use of org.ow2.proactive.scheduler.common.task.SimpleTaskLogs in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class LiveJobs method restartTask.
TerminationData restartTask(JobId jobId, String taskName, int restartDelay) throws UnknownJobException, UnknownTaskException {
JobData jobData = lockJob(jobId);
if (jobData == null) {
throw new UnknownJobException(jobId);
try {
InternalTask task = jobData.job.getTask(taskName);, "restarting task " + task.getId());
if (!task.getStatus().isTaskAlive()) {
tlogger.warn(task.getId(), "task isn't alive: " + task.getStatus());
return emptyResult(task.getId());
TaskIdWrapper taskIdWrapper = TaskIdWrapper.wrap(task.getId());
RunningTaskData taskData = runningTasksData.remove(taskIdWrapper);
if (taskData == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Task " + task.getId() + " is not running.");
TaskResultImpl taskResult = taskResultCreator.getTaskResult(dbManager, jobData.job, task, new TaskRestartedException("Aborted by user"), new SimpleTaskLogs("", "Aborted by user"));
TerminationData terminationData = createAndFillTerminationData(taskResult, taskData, jobData.job, TerminationData.TerminationStatus.ABORTED);
if (task.getNumberOfExecutionLeft() <= 0 && onErrorPolicyInterpreter.requiresCancelJobOnError(task)) {
endJob(jobData, terminationData, task, taskResult, "An error occurred in your task and the maximum number of executions has been reached. " + "You also ask to cancel the job in such a situation !", JobStatus.CANCELED);
return terminationData;
} else if (task.getNumberOfExecutionLeft() > 0) {
long waitTime = restartDelay * 1000l;
restartTaskOnError(jobData, task, TaskStatus.WAITING_ON_ERROR, taskResult, waitTime, terminationData);
return terminationData;
terminateTask(jobData, task, true, taskResult, terminationData);
return terminationData;
} finally {