use of org.ow2.proactive.jmx.JMXClientHelper in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class RMListenerProxy method init.
public boolean init(String url, Credentials credentials) throws RMException, KeyException, LoginException {
this.credentials = credentials;
this.rmAuth = RMConnection.join(url); = rmAuth.login(credentials);
// here we log on using an empty login field to ensure that
// credentials are used.
this.jmxClient = new JMXClientHelper(rmAuth, new Object[] { "", credentials });
return true;
use of org.ow2.proactive.jmx.JMXClientHelper in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class SchedulerJMXTest method action.
public void action() throws Exception {
final String userLogin = TestUsers.DEMO.username;
final String userPassword = TestUsers.DEMO.password;
final String adminLogin = TestUsers.TEST.username;
final String adminPassword = TestUsers.TEST.password;
final SchedulerAuthenticationInterface auth = schedulerHelper.getSchedulerAuth();
final PublicKey pubKey = auth.getPublicKey();
// final Credentials userCreds =
// Credentials.createCredentials(userLogin, userPassword, pubKey);
final Credentials adminCreds = Credentials.createCredentials(new CredData(adminLogin, adminPassword), pubKey);
final JMXServiceURL jmxRmiServiceURL = new JMXServiceURL(auth.getJMXConnectorURL(JMXTransportProtocol.RMI));
final JMXServiceURL jmxRoServiceURL = new JMXServiceURL(auth.getJMXConnectorURL(JMXTransportProtocol.RO));
final ObjectName allAccountsMBeanName = new ObjectName(SchedulerJMXHelper.ALLACCOUNTS_MBEAN_NAME);
final ObjectName myAccountMBeanName = new ObjectName(SchedulerJMXHelper.MYACCOUNT_MBEAN_NAME);
final ObjectName runtimeDataMBeanName = new ObjectName(SchedulerJMXHelper.RUNTIMEDATA_MBEAN_NAME);
final ObjectName managementMBeanName = new ObjectName(SchedulerJMXHelper.MANAGEMENT_MBEAN_NAME);
final String suffix = "/" + PASchedulerProperties.SCHEDULER_JMX_CONNECTOR_NAME.getValueAsString();
RMTHelper.log("Test jmxRmiServiceURL is well formed");
assertTrue("The jmxRmiServiceURL protocol must be rmi", jmxRmiServiceURL.getProtocol().equals("rmi"));
assertTrue("The jmxRmiServiceURL URLPath must end with " + suffix, jmxRmiServiceURL.getURLPath().endsWith(suffix));
RMTHelper.log("Test jmxRoServiceURL is well formed");
assertTrue("The jmxRoServiceURL protocol must be ro", jmxRoServiceURL.getProtocol().equals("ro"));
assertTrue("The jmxRoServiceURL URLPath must end with " + suffix, jmxRoServiceURL.getURLPath().endsWith(suffix));
log("Test jmxRmiServiceURL and jmxRoServiceURL are not equal");
Assert.assertFalse("The jmxRmiServiceURL and jmxRoServiceURL must not be equal", jmxRmiServiceURL.equals(jmxRoServiceURL));
log("Test invalid JMX auth without creds (expect SecurityException)");
try {
JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRmiServiceURL, new HashMap<String, Object>(0));
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue("JMX auth must throw SecurityException if a client tries to connect without creds in the " + "env", e instanceof SecurityException);
log("Test invalid JMX auth with null login/password creds (expect SecurityException)");
// Create the environment
final HashMap<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>(1);
env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new Object[] { null, null });
try {
JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRmiServiceURL, env);
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue("JMX auth must throw SecurityException if a client tries to connect with null credentials" + " the env", e instanceof SecurityException);
log("Test invalid JMX auth with bad login/password creds");
// Create the environment
final HashMap<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>(1);
env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new Object[] { "abra", "cadabra" });
try {
JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRmiServiceURL, env);
} catch (Exception e) {
assertTrue("JMX auth must throw SecurityException if a client tries to connect with bad " + "login/password credentials the env", e instanceof SecurityException);
// Tests as user over RMI
log("Test as user 1 - Auth with login/pass over RMI and check connection");
// Create the environment
final HashMap<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>(1);
env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new Object[] { userLogin, userPassword });
// Connect to the JMX RMI Connector Server
final JMXConnector jmxConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRmiServiceURL, env);
final MBeanServerConnection conn = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
// Check that the MBean Server connection is not null
assertNotNull("Unable to obtain the MBean server connection over RMI", conn);
log("Test as user 2 - Check all mbeans are registered in the server");
assertTrue("AllAccountsMBean is not registered", conn.isRegistered(allAccountsMBeanName));
assertTrue("MyAccountMBean is not registered", conn.isRegistered(myAccountMBeanName));
assertTrue("RuntimeDataMBean is not registered", conn.isRegistered(runtimeDataMBeanName));
assertTrue("ManagementMBean is not registered", conn.isRegistered(managementMBeanName));
log("Test as user 3 - Check MyAccountMBean attributes do not throw exceptions");
final MBeanInfo info = conn.getMBeanInfo(myAccountMBeanName);
for (final MBeanAttributeInfo att : info.getAttributes()) {
final String attName = att.getName();
try {
conn.getAttribute(myAccountMBeanName, attName);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("The attribute " + attName + " of MyAccountMBean must not throw " + e);
log("Test as user 4 - Check RuntimeDataMBeanName attributes are correct");
final String[] attributesToCheck = new String[] { "Status", "TotalJobsCount", "FinishedJobsCount", "TotalTasksCount", "FinishedTasksCount" };
// Get all attributes to test BEFORE JOB SUBMISSION
AttributeList list = conn.getAttributes(runtimeDataMBeanName, attributesToCheck);
// Status
Attribute att = (Attribute) list.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", "Started", att.getValue());
// TotalJobsCount
att = (Attribute) list.get(1);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", 0, att.getValue());
// FinishedJobsCount
att = (Attribute) list.get(2);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", 0, att.getValue());
// NumberOfTasksCount
att = (Attribute) list.get(3);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", 0, att.getValue());
// FinishedTasksCount
att = (Attribute) list.get(4);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", 0, att.getValue());
// Create a job then submit it to the scheduler
final int taskPerJob = 2;
final TaskFlowJob job = new TaskFlowJob();
for (int i = 0; i < taskPerJob; i++) {
JavaTask task = new JavaTask();
task.setName("" + i);
task.addArgument("sleepTime", "1");
// log as admin since its creds are already available
final JobId id = schedulerHelper.submitJob(job);
// Get all attributes to test AFTER JOB EXECUTION
list = conn.getAttributes(runtimeDataMBeanName, attributesToCheck);
// Check SchedulerStatus
att = (Attribute) list.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", "Started", att.getValue());
// Check TotalNumberOfJobs
att = (Attribute) list.get(1);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", 1, att.getValue());
// Check NumberOfFinishedJobs
att = (Attribute) list.get(2);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", 1, att.getValue());
// Check TotalNumberOfTasks
att = (Attribute) list.get(3);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", taskPerJob, att.getValue());
// Check NumberOfFinishedTasks
att = (Attribute) list.get(4);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect value of " + att.getName() + " attribute", taskPerJob, att.getValue());
// Test as admin over RO
log("Test as admin 1, auth with login/creds over RO and check connection");
// Create the environment
final HashMap<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>(1);
env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new Object[] { adminLogin, adminCreds });
// Connect to the JMX RO Connector Server
final JMXConnector jmxConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRoServiceURL, env);
final MBeanServerConnection conn = jmxConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
// Check that the MBean Server connection is not null
assertNotNull("Unable to obtain the MBean server connection over RO", conn);
log("Test as admin 2 - Check ManagementMBean is registered in the MBean server");
assertTrue("ManagementMBean is not registered", conn.isRegistered(managementMBeanName));
RMTHelper.log("Test as admin 3 - Check ManagementMBean attributes do not throw exception");
final MBeanInfo mInfo = conn.getMBeanInfo(managementMBeanName);
for (final MBeanAttributeInfo att : mInfo.getAttributes()) {
final String attName = att.getName();
try {
conn.getAttribute(managementMBeanName, attName);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("The attribute " + attName + " of ManagementMBean must not throw " + e);
RMTHelper.log("Test as admin 4 - Check AllAccountsMBean Username attribute");
final String username = "Username";
try {
conn.setAttribute(allAccountsMBeanName, new Attribute(username, adminLogin));
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Setting Username attribute of the AllAccountsMBean must not throw " + e);
String res = "";
try {
res = (String) conn.getAttribute(allAccountsMBeanName, username);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("The attribute " + username + " of AllAccountsMBean must not throw " + e);
assertTrue("The attribute " + username + " of returns incorrect value", res.equals(adminLogin));
// Test simultaneous RMI and RO connections
log("Test simultaneous JMX-RMI and JMX-RO connections as admin");
final HashMap<String, Object> env = new HashMap<>(1);
env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new Object[] { adminLogin, adminCreds });
// Connect to the JMX-RMI Connector Server
final JMXConnector jmxRmiConnector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRmiServiceURL, env);
final MBeanServerConnection conRmi = jmxRmiConnector.getMBeanServerConnection();
// Connect to the JMX-RO Connector Server
final JMXConnector jmxRoConnector1 = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRoServiceURL, env);
final MBeanServerConnection conRo = jmxRoConnector1.getMBeanServerConnection();
Assert.assertFalse("In case of simultaneous RMI and RO JMX connections they must not be equal", conRmi.equals(conRo));
Assert.assertFalse("In case of simultaneous RMI and RO JMX connections the connectors must not provide the same connection ids", jmxRmiConnector.getConnectionId().equals(jmxRoConnector1.getConnectionId()));
log("Test JMX-RO connection unicity (two connections over RO must not have the same id)");
final JMXConnector jmxRoConnector2 = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxRoServiceURL, env);
Assert.assertFalse("In case of multiple RO JMX connections the connectors must not provide the same connection ids", jmxRoConnector1.getConnectionId().equals(jmxRoConnector2.getConnectionId()));
// Close all connectors
// Test Helper class
log("Test JMXClientHelper as admin over RMI with connect() method");
final JMXClientHelper client = new JMXClientHelper(auth, new Object[] { adminLogin, adminCreds });
// default is over
final boolean isConnected1 = client.connect();
// RMI
assertTrue("Unable to connect, exception is " + client.getLastException(), isConnected1);
assertTrue("Incorrect default behavior of connect() method it must use RMI protocol", client.getConnector().getConnectionId().startsWith("rmi"));
Assert.assertFalse("The helper disconnect() must set the helper as disconnected", client.isConnected());
final boolean isConnected2 = client.connect(JMXTransportProtocol.RO);
assertTrue("Unable to connect, exception is " + client.getLastException(), isConnected2);
assertTrue("The helper connect(JMXTransportProtocol.RO) method must use RO protocol", client.getConnector().getConnectionId().startsWith("ro"));
Assert.assertFalse("The helper disconnect() must set the helper as disconnected", client.isConnected());
use of org.ow2.proactive.jmx.JMXClientHelper in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class ResourceManagerJMXTest method jmxClientHelper.
private void jmxClientHelper(RMAuthentication auth, Credentials adminCreds) throws IOException {
// Test Helper class
RMTHelper.log("Test JMXClientHelper as admin over RMI with connect() method");
final JMXClientHelper client = new JMXClientHelper(auth, new Object[] { TestUsers.TEST.username, adminCreds });
// default is over
final boolean isConnected1 = client.connect();
// RMI
assertTrue("Unable to connect, exception is " + client.getLastException(), isConnected1);
assertTrue("Incorrect default behavior of connect() method it must use RMI protocol", client.getConnector().getConnectionId().startsWith("rmi"));
assertFalse("The helper disconnect() must set the helper as disconnected", client.isConnected());
final boolean isConnected2 = client.connect(JMXTransportProtocol.RO);
assertTrue("Unable to connect, exception is " + client.getLastException(), isConnected2);
assertTrue("The helper connect(JMXTransportProtocol.RO) method must use RO protocol", client.getConnector().getConnectionId().startsWith("ro"));
assertFalse("The helper disconnect() must set the helper as disconnected", client.isConnected());
use of org.ow2.proactive.jmx.JMXClientHelper in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class ResourceManagerJMXTest method action.
public void action() throws Exception {
final RMAuthentication auth = rmHelper.getRMAuth();
final PublicKey pubKey = auth.getPublicKey();
final Credentials adminCreds = Credentials.createCredentials(new CredData(TestUsers.TEST.username, TestUsers.TEST.password), pubKey);
final JMXServiceURL jmxRmiServiceURL = new JMXServiceURL(auth.getJMXConnectorURL(JMXTransportProtocol.RMI));
final JMXServiceURL jmxRoServiceURL = new JMXServiceURL(auth.getJMXConnectorURL(JMXTransportProtocol.RO));
final ObjectName allAccountsMBeanName = new ObjectName(RMJMXBeans.ALLACCOUNTS_MBEAN_NAME);
final ObjectName myAccountMBeanName = new ObjectName(RMJMXBeans.MYACCOUNT_MBEAN_NAME);
final ObjectName runtimeDataMBeanName = new ObjectName(RMJMXBeans.RUNTIMEDATA_MBEAN_NAME);
final ObjectName managementMBeanName = new ObjectName(RMJMXBeans.MANAGEMENT_MBEAN_NAME);
final String suffix = "/" + PAResourceManagerProperties.RM_JMX_CONNECTOR_NAME.getValueAsString();
jmxURLsAreWellFormed(jmxRmiServiceURL, jmxRoServiceURL, suffix);
jmxRMIAsUser(jmxRmiServiceURL, allAccountsMBeanName, myAccountMBeanName, runtimeDataMBeanName);
jmxRemoteObjectAsAdmin(adminCreds, jmxRoServiceURL, allAccountsMBeanName, managementMBeanName);
simultaneousRMIAndROConnections(adminCreds, jmxRmiServiceURL, jmxRoServiceURL);
jmxClientHelper(auth, adminCreds);