use of org.ow2.proactive.utils.TaskIdWrapper in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class LiveJobs method taskTerminatedWithResult.
public TerminationData taskTerminatedWithResult(TaskId taskId, TaskResultImpl result) {
JobData jobData = lockJob(taskId.getJobId());
if (jobData == null) {
return emptyResult(taskId);
try {
InternalTask task;
try {
task = jobData.job.getTask(taskId);
} catch (UnknownTaskException e) {
logger.error("Unexpected exception", e);
return emptyResult(taskId);
if (task.getStatus() != TaskStatus.RUNNING) {, "task isn't running anymore");
return emptyResult(taskId);
TaskIdWrapper taskIdWrapper = TaskIdWrapper.wrap(taskId);
RunningTaskData taskData = runningTasksData.remove(taskIdWrapper);
if (taskData == null) {, "Task " + taskId + " terminates after a recovery of the scheduler");
taskData = new RunningTaskData(task, jobData.job.getOwner(), jobData.job.getCredentials(), task.getExecuterInformation().getLauncher());
TerminationData terminationData = createAndFillTerminationData(result, taskData, jobData.job, TerminationData.TerminationStatus.NORMAL);
boolean errorOccurred = result.hadException();, "finished with" + (errorOccurred ? "" : "out") + " errors");
if (errorOccurred) {
tlogger.error(taskId, "task has terminated with an error", result.getException());
boolean requiresPauseJobOnError = onErrorPolicyInterpreter.requiresPauseJobOnError(task);
int numberOfExecutionLeft = task.getNumberOfExecutionLeft();
if (numberOfExecutionLeft <= 0 && onErrorPolicyInterpreter.requiresCancelJobOnError(task)) {, "no retry left and task is tagged with cancel job on error");
endJob(jobData, terminationData, task, result, "An error occurred in your task and the maximum number of executions has been reached. " + "You also ask to cancel the job in such a situation!", JobStatus.CANCELED);, "job has been canceled");
return terminationData;
} else if (numberOfExecutionLeft > 0) {, "number of execution left is " + numberOfExecutionLeft);
long waitTime = 0l;
if (task.getTaskRetryDelayProperty().isSet()) {
waitTime = task.getTaskRetryDelay();
} else {
waitTime = jobData.job.getNextWaitingTime(task.getMaxNumberOfExecution() - numberOfExecutionLeft);
if (onErrorPolicyInterpreter.requiresPauseTaskOnError(task) || requiresPauseJobOnError) {
restartTaskOnError(jobData, task, TaskStatus.WAITING_ON_ERROR, result, waitTime, terminationData);, "new restart is scheduled");
return terminationData;
} else {
restartTaskOnError(jobData, task, TaskStatus.WAITING_ON_ERROR, result, waitTime, terminationData);, "new restart is scheduled");
return terminationData;
} else if (numberOfExecutionLeft <= 0) {
if (!onErrorPolicyInterpreter.requiresPauseTaskOnError(task) && !onErrorPolicyInterpreter.requiresPauseJobOnError(task) && !onErrorPolicyInterpreter.requiresCancelJobOnError(task)) {
// remove the parent tasks results if task fails and job is canceled
} else if (onErrorPolicyInterpreter.requiresPauseTaskOnError(task)) {
suspendTaskOnError(jobData, task, result.getTaskDuration(), result);, "Task still contains errors after restart, so it stays in InError state");
return terminationData;
} else if (requiresPauseJobOnError) {
suspendTaskOnError(jobData, task, result.getTaskDuration(), result);
pauseJob(task.getJobId());, "Task still contains errors after automatic restart, the Job is configured to pause on error");
return terminationData;
if (requiresPauseJobOnError) {
} else {
// remove the parent tasks results if task finished with no error
terminateTask(jobData, task, errorOccurred, result, terminationData);
return terminationData;
} finally {
use of org.ow2.proactive.utils.TaskIdWrapper in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class LiveJobs method restartTask.
TerminationData restartTask(JobId jobId, String taskName, int restartDelay) throws UnknownJobException, UnknownTaskException {
JobData jobData = lockJob(jobId);
if (jobData == null) {
throw new UnknownJobException(jobId);
try {
InternalTask task = jobData.job.getTask(taskName);, "restarting task " + task.getId());
if (!task.getStatus().isTaskAlive()) {
tlogger.warn(task.getId(), "task isn't alive: " + task.getStatus());
return emptyResult(task.getId());
TaskIdWrapper taskIdWrapper = TaskIdWrapper.wrap(task.getId());
RunningTaskData taskData = runningTasksData.remove(taskIdWrapper);
if (taskData == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Task " + task.getId() + " is not running.");
TaskResultImpl taskResult = taskResultCreator.getTaskResult(dbManager, jobData.job, task, new TaskRestartedException("Aborted by user"), new SimpleTaskLogs("", "Aborted by user"));
TerminationData terminationData = createAndFillTerminationData(taskResult, taskData, jobData.job, TerminationData.TerminationStatus.ABORTED);
if (task.getNumberOfExecutionLeft() <= 0 && onErrorPolicyInterpreter.requiresCancelJobOnError(task)) {
endJob(jobData, terminationData, task, taskResult, "An error occurred in your task and the maximum number of executions has been reached. " + "You also ask to cancel the job in such a situation !", JobStatus.CANCELED);
return terminationData;
} else if (task.getNumberOfExecutionLeft() > 0) {
long waitTime = restartDelay * 1000l;
restartTaskOnError(jobData, task, TaskStatus.WAITING_ON_ERROR, taskResult, waitTime, terminationData);
return terminationData;
terminateTask(jobData, task, true, taskResult, terminationData);
return terminationData;
} finally {
use of org.ow2.proactive.utils.TaskIdWrapper in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class SchedulerMonitorsHandler method removeTaskEvent.
* Remove, if exist a TaskEventMonitor to the list of memorized tasks events
* @param id
* @param taskName
* @param event
* @return
private TaskEventMonitor removeTaskEvent(JobId id, String taskName, SchedulerEvent event) {
TaskEventMonitor tmp = new TaskEventMonitor(event, id, taskName);
for (Entry<TaskIdWrapper, List<TaskEventMonitor>> entry : tasksEvents.entrySet()) {
TaskId taskId = entry.getKey().getTaskId();
List<TaskEventMonitor> value = entry.getValue();
if (taskId.getJobId().equals(id) && taskId.getReadableName().equals(taskName) && value.contains(tmp)) {
return value.remove(value.indexOf(tmp));
return null;
use of org.ow2.proactive.utils.TaskIdWrapper in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class SchedulerMonitorsHandler method addTaskEvent.
* Add a Task Event to the list of occurred events (memorize it).
* @param event type of task event
* @param taskInfo TaskEvent object associated to Event
private void addTaskEvent(SchedulerEvent event, TaskInfo taskInfo) {
TaskIdWrapper taskId = TaskIdWrapper.wrap(taskInfo.getTaskId());
List<TaskEventMonitor> taskEventMonitors = tasksEvents.get(taskId);
if (taskEventMonitors == null) {
taskEventMonitors = new ArrayList<>();
tasksEvents.put(taskId, taskEventMonitors);
taskEventMonitors.add(new TaskEventMonitor(event, taskInfo));
use of org.ow2.proactive.utils.TaskIdWrapper in project scheduling by ow2-proactive.
the class EligibleTaskDescriptorImpl method equals.
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof TaskDescriptor) {
final TaskIdWrapper wrapObj = TaskIdWrapper.wrap(((TaskDescriptor) obj).getTaskId());
final TaskIdWrapper wrapThis = TaskIdWrapper.wrap(this.getTaskId());
return wrapObj.equals(wrapThis);
return false;