expressionFactory, combiningAlgRegistry, Optional.empty(), nsPrefixUriMap);
    } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Policy in 'content' of the policy document " + policyPOJO + " retrieved from database", e);
Also used : Policy( IndeterminateEvaluationException(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.IndeterminateEvaluationException)

Example 3 with XPathVersion

use of org.ow2.authzforce.xacml.identifiers.XPathVersion in project core by authzforce.

the class BaseXacmlJsonRequestPreprocessor method process.

public final List<IndividualXacmlJsonRequest> process(final JSONObject request, final Map<String, String> namespaceURIsByPrefix) throws IndeterminateEvaluationException {
    if (request == null) {
    try {
    } catch (final ValidationException e) {
        throw new IndeterminateEvaluationException(INVALID_REQ_ERR_STATUS, e);
    final JSONObject requestJsonObj = request.optJSONObject("Request");
    if (requestJsonObj == null) {
		 * No support for MultiRequests (ยง2.4 of Multiple Decision Profile).
    if (requestJsonObj.has("MultiRequests")) {
			 * According to 7.19.1 Unsupported functionality, return Indeterminate with syntax-error code for unsupported element
		 * No support for CombinedDecision = true if result processor does not support it. (The use of the CombinedDecision attribute is specified in Multiple Decision Profile.)
    final boolean combinedDecisionRequested;
    if (requestJsonObj.optBoolean("CombinedDecision", false)) {
        if (!this.isCombinedDecisionSupported) {
				 * According to XACML core spec, 5.42, <i>If the PDP does not implement the relevant functionality in [Multiple Decision Profile], then the PDP must return an Indeterminate with a status
				 * code of urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:status:processing-error if it receives a request with this attribute set to "true".</i>
        combinedDecisionRequested = true;
    } else {
        combinedDecisionRequested = false;
    final boolean returnPolicyIdList = requestJsonObj.optBoolean("ReturnPolicyIdList", false);
    final Map<String, String> newNsPrefixToUriMap;
    final Optional<XPathCompilerProxy> xPathCompiler;
    if (requestJsonObj.has("XPathVersion")) {
        try {
            final XPathVersion xPathVersion = XPathVersion.fromURI(requestJsonObj.getString("XPathVersion"));
            xPathCompiler = Optional.of(new BasicImmutableXPathCompilerProxy(xPathVersion, namespaceURIsByPrefix));
				namespaceURIsByPrefix already held by xPathCompiler and retrievable from it with getDeclaredNamespacePrefixToUriMap().
            newNsPrefixToUriMap = Map.of();
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid/unsupported XPathVersion in JSON Request/XPathVersion", e);
    } else {
        xPathCompiler = Optional.empty();
        newNsPrefixToUriMap = namespaceURIsByPrefix;
    final SingleCategoryXacmlAttributesParser<JSONObject> xacmlAttrsParser = xacmlAttrsParserFactory.getInstance();
    return process(requestJsonObj.optJSONArray("Category"), xacmlAttrsParser, returnPolicyIdList, combinedDecisionRequested, xPathCompiler, newNsPrefixToUriMap);
Also used : ValidationException(org.everit.json.schema.ValidationException) JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) BasicImmutableXPathCompilerProxy(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.BasicImmutableXPathCompilerProxy) BasicImmutableXPathCompilerProxy(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.BasicImmutableXPathCompilerProxy) XPathCompilerProxy(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.XPathCompilerProxy) XPathVersion(org.ow2.authzforce.xacml.identifiers.XPathVersion)

Example 4 with XPathVersion

use of org.ow2.authzforce.xacml.identifiers.XPathVersion in project core by authzforce.

the class CoreStaticPolicyProvider method getInstance.

 * Creates an instance from policy locations
 * @param providerParams          location of Policy(Set) elements (JAXB) to be parsed for future reference by Policy(Set)IdReferences
 * @param ignoreOldPolicyVersions for any given policy ID, ignore all versions except the last one if there are multiple versions of the policy
 * @param xacmlParserFactory      XACML parser factory for parsing any XACML Policy(Set)
 * @param maxPolicySetRefDepth    maximum allowed depth of PolicySet reference chain (via PolicySetIdReference): PolicySet1 -> PolicySet2 -> ...; a strictly negative value means no limit
 * @param combiningAlgRegistry    registry of policy/rule combining algorithms
 * @param expressionFactory       Expression factory for parsing Expressions used in the policy(set)
 * @param otherPolicyProvider     other (supporting) policy provider, used to resolve policy references that do not match any of {@code providerParams}
 * @return instance of this class
 * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if {@code policyURLs == null || policyURLs.length == 0 || xacmlParserFactory == null || expressionFactory == null || combiningAlgRegistry == null}; or one of {@code policyURLs} is
 *                                            null or is not a valid XACML Policy(Set) or conflicts with another because it has same Policy(Set)Id and Version. Beware that the Policy(Set)Issuer is ignored from this check!
public static CoreStaticPolicyProvider getInstance(final List<StaticPolicyProviderInParam> providerParams, final boolean ignoreOldPolicyVersions, final XmlnsFilteringParserFactory xacmlParserFactory, final int maxPolicySetRefDepth, final ExpressionFactory expressionFactory, final CombiningAlgRegistry combiningAlgRegistry, final Optional<StaticPolicyProvider> otherPolicyProvider) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (providerParams == null || providerParams.isEmpty()) {
    if (xacmlParserFactory == null) {
    if (expressionFactory == null) {
    if (combiningAlgRegistry == null) {
    final XmlnsFilteringParser xacmlParser;
    try {
        xacmlParser = xacmlParserFactory.getInstance();
    } catch (final JAXBException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to create JAXB unmarshaller for XML Policy(Set)", e);
    final Table<String, PolicyVersion, StaticTopLevelPolicyElementEvaluator> updatablePolicyTable = HashBasedTable.create();
    final Table<String, PolicyVersion, PolicyWithNamespaces<PolicySet>> updatablePolicySetTable = HashBasedTable.create();
    int providerParamIndex = 0;
    for (final StaticPolicyProviderInParam providerParam : providerParams) {
        if (providerParam == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Policy provider parameter #" + providerParamIndex + " undefined");
        final Object jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj;
        if (providerParam instanceof XacmlPolicyParam) {
            jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj = ((XacmlPolicyParam) providerParam).policy;
        } else {
            final URL policyURL = ((PolicyLocationParam) providerParam).policyLocation;
            try {
                jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj = xacmlParser.parse(policyURL);
            } catch (final JAXBException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to unmarshall Policy(Set) XML document from policy location: " + policyURL, e);
        final ImmutableMap<String, String> nsPrefixUriMap = xacmlParser.getNamespacePrefixUriMap();
        if (jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj instanceof Policy) {
            final Policy jaxbPolicy = (Policy) jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj;
            final String policyId = jaxbPolicy.getPolicyId();
            final String policyVersionStr = jaxbPolicy.getVersion();
            final PolicyVersion policyVersion = new PolicyVersion(policyVersionStr);
            if (ignoreOldPolicyVersions) {
                final Map<PolicyVersion, StaticTopLevelPolicyElementEvaluator> updatablePolicyVersions = updatablePolicyTable.row(policyId);
                // Empty map returned if no mappings
                final boolean isOld = updatablePolicyVersions.keySet().parallelStream().anyMatch(v -> policyVersion.compareTo(v) <= 0);
                if (isOld) {
                    // skip
                     * Else replace/overwrite with this new version (make sure it is the only one), so empty the row first
            final StaticTopLevelPolicyElementEvaluator policyEvaluator;
            try {
                    XPath compiler shall be initialized in PolicyEvaluators#getInstance(...) based on PolicyDefaults/XPathVersion if present
                policyEvaluator = PolicyEvaluators.getInstance(jaxbPolicy, expressionFactory, combiningAlgRegistry, Optional.empty(), nsPrefixUriMap);
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Policy with PolicyId=" + policyId + ", Version=" + policyVersionStr, e);
            final StaticTopLevelPolicyElementEvaluator previousValue = updatablePolicyTable.put(policyId, policyVersion, policyEvaluator);
            if (previousValue != null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Policy conflict: two policies with same PolicyId=" + policyId + ", Version=" + policyVersionStr);
        } else if (jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj instanceof PolicySet) {
            final PolicySet jaxbPolicySet = (PolicySet) jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj;
            final String policyId = jaxbPolicySet.getPolicySetId();
            final String policyVersionStr = jaxbPolicySet.getVersion();
            final PolicyVersion policyVersion = new PolicyVersion(policyVersionStr);
            if (ignoreOldPolicyVersions) {
                final Map<PolicyVersion, PolicyWithNamespaces<PolicySet>> updatablePolicyVersions = updatablePolicySetTable.row(policyId);
                // Empty map returned if no mapping
                final boolean isOld = updatablePolicyVersions.keySet().parallelStream().anyMatch(v -> policyVersion.compareTo(v) <= 0);
                if (isOld) {
                    // skip
                     * Else replace/overwrite with this new version (make sure it is the only one), so empty the row first
            final PolicyWithNamespaces<PolicySet> previousValue = updatablePolicySetTable.put(policyId, policyVersion, new PolicyWithNamespaces<>(jaxbPolicySet, nsPrefixUriMap));
            if (previousValue != null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Policy conflict: two PolicySets with same PolicySetId=" + policyId + ", Version=" + policyVersionStr);
                 * PolicySets cannot be parsed before we have collected them all, because each PolicySet may refer to others via PolicySetIdReferences
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected element found as root of the policy document: " + jaxbPolicyOrPolicySetObj.getClass().getSimpleName());
    final PolicyMap<StaticTopLevelPolicyElementEvaluator> policyMap = new PolicyMap<>(updatablePolicyTable.rowMap());
    final PolicyMap<PolicyWithNamespaces<PolicySet>> policySetMap = new PolicyMap<>(updatablePolicySetTable.rowMap());
    return new CoreStaticPolicyProvider(policyMap, policySetMap, maxPolicySetRefDepth, expressionFactory, combiningAlgRegistry, otherPolicyProvider);
Also used : Policy( java.util(java.util) org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.policy(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.policy) URL( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) HashBasedTable( CombiningAlgRegistry(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.combining.CombiningAlgRegistry) EnvironmentProperties(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.EnvironmentProperties) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Policy( Path(java.nio.file.Path) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) ImmutableMap( MalformedURLException( Files(java.nio.file.Files) XmlnsFilteringParser(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.XmlUtils.XmlnsFilteringParser) IOException( JAXBException(javax.xml.bind.JAXBException) FileNotFoundException( IndeterminateEvaluationException(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.IndeterminateEvaluationException) ResourceUtils(org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils) PolicySet( Stream( ExpressionFactory(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.ExpressionFactory) XmlnsFilteringParserFactory(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.XmlUtils.XmlnsFilteringParserFactory) Paths(java.nio.file.Paths) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) Table( URL( PolicySet( XmlnsFilteringParser(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.XmlUtils.XmlnsFilteringParser) JAXBException(javax.xml.bind.JAXBException) ImmutableMap(

Example 5 with XPathVersion

use of org.ow2.authzforce.xacml.identifiers.XPathVersion in project core by authzforce.

the class ConditionEvaluators method getInstance.

 * Instantiates a Condition evaluator from XACML-Schema-derived <code>Condition</code>
 * @param condition
 *            XACML-schema-derived JAXB Condition element
 * @param expressionFactory
 *            expression factory
 * @param xPathCompiler
 *            XPath compiler, defined if XPath support enabled (by PDP configuration and some enclosing Policy(Set) defines a XPathVersion according to XACML standard)
 * @return instance of Condition evaluator
 * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
 *             if the expression is not a valid boolean Expression
public static BooleanEvaluator getInstance(final Condition condition, final ExpressionFactory expressionFactory, final Optional<XPathCompilerProxy> xPathCompiler) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (condition == null) {
        return TRUE_CONDITION;
		 * condition != null -> condition's Expression is not null (by definition of XACML schema), therefore expressionFactory is needed
    final ExpressionType exprElt = condition.getExpression().getValue();
    if (expressionFactory == null) {
    final Expression<?> expr = expressionFactory.getInstance(exprElt, null, xPathCompiler);
    // make sure it's a boolean expression...
    if (!(expr.getReturnType().equals(StandardDatatypes.BOOLEAN))) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid return datatype (" + expr.getReturnType() + ") for Expression (" + expr.getClass().getSimpleName() + ") in Condition. Expected: Boolean.");
    // WARNING: unchecked cast
    final Expression<BooleanValue> evaluableExpression = (Expression<BooleanValue>) expr;
		 * Check whether the expression is constant
    final Optional<BooleanValue> constant = evaluableExpression.getValue();
    if (constant.isPresent()) {
        if (constant.get().getUnderlyingValue()) {
            // constant TRUE
            LOGGER.warn("Condition's expression is equivalent to constant True -> optimization: replacing with constant True condition");
            return TRUE_CONDITION;
        // constant False -> unacceptable
    // constant == null
    LOGGER.debug("Condition's Expression is not constant (evaluation without context failed)");
    return new BooleanExpressionEvaluator(evaluableExpression);
Also used : Expression(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.Expression) BooleanValue(org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.value.BooleanValue) ExpressionType(


XPathCompilerProxy (org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.XPathCompilerProxy)3 XPathVersion (org.ow2.authzforce.xacml.identifiers.XPathVersion)3 Policy ( IndeterminateEvaluationException (org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.IndeterminateEvaluationException)2 BasicImmutableXPathCompilerProxy (org.ow2.authzforce.core.pdp.api.expression.BasicImmutableXPathCompilerProxy)2 HashBasedTable ( ImmutableMap ( Table ( FileNotFoundException ( IOException ( Serializable ( MalformedURLException ( URL ( Files (java.nio.file.Files)1 Path (java.nio.file.Path)1 Paths (java.nio.file.Paths)1 java.util (java.util)1 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)1